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Comet Brooks

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Comet Brooks may refer to any one of 17 comets:

There is also the periodic Comet Brooks:

  • 16P/Brooks (a.k.a. Brooks 2, 16P/1889 N1, 1889 V, 1889d, 16P/1896 M1, 1896 VI, 1896c, 1903 V, 1903d, 1911 I, 1910d, 1925 IX, 1925g, 1932 VIII, 1932m, 1939 VII, 1939g, 1946 IV, 1946e, 1953 V, 1953b, 1960 VI, 1960h, 1974 I, 1973j, 1980 IX, 1980f, 1987 XXIV, 1987m, 1994 XXIII, 1994j)

Comet Brooks may also be a partial reference to: