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Alexander Nicolaus Scherer

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Alexander Nicolaus Scherer (1771-1824)

Alexander Nicolaus Scherer (Russian: Александр Иванович Шерер, 30 December 1771, St. Petersburg – 16 October 1824, St. Petersburg) was a Russian-German chemist and pharmacologist.

In 1794 he graduated from the University of Jena, later serving as a lecturer at the gymnasium in Weimar. In 1800 he was appointed a professor of physics at the University of Halle, shortly afterwards working as a manager at a stoneware factory in Potsdam. In 1803 he relocated to the University of Dorpat as a professor of chemistry, and during the following year returned to St. Petersburg as a professor of chemistry and pharmacy at the medico-surgical academy. In 1815 he became a full member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.[1]

Scherer was instrumental in the creation of the "Pharmaceutical Society of St. Petersburg", an institution in which he served as its first president.[2][3]

Written works


He was an editor of the journals Allgemeines Journal der Chemie (from 1798 to 1803) and Allgemeine nordische Annalen der Chemie (from 1817 to 1822).[4] He was the author of Kurze Darstellung der chemischen Untersuchungen der Gasarten (Weimar, 1799), translated into English in 1800 as A short introduction to the knowledge of gaseous bodies.[5] Other principal works by Scherer include:

  • Versuch einer populären Chemie, 1795 - book on popular chemistry.
  • Nachträge zu den Grundzügen der neuern chemischen Theorie, 1796 - Supplements to the basic features of modern chemical theory.
  • Grundriss der Chemie für akademische Vorlesungen, 1800 - Outline of chemistry for academic lectures.
  • Руководство к преподаванию химии, St. Petersburg 1808.
  • Codex medicamentarius Europaeus, 1819-1824.
  • Versuch einer systematischen Uebersicht der Heilquellen des russischen Reichs, 1820 - A systematic survey on the mineral springs of the Russian Empire.
  • Literatura pharmacopoearum, 1822.[6]


  1. ^ Biography @ Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie
  2. ^ Bibliotheca Chemica Royal College of Science and Technology (Glasgow, Scotland). Andersonian Library, James Young, John Ferguson
  3. ^ Google Books Pharmaceutical Journal: A Weekly Record of Pharmacy and Allied Science
  4. ^ Repertorium Veterrimarum Societatum Litterariarum Archived 2005-12-17 at the Wayback Machine Journal Title Abbreviations: Poggendorff: Q - S
  5. ^ WorldCat Title A short introduction to the knowledge of gaseous bodies
  6. ^ World Cat Identities (publications)