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Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award

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The Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award (BWD or Bishop Walker Dinner) is an award presented annually by Africare to recognize those whose work has made a significant impact on raising the standard of living in Africa. The award is named after John T. Walker, former Episcopal Bishop of Washington, D.C., and Africare board member. Each year, the Africare Bishop John T. Walker Memorial Dinner brings together more than 2,000 people — African heads of state, ministers of commerce and foreign affairs, leaders from the African Union and the United Nations, U.S. government leaders, diplomats, corporate executives, leaders of national organizations and private individuals — who share one focus: They care about Africa.

This is the largest annual event for Africa in the United States, with proceeds supporting the work of Africare. The Dinner is a top multicultural affair as well, embracing all races and a wide array of cultures and nationalities from around the world. The Dinner also honors outstanding humanitarians through the presentation of Africare's Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award.

Bishop John T. Walker Background


Bishop Walker came to Washington in 1966 as Canon of the Washington Cathedral, with special responsibility for its ministry to the community. He was elected Suffragan Bishop of Washington on May 1, 1971, and became the sixth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington on July 3, 1977.

"I know some people get disheartened, and I know some people want to throw in the sponge and give up, but I can't do that. My feeling is too strong that it's God's will that we live together in harmony and peace. It's God's will that we grow beyond our racial animosties and that we must commit ourselves to continue that work. That's why I am here. I am not here for any other reason."

Past honorees

1992 Desmond Tutu
1993 Sargent Shriver
1994 Nelson Mandela
1995 Leon Sullivan
1996 Jimmy Carter
1997 Dorothy I. Height
1998 Andrew Young
1999 Graça Machel
2000 James Wolfensohn
2001 Louis W. Sullivan
2002 Harry Belafonte
2003 Bill Gates and Melinda Gates
2004 Richard G. Lugar and Donald M. Payne
2005 Colin L. Powell
2006 Bill Clinton
2007 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
2008 George W. Bush
2009 John Legend[1]
2010 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
2011 Donald McHenry
2013 Barack Obama
2014 C. Payne Lucas and Joseph C. Kennedy

BWD history


BWD 2006


At BWD 2006, held on October 18, Africare presented the Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award to former President Clinton for his outstanding contributions to peace, justice, and economic opportunity worldwide. The event also highlighted Africare's leading work meeting the needs of children in Africa who have lost one parent or both parents due to HIV/AIDS or through other tragic circumstances.

BWD 2005


BWD 2004


BWD 2003


BWD 2002


BWD 2001


BWD 2000


BWD 1999


BWD 1998


BWD 1997


BWD 1996

  • The Honoree: Jimmy Carter
  • Main Theme: Africare's 25th Anniversary and A tribute to Jimmy Carter
  • Corporate Sponsor: SmithKline Beecham
  • Date of Event: Oct 17, 1996

BWD 1995


BWD 1994


BWD 1993


BWD 1992


BWD 1991

  • No Honoree
  • Main Theme: "Celebrating the commitment to African development and cultural diversity"
  • Corporate Sponsor: IBM Corporation
  • Date of Event: Oct 17, 1991

BWD 1990



  1. ^ "A "Lil Positivity": Johnny Boy Receives the 2009 Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award". Bossip. 2009-11-04. Retrieved 2017-06-29.