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Adolescent sleep

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Adolescent sleep is typically poor in duration and quality. Sleep duration and quality reduce to suboptimal levels, and sleep duration variability and latency increases during adolescence.[1] Sleep recommendations suggest that adolescents should obtain 8–10 hours of sleep per night. Additionally, there is a shift in the body's circadian rhythm such that sleep and wake timings become later during adolescence.[2] Technology, social factors, and physical development are thought to contribute to poor sleep during this time. Poor sleep duration and quality in adolescents has been linked with altered brain functioning and development, poor mental and physical health, as well as higher rates of disease and mortality.[3] The concerns surrounding poor sleep during adolescence has garnered significant public attention, especially concerning policies related to school start times.[4] Many evidences suggest that sleep contributes positively to attention, behavior, and academic achievement for adolescents.[5]

Developmental changes


Adolescent sleep worsens with age. Specifically, longitudinal research demonstrates that sleep duration shortens during the transition from high school to college.[6] Additionally, sleep efficiency (the amount of time spent asleep when in bed) decreased during this transition. Day-to-day variability in sleep duration increased during this transition, suggesting that adolescent sleep duration becomes less stable with time. A variety of social, physical, biological, and psychological factors change during adolescence which contributes to declines in sleep.[7] In particular, puberty has been explored as a contributor to changes in adolescent sleep. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is secreted during sleep at the onset of pubertal maturation, pointing to an important relationship between sleep and pubertal development.[8]

Sleep recommendations


The National Sleep Foundation recommends that teenagers (14–17 years) obtain 8 to 10 hours of sleep.[9] Their recommendation further stipulates that less than 7 hours and more than 11 hours of sleep may be harmful. Additionally, it is recommended that young adults (18–25 years) obtain 7 to 9 hours of sleep and avoid sleep less than 6 hours and more than 11 hours.

Adolescent sleep researchers have conducted studies to provide stronger empirical evidence for sleep recommendations. Fuligni and colleagues (2019) examined a sample of American adolescents and found that younger adolescents, especially those with elevated levels of internalizing symptoms, need more sleep in order to experience optimum levels of positive mood the next day.[10] Additionally, another study examining Mexican-American youth found that roughly 7.5 hours of sleep was predictive of high GPA but 8.75 hours of sleep was predictive of lower internalizing symptoms.[11] This finding suggests that optimal sleep duration differs depending on the outcome.

More research is needed to understand individual differences in sleep duration during adolescence.[12]

Sleep duration


Sleep duration has been declining since the early 90s according to research.[13] Evidence also suggests that teen females, ethnic minorities, and those of low socioeconomic status experience the lowest durations. Puberty is thought to contribute to poor sleep during adolescence as teens undergo physical and social maturation.[14] For adolescents, this inclination is demonstrated by their tendency to stay up later and sleep longer, particularly on holidays or weekends.[15] A burgeoning area of adolescent sleep research is focused on understanding the contribution of technology-use to poor teen sleep.[16] Importantly, research shows that declines in adolescent sleep duration are characteristic of adolescents around the world.[17] The consequences of poor extend far beyond mere fatigue, leading to various physical, cognitive, and mental health issues.[18]



Poor sleep duration has been found to be related to altered brain development during adolescence. Telzer and colleagues (2015) found that teens with greater day-to-day variability in their sleep duration had lower white matter integrity one year later.[19] This result remained when controlling for sleep duration, which suggests that sleep variability may be more consequential for teen brain development than simply duration. Another study found that sleep duration was strongly associated with gray matter volume of the bilateral hippocampus among a sample of healthy children and adolescents.[20]



Poor sleep duration and increased risk-taking has been a well-established association in the adolescent sleep literature. A recent meta-analysis reported that poor sleep duration results in a 1.43 times greater odds of engaging in risky behaviors.[21] The direction of the relationship between risk-taking and sleep duration is still unknown, thus causal claims cannot be made.[22]



A plethora of research shows that low sleep duration is linked with poor mood.[23] Furthermore, youth who report low sleep duration also demonstrate difficulties with emotion regulation.[24] This is of particular concern because adolescents experience fluctuations in mood as a result of pubertal maturation, however, poor sleep duration worsens mood and regulation abilities rendering these adolescents vulnerable.

Sleep quality


Empirical evidence suggests that sleep quality is poor during adolescence.[25] Poor sleep quality during adolescence has been linked with a variety of negative behaviors and outcomes. For instance, poor sleep quality has been shown to be positive associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms among teens. A study published in 2016 found that sleep quality significantly mediated the relationship between age and depressive symptoms, suggesting that the rise in depressive symptoms during adolescence is partly explained by poor sleep quality.[26] A long line of research has also demonstrated that poor sleep quality is associated with increased risk-taking behaviors among teens.[27] Neuroscience research (fMRI) has found that poor sleep quality is associated with greater risk-taking on a behavioral task.[28] This risky behavior was further associated with decreased activity in cognitive control regions of the brain and increased activity in reward regions of the brain. Moreover, poor sleep quality has been found to be linked with dampened intra-network connectivity of regions in the Default Mode Network, a brain network that undergoes development during adolescence.[29]



There has been an increased interest in understanding the relationship between sleep and technology use among adolescents. In the era of social media, there is a growing concern for blue-light emitted by technology may be interfering with adolescents' ability to obtain restful and sufficient sleep.[30] Use of technologies (i.e. television, cell phone, computer/laptop) is associated with prolonged sleep duration (the amount of time it takes to fall asleep) and shorter sleep duration among teenagers.[31] Television use was associated with the poorest sleep duration. Adolescent technology-use has also been linked with excessive daytime sleepiness and caffeine consumption,[32] suggesting that technology-use may interfere with sleep and may lead to increased caffeine consumption. Longitudinal data demonstrates that time spent using technology is predictive of short sleep duration, however short sleep duration was also predictive of time spent using technology.[33] More longitudinal research with larger sample sizes is needed to clarify the mechanisms underlying the association between technology-use and sleep during adolescence.



Adolescence is characterized by an evening chronotype preference with adolescents engaging in late bed and wake times.[34] An evening chronotype is unique to the period of adolescence compared to childhood and adulthood which are characterized by a morning chronotype. Eveningness during adolescence is linked with increased substance use,[35] worse overall mood,[36] poor diet,[37] increased depressive symptoms,[38] increased anxiety symptoms,[39] and poor emotion regulation.[40] Beyond conveying bed and wake times, chronotype is also indicative of optimal times of functioning. For instance, researchers tested adolescents on their executive functioning performance at two times: once at a time that is optimal for chronotype (i.e. evening for evening chronotypes vs. morning for morning chronotypes) and once at a time that is suboptimal for chronotype (i.e. morning for evening chronotypes vs. evening for morning chronotypes). They found that morning adolescents tested in the morning performed better than in the evening, and evening chronotype adolescents tested in the evening performed better than in the morning.[41]

Sleep measures


Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index


The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is a well-validated and widely used self-report questionnaire that measures sleep quality.[42] Nineteen items are combined to create seven component scores of sleep, and those component scores are then used to create an overall “global score” of sleep quality. The seven components consist of subjective sleep quality, sleep disturbances, sleep duration, sleep latency, habitual sleep efficiency, use of sleep medications, and daytime dysfunction. The PSQI has a high internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.83).[43] The PSQI has been used in many studies assessing adolescent sleep quality.



Actigraph watches are commonly used to gather objective measures of sleep.[44] The watch is worn on the non-dominant wrist and measures sleep using body movement. Data gathered from the watch includes sleep duration, number of awakenings, total minutes of nighttime awakenings, and latency.[45]

Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ)


The first valid and reliable measure of chronotype was created by Horne and Östberg (1976): Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) contains 19 items tapping sleep and wake time preferences.[46] Sample items include “Assuming adequate environmental conditions, how easy do you find getting up in the mornings?” and “Considering your own ‘feeling best’ rhythm, at what time would you get up if you were entirely free to plan your day?”. The questionnaire consists of both Likert and timescale items, and items are scored to obtain a composite score. Since its creation, the MEQ has been validated in some adolescent and young adult samples.[47][48][49] Early assessments of this questionnaire's psychometric properties revealed that the scale has good internal consistency (a = .82).[50]


  1. ^ Crowley, Stephanie J.; Wolfson, Amy R.; Tarokh, Leila; Carskadon, Mary A. (August 2018). "An update on adolescent sleep: New evidence informing the perfect storm model". Journal of Adolescence. 67: 55–65. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2018.06.001. PMC 6054480. PMID 29908393.
  2. ^ Roenneberg, Till; Kuehnle, Tim; Pramstaller, Peter P.; Ricken, Jan; Havel, Miriam; Guth, Angelika; Merrow, Martha (December 2004). "A marker for the end of adolescence" (PDF). Current Biology. 14 (24): R1038–R1039. Bibcode:2004CBio...14R1038R. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2004.11.039. hdl:11370/c1bdc8cd-d823-4287-a5ef-0725d0833601. PMID 15620633. S2CID 30441985.
  3. ^ Lam, L. T.; Yang, L. (13 August 2007). "Short Duration of Sleep and Unintentional Injuries among Adolescents in China". American Journal of Epidemiology. 166 (9): 1053–1058. doi:10.1093/aje/kwm175. PMID 17698504.
  4. ^ Pinsker, Joe (19 September 2018). "The Curse of America's Illogical School-Day Schedule". The Atlantic.
  5. ^ Gruber, Reut; Laviolette, Rachelle; Deluca, Paolo; Monson, Eva; Cornish, Kim; Carrier, Julie (2010-03-01). "Short sleep duration is associated with poor performance on IQ measures in healthy school-age children". Sleep Medicine. 11 (3): 289–294. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2009.09.007. ISSN 1389-9457. PMID 20156702.
  6. ^ Park, Heejung; Chiang, Jessica J.; Irwin, Michael R.; Bower, Julienne E.; McCreath, Heather; Fuligni, Andrew J. (2019-08-01). "Developmental trends in sleep during adolescents' transition to young adulthood". Sleep Medicine. 60: 202–210. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2019.04.007. ISSN 1389-9457. PMC 6650269. PMID 31186213.
  7. ^ Crowley, Stephanie J.; Wolfson, Amy R.; Tarokh, Leila; Carskadon, Mary A. (2018-08-01). "An update on adolescent sleep: New evidence informing the perfect storm model". Journal of Adolescence. 67: 55–65. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2018.06.001. ISSN 0140-1971. PMC 6054480. PMID 29908393.
  8. ^ Boyar, Robert; Finkelstein, Jordan; Roffwarg, Howard; Kapen, Sheldon; Weitzman, Elliot; Hellman, Leon (1972-09-21). "Synchronization of Augmented Luteinizing Hormone Secretion with Sleep during Puberty". New England Journal of Medicine. 287 (12): 582–586. doi:10.1056/NEJM197209212871203. ISSN 0028-4793. PMID 4341276.
  9. ^ Hirshkowitz, Max; Whiton, Kaitlyn; Albert, Steven M.; Alessi, Cathy; Bruni, Oliviero; DonCarlos, Lydia; Hazen, Nancy; Herman, John; Adams Hillard, Paula J.; Katz, Eliot S.; Kheirandish-Gozal, Leila; Neubauer, David N.; O’Donnell, Anne E.; Ohayon, Maurice; Peever, John; Rawding, Robert; Sachdeva, Ramesh C.; Setters, Belinda; Vitiello, Michael V.; Ware, J. Catesby (December 2015). "National Sleep Foundation's updated sleep duration recommendations: final report". Sleep Health. 1 (4): 233–243. doi:10.1016/j.sleh.2015.10.004. PMID 29073398.
  10. ^ Fuligni, Andrew J.; Bai, Sunhye; Krull, Jennifer L.; Gonzales, Nancy A. (18 August 2017). "Individual Differences in Optimum Sleep for Daily Mood During Adolescence". Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. 48 (3): 469–479. doi:10.1080/15374416.2017.1357126. PMC 5817027. PMID 28820607.
  11. ^ Fuligni, Andrew J.; Arruda, Erin H.; Krull, Jennifer L.; Gonzales, Nancy A. (March 2018). "Adolescent Sleep Duration, Variability, and Peak Levels of Achievement and Mental Health". Child Development. 89 (2): e18–e28. doi:10.1111/cdev.12729. PMC 5529284. PMID 28129442.
  12. ^ Fuligni, Andrew J.; Bai, Sunhye; Krull, Jennifer L.; Gonzales, Nancy A. (2017-08-18). "Individual Differences in Optimum Sleep for Daily Mood During Adolescence". Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. 48 (3): 469–479. doi:10.1080/15374416.2017.1357126. ISSN 1537-4416. PMC 5817027. PMID 28820607.
  13. ^ Keyes, Katherine M.; Maslowsky, Julie; Hamilton, Ava; Schulenberg, John (1 March 2015). "The Great Sleep Recession: Changes in Sleep Duration Among US Adolescents, 1991–2012". Pediatrics. 135 (3): 460–468. doi:10.1542/peds.2014-2707. PMC 4338325. PMID 25687142.
  14. ^ Carskadon, Mary A.; Vieira, Cecilia; Acebo, Christine (1 May 1993). "Association between Puberty and Delayed Phase Preference". Sleep. 16 (3): 258–262. doi:10.1093/sleep/16.3.258. PMID 8506460.
  15. ^ Ming, Xue; Koransky, Rebecca; Kang, Victor; Buchman, Sarah; Sarris, Christina E.; Wagner, George C. (2011). "Sleep Insufficiency, Sleep Health Problems and Performance in High School Students". Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine. 5: 71–79. doi:10.4137/CCRPM.S7955. ISSN 1179-5484. PMC 3212860. PMID 22084618.
  16. ^ Bowers, Jennifer M.; Moyer, Anne (2020). "Adolescent sleep and technology-use rules: results from the California Health Interview Survey". Sleep Health. 6 (1): 19–22. doi:10.1016/j.sleh.2019.08.011. PMC 7346706. PMID 31732441.
  17. ^ Gradisar, Michael; Gardner, Greg; Dohnt, Hayley (2011-02-01). "Recent worldwide sleep patterns and problems during adolescence: A review and meta-analysis of age, region, and sleep". Sleep Medicine. 12 (2): 110–118. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2010.11.008. ISSN 1389-9457. PMID 21257344.
  18. ^ Seton, Christopher; Fitzgerald, Dominic A. (2021). "Chronic sleep deprivation in teenagers: Practical ways to help". Paediatric Respiratory Reviews. 40: 73–79. doi:10.1016/j.prrv.2021.05.001. ISSN 1526-0542.
  19. ^ Telzer, Eva H.; Goldenberg, Diane; Fuligni, Andrew J.; Lieberman, Matthew D.; Gálvan, Adriana (1 August 2015). "Sleep variability in adolescence is associated with altered brain development". Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 14: 16–22. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2015.05.007. PMC 4536158. PMID 26093368.
  20. ^ Taki, Yasuyuki; Hashizume, Hiroshi; Thyreau, Benjamin; Sassa, Yuko; Takeuchi, Hikaru; Wu, Kai; Kotozaki, Yuka; Nouchi, Rui; Asano, Michiko; Asano, Kohei; Fukuda, Hiroshi; Kawashima, Ryuta (1 March 2012). "Sleep duration during weekdays affects hippocampal gray matter volume in healthy children". NeuroImage. 60 (1): 471–475. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.11.072. PMID 22197742. S2CID 17421225.
  21. ^ Short, Michelle A.; Weber, Nathan (1 October 2018). "Sleep duration and risk-taking in adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis". Sleep Medicine Reviews. 41: 185–196. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2018.03.006. hdl:2328/38429. PMID 29934128. S2CID 49379148.
  22. ^ Calamaro, Christina J.; Mason, Thornton B. A.; Ratcliffe, Sarah J. (2009-06-01). "Adolescents Living the 24/7 Lifestyle: Effects of Caffeine and Technology on Sleep Duration and Daytime Functioning". Pediatrics. 123 (6): e1005–e1010. doi:10.1542/peds.2008-3641. ISSN 0031-4005. PMID 19482732. S2CID 30851634.
  23. ^ Owens, Judith A.; Dearth-Wesley, Tracy; Lewin, Daniel; Gioia, Gerard; Whitaker, Robert C. (1 December 2016). "Self-Regulation and Sleep Duration, Sleepiness, and Chronotype in Adolescents". Pediatrics. 138 (6): e20161406. doi:10.1542/peds.2016-1406. PMID 27940688.
  24. ^ Baum, Katherine T.; Desai, Anjali; Field, Julie; Miller, Lauren E.; Rausch, Joseph; Beebe, Dean W. (February 2014). "Sleep restriction worsens mood and emotion regulation in adolescents". Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 55 (2): 180–190. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12125. PMC 4047523. PMID 24889207.
  25. ^ Dahl, Ronald E; Lewin, Daniel S (2002-12-01). "Pathways to adolescent health sleep regulation and behavior". Journal of Adolescent Health. Health Futures of Youth II: Pathways to Adolescent Health. 31 (6, Supplement): 175–184. doi:10.1016/S1054-139X(02)00506-2. ISSN 1054-139X. PMID 12470913.
  26. ^ Raniti, Monika B.; Allen, Nicholas B.; Schwartz, Orli; Waloszek, Joanna M.; Byrne, Michelle L.; Woods, Michael J.; Bei, Bei; Nicholas, Christian L.; Trinder, John (2017-05-04). "Sleep Duration and Sleep Quality: Associations With Depressive Symptoms Across Adolescence". Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 15 (3): 198–215. doi:10.1080/15402002.2015.1120198. ISSN 1540-2002. PMID 26744783. S2CID 46808892.
  27. ^ O'Brien, Erin M.; Mindell, Jodi A. (2005-08-01). "Sleep and Risk-Taking Behavior in Adolescents". Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 3 (3): 113–133. doi:10.1207/s15402010bsm0303_1. ISSN 1540-2002. PMID 15984914. S2CID 12919106.
  28. ^ Telzer, Eva H.; Fuligni, Andrew J.; Lieberman, Matthew D.; Galván, Adriana (2013-05-01). "The effects of poor quality sleep on brain function and risk taking in adolescence". NeuroImage. 71: 275–283. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.01.025. ISSN 1053-8119. PMC 3865864. PMID 23376698.
  29. ^ Tashjian, Sarah M.; Goldenberg, Diane; Monti, Martin M.; Galván, Adriana (2018-03-01). "Sleep quality and adolescent default mode network connectivity". Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 13 (3): 290–299. doi:10.1093/scan/nsy009. ISSN 1749-5016. PMC 5836271. PMID 29432569.
  30. ^ Twenge, Story by Jean M. (September 2017). "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?". The Atlantic. ISSN 1072-7825. Retrieved 2019-12-09.
  31. ^ Arora, Teresa; Broglia, Emma; Thomas, G. Neil; Taheri, Shahrad (2014-02-01). "Associations between specific technologies and adolescent sleep quantity, sleep quality, and parasomnias". Sleep Medicine. 15 (2): 240–247. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2013.08.799. ISSN 1389-9457. PMID 24394730.
  32. ^ Calamaro, Christina J.; Mason, Thornton B. A.; Ratcliffe, Sarah J. (2009-06-01). "Adolescents Living the 24/7 Lifestyle: Effects of Caffeine and Technology on Sleep Duration and Daytime Functioning". Pediatrics. 123 (6): e1005–e1010. doi:10.1542/peds.2008-3641. ISSN 0031-4005. PMID 19482732. S2CID 30851634.
  33. ^ Mazzer, K.; Bauducco, S.; Linton, S. J.; Boersma, K. (2018-07-01). "Longitudinal associations between time spent using technology and sleep duration among adolescents". Journal of Adolescence. 66: 112–119. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2018.05.004. ISSN 0140-1971. PMID 29842997. S2CID 44118163.
  34. ^ Roenneberg, Till; Kuehnle, Tim; Pramstaller, Peter P.; Ricken, Jan; Havel, Miriam; Guth, Angelika; Merrow, Martha (29 December 2004). "A marker for the end of adolescence" (PDF). Current Biology. 14 (24): R1038–R1039. Bibcode:2004CBio...14R1038R. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2004.11.039. hdl:11370/c1bdc8cd-d823-4287-a5ef-0725d0833601. PMID 15620633. S2CID 30441985.
  35. ^ Negriff, Sonya; Dorn, Lorah D.; Pabst, Stephanie R.; Susman, Elizabeth J. (28 February 2011). "Morningness/eveningness, pubertal timing, and substance use in adolescent girls". Psychiatry Research. 185 (3): 408–413. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2010.07.006. PMC 3032034. PMID 20674040.
  36. ^ Díaz-Morales, Juan Francisco; Escribano, Cristina; Jankowski, Konrad S. (2 January 2015). "Chronotype and time-of-day effects on mood during school day" (PDF). Chronobiology International. 32 (1): 37–42. doi:10.3109/07420528.2014.949736. PMID 25153134. S2CID 15020688.
  37. ^ Fleig, Daniel; Randler, Christoph (2009-04-01). "Association between chronotype and diet in adolescents based on food logs". Eating Behaviors. 10 (2): 115–118. doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2009.03.002. ISSN 1471-0153. PMID 19447353.
  38. ^ Dagys, Natasha; McGlinchey, Eleanor L.; Talbot, Lisa S.; Kaplan, Katherine A.; Dahl, Ronald E.; Harvey, Allison G. (2012). "Double trouble? The effects of sleep deprivation and chronotype on adolescent affect". Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 53 (6): 660–667. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02502.x. ISSN 1469-7610. PMC 3311740. PMID 22188424.
  39. ^ Alvaro, Pasquale K.; Roberts, Rachel M.; Harris, Jodie K. (2014-08-01). "The independent relationships between insomnia, depression, subtypes of anxiety, and chronotype during adolescence". Sleep Medicine. 15 (8): 934–941. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2014.03.019. ISSN 1389-9457. PMID 24958244.
  40. ^ Owens, Judith A.; Dearth-Wesley, Tracy; Lewin, Daniel; Gioia, Gerard; Whitaker, Robert C. (2016-12-01). "Self-Regulation and Sleep Duration, Sleepiness, and Chronotype in Adolescents". Pediatrics. 138 (6): e20161406. doi:10.1542/peds.2016-1406. ISSN 0031-4005. PMID 27940688.
  41. ^ Hahn, Constanze; Cowell, Jason M.; Wiprzycka, Ursula J.; Goldstein, David; Ralph, Martin; Hasher, Lynn; Zelazo, Philip David (2012). "Circadian rhythms in executive function during the transition to adolescence: the effect of synchrony between chronotype and time of day". Developmental Science. 15 (3): 408–416. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2012.01137.x. ISSN 1467-7687. PMC 4103784. PMID 22490180.
  42. ^ Buysse, Daniel J.; Reynolds, Charles F.; Monk, Timothy H.; Berman, Susan R.; Kupfer, David J. (1 May 1989). "The Pittsburgh sleep quality index: A new instrument for psychiatric practice and research". Psychiatry Research. 28 (2): 193–213. doi:10.1016/0165-1781(89)90047-4. PMID 2748771. S2CID 13035531.
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  44. ^ Martin, Jennifer L.; Hakim, Alex D. (2011). "Wrist Actigraphy". Chest. 139 (6): 1514–1527. doi:10.1378/chest.10-1872. PMC 3109647. PMID 21652563.
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  46. ^ Urbán, Róbert; Magyaródi, Tímea; Rigó, Adrien (2015-02-09). Reduced Horne Östberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire--Hungarian Version (Report). doi:10.1037/t36759-000.
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  48. ^ MECACCI, LUCIANO; ZANI, ALBERTO (1983-12-01). "Morningness-eveningness preferences and sleep-waking diary data of morning and evening types in student and worker samples". Ergonomics. 26 (12): 1147–1153. doi:10.1080/00140138308963450. ISSN 0014-0139. PMID 6686817.
  49. ^ Inomata, Yoshiyuki; Echizenya, Masaru; Takeshima, Masahiro; Shimizu, Kazumi; Shimizu, Tetsuo (2014-07-14). "Validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire evaluated from actigraphy". Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 12 (4): 289–296. doi:10.1111/sbr.12073. ISSN 1446-9235. S2CID 146785567.
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