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List of compositions by Ludwig van Beethoven

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Title page of Beethoven's symphonies from the Gesamtausgabe

The list of compositions of Ludwig van Beethoven consists of 722 works[1] written over forty-five years, from his earliest work in 1782 (variations for piano on a march by Ernst Christoph Dressler) when he was only eleven years old and still in Bonn, until his last work just before his death in Vienna in 1827. Beethoven composed works in all the main genres of classical music, including symphonies, concertos, string quartets, piano sonatas and opera. His compositions range from solo works to those requiring a large orchestra and chorus.

Beethoven straddled both the Classical and Romantic periods, working in genres associated with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his teacher Joseph Haydn, such as the piano concerto, string quartet and symphony, while on the other hand providing the groundwork for other Romantic composers, such as Hector Berlioz and Franz Liszt, with programmatic works such as his Pastoral Symphony and Piano Sonata "Les Adieux".[2] Beethoven's work is typically divided into three periods: the "Early" period, where he composed in the "Viennese" style; the "Middle" or "Heroic" period, where his work is characterised by struggle and heroism, such as in the Eroica Symphony, the Fifth Symphony, the Appassionata Sonata and in his sole opera Fidelio; and the "Late" period, marked by intense personal expression and an emotional and intellectual profundity. Although his output greatly diminished in his later years, this period saw the composition of masterpieces such as the late string quartets, the final five piano sonatas, the Diabelli Variations, the Missa Solemnis and the Ninth Symphony.[3]

Beethoven's works are classified by both genre and various numbering systems.[4] The best-known numbering system for Beethoven's works is that by opus number, assigned by Beethoven's publishers during his lifetime. Only 172 of Beethoven's works have opus numbers, divided among 138 opus numbers. Many works that were unpublished or published without opus numbers have been assigned one of "WoO" (Werke ohne Opuszahl—works without opus number), Hess or Biamonti numbers. For example, the short piano piece "Für Elise" is more fully known as the "Bagatelle in A minor, WoO 59 ('Für Elise')". Some works are also commonly referred to by their nicknames, such as the Kreutzer Violin Sonata, or the Archduke Piano Trio.

Works are also often identified by their number within their genre. For example, the 14th string quartet, published as Opus 131, may be referenced either as "String Quartet No. 14" or "the Opus 131 String Quartet". The listings below include all of these relevant identifiers. While other catalogues of Beethoven's works exist, the numbers here represent the most commonly used.

List of works by genre

Beethoven, caricatured by Johann Peter Lyser [de]

Beethoven's works are published in several editions, the first of these was Ludwig van Beethovens Werke: Vollständige kritisch durchgesehene überall berechtigte Ausgabe published between 1862 and 1865 with a supplemental volume in 1888 by Breitkopf & Härtel, commonly known as the "Beethoven Gesamtausgabe" [GA]. While this was a landmark achievement at the time, the limitations of this edition soon became apparent. Between 1959 and 1971 Willy Hess prepared a supplemental edition, Beethoven: Sämtliche Werke: Supplemente zur Gesamtausgabe, [HS] containing works that were not in the Gesamtausgabe.

Since 1961 the Beethoven Archive has been publishing a new scholarly–critical Complete Edition of Beethoven's works, Beethoven: Werke: neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke[5] [NA]. However, only 42 of the projected 56 volumes have been published so far.[6] As this edition has not been published in full there are works without an NA designation.

Legend for publications – p: parts s: full score vs: vocal score

Orchestral music


Beethoven wrote nine symphonies, nine concertos, and a variety of other orchestral music, ranging from overtures and incidental music for theatrical productions to other miscellaneous "occasional" works, written for a particular occasion. Of the concertos, seven are widely known (one violin concerto, five piano concertos, and one triple concerto for violin, piano, and cello); the other two are an early piano concerto (WoO 4) and an arrangement of the Violin Concerto for piano and orchestra (Opus 61a).


No.[7] Title, key Composition; first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
Op. 21 Symphony No. 1 in C major 1799–2 April 1800 p: Leipzig 1801 Baron Gottfried van Swieten i/1 i/1[6]
Op. 36 Symphony No. 2 in D major 1801–5 April 1803 p: Vienna, 1804; for piano, violin, cello: Vienna, 1805 Prince Karl von Lichnowsky i/2 i/1[6]
Op. 55 Symphony No. 3 "Eroica" in E major 1803–7 April 1805[8] p: Vienna, 1806 Prince Franz Joseph von Lobkowitz i/3 i/2[6]
Op. 60 Symphony No. 4 in B major 1806–March 1807 p: Vienna, 1808 Count Franz von Oppersdorff i/4 i/2[6]
Op. 67 Symphony No. 5 "Fate" in C minor 1807–[9] 22 December 1808 p: Leipzig, 1809 Prince Lobkowitz and Count Andreas Razumovsky i/5 i/3[6]
Op. 68 Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral" in F major 1808–22 December 1808 p: Leipzig, 1809 Prince Lobkowitz and Count Razumovsky i/6 i/3[6]
Op. 92 Symphony No. 7 in A major 1811–8 December 1813 s, p: Vienna, 1816 Count Moritz von Fries i/7
Op. 93 Symphony No. 8 in F major 1812–27 February 1814 s, p: Vienna, 1817 shortened version of end of 1st movt, HS iv i/8
Op. 125 Symphony No. 9 "Choral" in D minor 1822–7 May 1824 s, p: Mainz, 1826 Frederick William III of Prussia i/9 i/5[6]

Beethoven is believed to have intended to write a Tenth Symphony in the last year of his life; a performing version of possible sketches was assembled by Barry Cooper.[10]


No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 4 Piano Concerto No. 0 in E major 1784 s: GA survives only in pf score (with orch cues in solo part) xxv/310 iii/5[6]
WoO 5 Violin Concerto in C major, (fragment) 1790–1792 Vienna, 1879 part of 1st movt only; 1st edn ded. Gerhard von Breuning HS iii
Hess 12 Oboe Concerto in F major, (lost) 1792–1793? sent to Bonn from Vienna in late 1793; a few sketches survive
Op. 19 Piano Concerto No. 2 in B major begun c. 1788, rev. 1794–1829 p: Leipzig, 1801 Carl Nicklas von Nickelsberg; score frag. rejected from early version, HS iii ix/66 iii/2[6]
cadenza for first movement 1809 GA ix/70a vii/7[6]
Op. 15 Piano Concerto No. 1 in C major 18 December 1795 rev. 1800 p: Vienna, 1801 Princess Barbara Odescalchi (née Countess von Keglevics) ix/65 iii/2[6]
3 cadenzas for first movement 1809 GA ix/70a vii/7[6]
Op. 37 Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor 1800–5 April 1803? p: Vienna, 1804 Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia ix/67 iii/2[6]
cadenza for first movement 1809 GA ix/70a vii/7[6]
Op. 56 Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, and Piano in C major 1804–May 1808 p: Vienna, 1807 Prince Lobkowitz ix/70 iii/1[6]
Op. 58 Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major 1804–22 December 1808 p: Vienna, 1808 Archduke Rudolph of Austria ix/68 iii/3[6]
2 cadenzas for first movement, cadenza for finale 1809? GA ix/70a vii/7[6]
cadenza for first movement, 2 cadenzas for finale (Hess 81, 82, 83) 1809? NA HSx vii/7[6]
Op. 61 Violin Concerto in D major 23 December 1806 p: Vienna, 1808; London, 1810 Stephan von Breuning iv/29; HSx iii/4[6]
Op. 61a Beethoven's arrangement of Opus 61 for Piano in D major 1807 p: Vienna, 1808; London, 1810 Julie von Breuning ix/73 (solo part) iii/5[6]
Cadenza for first movement, cadenza for finale 1809? GA ix/70a vii/7[6]
2 cadenzas for finale (Hess 84–85) 1809? NA HSx vii/7[6]
Op. 73 Piano Concerto No. 5 "Emperor" in E major 1809–28 November 1811 p: London, 1810; Leipzig, 1811 Archduke Rudolph ix/69 iii/3[6]
Hess 15 Piano Concerto No. 6 in D major, (fragment) 1814–1815 unfinished (performing version completed by Nicholas Cook)

Other works for soloist and orchestra

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
Hess 13 Romance Cantabile 1786? Wiesbaden, 1952 intended as slow movement of larger work HS iii
WoO 6 Rondo for Piano and Orchestra in B major 1793 p: Vienna, 1829 orig. finale of op.19; solo part completed by Carl Czerny for 1st ed. ix/72; HS iii iii/5[6]
Op. 50 Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 2 in F major c. 1798–November 1798? p: Vienna, 1805 iv/31 iii/4[6]
Op. 40 Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 1 in G major 1801–1802 p: Leipzig, 1803 iv/30 iii/4[6]
Hess 11 Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 3, (lost) 1816 reported by W. Altmann in Preface to the Steiner edition of 1816 of the Violin Concerts
Op. 80 Choral Fantasy in C minor 22 December 1808, rev. 1809 p: London, 1810; Leipzig, 1811 Maximilian Joseph, King of Bavaria; HS xix/71 x/2[6]

Overtures and incidental music

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 1 "Ritterballet" in D major 1790–Bonn, 6 March 1791 pf: Leipzig and Winterthur, 1872; s: GA xxv/286; HS viii ii/2[6]
Op. 43 "The Creatures of Prometheus" 1800–Burgtheater, Vienna, 28 March 1801 for pf: Vienna, 1801; p: Leipzig, 1804 [ov. only]; s: GA Princess Christiane von Lichnowsky ii/11; HX viii ii/2[6]
Op. 62 "Coriolan" Overture in C minor March 1807 p: Vienna, 1808 Heinrich Joseph von Collin iii/18 ii/1[6]
Op. 138 "Leonore" Overture No. 1 in C major 1807–7 February 1828 s, p: Vienna, 1838 iii/19 ix/1[6]
Op. 72a "Leonore" Overture No. 2 in C major 1804–Theater an der Wien, Vienna, 20 November 1805 s: HS HS ii. xi–xiii ix/1[6]
Op. 72b "Leonore" Overture No. 3 in C major 1805–Theater an der Wien, 29 March 1806 s: HS HS xi–xiii ix/1[6]
Op. 84 "Egmont" in F minor 1809–15 June 1810 p: Leipzig, 1810 [ov.], Leipzig, 1812 [remainder]; vs: Leipzig, 1812 [without ov.]; s: Leipzig, 1831 ii/12, iii/27; HS v (no.4) ix/7[6]
Op. 113 "The Ruins of Athens" (Die Ruinen von Athen) in G major 1811–10 February 1812 s: Vienna, 1823 [ov. only], Vienna, 1846 [complete], ded. (by publisher) König Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia xx/207, iii/28 x/8[6]
Op. 117 "King Stephen" (König Stephan) in Eb major 1811–10 February 1812 s: Vienna, 1826 [ov. only], GA [complete] xx/207b, iii/23 ix/8[6]
WoO 2a Triumphal March, for Tarpeja in C major 26 March 1813 p: Vienna, 1840; s: GA ii/14 ix/7[6]
WoO 2b Introduction to Act 2 of Leonore, 1805 version 1805, discarded s: Mainz, 1938 HS iv
Op. 91 Wellington's Victory "Battle Symphony" 8 December 1813 s, p: Vienna, 1816; for pf: London and Vienna, 1816 Prince Regent of England (later King George IV) ii/10; HS viii (for pf) ii/1[6]
Op. 115 "Zur Namensfeier" (Feastday) in C major 1814–25 December 1815 s, p: Vienna, 1825 Prince Antoni Radziwiłł iii/22 ii/1[6]
WoO 96 Leonore Prohaska 1815 s: GA xxv/272 ix/7[6]
Op. 114 March and Chorus for "The Consecration of the House" 1822
Op. 124 "The Consecration of the House" (Die Weihe des Hauses) in C Josefstadt-Theater, 3 October 1822 s: Mainz, 1825 Prince Nikolay Golitsïn iii/24 ii/1[6]
WoO 98 Wo sich die Pulse, chorus for "The Consecration of the House" 1822 s:GA xxv/266 ix/8[6]
WoO 3 Gratulations-Minuet in E 3 November 1822 p: Vienna, 1832 written for Carl Friedrich Hensler, ded. (by publisher) Karl Holz ii/13 ii/3[6]

Chamber music


Beethoven wrote 16 string quartets and numerous other forms of chamber music, including piano trios, string trios, and sonatas for violin and cello with piano, as well as works with wind instruments.

Chamber music for strings

String quartets
No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
Op. 18/3 String Quartet No. 3 in D major 1798–1799 Vienna, 1801 Prince Lobkowitz vi/39 vi/3[6]
Op. 18/1 String Quartet No. 1 in F major 1799 Vienna, 1801 Prince Lobkowitz vi/37 vi/3[6]
Op. 18/2 String Quartet No. 2 in G major 1799 Vienna, 1801 Prince Lobkowitz vi/38 vi/3[6]
Op. 18/5 String Quartet No. 5 in A major 1799 Vienna, 1801 Prince Lobkowitz vi/41 vi/3[6]
Op. 18/4 String Quartet No. 4 in C minor 1799 Vienna, 1801 Prince Lobkowitz vi/40 vi/3[6]
Op. 18/6 String Quartet No. 6 in B major 1800 Vienna, 1801 Prince Lobkowitz vi/42 vi/3[6]
Op. 59/1 String Quartet No. 7 "Razumovsky" in F major 1806 Vienna, 1808 Count Razumovsky vi/43 vi/4[6]
Op. 59/2 String Quartet No. 8 "Razumovsky" in E minor 1806 Vienna, 1808 Count Razumovsky vi/44 vi/4[6]
Op. 59/3 String Quartet No. 9 "Razumovsky" C major 1806 Vienna, 1808 Count Razumovsky vi/45 vi/4[6]
Op. 74 String Quartet No. 10 "Harp" in E major 1809 London and Leipzig, 1810 Prince Lobkowitz vi/46 vi/4[6]
Op. 95 String Quartet No. 11 "Serioso" (Serious) in F minor 1810–11 May 1814 Vienna, 1816 Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz vi/47 vi/4[6]
Op. 127 String Quartet No. 12 in E major 1824–6 March 1825 Mainz, 1826 Prince Golitsïn vi/48 vi/5[6]
Op. 132 String Quartet No. 15 in A minor 6 November 1825 Paris and Berlin, 1826 Prince Golitsïn vi/51 vi/5[6]
Op. 130 String Quartet No. 13 in B major 1825–22 April 1827 (with new finale) Vienna, 1827 Prince Golitsïn[11] vi/49 vi/5[6]
Op. 133 Große Fuge in B major 1825–21 March 1826 Vienna, 1827 Archduke Rudolph; original ending of Op. 130 vi/53 vi/5[6]
Op. 131 String Quartet No. 14 in C minor 1825–1826 Mainz, 1827 Baron Joseph von Stutterheim vi/50 vi/5[6]
Op. 135 String Quartet No. 16 in F major 1826–23 March 1828 Berlin and Paris, 1827 Johann Wolfmayer vi/52 vi/5[6]
Other chamber music for strings
No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 209

(Hess 33)

Minuet for String Quartet in A major 1790–1792 HS HS vi KB vi/4[12]
Op. 3 String Trio No. 1 in E major before 1794? Vienna, 1796 vii/54 vi/6[6]
Op. 4 String Quintet in E major 1795 Vienna, 1796 thoroughly recomposed version of Octet Op. 103 v/36 vi/2[6]
WoO 32 Duo for Viola and Cello, "mit zwei obligaten Augengläsern" ("with two obbligato eyeglasses") 1796–1797 1st movt: Leipzig, 1912; minuet: Frankfurt, London and New York, 1952 probably written for Zmeskall von Domanovecz HS vi vi/6[6]
Op. 8 Serenade for string trio, (String Trio No. 2) in D major 1796–1797 Vienna, 1797 vii/58 vi/6[6]
Op. 9/1 String Trio No. 3 in G major 1797–1798 Vienna, 1798 Count Johann Georg von Browne vii/55 vi/6[6]
Op. 9/2 String Trio No. 4 in D major 1797–1798 Vienna, 1798 Count Johann Georg von Browne vii/56 vi/6[6]
Op. 9/3 String Trio No. 5 in C minor 1797–1798 Vienna, 1798 Count Johann Georg von Browne vii/57 vi/6[6]
Op. 29 String Quintet in C major "Storm"[13] 1801 Leipzig, 1802 Count Fries v/34 vi/2[6]
Hess 34 String Quartet in F major 1801–1802 Vienna, 1802 Baroness Josefine von Braun; arrangement of Piano Sonata No. 9 HS vi vi/3[6]
Op. 104 String Quintet in C minor 1817-10 December 1818 Vienna and London, 1819 arr. of Piano Trio Op. 1/3; arr. corrected by Beethoven, but largely the work of Kaufmann v/36a vi/2[6]
Hess 40 Prelude for string quintet in D minor 1817 SMz, xcv (1955) HS vi vi/2[6]
Op. 137 Fugue for String Quintet in D major November 1817 Vienna, 1827 v/35 vi/2[6]
WoO 34 Duet for two violins in A major April 29 1822 T. von Frimmel: Ludwig van Beethoven (Berlin, 1901) Alexandre Boucher HS vi
WoO 35 Canon for two violins in A major August 1825 L. Nohl: Neue Briefe Beethovens (Stuttgart, 1867) Otto de Boer HS vi
Hess 41 String Quintet in C major[14] 1826–1827 Vienna, 1838 survives only in piano transcription, WoO 62, last published piece. HS viii

Chamber music with piano

Solo instrument and piano
No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
Hess 46 Violin Sonata in A major, (fragments) c. 1790–1792 HS authenticity no longer in doubt HS ix
Anh. 4 Flute Sonata in B major c. 1790–1792? Leipzig, 1906 Manuscript copy found among Beethoven's papers after his death, authenticity not certain HS ix
WoO 40 Variations for violin and piano on Se vuol ballare from Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro in F major 1792–1793 Vienna, 1793 Eleonore von Breuning xii/103 v/2[6]
WoO 41 Rondo for Violin and Piano in G major 1793–1794 Bonn, 1808 xii/102 v/2[6]
WoO 43a Sonatina for mandolin and piano in C minor 1796 Grove1 ("Mandoline") probably written for Countess Josephine de Clary xxv/295 v/4[6]
WoO 43b Adagio for mandolin and piano in E major 1796 GA probably for Countess de Clary xxv/296 v/4[6]
WoO 44a Sonatina for mandolin and piano in C major 1796 Der Merker, iii (1912) probably for Countess de Clary HS ix v/4[6]
WoO 44b Andante and Variations for mandolin and piano in D major 1796 Sudetendeutsches Musikarchiv (1940), no.1 probably for Countess de Clary HS ix v/4[6]
Op. 5/1 Cello Sonata No. 1 in F major 1796 Vienna, 1797 Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia xiii/105 v/3[6]
Op. 5/2 Cello Sonata No. 2 in G minor 1796 Vienna, 1797 Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia xiii/106 v/3[6]
WoO 45 Variations for cello and piano on "See the counquering hero comes" from Handel's Judas Maccabaeus in G major 1796 Vienna, 1797 Princess Christiane von Lichnowsky xiii/110 v/3[6]
Op. 66 Variations for cello and piano on "Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen" from Mozart's The Magic Flute in F major 1796? Vienna, 1798 xiii/111 v/3[6]
Op. 12/1 Violin Sonata No. 1 in D major 1798 Vienna, 1799 Antonio Salieri xii/92 v/1[6]
Op. 12/2 Violin Sonata No. 2 in A major 1798 Vienna, 1799 Antonio Salieri xii/93 v/1[6]
Op. 12/3 Violin Sonata No. 3 in E major 1798 Vienna, 1799 Antonio Salieri xii/94 v/1[6]
Op. 17 Horn Sonata in F major 18 April 1800 Vienna, 1801 Baroness Josefine von Braun xiv/112 v/4[6]
Op. 23 Violin Sonata No. 4 in A minor 1800 Vienna, 1801 Count Fries xii/95 v/1[6]
Op. 24 Violin Sonata No. 5 in F major, "Spring" 1800–1801 Vienna, 1801 Count Fries xii/96 v/1[6]
WoO 46 Variations for cello and piano on "Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen" from Mozart's The Magic Flute in E major 1801 Vienna, 1802 Count von Browne xiii/111a v/3[6]
Op. 30/1 Violin Sonata No. 6 in A major 1801–1802 Vienna, 1803 Alexander I, Tsar of Russia xii/97 v/2[6]
Op. 30/2 Violin Sonata No. 7 in C minor 1801–1802 Vienna, 1803 Alexander I, Tsar of Russia xii/98 v/2[6]
Op. 30/3 Violin Sonata No. 8 in G major 1801–1802 Vienna, 1803 Alexander I, Tsar of Russia xii/99 v/2[6]
Op. 47 Violin Sonata No. 9 in A major, "Kreutzer" 1802–24 May 1803 Bonn and London, 1805 written for George P. Bridgetower, ded. Rodolphe Kreutzer xii/100 v/2[6]
Op. 41 Serenade for flute (or violin) and piano in D major 1803 Leipzig, 1803 arr. of Serenade op.25; arr. approved and corrected by Beethoven but largely the work of someone else HS ix
Op. 42 Notturno for Viola and Piano in D major 1803 Leipzig, 1804 arr. of Serenade op.8; arr. approved and corrected by Beethoven but largely the work of someone else HS ix
Op. 69 Cello Sonata No. 3 in A major 1807 Leipzig, 1809 Baron Ignaz von Gleichenstein xiii/107 v/3[6]
Op. 96 Violin Sonata No. 10 in G major 29 December 1812 Vienna, probably rev. 1814–1815 Vienna and London, 1816 written for Pierre Rode, ded. Archduke Rudolph xii/101 v/2[6]
Op. 102/1 Cello Sonata No. 4 in C major 1815 Bonn, 1817 Countess Marie Erdödy xiii/108 v/3[6]
Op. 102/2 Cello Sonata No. 5 in D major 1815 Bonn, 1817 Countess Erdödy xiii/109 v/3[6]
Op. 105 Six National Airs with Variations for flute (or violin) and piano in G major 1818–1819 London, Edinburgh and Vienna, 1819 xiv/113–114 v/4[6]
Op. 107 Ten National Airs with Variations for Flute (or Violin) and Piano in A minor 1818–1819 London and Edinburgh, 1819 [nos. 2, 6, 7]; Bonn and Cologne, 1820 [complete] xiv/115–119 v/4[6]
Piano trios
No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 38 Piano Trio in E major 1791? Frankfurt, 1830 xi/86 iv/3[6]
Hess 48 Allegretto in E major 1791? Frankfurt, 1830 xi/86 iv/3[6]
Op. 1/1 Piano Trio No. 1 in E major probably 1794-1795 Vienna, 1795 Prince Lichnowsky xi/79
Op. 1/2 Piano Trio No. 2 in G major 1794–1795 Vienna, 1795 Prince Lichnowsky xi/80
Op. 1/3 Piano Trio No. 3, C minor 1794–95 Vienna, 1795 Prince Lichnowsky xi/81
Op. 11 Piano Trio No. 4 in B major (Gassenhauer) (additional version for clarinet, violoncello, and piano) 1797 Vienna, 1798 Countess Maria Wilhelmine von Thun xi/89
Op. 44 Variations on an original theme in E major 1792 Leipzig, 1804 xi/88 iv/3[6]
Op. 121a Variations on Wenzel Müller's "Ich bin der Schneider Kakadu", "Kakadu Variations" in G major 1803? rev. 1816 Vienna and London, 1824 xi/87 iv/3[6]
Op. 70/1 Piano Trio No. 5 in D major "Ghost" 1808 Leipzig, 1809 Countess Erdödy xi/82
Op. 70/2 Piano Trio No. 6 in E major 1808 Leipzig, 1809 Countess Erdödy xi/83
Op. 97 Piano Trio No. 7 in Bb major, "Archduke" 1810–11 April 1814 Vienna and London, 1816 Archduke Rudolph xi/84
Op. 38 Piano Trio in E major (additional version for clarinet, violoncello, and piano) 1802–1803 Vienna, 1805 Professor Johann Adam Schmidt; arr. of Septet Op. 20 xi/91 iv/3[6]
WoO 39 Allegretto for piano trio in B major June 1812 Frankfurt, 1830 Maximiliane Brentano xi/85 iv/3[6]
Other chamber music with piano
No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 36/1 Piano Quartet No. 1 in E major 1785 Vienna, 1828 x/75 iv/1
WoO 36/2 Piano Quartet No. 2 in D major 1785 Vienna, 1828 x/76 iv/1
WoO 36/3 Piano Quartet No. 3 in C major 1785 Vienna, 1828 x/77 iv/1
WoO 37 Trio for piano, flute and bassoon in G major 1786 GA xxv/294 iv/3
Op. 16 Quintet for piano and winds in E major 1796-6 April 1797 Vienna, 1801 Prince Joseph zu Schwarzenberg x/74 iv/1
Op. 16b Piano Quartet in E major/minor unknown Vienna, 1801 arr. of Op. 16; authenticity affirmed in Wegeler and Ries (D1838) x/78 iv/1
Op. 11 Trio for clarinet (or violin), cello and piano, ("Gassenhauer") (version with Violin instead of Clarinet is considered Piano Trio No. 4) in B major 1797 Vienna, 1798 Countess Maria Wilhelmine von Thun xi/89
Op. 38 Trio for clarinet (or violin), cello and piano in E major 1802–1803 Vienna, 1805 Professor Johann Adam Schmidt; arr. of Septet Op. 20 xi/91 iv/3

Chamber music for winds

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 26 Allegro and Minuet for two flutes in G major August 1792 A.W. Thayer: Ludwig van Beethovens Leben, ed. H. Deiters, ii (Berlin, 1901) J.M. Degenhart HS vii vi/1[6]
Op. 103 Octet for oboes, clarinets, horns, and bassoons in E major before November 1792 Vienna, 1830 viii/59 vi/1[6]
WoO 25 Rondino for oboes, clarinets, horns and bassoons in E major 1793 Vienna, 1830 intended as finale to Op. 103 viii/60 vi/1[6]
Hess 19 Quintet for oboe, 3 horns and bassoon in E major, (fragment) 1793? Mainz, 1954 In 1862, Leopold Zellner completed a performing version from the fragments. In 1954, Willy Hess edited this and Schott published it. HS vii vi/1[6]
Op. 87 Trio for two oboes and English horn in C major 1794 Vienna, 1806 viii/63 vi/1[6]
WoO 28 Variations for two oboes and English horn on "Là ci darem la mano" from Mozart's opera Don Giovanni in C major 1795 Leipzig, 1914 HS vii vi/1[6]
Op. 81b Sextet for Horns and String Quartet in E major 1795 Bonn, 1810 v/33 vi/1[6]
Op. 71 Sextet for clarinets, horns and bassoons in E major 1796 Leipzig, 1810 viii/61 vi/1[6]
Op. 20 Septet in E major 2 April 1800 Leipzig, 1802 Empress Maria Theresa v/32 vi/1[6]
Op. 25 Serenade for flute, violin and viola in D major 1801 Vienna, 1802 viii/62 vi/1[6]
WoO 30 Three Equali for 4 trombones in D minor November 1812 GA transcr. for 4 male voices by Ignaz von Seyfried perf. at Beethoven's funeral, pubd Vienna, 1827 xxv/293 vi/1[6]

Solo piano music


In addition to the 32 celebrated sonatas, Beethoven's work for solo piano includes many one-movement pieces, more than twenty sets of variations, most unpublished in his lifetime or published without opus number, and over thirty bagatelles, including the well-known "Für Elise".

Piano sonatas

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 47/1 Three early Kurfürstensonatas, No. 1 in E major 1782-1783 Speyer, 1783 Archbishop Maximilian Friedrich, Elector of Cologne xvi/156
WoO 47/2 Three early Kurfürstensonatas, No. 2 in F minor 1782-1783 Speyer, 1783 Archbishop Maximilian Friedrich, Elector of Cologne xvi/157
WoO 47/3 Three early Kurfürstensonatas, No. 3 in D major 1782-1783 Speyer, 1783 Archbishop Maximilian Friedrich, Elector of Cologne xvi/158
WoO 50 Piano Sonata in F major c. 1790–1792 Munich and Duisburg, 1950 Franz Gerhard Wegeler; facs. pubd in L. Schmidt: Beethoven-Briefe (Berlin, 1909) HS ix
Op. 2/1 Piano Sonata No. 1 in F minor 1793–1795 Vienna, 1796 Joseph Haydn xvi/124 vii/2
Op. 2/2 Piano Sonata No. 2 in A major 1794–1795 Vienna, 1796 Joseph Haydn xvi/125 vii/2
Op. 2/3 Piano Sonata No. 3 in C major 1794–1795 Vienna, 1796 Joseph Haydn xvi/126 vii/2
Op. 49/1 Piano Sonata No. 19 in G minor 1797 Vienna, 1805 xvi/142 vii/3
Op. 49/2 Piano Sonata No. 20 in G major 1795–1796 Vienna, 1805 xvi/143 vii/3
Op. 7 Piano Sonata No. 4 "Grand Sonata" in E major 1797–1798 Vienna, 1798 Countess Barbara von Keglevics xvi/127 vii/2
Op. 10/1 Piano Sonata No. 5 in C minor "Little Pathétique" 1795–1797 Vienna, 1798 Countess Anna Margaret von Browne xvi/128 vii/2
Op. 10/2 Piano Sonata No. 6 in F major 1796–1797 Vienna, 1798 Countess von Browne xvi/129 vii/2
Op. 10/3 Piano Sonata No. 7 in D major 1797–1798 Vienna, 1798 Countess von Browne xvi/130 vii/2
WoO 51 Piano Sonata in C major, (fragment) 1797–1798 Frankfurt, 1830 Eleonore von Breuning; completed by Ferdinand Ries xvi/159
Op. 13 Piano Sonata No. 8 "Pathétique" in C minor 1797–1798 Vienna, 1799 Prince Lichnowsky xvi/131 vii/2
Op. 14/1 Piano Sonata No. 9 in E major 1798 Vienna, 1799 Baroness Josefine von Braun xvi/132 vii/2
Op. 14/2 Piano Sonata No. 10 in G major 1799 Vienna, 1799 Baroness Josefine von Braun xvi/133 vii/2
Op. 22 Piano Sonata No. 11 in B major 1800 Leipzig, 1802 Count von Braun xvi/134 vii/2
Op. 26 Piano Sonata No. 12 in A major 1800–1801 Vienna, 1802 Prince Lichnowsky xvi/135 vii/2
Op. 27/1 Piano Sonata No. 13 "Quasi una fantasia" in E major 1801 Vienna, 1802 Princess Josephine von Liechtenstein xvi/136 vii/3
Op. 27/2 Piano Sonata No. 14 "Moonlight" in C minor 1801 Vienna, 1802 Countess Giulietta Guicciardi xvi/137 vii/3
Op. 28 Piano Sonata No. 15 "Pastoral" in D major 1801 Vienna, 1802 Joseph von Sonnenfels xvi/138 vii/3
Op. 31/1 Piano Sonata No. 16 in G major 1802 Zürich, 1803 xvi/139 vii/3
Op. 31/2 Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor, "Tempest" 1802 Zürich, 1803 xvi/140 vii/3
Op. 31/3 Piano Sonata No. 18 ("The Hunt"), E 1802 Zürich and London, 1804 xvi/141 vii/3
Op. 53 Piano Sonata No. 21 ("Waldstein"), C 1803–04 Vienna, 1805 Count Ferdinand von Waldstein xvi/144 vii/3
Op. 54 Piano Sonata No. 22, F 1804 Vienna, 1806 xvi/145 vii/3
Op. 57 Piano Sonata No. 23 ("Appassionata"), F minor 1804–05 Vienna, 1807 Count Franz von Brunsvik xvi/146 vii/3
Op. 78 Piano Sonata No. 24 ("À Thérèse"), F 1809 Leipzig and London, 1810 Countess Therese von Brunsvik xvi/147
Op. 79 Piano Sonata No. 25, G 1809 Leipzig and London, 1810 xvi/148
Op. 81a Piano Sonata No. 26 ("Les Adieux"), E 1809–10 Leipzig and London, 1811 Archduke Rudolph xvi/149
Op. 90 Piano Sonata No. 27, E minor 1814 Vienna, 1815 Count Moritz Lichnowsky xvi/150
Op. 101 Piano Sonata No. 28, A 1816 Vienna, 1817 Baroness Dorothea Ertmann xvi/151
Op. 106 Piano Sonata No. 29 ("Hammerklavier"), B 1817–18 Vienna and London, 1819 Archduke Rudolph xvi/152
Op. 109 Piano Sonata No. 30, E 1820 Berlin, 1821 Maximiliane Brentano xvi/153
Op. 110 Piano Sonata No. 31, A 1821–22 Paris, Berlin, Vienna, 1822; London 1823 xvi/154
Op. 111 Piano Sonata No. 32, C minor 1821–22 Paris, Berlin, Vienna and London, 1823 Archduke Rudolph; London edn ded. Antonie Brentano xvi/155

Piano variations

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 63 Nine variations on a march by Ernst Christoph Dressler in C minor 1782 Mannheim, 1782–83 Countess Felice von Wolf-Metternich; First published composition xvii/166 vii/5
WoO 65 Twenty-four variations on Vincenzo Righini's aria "Vieni amore",[15] D c. 1790–91 Mainz, 1791; Vienna, 1802 Countess Maria Anna Hortensia von Hatzfeld xvii/178 vii/5
WoO 66 Thirteen variations on the aria "Es war einmal ein alter Mann" from Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf's opera Das rote Käppchen, A 1792 Bonn, 1793 xvii/175 vii/5
WoO 64 Six variations on a Swiss song for piano or harp, F c. 1790–92 Bonn, ?1798 xvii/177 vii/5
WoO 68 Twelve variations on the "Menuet a la Viganò" from Jakob Haibel's ballet Le nozze disturbate, C 1795 Vienna, 1796 xvii/169 vii/5
WoO 69 Nine variations on "Quant'è più bello" from Giovanni Paisiello's opera La Molinara, A 1795 Vienna, 1795 Prince Lichnowsky xvii/167 vii/5
WoO 70 Six variations on "Nel cor più non mi sento" from Giovanni Paisiello's opera La Molinara, G 1795 Vienna, 1796 xvii/168 vii/5
WoO 72 Eight variations on "Une fièvre brûlante" from André Grétry's opera Richard Cœur-de-Lion, C ?1795 Vienna, 1798 xvii/171 vii/5
WoO 71 Twelve variations on the Russian dance from Paul Wranitzky's ballet Das Waldmädchen, A 1796–97 Vienna, 1797 Countess von Browne xvii/170 vii/5
WoO 73 Ten variations on "La stessa, la stessissima" from Antonio Salieri's opera Falstaff, B 1799 Vienna, 1799 Countess von Keglevics xvii/172 vii/5
WoO 76 Eight variations on "Tändeln und scherzen" from Franz Xaver Süssmayr's opera Soliman II, F 1799 Vienna, 1799 Countess von Browne xvii/174 vii/5
WoO 75 Seven variations on "Kind, willst du ruhig schlafen" from Peter Winter's opera Das unterbrochene Opferfest, F 1799 Vienna, 1799 xvii/173 vii/5
WoO 77 Six easy variations on an original theme, G 1800 Vienna, 1800 xvii/176 vii/5
Op. 34 Six variations on an original theme, F 1802 Leipzig, 1803 Princess Odescalchi xvii/162 vii/5
Op. 35 Fifteen variations and a fugue on an original theme, ("Eroica Variations") E 1802 Leipzig, 1803 Count Moritz Lichnowsky xvii/163 vii/5
WoO 78 Seven variations on "God Save the King", C 1802–03 Vienna, 1804 xvii/179 vii/5
WoO 79 Five variations on "Rule, Britannia!", D 1803 Vienna, 1804 xvii/180 vii/5
WoO 80 Thirty-two variations on an original theme, C minor 1806 Vienna, 1807 xvii/181 vii/5
Op. 76 Six variations on an original theme (the Turkish March from The Ruins of Athens), D 1809 Leipzig and London, 1810 Franz Oliva xvii/164 vii/5
Op. 120 Thirty-three variations on a waltz by Diabelli ("Diabelli Variations"), C 1819–23 Vienna, 1823 Antonie Brentano xvii/165 vii/5

Shorter piano pieces

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 48 Rondo, C 1783 H.P. Bossler: Blumenlese für Klavierliebhaber, ii (Speyer, 1783) HS ix
WoO 49 Rondo, A ?1783 H.P. Bossler: Neue Blumenlese für Klavierliebhaber, ii (Speyer, 1784) xviii/196
Op. 39 Two preludes through all twelve major keys for piano or organ ?1789 Leipzig, 1803 xviii/184
WoO 81 Allemande, A c. 1793, rev. 1822 GA xxv/307
Op. 129 Rondo a capriccio ("Rage Over a Lost Penny"), G 1795 Vienna, 1828 autograph completed by unknown ed. (probably Diabelli), 1828 xviii/191
Hess 64 Fugue, C 1795 MT, xcvi (1955) HS ix
WoO 52 Presto (Bagatelle),[16] C minor c. 1795, rev. 1798 and 1822 GA Originally intended for Sonata Op.10/1 xxv/297/1
WoO 53 Allegretto (Bagatelle),[16] C minor 1796–97 GA Originally intended for Sonata Op.10/1 xxv/299
Hess 69 Allegretto, C minor c. 1795–96, rev. 1822 HS probably orig. intended for Sonata op.10/1 HS ix
Op. 51/1 Rondos, C, c. 1796–97 London and Leipzig, 1810 Prince Lobkowitz vi/46
Op. 51/2 Rondos, G c. 1798 Vienna, 1802 Countess Henriette Lichnowsky xviii/186
Op. 33 Seven Bagatelles 1801–02 Vienna and London, 1803 xviii/183
WoO 54 Lustig-Traurig (Bagatelle),[16] C ?1802 GA xxv/300
WoO 55 Prelude, F minor c. 1803 Vienna, 1805 xviii/195
WoO 56 Allegretto (Bagatelle),[16] C 1803, rev. 1822 GA Originally intended for sonata Op. 53 xxv/297/2
WoO 57 Andante ("Andante favori"), F 1803 Vienna, 1805 Originally intended for sonata Op. 53 xviii/192
WoO 82 Minuet, E c. 1803 Vienna, 1805 xviii/193
Op. 77 Fantasia, G minor 1809 Leipzig and London, 1810 Count Franz von Brunsvik xviii/187
WoO 59 Für Elise (Bagatelle),[16] A minor 1808–10 L. Nohl: Neue Briefe Beethovens (Stuttgart, 1867) xxv/298
Op. 89 Polonaise, C 1814 Vienna, 1815 Empress Elisabeth Alexeyerna of Russia xviii/188
WoO 60 Bagatelle, B 1818 Berliner allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, i (1824) xxv/301
Hess 65 "Concert Finale", C 1820–21 in F. Starke, ed.: Wiener Piano-Forte-Schule, iii (Vienna, 1821) arr. of coda to finale of Piano Concerto No. 3 HS ix
WoO 61 Allegretto, B minor 1821 Robitschek: Deutscher Kunst- und Musikzeitung (15 March 1893) Ferdinand Piringer HS ix
Op. 119 Eleven Bagatelles 1820–2[17] nos. 7–11 in F. Starke, ed.: Wiener Piano-Forte-Schule, iii (Vienna, 1821); all 11, London, 1823 xviii/189
Op. 126 Six Bagatelles 1824 Mainz, 1825 xviii/190
WoO 84 Waltz, E 1824 Vienna, 1824 Friedrich Demmer (publisher's ded.) xxv/303
WoO 61a Allegretto quasi andante, G minor 1825 NZM, cxvii (1956) Sarah Burney Payne HS ix
WoO 85 Waltz, D 1825 Vienna, 1825 Duchess Sophie of Austria (publisher's ded.) xxv/304
WoO 86 Ecossaise, E 1825 Vienna, 1825 Duchess Sophie of Austria (publisher's ded.) xxv/305

Piano four hands

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 67 Eight Variations on a Theme by Count Waldstein, C ?1792 Bonn, 1794 xv/122 vii/1
Op. 6 Sonata for Piano, Four Hands, D 1796–97 Vienna, 1797 xv/120 vii/1
WoO 74 Six Variations on Beethoven's "Ich denke dein", D 1799, 1803[18] Vienna, 1805 Countess Therese von Brunsvik and Josephine Deym (née Brunsvik) xv/123 vii/1
Op. 45 Three marches 1803 Vienna, 1804 Princess Maria Esterházy xv/121 vii/1
Op. 134 Fugue for Piano, four hands, B 1826 Vienna, 1827 Archduke Rudolph; arr. of Große Fuge Op. 133 HS viii vii/1

Vocal music


While he completed only one opera, Beethoven wrote vocal music throughout his life, including two Mass settings, other works for chorus and orchestra (in addition to the Ninth Symphony), arias, duets, art songs (lieder), and true song cycles.


No. Title Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 91 Two arias for Umlauf's Singspiel Die schöne Schusterin ?1795–96 s:GA xxv/270 x/3
Hess 115 Vestas Feuer, fragment 1803 s: Wiesbaden, 1953 HS xiii
Op. 72 Fidelio 1st version (with op.72a: Leonore Overture no. 2), 1804–05; Theater an der Wien, Vienna, 20 November 1805 vs: Leipzig, 1905; s: HS[19] HS ii. xi–xiii
2nd version (with op.72b: Leonore Overture no.3), 1805–06; Theater an der Wien, 29 March 1806 vs: Leipzig, 1810; s: HS HS xi–xiii
final version (with op.72c: Fidelio Overture), 1814; Kärntnertor, Vienna, 23 May 1814 vs: Vienna, 1814; s: Paris, 1826, Bonn, 1847 xx/206
WoO 94 Germania, finale of Die gute Nachricht (Singspiel, G.F. Treitschke) 1814; Kärntnertor, 11 April 1814 vs: Vienna, 1814; s: GA xx/207d ix/7
WoO 97 Es ist vollbracht, finale of Die Ehrenpforten (Singspiel, Treitschke) 1815; Kärntnertor, 15 July 1815 vs: Vienna, 1815; s: GA xx/207c ix/7

Choral works with orchestra

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 87 Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II March 1790 GA xxv/264 x/1
WoO 88 Cantata on the accession of Emperor Leopold II September–October 1790 GA xxv/265 x/1
Op. 85 Christus am Ölberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives) 1803, rev. 1804; 5 April 1803 Leipzig, 1811 xix/205 viii/1[6]
Op. 86 Mass in C major 1807; 13 September 1807 Leipzig, 1812 Prince Ferdinand Kinsky xix/204 viii/2[6]
Op. 80 Choral Fantasy, C minor 1808, rev. 1809; 22 December 1808 p: London, 1810; Leipzig, 1811 Maximilian Joseph, King of Bavaria; HS xix/71 x/2[6]
WoO 95 Chor auf die verbündeten Fürsten "Ihr weisen Gründer" September 1814 GA for Congress of Vienna xxv/267 x/2
Op. 136 Der glorreiche Augenblick (The glorious moment) 1814; 29 November 1814 Vienna, 1837 for Congress of Vienna xxi/208 x/1
Op. 112 Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt ("Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage") 1814–15; 25 December 1815 Vienna, 1822 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe xxi/209 x/2
Op. 123 Missa solemnis, D 1819–23; 7 April 1824 Mainz, 1827 Archduke Rudolph (orig. intended for Rudolph's installation as archbishop, 9 March 1820) xxi/203 viii/3[6]
Opferlied "Die Flamme lodert" 1822; 23 December 1822 GA xxv/268
Op. 121b Opferlied, 2nd version 1824 Mainz, 1824 xxii/212 x/2
Op. 122 Bundeslied "In allen guten Stunden" 1823–24 Mainz, 1825 xxii/213 x/2

Other choral works

No. Title Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 102 Abschiedsgesang "Die Stunde schlägt", for male voices 1814 GA Leopold Weiss; at the request of Mathias Tuscher xxv/273
WoO 103 Cantata campestre "Un lieto brindisi", for four voices and piano 1814; 24 June 1814 Jb der Literarischen Vereinigung Winterthur 1945 Giovanni Malfatti HS v xii/1
WoO 104 Gesang der Mönche "Rasch tritt der Tod", from Wilhelm Tell (Schiller), for two tenors and bass 1817 NZM, vi (1839) in memory of Franz Sales Kandler and Wenzel Krumpholz xxiii/255
WoO 105 Hochzeitslied "Auf Freunde, singt dem Gott der Ehen", for tenor (or male solo), chorus and piano 1819 Der Bär 1927 for tenor; London, 1858 for male solo Anna Giannatasio del Rio HS v xii/1
WoO 106 Birthday Cantata for Prince Lobkowitz "Es lebe unser theurer Fürst", for soprano, chorus and piano April 1823 L. Nohl: Neue Briefe Beethovens (Stuttgart, 1867) Prince Lobkowitz xxv/274 xii/1

Solo voices and orchestra

No. Title Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 89 Prüfung des Küssens, aria for bass c. 1790–92 GA xxv/269/1 x/3
WoO 90 Mit Mädeln sich vertragen, aria for bass c. 1790–92 GA xxv/269/2 x/3
WoO 92 Primo amore, scena and aria for soprano c. 1790–92 GA xxv/271 x/3
Op. 65 Ah! perfido, scena and aria for soprano early 1796 p, vs: Leipzig, 1805; s: GA; Countess Josephine de Clary (ded. in MS, not in 1st edition;

text of recitative by Pietro Metastasio from Achille in Sciro

xxii/210 x/3
WoO 92a No, non turbarti, scena and aria for soprano early 1802 Wiesbaden, 1949 HS ii x/3
WoO 93 Ne' giorni tuoi felici, duet for soprano and tenor late 1802 Leipzig, 1939 HS ii, xiv x/3
Op. 116 Tremate, empi, tremate, for soprano, tenor and bass 1802; 1814 p, vs: Vienna, 1826; s: GA xxii:211 x/3
Op. 118 Elegiac song ("Sanft wie du lebtest"), for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and string quartet July 1814 Vienna, 1814 Baron Johann von Pasqualati xxii/214 x/2


No. Title Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 107 Schilderung eines Mädchens ?1783 H.P. Bossler: Blumenlese für Klavierliebhaber, ii (Speyer, 1783) xxiii/228 xii/1
WoO 108 An einen Säugling ?1784 H.P. Bossler: Neue Blumenlese für Klavierliebhaber, ii (Speyer, 1784) xxiii/229 xii/1
WoO 110 Elegie auf den Tod eines Pudels ?c. 1790 ?GA xxv/284 xii/1
WoO 113 Klage c. 1790 GA xxv/283 xii/1
Hess 151 Traute Henriette c. 1790–1792 ÖMz, iv (1949) HS v xii/1
Op. 52 Eight Songs
  1. Urians Reise um die Welt
  2. Feuerfarb
  3. Das Liedchen von der Ruhe
  4. Maigesang
  5. Mollys Abschied
  6. Die Liebe
  7. Marmotte
  8. Das Blümchen Wunderhold
1790–96 Vienna, 1805 xxiii/218 xii/1
WoO 111 Punschlied c. 1791 L. Schiedermair: Der junge Beethoven (Leipzig, 1925/R,3/1951) HS v xii/1
WoO 109 Trinklied c. 1792 GA xxv/282 xii/1
WoO 112 An Laura c. 1792 G. Kinsky: Musik historisches Museum von Wilhelm Heyer in Cöln: Katalog, iv (Cologne, 1916) HS v xii/1
WoO 114 Selbstgespräch c. 1792 GA xxv/275 xii/1
WoO 115 An Minna c. 1792 GA xxv/280 xii/1
WoO 117 Der freie Mann 1792, rev. 1794 Bonn, 1808 xxiii/232; HS v xii/1
WoO 116 Que le temps dure xii/1
Hess 129 ?early 1794 Die Musik, i (1901–02) 1st version of WoO 116 HS v
Hess 130 ?1794 GA 2nd version of WoO 116 HS v
WoO 119 O care selve c. 1794 GA xxv/279 xii/1
WoO 126 Opferlied 1794–95, rev. 1801–02 Bonn, 1808 xxiii/233; HS v xii/1
WoO 118 Two Songs
  1. Seufzer eines Ungeliebten
  2. Gegenliebe
1794–95 Vienna, 1837 xxiii/253 xii/1
Op. 46 Adelaide 1794–95 Vienna, 1797 Friedrich von Matthisson xxiii/216 xii/1
WoO 123 Zärtliche Liebe c. 1795 Vienna, 1803 xxiii/249 xii/1
WoO 124 La partenza c. 1795–1796 Vienna, 1803 xxiii/251 xii/1
WoO 121 Abschiedsgesang an Wiens Bürger 1796 Vienna, 1796 Obrist Wachtmeister von Kövesdy xxiii/230 xii/1
WoO 122 Kriegslied der Österreicher 1797 Vienna, 1797 xxiii/231 xii/1
WoO 125 La tiranna 1798–99 London, 1799 ded. (by W. Wennington) Mrs Tschoffen HS v xii/1
WoO 128 Plaisir d'aimer 1798–99 Die Musik, i (1901–02) HS v xii/1
WoO 127 Neue Liebe, neues Leben 1798–99 Bonn, 1808 HS v xii/1
WoO 74 Ich denke dein
Op. 48 Six Songs
  1. Bitten
  2. Die Liebe des Nächsten
  3. Vom Tode
  4. Die Himmel rühmen des Ewigen Ehre
  5. Gottes Macht und Vorsehung
  6. Busslied
c. 1801 – early 1802[20] Vienna, 1803 Count von Browne xxiii/217 xii/1
WoO 120 Man strebt die Flamme zu verhehlen c. 1802 GA Frau von Weissenthurn xxv/278 xii/1
WoO 129 Der Wachtelschlag 1803 Vienna, 1804 Count von Browne xxiii/234 xii/1
Op. 88 Das Glück der Freundschaft 1803 Vienna, 1803 xxiii/222 xii/1
Op. 32 An die Hoffnung 1805 Vienna, 1805 for Josephine Deym xxiii/215 xii/1
WoO 130 Gedenke mein ?1804–05, rev. 1819–20 Vienna, 1844 xxv/281 xii/1
WoO 132 Als die Geliebte sich trennen wollte 1806 AMZ, xii (1809–10) xxiii/235 xii/1
WoO 133 In questa tomba oscura 1806–07 Vienna, 1808 ded. (by publisher) Prince Lobkowitz xxiii/252 xii/1
WoO 134 Sehnsucht (4 settings) 1807–08 Vienna, 1810 xxiii/250 xii/1
WoO 136 Andenken 1805 Leipzig and London 1810 for Josephine Deym xxiii/248 xii/1
WoO 137 Lied aus der Ferne 1809 Leipzig and London, 1810 xxiii/236 xii/1
WoO 138 Der Jüngling in der Fremde 1809 Vienna, 1810 ded. (by Reissig[21]) Archduke Rudolph xxiii/237 xii/1
WoO 139 Der Liebende 1809 Vienna and London, 1810 ded. (by Reissig) Archduke Rudolph xxiii/238 xii/1
Op. 75 Six Songs
  1. Mignon
  2. Neue Liebe, neues Leben
  3. Aus Goethes Faust
  4. Gretels Warnung
  5. An den fernen Geliebten
  6. Der Zufriedene
1809[22] Leipzig and London, 1810 Princess Caroline Kinsky xxiii/219 xii/1
Op. 82 Four Ariettas and a Duet
  1. Hoffnung
  2. Liebes-Klage
  3. L'amante impatiente
  4. L'amante impetiente
  5. Lebens-Genuss
?1809 Leipzig and London, 1811 xxiii/220 xii/1
Op. 83 Three Songs
  1. Wonne der Wehmut
  2. Sehnsucht
  3. Mit einem gemalten Band
1810 Leipzig, 1811 Princess Caroline Kinsky xxiii/221 xii/1
WoO 140 An die Geliebte (2 versions) December 1811, rev. 1814 1st version: Augsburg, c. 1826; 2nd version: Friedensblätter (12 July 1814) xxiii/243a xii/1
WoO 141 Der Gesang der Nachtigall May 1813 GA xxv/227 xii/1
WoO 142 Der Bardengeist November 1813 Erichson: Musen-Almanach für das Jahr 1814 (Vienna, 1813–14) xxiii/241 xii/1
Op. 94 An die Hoffnung 1813–15 Vienna, 1816 Princess Kinsky xxiii/223 xii/1
WoO 143 Des Kriegers Abschied 1814 Vienna, 1815 ded. (by Reissig) Caroline von Bernath xxiii/240 xii/1
WoO 144 Merkenstein 1814 Selam: ein Almanach für Freunde des Mannigfaltigen auf das Schaltjahr 1816 (Vienna, 1815–16) xxv/276 xii/1
Op. 100 Merkenstein 1814 Vienna, 1816 Count Joseph Karl von Dietrichstein xxiii/226 xii/1
WoO 135 Die laute Klage ?c. 1815 Vienna, 1837 xxiii/254 xii/1
WoO 145 Das Geheimnis 1815 Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, Literatur, Theater und Mode, i (1816) xxiii/245 xii/1
WoO 146 Sehnsucht early 1816 Vienna, 1816 xxiii/239 xii/1
Op. 98 An die ferne Geliebte
  1. Auf dem Hügel sitz ich spähend
  2. Wo die Berge so blau
  3. Leichte Segler in den Höhen
  4. Diese Wolken in den Höhen
  5. Es kehret der Maien
  6. Nimm sie hin denn diese Lieder
1816 Vienna, 1816 Prince Lobkowitz[23] xxiii/224 xii/1
Op. 99 Der Mann von Wort ?May 1816 Vienna, 1816 xxiii/225 xii/1
WoO 147 Ruf von Berge December 1816 Gedichte von Friedrich Treitschke (Vienna, 1817) xxiii/242 xii/1
WoO 148 So oder so 1817 Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, ii (1817) xxiii/224 xii/1
WoO 149 Resignation 1817[24] Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, iii (1818) xxiii/246 xii/1
WoO 150 Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel[25] March 1820 Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, v (1817) xxiii/247 xii/1
Op. 128 Der Kuss November–December 1822 Mainz, 1825 xxiii/227 xii/1
WoO 151 Der edle Mensche sei hülfreich und gut January 1823 G. Lange: Musikgeschichtliches (Berlin, 1900) Baroness Cäcilie von Eskeles HS v


No. Title Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 152 Twenty-five Irish Songs
  1. The Return to Ulster
  2. Sweet power of song
  3. Once more I hail thee
  4. The morning air plays on my face
  5. The Massacre of Glencoe
  6. What shall I do to shew how much I love her?
  7. His boat comes on the sunny tide
  8. Come draw we round a cheerful ring
  9. The Soldier's Dream
  10. The Deserter
  11. Thou emblem of faith
  12. English Bulls
  13. Musing on the roaring ocean
  14. Dermot and Shelah
  15. Let brain-spinning swains
  16. Hide not thy anguish
  17. In vain to this desert, due
  18. They bid me slight my Dermot dear
  19. Wife, Children and Friends
  20. Farewell bliss and farewell Nancy
  21. Morning a cruel turmoiler is
  22. From Garyone, my happy home
  23. A wand'ring gypsy, Sirs am I
  24. The Traugh Welcome
  25. Oh harp of Erin
1810–12 London and Edinburgh, 1814 xxiv/261
WoO 153 Twenty Irish songs
  1. When eve's last rays
  2. No riches from his scanty store
  3. The British Light Dragoons
  4. Since greybeards inform us
  5. I dream'd I lay where flow'rs were springing
  6. Sad and luckless was the season
  7. O soothe me, my lyre
  8. Norah of Balamagairy
  9. The kiss, dear maid, thy lip has left
  10. Oh! thou hapless soldier
  11. When far from the home
  12. I'll praise the Saints
  13. 'Tis sunshine at last
  14. Paddy O'Rafferty
  15. 'Tis but in vain
  16. O might I but my Patrick love
  17. Come, Darby dear
  18. No more, my Mary
  19. Judy, lovely, matchless creature
  20. Thy ship must sail
1810–15 London and Edinburgh, 1814 [nos. 1–4],
1816 [nos. 5–10]; GA
WoO 154 Twelve Irish songs
  1. The Elfin Fairies
  2. Oh harp of Erin
  3. The Farewell Song
  4. The pulse of an Irishman
  5. Oh! who, my dear Dermot
  6. Put round the bright wine
  7. From Garyone, my happy home
  8. Save me from the grave and wise
  9. Oh! would I were but that sweet linnet
  10. The hero may perish
  11. The Soldier in a Foreign Land
  12. He promised me at parting
1812–13 (London and Edinburgh, 1816
[without nos. 2 and 7]); GA
WoO 155 Twenty-six Welsh songs
  1. Sion, the son of Evan
  2. The Monks of Bangor's March
  3. The Cottage Maid
  4. Love without Hope
  5. A golden robe my love shall wear
  6. The fair Maid of Mona
  7. Oh let the night my blushes hide
  8. Farewell, thou noisy town
  9. To the Aeolian Harp
  10. Ned Pugh's Farewell
  11. Merch Megan
  12. Waken lords and ladies gay
  13. Helpless Woman
  14. The Dream
  15. When mortals all to rest retire
  16. The Damsels of Cardigan
  17. The Dairy House
  18. Sweet Richard
  19. The Vale of Clwyd
  20. To the Blackbird
  21. Cupid's Kindness
  22. Constancy
  23. The Old Strain
  24. Three Hundred Pounds
  25. The Parting Kiss
  26. Good Night
1809 London and Edinburgh, 1817 xxiii/219 xi/1[6]
Op. 108 Twenty-five Scottish Songs
  1. Music, Love and Wine
  2. Sunset
  3. Oh! sweet were the hours
  4. The Maid of Isla
  5. The sweetest lad was Jamie
  6. Dim, dim is my eye
  7. Bonnie laddie, highland ladddie
  8. The lovely lass of Inverness
  9. Behond my love how green the groves
  10. Sympathy
  11. Oh! thou art the lad
  12. Oh, had my fate
  13. Come fill, fill, my good fellow
  14. O, how can I be blithe
  15. O cruel was my father
  16. Could this ill world
  17. O Mary, at thy window
  18. Enchantress, farewell
  19. O swiftly glides the bonny boat
  20. Faithfu' Johnie
  21. Jeannie's Distress
  22. The Highland Watch
  23. The Shepherd's Song
  24. Again my lyre
  25. Sally in our Alley
1815–18 London and Edinburgh, 1818 xxiv/257 xi/1[6]
WoO 156 Twelve Scottish songs
  1. The Banner of Buccleuch
  2. Duncan Gray
  3. Up! Quit thy bower
  4. Ye shepherds of this pleasant vale
  5. Cease your funning
  6. Highland Harry
  7. Polly Stewart
  8. Womankind
  9. Lochnagar
  10. Glencoe
  11. Auld lang syne
  12. The Quaker's Wife
1815–19 London and Edinburgh, 1822 [no.1],
1824–25 [nos. 2–4, 8, 9, 12],
1839 [nos. 5–6],
1841 [nos. 7, 10, 11); GA
xxiv/260 xi/1[6]
WoO 157 Twelve songs of various nationalities
  1. God Save the King
  2. The Soldier
  3. O Charlie is my darling
  4. O sanctissima
  5. The Miller of the Dee
  6. A health to the brave
  7. Since all thy vows, false maid
  8. By the side of the Shannon
  9. Highlander's Lament
  10. Sir Johnie Cope
  11. The wandering minstrel
  12. La gondoletta
1815–20 London and Edinburgh, 1816 [nos. 2, 6, 8, 11],
1822 [no. 3],
1824–25 [no. 5],
1839 [no. 1]); GA
xxiv/259 xi/1, xi/3[6]
WoO 158a Twenty-three songs of various nationality
  1. Ridder Stig tjener i Kongens Gaard
  2. Horch auf, mein Liebchen
  3. Wegen meiner bleib d'Fräula
  4. Wann i in der Früh aufsteh
  5. I bin a Tyroler Bua
  6. A Madel, ja a Madel
  7. Wer solche Buema afipackt
  8. Ih mag di nit
  9. Oj upiłem sie w karczmie
  10. Poszła baba po popiół
  11. Yo no quiero embarcarme
  12. Seus lindos olhos
  13. Im Walde sind viele Mücklein geboren
  14. Ach Bächlein, Bächlein, kühle Wasser
  15. Unsere Mädchen gingen in den Wald
  16. Schöne Minka, ich muss scheiden
  17. Lilla Carl, sov sött i frid
  18. An ä Bergli bin i gesässe
  19. Una paloma blanca
  20. Como la mariposa
  21. La tirana se embarca
  22. Édes kinos emlékezet
  23. Da brava
1816–17 Die Musik, ii (1902–03) [no. 19], J. Schmidt-Görg:
Unbekannte Manuskripte zu Beethovens weltlicher
und geistlicher Gesangsmusik
(Bonn, 1928) [no. 17],
complete (Leipzig, 1943)
HS xiv xi/3[6]
WoO 158b Seven British songs
  1. Adieu my lov'd harp
  2. Castle O'Neill
  3. Oh was not I a weary wight
  4. Red gleams the sun
  5. Erin! oh, Erin!
  6. O Mary ye's be clad in silk
  7. Lament for Owen Roe O'Neill
1813–17 HS xiv xi/1, xi/3[6]
WoO 158c Six songs of various nationality
  1. When my hero in court appears
  2. Non, non, Collette n'est point trompeuse
  3. Mark yonder pomp of costly fashion
  4. Bonnie wee thing
  5. From thee, Eliza, I must go
  6. Text unidentified
1817–20 HS xiv xi/1, xi/3[6]
Hess 168 Air français 1817 HS xiv xi/3
Hess 133–134 Two Austrian folksongs
  1. Das liebe Kätzchen
  2. Der Knabe auf dem Berge
1820 Niederrheinische Musikzeitung, xiii (1865) xi/3

Wind band

No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 29 March for clarinets, horns and bassoons, B 1797–98 GA xxv/292 vi/1[6]
WoO 18 March No. 1 for Military Band Yorckscher Marsch, F 1809, rev. 1810 pf red.: Prague, ?1809; s: Berlin, 1818–19 Archduke Anton of Austria (on autograph) xxv/287/1; HS iv; HS Viii (pf) ii/4[6]
Trio to WoO 18, B c. 1822 HS HS iv ii/4
WoO 19 March No 2. for Military Band, F 1810 pf red.: Vienna, 1810 Archduke Anton of Austria (on autograph) xxv/287/2; HS iv ii/4[6]
Trio to WoO 19, f c. 1822 HS HS iv ii/4
WoO 20 March for Military Band, C c. 1810 GA xxv/288; HS iv ii/4[6]
Trio to WoO 20, F c. 1822 xxv/288 ii/4
WoO 21 Polonaise for Military Band, D 1810 GA xxv/289 ii/4[6]
WoO 22 Ecossaise for Military Band, D 1810 GA xxv/290 ii/4[6]
WoO 23 Ecossaise for Military Band, G c. 1810 pf red. in Czerny's Musikalisches Pfennig-Magazin, i (Vienna, 1834) only a piano arrangement by Carl Czerny is extant xxv/306 (pf) ii/4[6]
WoO 24 March for Military Band, D 1816 pf red.: Vienna, 1827 ii/15 ii/4[6]

Collections of dances

No. Title Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 7 Twelve Minuets for orchestra 1795 Vienna, 1795 ii/16 ii/3
WoO 8 Twelve German Dances for orchestra 1795 Vienna, 1795 ii/17 ii/3
WoO 9 Six minuets for two violins and double bass ?before 1795 Mainz, 1933 authenticity not fully confirmed HS vi ii/3
WoO 10 Six Minuets for piano 1795 Vienna, 1796 orchestral version probably existed xviii/194
WoO 42 Six German Dances for violin and piano 1796 Vienna, 1814 xxv/308 v/2
WoO 11 Seven Ländler for piano 1799 Vienna, 1799 version for two violins and cello probably existed xviii/198
WoO 13 Twelve German Dances for piano c. 1792–97 Vienna, Prague and Leipzig, 1929 orchestral version probably existed HS viii
WoO 14 Twelve Contredanses for orchestra c. 1791–1801[26] p: Vienna, 1802; s: GA ii/17a ii/3
WoO 15 Six Ländler for two violins and double bass 1802 Vienna, 1802; s: GA xxv/291 ii/3
WoO 83 Six Ecossaises for piano c. 1806 Vienna, 1807; GA xxv/302
WoO 17 Eleven "Mödlinger Tänze" for flutes, clarinets, horns, violins and double bass 1819 Leipzig, 1907 probably spurious[27] HS vii

Canons and musical jokes

No. Title, key[28] Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 159 Im Arm der Liebe, F c. 1795 I. von Seyfried: Ludwig van Beethovens Studien im Generalbass (Vienna, 1832) Contrapuntal study for Albrechtsberger xxiii/256/1 xiii/1
WoO 160/1 O Care selve c. 1795 Seyfried (1832) Contrapuntal study for Albrechtsberger HS v xiii/1
WoO 160/2 Canon, C c. 1795 Seyfried (1832) Contrapuntal study for Albrechtsberger HS v xiii/1
Canon 1796–97 J. Kerman, ed.: Ludwig van Beethoven: Autograph Miscellany from circa 1786 to 1799 (London, 1970)
Hess 276 Herr Graf, ich komme zu fragen ?1797 HS HS v
WoO 100 Schuppanzigh ist ein Lump 1801 Grove1 for Ignaz Schuppanzigh HS v
WoO 101 Graf, Graf, Graf, Graf 1802 A.W. Thayer: Chronologisches Vezeichniss der Werke Ludwig van Beethoven (Berlin, 1865) for Nikolaus Zmeskall HS v
Hess 274 Canon, G 1803 N. Fishman: Kniga ėskizov Bėtkhoven za 1802–1806 godï (Moscow, 1962) HS ix
Hess 229 Languisco e moro 1803 Fishman (1962) HS xiv
Hess 275 Canon, A 1803 HS HS
WoO 162 Ta ta ta...lieber Mälzel spurious: apparently written by Anton Schindler[29] HS vii
WoO 161 Ewig dein, C ?c. 1811 AMZ, new series, i (1863) xxiii/256/14
WoO 163 Kurz ist der Schmerz, F minor November 1813 NZM, xi (1841), for Friedrich Naue xxiii/256/3a
WoO 199[29] Ich bin der Herr von zu, D 1814 for Archduke Rudolph
WoO 164 Freundschaft ist die Quelle, C Sept 1814 GA xxv/285/2
WoO 165 Glück zum neuen Jahr, E January 1815 Vienna, 1816 for Baron von Pasqualati xxiii/256/16
WoO 166 Kurz ist der Schmerz, F March 1815 GA for Louis Spohr xxiii/256/3b
WoO 167 Brauchle, Linke, C c. 1815 Thayer, 1865 for Johann Xaver Brauchle and Joseph Linke HS v
WoO 168/1 Lerne schweigen, F minor January 1816 Wiener allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, i (1816) for Charles Neate xxiii/256/5
WoO 168/2 Rede, rede, F January 1816 GA for Charles Neate xxiii/256/4
WoO 169 Ich küsse Sie, C January 1816 Die Jahrenszeien, xii/3 (1853) for Anna Milder-Hauptmann HS v
WoO 170 Ars longa, vita brevis, C April 1816 L. Nohl: Neue Briefe Beethovens (Stuttgart, 1867) for Johann Nepomuk Hummel HS v
WoO 171 Glück fehl' dir vor allem, G 1817 T. von Frimmel: Neue Beethoveniana (Vienna, 1888) for Anna Giannatasio del Rio HS v
WoO 172 Ich bitt' dich schrreib' mir die Es-Scala auf, E ?c. 1818 GA for Vincenz Hauschka xxiii/256/15
WoO 201[29] Ich bin bereit! Amen, C 1818 for Vincenz Hauschka
WoO 173 Hol'euch der Teufel!, B sum. 1819 Thayer (1865) for Sigmund Anton Steiner HS v
WoO 174 Glaube und hoffe Sept 1819 L. Nohl: Briefe Beethovens (Stuttgart 1865) for Maurice Schlesinger xxv/285/3
WoO 176 Glück zum neuen Jahr!, F December 1819 GA for Countess Erdödy xxiii/256/6
WoO 179 Alles Gute! alles Schöne, C December 1819 Nohl (1865) for Archduke Rudolph xxiii/256/7
Hess 300 Liebe mich, werter Weissenbach ? January 1820 J. Schmidt-Görg, ed.: Drei Skizzenbücher zur Missa Solemnis, i (Bonn, 1952) for Aloys Weissenbach
Hess 301 Wähner ... es sei kein Wahn ? January 1820 J. Schmidt-Görg, ed.: Drei Skizzenbücher zur Missa Solemnis, i (Bonn, 1952) Friedrich Wähner
WoO 175 Sankt Petrus war ein Fels; Bernardus war ein Sankt ? January 1820 Thayer (1865) for Carl Peters and Carl Bernard HS v
WoO 180 Hoffman, sei ja kein Hofmann, C March 1820 Caecilia, i (1825) xxiii/256/8
WoO 177 Bester Magistrat, Ihr friert, E c. 1820 D. MacArdle and L. Misch: New Beethoven Letters (Norman, OK, 1957) HS v
WoO 178 Signor Abate, B ?c. 1820 GA for the Abbé Maximilian Stadler xxiii/256/13
WoO 181/1 Gedenket heute an Baden, C c. 1820 GA xxv/285/4
WoO 181/2 Gehabt euch wohl, C c. 1820 Festschrift Arnold Scherings (Berlin, 1937) HS v
WoO 181/3 Tugent ist kein leerer Name c. 1820 HS v
WoO 182 O Tobias, d Sept 1821 AMZ, new series, i (1863) for Tobias Haslinger xxiii/256/9
WoO 183 Berster Herr Graf, Sie sind ein Schaf!, F February 1823 Mf, vii (1954) for Count Moritz Lichnowsky HS v
WoO 184 Falstafferel, lass' dich sehen!, G April 1823 Die Musik, ii (1902–03) for Schuppanzigh HS v
WoO 185 Edel sei der Mensch, E ? May 1823 Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, viii (1823) for Louis Schlösser xxiii/256/10
Hess 263 Te solo adoro ?1824 HS for Carlos Evasio Soliva HS v
Hess 264 Te solo adoro[30] ?1824 HS for Carlos Evasio Soliva HS v
WoO 186 Te solo adoro June 1824 GA for Carlos Evasio Soliva xxv/285/1
WoO 187 Schwenke dich ohne Schwänke!, F November 1824 Caecilia, i/7 (1825) for Carl Schwänke xxiii/256/11
WoO 188 Gott ist eine fest Burg, B January 1825 F. Prelinger: Beethovens sämtliche Briefe, iv (Vienna, 1909) for Oberst von Düsterlohe HS v
WoO 203 Das Schöne zu dem Guten 1825 L. Rellstab: Garten und Wald, iv (Leipzig, 1854) for Ludwig Rellstab HS v
WoO 189 Doktor, sperrt das Tor dem Tod, C May 1825 Nohl (1865) for Anton Braunhofer HS v
WoO 190 Ich war hier, Doktor, C June 1825 ?HS for Anton Braunhofer HS v
WoO 191 Kühl, nicht lau, B Sept 1825 Seyfried (1832) for Friedrich Kuhlau xxiii/256/12
WoO 192 Ars longa, vita brevis, F Sept 1825 Thayer (1865) for Sir George Smart HS v
WoO 194 Si non per portas, per muros, F Sept 1825 Marx (1859), ii for Maurice Schlesinger xxiii/256/17
WoO 195 Freu' dich des Lebens, C December 1825 GA for Theodor Molt xxv/285/5
WoO 193 Ars longa, vita brevis, C ?c. 1825 facsimile in auction catalogue no. 120 of Henrici (Berlin, 1927) HS v
Bester Magistrat ?April 1826 unpublished, appears in the sketchbook 'Autograph 24'
WoO 196 Es muss sein, F ?July 1826 A.W. Thayer: Ludwig van Beethovens Leben, ed. H. Riemann, v (Leipzig, 1908) for "Hofkriegsagent" Dembscher HS v
Hess 277 Esel aller Esel ?Sept 1826 HS HS v
WoO 197 Da ist das Werk, C Sept 1826 Zürich, 1949 for Holz HS v
WoO 198 Wir irren allesamt December 1826 Nohl (1865) for Holz HS v


No. Title, key Composition, first performance Publication Dedication, remarks GA NA
WoO 31 Fugue for organ, D 1783 GA xxv/309
Various dances, kbd exercises, entered among sketches for larger works but probably not intended for publication mostly 1790–98 transcr. selectively in writings of G. Nottebohm: many pubd in Kerman, ed. (I(ii)1970) HS ix
Contrapuntal exercises prepared for Haydn and Albrechtsberger 1793–95 Nottebohm: Beethovens Studien (Leipzig, 1873), selective transcr. HS vi, xiv xiii/1[6]
WoO 33/1 Adagio for mechanical clock, F 1799 Die Musik, i (1902) HS vii vi/1[6]
WoO 33/2 Scherzo for mechanical clock, G 1799–1800 G. Becking Studien zu Betthovens Personalstil: das Scherzothema (Leipzig, 1921) HS vii vi/1[6]
WoO 33/3 Allegro for mechanical clock, G ?c. 1799 Ricordiana, iii (1957) HS vii vi/1[6]
WoO 33/4 Allegro for mechanical clock, C ?1794 Mainz, 1940 HS vii vi/1[6]
WoO 33/5 Allegretto for mechanical clock, C ?1794 Mainz, 1940 HS vii vi/1[6]
Hess 107 Grenadiermarsch for mechanical clock,[31] F ?c. 1798 Beethoven-Almanach der Deutschen Musikbücherei auf das Jahr 1927 (Regensburg, 1927) Prince Joseph Johann zu Schwarzenberg HS vii vi/1
WoO 99 Exercises in Italian declamation prepared for Salieri 1801–02 Nottebohm (1873) [selective]; HS i [complete] HS i xiii/1
WoO 58 Cadenzas to first movement and finale of Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 20 (K. 466), d ?1809 1st movt: Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst... (23 January 1836); finale: GA; written for Ferdinand Ries ix/70a/11–12 vii/7
WoO 200 Theme for variations by the Archduke Rudolph, with text "O Hoffnung" 1818 Vienna, 1819
Various musical greetings, in letters and diaries

List of works by Beethoven


The following is a list of Beethoven's works, sorted by Opus number, followed by works listed as WoO in the Kinsky–Halm Catalogue, and then works listed in the appendix of that catalogue, which are given "Anhang" numbers. These are followed by additional works with Hess numbers listed in the catalogue of Willy Hess that are not otherwise listed in the Kinsky–Halm Catalogue. Lastly there are works with Biamonti numbers (Bia.), from the Biamonti Catalogue, an attempt to catalogue everything that Beethoven wrote in chronological order, though there are works that were not known at the time it was compiled. Thus there is no definitive catalogue of Beethoven's works to match the Deutsch catalogue for Schubert or the Köchel catalogue for Mozart.

Works with opus numbers


The opus numbers were assigned by publishers to Beethoven's works as they were published. The opus numbers do not include all works that were published in Beethoven's lifetime nor are they in chronological order. For instance, the Octet Op. 103 was written before November 1792, while Op. 102 and Op. 104 were written in 1815 and 1817 respectively.

Works with WoO numbers


The numbers and categories used below are from the Kinsky–Halm Catalogue of 1955. WoO is an abbreviation of "Werke ohne Opuszahl", German for "Works without Opus number". While some of these works were published during Beethoven's lifetime but not given opus numbers, for instance the piano variations WoO 80, others like Für Elise WoO 59 were not published until later. Unlike with opus numbers which were assigned depending on when the works were published, WoO numbers were assigned by genre.

Instrumental works: WoO 1–86

Orchestral works

Orchestra alone

  • WoO 1: Musik zu einem Ritterballett (Music for a ballet on horseback) (1790–01)
  • WoO 2a: Triumphal March for orchestra for Christoph Kuffner [de]'s tragedy Tarpeja (1813)
  • WoO 2b: Introduction to Act II of Leonore (1805)
  • WoO 3: "Gratulations-Menuett", minuet for orchestra (1822)



  • WoO 7: Twelve minuets for orchestra (later arranged for piano, Hess 101) (1795)
  • WoO 8: Twelve German Dances for orchestra (later arranged for piano, Hess 100) (1795)
  • WoO 9: Six minuets for two violins and double bass (authenticity not fully confirmed) (?before 1795)
  • WoO 10: Six minuets for orchestra (original version lost, only an arrangement for piano is extant) (1795)
  • WoO 11: Seven Ländler for two violins and cello (original version lost, only an arrangement for piano is extant) (1799)
  • WoO 12: Twelve minuets for orchestra (spurious, actually by Beethoven's brother Carl[33]) (1799)
  • WoO 13: Twelve German Dances for orchestra (original version lost, only an arrangement for piano is extant) (1792–97)
  • WoO 14: Twelve contredanses for orchestra (nos. 1–2, 4–5, 7–10, 12, later arranged for piano, Hess 102) (1791–1801)
  • WoO 15: Six Ländler for two violins and double bass (later arranged for piano) (1802)
  • WoO 16: Twelve Écossaises for orchestra (fraudulent[34]) (1806)
  • WoO 17: Eleven "Mödlinger Tänze" for seven instruments (probably spurious) (1819)

Marches and dances for winds

  • WoO 18: March for Military Band "Für die Böhmische Landwehr" ["For the Bohemian Ward"] (later arranged for piano, Hess 99) (1809)
  • WoO 19: March for Military Band "Pferdemusik" ["Horse-music"] (1810)
  • WoO 20: March for Military Band "Zapfenstreich" ["The Tattoo"] (1810)
  • WoO 21: Polonaise for Military Band (1810)
  • WoO 22: Écossaise for Military Band (1810)
  • WoO 23: Écossaise for Military Band (only a piano arrangement by Carl Czerny is extant) (1810)
  • WoO 24: March for Military Band (1816)
Chamber works

Without piano

  • WoO 25: Rondo for wind octet (believed to be the original finale of the Octet, opus 103) (1792)
  • WoO 26: Duo for two flutes (1792)
  • WoO 27: Three duets for clarinet and bassoon (probably spurious)
  • WoO 28: Variations for two oboes and English horn on "Là ci darem la mano" from Mozart's opera Don Giovanni (1795)
  • WoO 29: March for Wind Sextet in B (1797–98)
  • WoO 30: Three Equale for four trombones (vocal arrangements of these were performed at Beethoven's funeral) (1812)
  • WoO 31: Fugue for organ (1783)
  • WoO 32: Duo for viola and cello, "mit zwei obligaten Augengläsern" ("with two obbligato eyeglasses") (1796–97)
  • WoO 33: Five pieces for mechanical clock (1794–1800)
  • WoO 34: Duet for two violins (1822)
  • WoO 35: Canon for two violins (1825)

With piano

Piano works for 2 or 4 hands

Sonatas and single-movement works


  • WoO 63: Nine variations for piano on a march by Ernst Christoph Dressler (1782)
  • WoO 64: Six Variations on a Swiss song for piano or harp (1790–1792)
  • WoO 65: Twenty-four variations for piano on Vincenzo Righini's aria "Venni Amore" (1790–1791)
  • WoO 66: Thirteen variations for piano on the aria "Es war einmal ein alter Mann" from Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf's opera Das rote Käppchen (1792)
  • WoO 67: Eight variations for piano four hands on a theme by Count Waldstein (1792)
  • WoO 68: Twelve variations for piano on the "Menuet a la Vigano" from Jakob Haibel's ballet Le nozze disturbate (1795)
  • WoO 69: Nine variations for piano on "Quant'e piu bello" from Giovanni Paisiello's opera La Molinara (1795)
  • WoO 70: Six variations for piano on "Nel cor più non mi sento" from Giovanni Paisiello's opera La Molinara (1795)
  • WoO 71: Twelve variations for piano on the Russian dance from Paul Wranitzky's ballet Das Waldmädchen (1796–1797)
  • WoO 72: Eight variations for piano on "Une Fièvre Brûlante" from André Ernest Modeste Grétry's opera Richard Coeur-de-lion (1795)
  • WoO 73: Ten variations for piano on "La stessa, la stessissima" from Antonio Salieri's opera Falstaff (1799)
  • WoO 74: "Ich denke dein" – song with six variations for piano four hands (1799)
  • WoO 75: Seven variations for piano on "Kind, willst du ruhig schlafen" from Peter Winter's opera Das unterbrochene Opferfest (1799)
  • WoO 76: Eight variations for piano on "Tändeln und scherzen" from Franz Xaver Süssmayr's opera Soliman II (1799)
  • WoO 77: Six easy variations on an original theme for piano (1800)
  • WoO 78: Seven variations for piano on "God Save the King" (1802–1803)
  • WoO 79: Five variations for piano on "Rule Britannia!" (1803)
  • WoO 80: Thirty-two variations on an original theme in C minor for piano (1806)


  • WoO 81: Allemande for piano in A major (1793)
  • WoO 82: Minuet for piano in E major (1803)
  • WoO 83: Six Écossaises for piano in E major (1806)
  • WoO 84: Waltz for piano in E major (1824)
  • WoO 85: Waltz for piano in D major (1825)
  • WoO 86: Écossaise for piano in E major (1825)

Vocal works: WoO 87–205

Cantatas, choruses and arias with orchestra
  • WoO 87: Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II (1790)
  • WoO 88: Cantata on the Accession of Emperor Leopold II (1790)
  • WoO 89: Aria "Prüfung des Küssens" (1790–92)
  • WoO 90: Aria "Mit Mädeln sich vertragen" (1790–92)
  • WoO 91: Two arias for Die Schöne Schusterin (1795–96)
  • WoO 92: Aria "Primo Amore" (1790–92)
  • WoO 92a: Aria "No, non turbati" (1802)
  • WoO 93: Duet "Nei giorni tuoi felici" (1802)
  • WoO 94: "Germania", aria with chorus in B major (1814)
  • WoO 95: Chorus for the Congress of Vienna (1815)
  • WoO 96: Incidental Music to Leonore Prohaska (1815)
  • WoO 97: "Es ist vollbracht" for Die Ehrenpforten (1815)
  • WoO 98: "Wo sich die Pulse", chorus for The Consecration of the House (1822)
Works for multiple voices with piano accompaniment, or unaccompanied
  • WoO 99 – Polyphonic songs (Italian Part-songs)[35]
    • No. 1 Bei labbri che amore (Hess 211) (old no. 1)
    • No. 2 Ma tu tremi (Hess 212) (old no. 6)
    • No. 3 E pur fra le tempeste (Hess 232)
    • No. 4 Sei mio ben (Hess 231)
    • No. 5a Giura il nocchier (Hess 227) (old no. 5b)
    • No. 5b Giura il nocchier (Hess 230)
    • No. 5c Giura il nocchier (Hess 221) (old no. 5a)
    • No. 6 Ah rammenta
    • No. 7 Chi mai di questo core (Hess 214) (old no. 2)
    • No. 8 Scrivo in te (Hess 215) (old no. 11)
    • No. 9 Per te d'amico aprile (Hess 216) (old no. 9)
    • No. 10a Nei campi e nelle selve (Hess 217) (old no. 7a)
    • No. 10b Nei campi e nelle selve (Hess 220) (old no. 7b)
    • No. 11a Fra tutte le pene (Hess 208) (old no. 3a)
    • No. 11b Fra tutte le pene (Hess 225/209) (old no. 3b)
    • No. 11c Fra tutte le pene (Hess 224/210) (old no. 3c)
    • No. 12a Salvo tu vuoi lo sposo
    • No. 12b Salvo tu vuoi lo sposo (Hess 228)
    • No. 13a Quella cetra ah pur tu sei (Hess 218) (old no. 10b)
    • No. 13b Quella cetra ah pur tu sei (Hess 219) (old no. 10c)
    • No. 13c Quella cetra ah pur tu sei (Hess 213) (old no. 10a)
    • No. 14a Gia la notte savvicina (Hess 223) (old no. 4b)
    • No. 14b Gia la notte savvicina (Hess 222) (old no. 4a)
    • No. 15 Silvio amante disperato (lost) (Hess 226) (old no. 12)
  • WoO 100: Musical joke for three voices "Lob auf den Dicken"
  • WoO 101: Musical joke for three voices and chorus "Graf, Graf, liebster Graf"
  • WoO 102: Chorus for male voices "Abschiedsgesang"
  • WoO 103: Cantata Un lieto Brindisi
  • WoO 104: "Gesang der Mönche" from Schiller's Wilhelm Tell for three male voices
  • WoO 105: Song for solo voice, chorus and piano "Hochzeitslied"
  • WoO 106: Birthday Cantata for Prince Lobkowitz
Lieder and songs for solo voice and piano
  • WoO 107–151: Forty-five songs
Folksong arrangements for one or more voices, with piano trio accompaniment
  • WoO 152: Twenty-five Irish folksongs
  • WoO 153: Twenty Irish folksongs
  • WoO 154: Twelve Irish folksongs
  • WoO 155: Twenty-six Welsh folksongs
  • WoO 156: Twelve Scottish folksongs
  • WoO 157: Twelve folksongs of various nationalities
  • WoO 158a: Twenty-three continental folksongs
  • WoO 158b: Seven British folksongs
  • WoO 158c: Six assorted folksongs
  • WoO 158d: "Air Français"
Vocal canons
  • WoO 159–198: Forty Canons
Musical jokes, quips, and dedications
  • WoO 199: Musical joke "Ich bin der Herr von zu"
  • WoO 200: Piano Exercise "O Hoffnung!"
  • WoO 201: Musical joke "Ich bin bereit!"
  • WoO 202: Riddle canon "Das Schöne zu dem Guten" (first version)
  • WoO 203: Riddle canon "Das Schöne zu dem Guten" (second version)
  • WoO 204: Musical joke "Holz, Holz, Geigt die Quartette So" (Spurious, actually composed by Karl Holz[36])
  • WoO 205: Ten musical quips (Kinsky's word is "Notenscherze") from Beethoven's letters

Added works: WoO 206–228


The 2014 revision to the Kinsky catalogue, edited by Dorfmüller, Gertsch and Ronge, assigned WoO numbers to a number of works that appear in other listings.[36]

  • WoO 206: Oboe Concerto in F major (lost; only incipits and draft of 2nd movement extant) [1] (Hess 12)
  • WoO 207: Romance cantabile for soloists and orchestra (Hess 13)
  • WoO 208: Wind Quintet in E (fragment) (Hess 19)
  • WoO 209: Minuet in A for string quartet (Hess 33, piano version Hess 88)
  • WoO 210: Allegretto for string quartet in B minor (Pencarrow Quartet, Gardi 16)
  • WoO 211: Andante in C major (Biamonti 52)
  • WoO 212: Anglaise for piano in D major (Hess 61)
  • WoO 213a: Andante (bagatelle) in D major (Biamonti 283)
  • WoO 213b: Finale (bagatelle) in G major (Biamonti 282)
  • WoO 213c: Allegro (bagatelle) in A major (second part of the Allegro in A and A, Biamonti 284)
  • WoO 213d: Rondo (bagatelle) in A major (Biamonti 275)
  • WoO 214: Allegretto (bagatelle) in C minor (Hess 69)
  • WoO 215: Fugue in C major (Hess 64)
  • WoO 216a: Bagatelle in C major for piano (Hess 73)
  • WoO 216b: Bagatelle in E major (Hess 74)
  • WoO 217: Minuet in F major (Biamonti 66)
  • WoO 218: Minuet in C major (Biamonti 74)
  • WoO 219: Waltz or Ländler in C minor (Hess 68)
  • WoO 220: Kriegslied für die verbündeten Heere (lost) (Hess 123)
  • WoO 221: Canon, Herr Graf (Hess 276)
  • WoO 222: Canon in A major (Hess 275, Hess 328)
  • WoO 223: Thut auf (Biamonti 752)
  • WoO 224: Cacatum non est Pictum (Gardi 9)
  • WoO 225: Grossen Dank für solche Gnade (Hess 303)
  • WoO 226: Fettlümerl und Bankert haben triumphirt (Hess 260)
  • WoO 227: Musical joke "Esel aller Esel" (Hess 277)
  • WoO 228a: Musical joke "Ah, Tobias" (Gardi 14)
  • WoO 228b: Musical joke "Tobias" (Hess 285)

Works with Anhang (Anh.) and Unvollendete (Unv.) numbers


These are works from the Appendix (Anhang in German) of Kinsky's catalog that were attributed to Beethoven at the time the catalog was compiled, but might not have been written by him. The 2014 revision to the Kinsky catalogue, edited by Dorfmüller, Gertsch and Ronge also introduced the category of Unvollendete (unfinished works), for several works that had previously appeared in other listings.[36]

  • Anh. 1: Symphony in C major ("Jena Symphony") (spurious, actually composed by Friedrich Witt[37])
  • Anh. 2: Six string quartets (doubtful)
  • Anh. 3: Piano trio in D major (spurious, actually composed by Beethoven's brother Karl[36])
  • Anh. 4: Sonata for piano and flute in B major (not certain)
  • Anh. 5: Two piano sonatinas (probably spurious)
    1. Sonatina in G major
    2. Sonatina in F major
  • Anh. 6: Rondo for piano in B major (spurious, actually composed by Beethoven's brother Karl[36])
  • Anh. 7: Piano concerto (Allegro) in D major (first movement) (probably by Johann Joseph Rösler)
  • Anh. 8: Three pieces for piano four-hands (spurious, actually composed by Leopold Anton Koželuch[38])
  • Anh. 9: Nine German dances for piano four-hands (probably doubtful)
  • Anh. 10: Eight variations on the song "Ich hab'ein kleines Hüttchen nur" for piano in B major (doubtful)
  • Anh. 11: "Alexandermarsch" for Louis Duport ballet "Der blode Ritter" march for piano in F major (probably doubtful)
  • Anh. 12: "Pariser Einzugsmarsch" march for piano in C major (spurious, actually composed by Johann Heinrich Walch)
  • Anh. 13: Funeral march for piano in F minor (spurious, actually composed by Johann Heinrich Walch,[39] but still popularly called "Beethoven's Funeral March" in the UK; where it is famously played during the Remembrance Sunday service at the Cenotaph[40])
  • Anh. 14: Six piano waltzes (probably spurious)
  • Anh. 15: "Glaube, Liebe, und Hoffnung" waltz for piano in F major, most known as "Adieu to the piano" (probably doubtful[41])
  • Anh. 16: Four piano waltzes
    1. "Jubelwalzer" waltz for piano in C major (probably doubtful)
    2. "Gertruds Traumwalzer" waltz for piano in B major, most known as "Gertrude's Dream Waltz" (spurious, author unknown[42])
    3. "Sonnenscheinwalzer" waltz for piano in E major (probably doubtful)
    4. "Mondscheinwalzer" waltz for piano in A major (probably doubtful)
  • Anh. 17: "Introduction and Waltz (Klavierstück)" waltz for piano in F major (probably doubtful)
  • Anh. 18: "An Sie" or "Nachruf" song in A major (Voice and Piano or Guitar) (probably doubtful)
  • Unv. 1 Symphony in C minor = Hess 298
  • Unv. 2 Sketches for a symphony in C (parts of which were reused for Symphony #1) = Biamonti 73
  • Unv. 3 Symphony No. 10 = Biamonti 838
  • Unv. 4 Sketches for a BACH Overture = Biamonti 832
  • Unv. 5 Concertante in D = Gardi 3
  • Unv. 6 Piano Concerto #6 in D = Hess 15
  • Unv. 7 String Quintet movement in D minor = Hess 40
  • Unv. 8 Duo for Violin and Cello in E-flat = Gardi 2
  • Unv. 9 Allegretto in E-flat for Piano Trio = Hess 48
  • Unv. 10 Piano Trio in F minor = Biamonti 637
  • Unv. 11 Violin Sonata in A = Hess 46
  • Unv. 12 Fantasia/Piano Sonata in D = Biamonti 213
  • Unv. 13 Piano Sonata in E-flat (found at Fischhof 42v, previously uncatalogued)
  • Unv. 14 Variations for Piano in A (found at Fischhof 25v through 26v, previously uncatalogued)
  • Unv. 15 Opera, Vestas Feuer = Hess 115
  • Unv. 16 Opera, Macbeth = Biamonti 454 (Beethoven is believed to have intended to write the opera Macbeth; a performing version of possible sketches was assembled by Albert Willem Holsbergen between 1999 and 2001. The premiere performance of the Beethoven Macbeth Overture was by the National Symphony Orchestra on September 20–22, 2001, under the direction of Leonard Slatkin).[43]
  • Unv. 17 Cantata, Europens Befreiungsstunde = Hess 317
  • Unv. 18 Östreich über alles, Song for Chorus and Orchestra, Biamonti 477
  • Unv. 19 Cantata for voice and piano in B-flat, (found in Fischhof f.1v, Kafka f.100r and a.66 f.1r. previously uncatalogued)
  • Unv. 20 Lamentations of Jeremiah = Gardi 4
  • Unv. 21 Song, "Traute Henriette" = Hess 151
  • Unv. 22 Song, "Rastlose Liebe" = Hess 149
  • Unv. 23 Song, "Heidenröslein" = Hess 150

Works with Hess numbers


Works with Hess number


These works have numbers that were assigned by Willy Hess in his catalogue of Beethoven's works.[44] Many of the works in the Hess catalog also have WoO or Unv. numbers; those entries are not listed here.

  • Hess 1: Original ending to first movement of Symphony No. 8 (1812)
  • Hess 3: Twelve Ecossaise for piano or orchestra
  • Hess 11: Romance No. 3 for violin & orchestra (1816)
  • Hess 14: Fragment of original version of Piano Concerto No. 2 (1794–95)
  • Hess 16: Original introduction to the Choral Fantasy (1808)
  • Hess 25: String Trio Opus 3 (first version) (1793)
  • Hess 28: Movement in A major for string trio Opus 9 No. 1 (second trio to the Scherzo) (1797)
  • Hess 29–31: Preludes and Fugues for Albrechtsberger (1794–95)
  • Hess 32: String Quartet in F major (first version of Opus 18 No. 1) (1799)
  • Hess 34: String Quartet in F major (arrangement of Opus 14 No. 1) (1801–02)
  • Hess 35: Bach fugue arranged for string quartet (fragment) (1817)
  • Hess 36: Handel fugue arranged for string quartet (1798)
  • Hess 37: Mozart fugue arranged for piano four hands
  • Hess 38: Bach fugue arranged for string quintet (1801–02)
  • Hess 39: String Quintet in F major (lost)
  • Hess 40: Prelude for String Quintet (incomplete) (1817)
  • Hess 44: Adagio ma non troppo for mandolin & harpsichord in E major
  • Hess 46: Violin Sonata in A major (fragment) (c.1790)
  • Hess 47: Allegro con brio in E major for piano trio (arrangement of String Trio Opus 3)
  • Hess 49: Piano Trio in E major (1786)
  • Hess 50: Piano Trio in B major (1786)
  • Hess 52: Piano Sonata in C major
  • Hess 54: Piano variations on Freudvoll und Liedvoll
  • Hess 57: Bagatelle in C major (1824)
  • Hess 58: Piano Exercise in B major (1800)
  • Hess 59: Piano Exercise in C (1792–1800)
  • Hess 60: Draft in A for Piano (1793)
  • Hess 63: Arrangement of Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart's "Kaplied" for piano (1789)
  • Hess 65: Concerto excerpt (arrangement of Opus 37) (1820–01)
  • Hess 66: Allegretto in C minor (1796–97)
  • Hess 67: Two German dances for piano (1811)
  • Hess 69: Allegretto for piano in C minor (1794)
  • Hess 70: Adagio for piano in G major (1803–04)
  • Hess 71: Molto adagio for piano in G major (1803–04)
  • Hess 72: Variations for piano in A major (1803)
  • Hess 76–83: Cadenzas for Piano
  • Hess 84: Rondo for piano
  • Hess 85: Piano cadenza for Op. 61a
  • Hess 87: Grenadiermarsch for piano (arrangement of WoO 29) (1797–98)
  • Hess 88: Minuet for piano (arrangement of WoO 209) (1790–92)
  • Hess 89: Ritterballet for piano (arrangement of WoO 1) (1791)
  • Hess 90: The Creatures of Prometheus for piano (arrangement of Op. 43) (1801)
  • Hess 91–5: Five Songs
  • Hess 96: Fragment of Symphony No. 7 for piano (1813)
  • Hess 97: Wellington's Victory for piano and two cannons (arrangement of Op. 91) (1816)
  • Hess 98: Scherzo for piano (1794–99)
  • Hess 99: Yorckscher Marsch (piano arrangement of WoO 18) (1809–10)
  • Hess 100: Twelve German dances (piano arrangement of WoO 8) (1795)
  • Hess 101: Twelve Minuets (piano arrangement of WoO 7) (1795)
  • Hess 102: Nine contredanses (piano arrangement of nos. 1–2, 4–5, 7–10, 12 from Twelve contredanses for orchestra WoO 14) (1791–1801)
  • Hess 107: Grenadiermarsch (musical clock arrangement of WoO 29) (1798)
  • Hess 108: Wellington's Victory (panharmonicon arrangement of the second part of Opus 91) (1813)
  • Hess 110–114: Parts from 'Leonore
  • Hess 116: Fragment for Solo Voice(s): "Ritterblatt"
  • Hess 118: Music for The Consecration of the House (from Opus 113) (1822)
  • Hess 121–122: Arias from Leonore
  • Hess 123–1247: Songs
  • Hess 152–207: Folksong settings
  • Hess 208–232: Italian partsongs
  • Hess 233–246: Counterpoint exercises
  • Hess 254: Canon in G major: "Hol dich der Teufel" (1801)
  • Hess 263–264: Two canons
  • Hess 274: Canons in G major (1803)
  • Hess 296: Little Cadenza for Instrument(s) (1822)
  • Hess 297: Adagio for three horns (1815)
  • Hess 299–305: Sketches for canons
  • Hess 306–309: Four canons
  • Hess 310: Prelude in C for Organ
  • Hess 311–312: Two canons
  • Hess 313: Song: "Te solo adoro" (1824)
  • Hess 314: Funeral Cantata (1781)
  • Hess 315: Fugue
  • Hess 316: Quintet (1793)
  • Hess 318–319: String Quintets
  • Hess 320: Andante for String Quartet in G major (1815)
  • Hess 321–324: Melodies
  • Hess 325: Piece for piano in D major (1802)
  • Hess 326: Fugue for piano in C major (1800–01)
  • Hess 327: Two little melodies (1803)
  • Hess 329–330: Sketches
  • Hess 331: Minuet for piano in B major
  • Hess 332: Pastorella for String Quartet in D major (1799)
  • Hess 333: Minuet-Scherzo for String Quartet in A major (1799)
  • Hess 334: Draft for String Quartet in A major (1799)
  • Hess 335: Two exercises on the song "Gedenke Mein"

Works with Hess Anhang (Anh.) numbers


These are works included in the appendix of Hess's catalogue that might not be genuine works by Beethoven.[45]

  • Anh. 3: Marches zur großen Wachtparade (not certain)
  • Anh. 4: Marsch in geschwinden tempo (not certain)
  • Anh. 5: Twelve waltzes for 2 Violins and Bass, with 2 Flutes and 2 Horns ad libitum (not certain) (1807)
  • Anh. 8: Quintet for Flute, Violin, 2 Violas, and Cello (not certain)
  • Anh. 9: Sonata for 2 Violins and Cello (not certain)
  • Anh. 10: Andante favori for string quartet (arrangement of WoO 57) (not certain)
  • Anh. 17: Adagio and Andante for violin and piano (not certain)
  • Anh. 21: Bagatelle "An Laura" for piano (arrangement of WoO 112) (doubtful)
  • Anh. 22: Funeral March in C Minor (not certain)
  • Anh. 38–56: Songs (not certain)
  • Anh. 57: Fugue "Dona nobis pacem" (now thought genuine) (1795)
  • Anh. 58: Bundeslied (not certain)
  • Anh. 59: Folksong "As I was wandering" (not certain)
  • Anh. 60: Canon in C major (probably spurious)
  • Anh. 61–62: Canons (spurious)
  • Anh. 63–64: Canons (not certain)
  • Anh. 65: Cantata Karfreitagskantate (not certain)
  • Anh. 66: Two fragments for chorus (not certain)

Works with Biamonti numbers


The Italian musicologist Giovanni Biamonti compiled a chronological catalogue Beethoven's entire output known at the time, including sketches and fragments. While most of these works were already included in other catalogues, there were some that had been missed by earlier compilers.[46] This list does not include works with opus, WoO or Hess numbers, nor does it include sketches.

  • Bia 15: Song "Der Arme Componist" (1788–91)
  • Bia 16: Cello part to the Lost Cadenza for Leopold Cantata WoO 88
  • Bia 43: Song "Meine Mutter fragt mich immer: trinkst du?"
  • Bia 48: Anglaise for piano for G minor (1792)
  • Bia 238: Presto in F major (1800)
  • Bia 249: Minuet for orchestra in D major (1800)
  • Bia 252: Minuet for orchestra in D major (1800)
  • Bia 269: Andante molto for piano in E major
  • Bia 272: Andante for piano in B major (1793)
  • Bia 274: Andante for String Quartet in C major (1793)
  • Bia 277: Presto for piano in G major (1793)
  • Bia 279: Allegro for piano in C major (1793)
  • Bia 291: Andante, for a symphony (1801)
  • Bia 292: March with variations (1801)
  • Bia 319: Finale for piano (1802)
  • Bia 322: Piece for piano in C minor (1802)
  • Bia 323: Piece for piano (1802)
  • Bia 346: Fuga Antique for piano in C major (1803)
  • Bia 347: Passage for piano through all the keys (1803)
  • Bia 359: Rondo for "all the instruments" (1803)
  • Bia 380: Song "Zur Erde sank die Ruh' vom Himmel nieder" (1803)
  • Bia 383: Exercise for piano
  • Bia 389: Piece for viola, cello, horn and double bass (1803)
  • Bia 392: Rondo for piano (1803)
  • Bia 447: Passage for piano (1808)
  • Bia 547: Symphony No. 8 with the original ending of Hess 1 (1812)
  • Bia 606: Andante for pizzicati basses with clarinets in B minor (1815)
  • Bia 621: Allemande for piano (1815)
  • Bia 622: Pastorella for piano in C major (1815)
  • Bia 624: Etude, study of prosody on a text of Homer (1815)
  • Bia 632: Song "Die Zufrieddenheit" (1815)
  • Bia 634: German dance for piano trio in F minor (1815)
  • Bia 638: Exercise for piano (1815)
  • Bia 797: Adagio for String Quartet in E major (1824)
  • Bia 811: Canon in C minor (1825)
  • Bia 849: Draft for piano (last notes written by Beethoven) (1827)

There were also several projected works by Beethoven, including the operas Alessandro, Memnons Dreiklang, and Bradamante; an oratorio on a text by Meissner, an oratorio "Die Befrieung Jerusalems", and an oratorio "Die Sündflut" with text by Hammer-Purgstall.[47]

See also





  1. ^ "Works". Beethoven-Haus Bonn. Archived from the original on 23 June 2020. Retrieved 27 May 2019.
  2. ^ "Program Music". Britannica.com. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 16 December 2019.
  3. ^ "On Beethoven's Birthday, The Three Periods". Classical MPR. Retrieved 16 December 2019.
  4. ^ "How music is catalogued". Interlude. Retrieved 16 December 2019.
  5. ^ "Complete edition of Beethoven's works". Beethoven-Haus. Retrieved 19 May 2019.[dead link]
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el "Complete Editions: Ludwig van Beethoven". G. Henle Verlag. Retrieved 29 May 2019.
  7. ^ Unless stated otherwise all information comes from the New Grove Music Dictionary article on Beethoven Johnson, Douglas; Burnham, Scott G.; Drabkin, William; Kerman, Joseph; Tyson, Alan. "Ludwig van Beethoven-Works". Grove Music Dictionary. oxfordmusiconline. doi:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.40026. ISBN 978-1-56159-263-0. Retrieved 17 May 2019.
  8. ^ 1st private performance at Lobkowitz palace, summer 1804,
  9. ^ preliminary sketches, 1804
  10. ^ "Beethoven: The Immortal". Archived from the original on 3 February 2009. Retrieved 20 November 2008.
  11. ^ with op.133 as finale; new finale composed 1826
  12. ^ "According to footnote 3 of Series VI, Volume 5, of the New Compete Edition, Hess 33 (=WoO 211) appears in the Anhang (Appendix) to the Kritischer Bericht (Critical Report) for Volume 4"
  13. ^ String Quintet (viola) in C major, Op. 29, Der Sturm, earsense.org
  14. ^ "Ludwig van Beethoven, Skizzenblatt zu einem unvollendeten Streichquintett C-Dur, Finale, Partiturskizze, Autograph", Beethoven House, Bonn (in German)
  15. ^ 24 Variations on 'Venni Amore' by Vincenzio Righini, WoO 65: Scores at the International Music Score Library Project
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Howard Ferguson's 1986 edition of the Bagatelles for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music includes six of the piano pieces without opus numbers as they are "very similar in character to Bagatelles, though lacking that specific title". Other sources vary in whether they describe individual pieces as bagatelles or by their tempo markings.
  17. ^ nos.2 and 4 sketched 1794–95; others also sketched before 1820
  18. ^ Variations nos. 1, 2, 5, 6 written in 1799, nos. 3–4 in 1803
  19. ^ private edition of full score, Leipzig, 1908–10
  20. ^ no. 3 sketched 1798
  21. ^ The author of the text
  22. ^ No. 3 sketched c. 1792–93
  23. ^ "The first true song cycle in the history of music."(Lühning 1997)
  24. ^ earlier sketches from 1814
  25. ^ "The final contribution to the medium before writing the song of the songs, that symbiosis of vocal and instrumental music that forms the final movement of the Ninth Symphony."(Lühning 1997)
  26. ^ nos. 3, 4, 6 written in 1795; nos. 2, 9, 10 in late 1801; others before 1802
  27. ^ reported by Schindler; pts found by H. Riemann in 1905 were assumed to be same work
  28. ^ Keys come from Allmusic page on Beethoven compositions "Beethoven-Compositions". Allmusic. Retrieved 23 May 2019.
  29. ^ a b c "Beethoven's music without Opus number – WoO". lvbeethoven. Retrieved 22 May 2019.
  30. ^ Beethoven produced 3 different versions of Te solo adore
  31. ^ consists of march by Haydn, transition section by Beethoven and transcription of WOO29
  32. ^ Confusingly, this trio (and its various string trio arrangements) has also at times been numbered Op. 29, 55 and 55 bis: q.v. MacArdle, Donald W. (1946). "A Check-List of Beethoven's Chamber Music. II". Music & Letters. 27 (2): 83–101. doi:10.1093/ml/XXVII.2.83. JSTOR 727436. This work originally had the opus number 29; Cover of Beethoven "Op. 55" string trio; Buck, Percy Carter; Mee, John Henry; Woods, F. Cunningham (Francis Cunningham) (1894). "Ten years of university music in Oxford, being a brief record of the proceedings of the Oxford university musical union during the year 1884–1894". Archive.org. Oxford : W.R. Bowden. pp. 49, 109, 180, 198. Retrieved 1 October 2019. Trio for two Violins and Viola in C major, Op. 55 (bis) Beethoven; and "Trio in C major, Op.87 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)". imslp.org. Retrieved 1 October 2019. Grand Trio (d'après Op. 87) pour deux Violons et Viola par L. van Beethoven. Op. 55 bis
  33. ^ "Minuet for Orchestra, WoO 12 nr.1 in C (mp3)". Unheard Beethoven. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
  34. ^ "Twelve Ecossaises, WoO 16 (mp3)". Unheard Beethoven. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
  35. ^ https://unheardbeethoven.org/recordings-of-the-woo-99-part-songs-analyzed/ . The 2014 revision to the Kinsky catalogue rearranged the numbering of the Italian Part-Songs of WoO 99 and added a number of songs. This listing reflects the new numbering, with the old numbers shown where applicable.
  36. ^ a b c d e "The New Kinsky-Halm Catalogue". The Unheard Beethoven. Retrieved 19 May 2019.
  37. ^ "Beethoven's music without Opus number – WoO Anghang". lvbeethoven. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
  38. ^ "Gavotte in F for Piano Four Hands, Anhang 8 nr. 1 (6.91 MB)". The Unheard Beethoven.
  39. ^ "Tunes played during gun carriage procession". The Straits Times.
  40. ^ Derrick, David. "Funeral march". davidderick.wordpress.
  41. ^ "Adieu to the Piano, Anh. 15 (mp3)". Unheard Beethoven.
  42. ^ "Gertrude's Dream, waltz for piano, Anhang 16, nr. 2 (mp3)". Unheard Beethoven.
  43. ^ "Beethoven's 'Macbeth' Bubbles to the Surface". New York Times. Retrieved 19 May 2019.
  44. ^ "Beethoven's music – The Hess catalogue". lvbeethoven. Retrieved 26 May 2019.
  45. ^ "Beethoven's music – The Hess catalogue: Anhang". lvbeethoven. Retrieved 26 May 2019.
  46. ^ Orlandi, Armando. "Beethoven Works – The Biamonti catalogue". lvbeethoven. Retrieved 26 May 2019.
  47. ^ "Beethoven's music – The Biamonti catalogue: Appendices". lvbeethoven. Retrieved 26 May 2019.



Catalogues and bibliographies

  • Biamonti, Giovanni. Catologo cronologo e tematico delle opere di Beethoven. Torino: ILTE, 1968. OCLC 2028666
    —Encompasses works with and without opus numbers, as well as sketches and fragments, in 849 chronologically arranged entries.
  • Bruers, Antonio. Beethoven: Catalogo Storico-Critico di Tutte le Opere. Rome: G. Bardi, 1951. OCLC 11664816
  • Dorfmüller, Kurt (ed). Beiträge zur Beethoven-Bibliographie: Studien und Materialen zum Werkverzeichnis von Kinsky-Halm. München: G. Henle, 1978 ISBN 3873280280
  • Dorfmüller, Kurt, Gertsch, Norbert and Ronge, Julia. Ludwig van Beethoven Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis. München: G. Henle, 2014. ISBN 9783873281530.
    —Revised and expanded edition of the catalogue of works by Kinsky and Halm.
  • Green, James (ed. and trans). The New Hess Catalog of Beethoven's Works. West Newbury, Vermont: Vance Brook, 2003. ISBN 0-9640570-3-4.
    —An English translation of Willy Hess' important 1957 catalogue and study, updated to reflect more recent scholarship.
  • Haas, Wilhelm. Systematische Ordnung Beethovenscher Melodien. Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer, 1932. OCLC 1068493434
  • Hess, Willy. Verzeichnis der nicht in der Gesamtausgabe veröffentlichen Werke Ludwig van Beethovens. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1957. OCLC 18406510
    —Hess' original study and catalogue; still more widely available in libraries than Green's edition.
  • Johnson, Douglas, Tyson, Alan and Winter, Robert. The Beethoven Sketchbooks: History, Reconstruction, Inventory. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1985. ISBN 0520048350
  • Johnson, Douglas and Burnham, Scott G. "Beethoven, Ludwig Van (Works)", Grove Music Online Archived 2008-05-16 at the Wayback Machine ed. L. Macy (Subscription access). Accessed 19 April 2007.
    —Includes categorized works list with bibliographical and other information.
  • Kastner, Emerich and Frimmel, Theodor von. Bibliotheca Beethoveniana. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1925. ISBN 3500209106
  • Kinsky, Georg and Halm, Hanss. Das Werk Beethovens: thematisch-bibliographisches Verzeichnis seiner sämtlichen vollendeten Kompositionen. München: G. Henle, 1955. OCLC 334667
    —The standard thematic and bibliographical catalogue of Beethoven's works.
  • Nottebohm, Gustav. Thematisches Verzeichnis der im Druck erschienenen Werke von Ludwig van Beethoven. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1925 OCLC 4763103. Reprinted Wiesbaden: M. Sändig, 1969 OCLC 1828776.
    —Historically important thematic catalogue, by a pioneering 19th Century Beethoven scholar.
  • Schürmann, Kurt E. Ludwig van Beethoven: alle vertonten und musikalisch bearbeiteten Texte. Münster : Aschendorff, 1980. ISBN 3402056976
  • Solomon, Maynard. Beethoven (1st edition). New York: Schirmer, 1977. ISBN 0-02-872460-7. pp. 372, 386–391.
    —Popular biographical study; includes bibliographical notes and (incomplete) works lists.
  • Thayer, Alexander Wheelock. Chronologisches Verzeichniss der Werke Ludwig van Beethovens. Berlin: Ferdinand Schneider, 1865. ISBN 0554927039
  • Tyson, Alan. The Authentic English Editions of Beethoven. London: Faber & Faber, 1963. OCLC 266412

Works collections (scores)

  • Ludwig van Beethovens Werke: Vollständige kritisch durchgesehene überall berechtigte Ausgabe. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel,
    vols i–xxiv, 1862–65; vol xxv (supplement), 1888. OCLC 24931728
    —Original critical "complete works" edition, commonly known as the Beethoven Gesamtausgabe.
  • Beethoven: Sämtliche Werke: Supplemente zur Gesamtausgabe, ed. W. Hess. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1959. OCLC 13654118
    —Hess's supplement to the 19th century Breitkopf edition.
  • Beethovens Werke: neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, edited by Joseph Schmidt-Görg, Martin Staehelin, et al. München: G. Henle, 1961 – (current). OCLC 13654118
    – New critical edition, "herausgaben vom Beethoven-Archiv, Bonn"; 56 volumes in 13 categories, 36 volumes released Archived 2009-03-06 at the Wayback Machine as of January 2009.


  • Cooper, Barry (ed). Beethoven Compendium: a Guide to Beethoven's Life and Music. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1991. ISBN 0500278717
  • Cooper, Barry. The Creation of Beethoven's 35 Piano Sonatas. Oxford: Routledge, 2017. ISBN 978-1-4724-1431-1
  • Lühning, Helga (1997). "Beethoven as a Lieder composer". Beethoven Complete Recording (Media notes). Deutsche Grammophon.