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Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges

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Official poster of the exhibition, designed by Amédée Lynen
View of the main Memling room at the exhibition, with the St. Ursula Shrine at the centre, from Johan Huizinga's The Autumn of the Middle Ages

The Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges (Exhibition of Flemish Primitives at Bruges) was an art exhibition of paintings by the so-called Flemish Primitives (nowadays usually called Early Netherlandish painters) held in the Provinciaal Hof in Bruges between 15 June and 5 October 1902.

It was the largest exhibition of 15th- and 16th-century Flemish art to date, consisted of 413 official catalogue entries,[1] and drew some 35,000 visitors.[2] The exposition was highly influential, leading to at least five contemporary books as well as numerous scholarly articles, and initiated deeper study of the Flemish Primitives by a new generation of connoisseurs.[3][4] It also inspired Johan Huizinga to research and write his The Autumn of the Middle Ages.[5] The change in attribution of many important works (in table below) reflects progress in understanding the era by art historians since then, although it is an ongoing process.



The 1902 exhibition was not the first to focus on the Flemish Primitives, although it was the first on this scale and to generate so much interest and scientific feedback. Among earlier exhibitions were the 1867 "Tableaux de l'ancienne école Néerlandaise" in Bruges, also directed by W. H. J. Weale; the 1892 "Exhibition of pictures by masters of the Netherlandish and allied schools of XV and early XVI centuries" at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, with 60 pictures;[6] and the 1899 Netherlandish School exhibition at the New Gallery (London), with 165 works.

The 1902 exposition was originally intended for Brussels, but moved to Bruges after the city refused to lend them many works it held to the exhibition if it did not take place in Bruges. It was held in the Provincial Government Palace in Bruges from 15 June until 15 September 1902, but due to popular demand was extended until 5 October 1902.

The president of the exhibition was Baron Henri Kervyn de Lettenhove.

William Henry James Weale wrote the notes for the catalogue for the painting section. The often erroneous attributions were those of the owners, but the position of the paintings in the exhibition generally reflected the opinion of the organizers, including Weale and Georges Hulin de Loo (a professor at the University of Ghent), regarding their authorship.[3] The illustrated catalogue of the section showing manuscripts, miniatures, archive texts, seals, mereaux, coins and medals was written by Baron Albert Van Zuylen Van Nyevelt. A third section, covering needlework, gobelins, and the like, was catalogued by Isabelle Errera.

The exhibition showed some 400 paintings attributed to the Flemish Primitives, many of which had never before been exhibited. The display of many works by major artists created the first strong opportunity to compare their styles side by side and revise earlier attributions, either from one painter to another or from "work by" to "copy of a work by".

The exhibition was opened by King Leopold II of Belgium, and visited by Crown Prince Albert and Crown Princess Elisabeth on 3 July 1902.[7]



The exhibition showed far more of the most important remaining examples of Early Netherlandish panel painting than earlier exhibitions and sparked a lively discussion about the attributions of the paintings, started by Hulin de Loo: dissatisfied with the official catalogue, he published his own critical catalogue.[8]

The exhibition greatly improved the appreciation of Early Netherlandish art, which previously had been chiefly appreciated only by a few collectors and art historians, [2] but also led to shifts in the status of the artists: Hans Memling, who had been considered to be the major artist of the period, was surpassed by the likes of Jan van Eyck and Rogier van der Weyden. This has been attributed to the abundance of works by Memling at the exhibition, which made critics notice the lack of invention and overly serialized production he often showed, compared to the other masters.[3]

Because the organizers of the exhibition had a somewhat Belgian nationalistic view, art lovers in other countries sometimes reacted vehemently to the appropriation of "their" painters by the Flemish or Belgians. In France, there were calls for a similar exhibition of French Primitives, which was organised in 1904 and tried to reclaim artists, like van der Weyden and Robert Campin, who were from French-speaking parts of the Netherlands; it also tried to cast Early Netherlandish painting as a derivative of Early French painting.[2]

The Bruges exhibition directly influenced some painters, who incorporated aspects of Flemish Primitive painting into their work. Flemish expressionist Gustave Van de Woestijne changed his approach to portraiture, focusing more on the psychological aspects, while his colleague Valerius de Saedeleer was influenced by the landscapes he saw at the exhibition.[9]

In 2002, a new exhibition documenting the 1902 exhibition and its impact was held in Bruges: "Impact 1902 Revisited. Early Flemish and Ancient Art exhibition. Bruges 15th June - 15th September 1902, Brugge, 2002.", with a catalogue by Eva Tahon, Piet Boyens e.a.[4]



Apart from the official catalogue,[10] a number of books and major articles were written about the exhibition, including:

  • (Anonymous), The Exhibition of Flemish Art at Bruges, in Athenaeum 3907 and 3908, 1902 (probably by Roger Fry)
  • (Anonymous (L.M.)), L'exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges, in La chronique des arts et de la curiosité 15, 1902
  • Giorgio Le Brun, L'esposizione dei primitivi fiamminghi, Rassegna d'Arte 2 (1902)
  • Pol de Mont, Een paar opmerkingen betr. de Tentoonstelling van oude Nederlandsche schilderijen te Brugge, in de Nederlandsche Spectator, 1902
  • Pol de Mont, L'Evolution de la peinture néerlandaise aux XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècles et l'exposition de Bruges. Book, Haarlem, 1903
  • Pol de Mont, De paneelschildering in de Nederlanden gedurende de XIVe, XVe en de eerste helft van de XVIe eeuw naar aanleiding van de in 1902 te Brugge gehouden tentoonstelling, gezeid "Van Vlaamse priemietieven", Haarlem 1903
  • Franz Dülberg, Die Ausstellung altniederländischer Malerei in Brügge., in Zeitschrift für bildende Kunst 14 (1903)
  • Émile Durand-Greville, Originaux et Copies à propos de l'exposition de Bruges, Bruges 1902
  • Hippolyte Fierens-Gevaert, L'exposition des Primitifs Flamands à Bruges, in Revue de l'art ancien et moderne XII, 1902
  • Henri Frantz, L'exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges, in Les Arts 7, 1902
  • Max Jakob Friedländer, Die Brügger Leihausstellung von 1902, in Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft 26 (1903)
  • Max Jakob Friedländer, Meisterwerke der niederländischen Malerei des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts auf der Ausstellung zu Brügge 1902. Book, Munich, 1903
  • Jules Guiffrey, L'exposition des Primitifs Flamands à Bruges, multiple articles in "L'Art" in 1902 and 1903
  • Georges Hulin de Loo, Exposition de tableaux flamands des XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècles: catalogue critique précédé d'une introduction sur l'identité de certains maîtres anonymes. Book, Ghent, 1902.[11]
  • Henri Hymans, L'Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges. Gazette des Beaux-Arts 28 (1902); then republished as a book, Paris, 1902[12]
  • Georges Lafenestre, Les Vieux Maîtres à Bruges, in Revue des Deux Mondes, 1902
  • Georges Lafenestre, Les primitifs à Bruges et à Paris, 1900, 1902, 1904: Vieux Maîtres de France et des Pays-Bas Book
  • Wilhelm Martin, De Vlaamsche primitieven op de tentoonstelling te Brugge, special issue of Elsevier's Magazine, 1903
  • Octave Maus, The Exhibition of Early Flemish Pictures at Bruges, in The Magazine of Art, 1903
  • Alphonse Naert, Tentoonstelling van oude Vlaamsche kunst, te Brugge, in Dietsche Warande en Belfort, 1902
  • Claude Phillips, Impressions of the Bruges Exhibition, in The Fortnightly Review, 1902
  • Eugène-Justin Soil de Moriamé, L'école de Tournai, in Annales de la Société Historique et Archéologique de Tournai, 1902
  • Hugo von Tschudi, Ausstellung Altniederländische Malerei in Brügge, Juni-Sept. 1902, in Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft, 1902
  • Octave Uzanne, The Exhibition of Primitive Art at Bruges, in The Connoisseur, 1902
  • Karel van de Woestijne, De Vlaamsche Primitieven, hoe ze waren te Brugge, in Onze Kunst, 1902[13]
  • Medard Verkest, Tentoonstelling van Vlaamsche Primitieven en Oude Meesters te Brugge, Tongeren, 1902
  • William Henry James Weale, The Early Painters of the Netherlands as Illustrated by the Bruges Exhibition of 1902., in the first issue of The Burlington Magazine (1903)

Exhibited works


The works are listed according to their current attributions; where known, the attributions as given by the official catalogue[14] and the critical catalogue by Hulin de Loo are given as well.

Image Title Cat. nr. 1902 / Hulin attribution Painter Date Current or last known location Notes
Virgin with child, St. George, Ste. Catherine, the donors and their children 1 Unknown / Unknown, Flemish, c. 1420 Unknown 1420 Museum Godshuis Belle [15]
Four-lobed triptych displaying the Holy Trinity and the Evangelists 2 Melchior Broederlam / Unknown, Flemish or Franco-Flemish, end of the 14th century Unknown 1390 Gemäldegalerie [16]
Statue of the Virgin with Child, in a polychrome tabernacle with painted wings depicting episodes in the life of Mary 3 Melchior Broederlam(school of) / Melchior Broederlam 1412s
Louvre [17]
Crucifixion with Saints Catherine and Barbara 4 Primitive school, c. 1400 / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1400 Unknown 1400 St. Salvator's Cathedral [18]
Virgin and child, with Sts. Peter, Paul, Mary Magdalen, and the donor, the so-called Virgin with the butterfly 5 Unknown (Liège, 1459) / Unknown 1459 Liège Cathedral
Crucifixion, with angels carrying the instruments of Passion, the Virgin, and the donor 6 Unknown / Unknown 1420s St. Salvator's Cathedral
The Three Marys at the grave 7 Hubert van Eyck / Hubert van Eyck Jan van Eyck
Hubert van Eyck
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen [19]
St. Romold invested as bishop of Dublin 8 Jan van Eyck / Unknown, Bruges, end of the 15th century Master of the Youth of Saint Romold 1490 National Gallery of Ireland [20]
Adam and Eve (Wings of the Ghent Altarpiece) 9 Jan van Eyck / Jan van Eyck Jan van Eyck
Hubert van Eyck
1426 Saint Bavo Cathedral [21]
Virgin and Child with Canon van der Paele 10 Jan van Eyck / Jan van Eyck Jan van Eyck 1434
Groeningemuseum [22]
Virgin and Child 11 Jan van Eyck / Jan van Eyck, later copy after Unknown 1437 1902: collection of the Earl of Northbrook; current location unknown
Saint Barbara 11.1 Jan van Eyck / Jan van Eyck Jan van Eyck 1437 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [23]
Portrait of Margaret van Eyck 12 Jan van Eyck / Jan van Eyck Jan van Eyck 1439 Groeningemuseum [24]
Madonna at the Fountain 13 Jan van Eyck / Jan van Eyck Jan van Eyck 1439 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [25]
Virgin and Child with donor Pieter Wijts 14 Jan van Eyck / Jan van Eyck, possible, but heavily overpainted Unknown 1630s Groeningemuseum [26]
Portrait of a Man with a Blue Chaperon 15 Jan van Eyck / Jan van Eyck Jan van Eyck 1435s Brukenthal National Museum [27]
Portrait of an old man 16 Jan van Eyck / Hans Memling, possibly Hans Memling 1475 Metropolitan Museum of Art [28]
A Goldsmith in His Shop, Possibly Saint Eligius 17 Petrus Christus / Petrus Christus Petrus Christus 1449 Metropolitan Museum of Art [29]
Portrait of a man 18 Petrus Christus / Petrus Christus Petrus Christus 1450s National Gallery [30]
Calvary 19 Petrus Christus / Petrus Christus Petrus Christus Georgium [31]
Deposition of Christ 20 Petrus Christus / Petrus Christus Petrus Christus 1455 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [32]
Virgin and Child 21 Unknown / Quentin Matsys Quentin Matsys 1470s Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [33]
Triptych: Descent of the cross 22 Master of Flémalle / Master of Flémalle, copy after Robert Campin 1450s Walker Art Gallery [34]
Virgin and Child before a Firescreen 23 Master of Flémalle / Master of Flémalle Unknown 1425
National Gallery [35]
The Virgin preparing the bath of the Child 24 Master of Flémalle / Unknown, Flemish, c. 1500, after the Master of Flémalle Jan Gossaert 1500 Bob Jones University museum and gallery [36]
Pietà 25 Rogier van der Weyden / Rogier van der Weyden Rogier van der Weyden 1441 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [37]
Portrait of a man 26 Rogier van der Weyden / Rogier van der Weyden Rogier van der Weyden 1455 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum [38]
Portrait of an unknown man 27 Rogier van der Weyden / Rogier van der Weyden? Unknown 1450 private collection [39]
Virgin and Child 28 Rogier van der Weyden / Rogier van der Weyden Rogier van der Weyden 1460 Art Institute of Chicago [40]
Scenes of the Life of Saint Joseph (right wing of a polyptych) 29 Rogier van der Weyden / Rogier van der Weyden, school of Unknown 1465 Cathedral of Our Lady [41]
Virgin and Child Enthroned 30 Rogier van der Weyden / Rogier van der Weyden Rogier van der Weyden 1430s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum [42]
Diptych: Calvary and Virgin with Child, Saint Philip and the donor 31 Unknown / Unknown, Brabant Unknown c. 1500 1902: Colnaghi, London; current location unknown
Pietà with Donor 32 Antonello da Messina / Unknown, Southern France Unknown 1450s Frick Collection [43]
Portrait of Fearless John, Duke of Burgundy 33 Unknown / Unknown, old copy Unknown 1450s private collection [44]
Saint John the Baptist 34 Geertgen tot Sint Jans / Geertgen tot Sint Jans Geertgen tot Sint Jans 1490 Gemäldegalerie [45]
Triptych: Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus 35 Dieric Bouts / Dieric Bouts Dieric Bouts 1458 St. Peter's Church [46]
The Last Supper 36 Dieric Bouts / Dieric Bouts Dieric Bouts 1464 St. Peter's Church
M - Museum Leuven
Triptych: Martyrdom of Saint Hippolyte, Scene from the life of Saint Hippolyte, and The donors 37 Dieric Bouts / Dieric Bouts Dieric Bouts
Hugo van der Goes
1468 St. Salvator's Cathedral [48]
Portrait of a man 38 Dieric Bouts / Dieric Bouts Dieric Bouts 1470 Metropolitan Museum of Art [49]
Christ in the house of Simon 39 Dieric Bouts / Dieric Bouts Dieric Bouts 1440s
Berlin State Museums
Crucifixion, with Virgin and Saint John 40 Dieric Bouts / Unknown 1465 Gemäldegalerie [51]
Wings of a triptych: The Burning Bush and Gedeon's fleece 41 Dieric Bouts / Aelbrecht Bouts Aelbrecht Bouts 1490 McNay Art Museum [52]
Triptych: Last Supper, The Angel Pascal, Elias 42 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1470–1485 Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine 1480 Bruges seminary [53]
Virgin and Child 43 Dieric Bouts / Dieric Bouts, attributed? Master of the Tiburtine Sibyl 1468 private collection [54]
The Night of Christmas (fragment) 44 Dieric Bouts / Dieric Bouts Dieric Bouts 1480s Louvre [55]
Legend of Saint Barbara, left wing of a triptych 45 Unknown / Unknown, Flanders (Ghent?), c. 1480 Master of the legend of St. Barbara 1480 Basilica of the Holy Blood
Wings of a triptych: The Church and the Synagogue (Ecclesia and Synagoga) 46 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, 1460–1475 Master of the (Bruges) Legend of St. Ursula 1482 Groeningemuseum [56][57]
Wings of an altarpiece: Scenes from the Legend of Saint Ursula 47 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, 1460–1475; same painter as 46 Master of the (Bruges) Legend of St. Ursula 1482 Groeningemuseum [58]
Virgin and Child, with a donor protected by Mary Magdalen 48 Unknown, c. 1460 / Unknown, c. 1470–1480 Master of the View of Ste-Gudule 1475 Curtius Museum [59]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, Donor Jean de Witte, Donor Marie Hoose 49 Hans Memling(school of) / Bruges Master of 1473 1473 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [60]
Scenes from the Life of Saint Lucy 50 Unknown / Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy 1480 St. James Church [61]
Death of the Virgin 51 Hugo van der Goes / Hugo van der Goes Hugo van der Goes 1472
Groeningemuseum [62]
Triptych: Adoration, The two other Kings, and Donor protected by Saint Stephen 52 Hugo van der Goes / Hugo van der Goes Unknown 1500s private collection [63]
Descent of the Holy Ghost 53 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1490 Master of the Baroncelli Portraits 1490 private collection [64]
Virgin and Child 54 Hugo van der Goes / Dieric Bouts, circle of Unknown 1460s private collection [65]
Portrait of a Man with a Roman Medal 55 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1470s Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [66]
Triptych: Virgin, Donors, and Saints (the Donne Triptych) 56 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1478s National Gallery [67]
Portrait of Thomas Portinari 57 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1470 Metropolitan Museum of Art [68]
Portrait of Maria Portinari 58 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1470 Metropolitan Museum of Art [68]
Triptych: Virgin and Child seated in an open gallery, Saint John the Baptist, and John the Evangelist on Patmos (also known as the Saint John Altarpiece, or as the Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine) 59 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1479 Old St. John's Hospital [69]
Triptych: Adoration, Virgin looking at the Child on the ground, and John the Baptist and the woman receiving the image of the Holy face (the so-called Triptych of Jan Floreins) 60 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1479 Old St. John's Hospital [70]
Triptych: Burial of Christ, Brother Adrien Reyns, protected by Saint Adrian, and Saint Barbara (the so-called Triptych of Adriaan Reins) 61 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1480 Old St. John's Hospital [71]
Sibylla Sambetha 62 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1480 Old St. John's Hospital [72]
Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine 63 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1479 Metropolitan Museum of Art [73]
Portrait of Guillaume Moreel 64 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1480 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [74] diptych with #65
Portrait of Barbara van Vlaendenbergh 65 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1480 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [75] diptych with #64
Triptych: Saints Christoph, Maur and Gilles, The donor Guillaume Moreel with his five sons, protected by Saint Guillaume of Maleval, and The donor's wife Barbara van Vlaenderberch with their eleven daughters, protected by Saint Barbara (the so-called Moreel triptych) 66 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1484 Groeningemuseum [76]
Diptych of Maarten van Nieuwenhove 67 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1487 Old St. John's Hospital [77]
St. Ursula Shrine 68 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1489 Old St. John's Hospital [78]
Supplice of Saint Sebastian 69 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1470s Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [79]
Portrait of a man with an arrow 70 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1478 National Gallery of Art, Washington [80]
Right wing of a diptych: Portrait of a lady, part of Diptych of an elderly couple 71 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1470 Louvre [81]
Virgin and Child 72 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1490 National Museum of Art of Romania [82]
Right wing of a diptych: Portrait of a man from the Lespinette family 73 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1480s Mauritshuis [83]
Right wing of a polyptych: The donor and his son 74 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1490 National Museum of Art of Romania
Brukenthal National Museum
Left wing of a polyptych: The donor's wife 75 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1490 National Museum of Art of Romania
Brukenthal National Museum
The Jews demanding the condemnation of Christ 76 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Unknown 1485 private collection [85]
Portrait of a young man at prayer 77 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1475 National Gallery [86]
Virgin and Child with an angel 78 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1485 Gemäldegalerie [87]
Virgin and Child with two angels 79 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1479 National Gallery of Art, Washington [88]
Nativity 80 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1470 Museum für Angewandte Kunst [89]
Virgin and Child with Saint Anthony and the donor 81 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1472 National Gallery of Canada [90]
Virgin and Child 82 Hans Memling / Hans Memling? Hans Memling 1485 St Osyth's Priory [91]
Virgin and Child 83 Hans Memling / Hans Memling? Unknown 1480s private collection [92]
Triptych: Christ and the angels 84 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1489 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [93]
Annunciation 85 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1480 Metropolitan Museum of Art [94]
Saint Jerome 86 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1485 Kunstmuseum Basel [95]
Three paintings: Saint Gregory's mass, Saint Michael and Saint Jerome 87 Hans Memling / Rogier van der Weyden, unknown painter from the school of Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine 1490s Metropolitan Museum of Art [96]
Portrait of a man in a turban (formerly described as Portrait of Philip the Brave, Duke of Burgundy) 88 Petrus Christus / Unknown Unknown 1460s Metropolitan Museum of Art [97]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, and two Angels playing music 89 Hans Memling / Unknown, start of the 16th century Unknown 1480s private collection [98]
Saint James the Greater 90 Unknown / Unknown c. 1530 1902: collection Vincent Bareel; current location unknown
Christ being mourned by Mary, Saint John and Mary Magdalen 91 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1485 Doria Pamphilj Gallery [99]
Triptych: Christ being mourned by Mary, Saint John and Mary Magdalen, Saint Jacob Major and Saint Christopher 92 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1480 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen [100]
Wings of a triptych: John the Baptist and Saint Jerome 93 Hans Memling / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1529 Museum Catharijneconvent [101]
Virgin and Child 94 Rogier van der Weyden / Anonymous Brabant artist, 2nd half of the 15th century Follower of Dirk Bouts 1480 Sold at Christie's London in 1998 for £95,000 [102]
Christ appears to the Virgin 95 Dieric Bouts / Aelbrecht Bouts 1490 Nivaagaard [103]
Portrait of a Lady 96 Jan van Eyck(school of) / Rogier van der Weyden, school of Rogier van der Weyden private collection [104]
Wings of a triptych: John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, and Saint Margarita and Saint Apollonia 97 Rogier van der Weyden / Rogier van der Weyden, school of Unknown private collection [105]
Virgin and Child 98 Jan Van Eyck / Unknown, first half of the 16th century, Jan van Eeckele? Jan Provoost 1495 Metropolitan Museum of Art [106]
Virgin and Child with inkwell 99 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, last quarter of the 15th century Master of the André Virgin 1520 Musée Jacquemart-André [107]
Left wing of a diptych: Portrait of Francis de Chateaubriand Presented by St. Maurice 100 Unknown / Jean Perréal Jean Hey 1500 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum [108]
Left wing of a diptych: A canon protected by Saint Jerome 101 Rogier van der Weyden / Simon Marmion 1475 Philadelphia Museum of Art [109]
The Emperor surrounded by electors 102 School of Brabant / Rogier van der Weyden 1470s Schloss Rohrau [110]
Portrait of Philip I of Castile 103 Unknown / Master of the Story of Joseph 1550s Schloss Mosigkau
Portrait of Philip I of Castile 104 Unknown / Unknown Unknown 1525 St. Salvator's Cathedral
Mater Dolorosa 105 Jan van Eeck / Jan van Eeckele, probably Jan van Eeckele 1490s St. Salvator's Cathedral [111]
Episodes from the Life of Saint Bernhard 106 Jan van Eeck / Jan van Eeckele Jan van Eeckele 1450s Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai
Virgin and Child 107 Hugo van der Goes / Hugo van der Goes Unknown private collection [112]
Portrait of a young lady 108 Unknown / Rogier van der Weyden Rogier van der Weyden 1460 National Gallery of Art, Washington [113]
Wings of a triptych: The donor protected by Saint John l'Aumônier (right) and The donor's wife protected by Sainte Godelieve (left) 109 Unknown / Jan Provoost Jan Provoost 1520s Groeningemuseum Hulin was the first to recognise these as belonging to the same triptych as #157: these are the insides of the wings, the #157 were the outside of the wings (i.e. what one would see when the triptych was closed)[114]
Wings of a triptych: David receives a message (right) and Salomon vitised by the Queen of Sheba (left) 110 Unknown / Unknown, Brabant? Master of the legend of St. Barbara 1480 Metropolitan Museum of Art [115]
The Virgin appearing to Saint Ildefonso 111 Hans Memling / Master of the Pacully collection 1480 private collection [116]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, Saint Catherine and Saint Barbara 112 Unknown / Unknown Workshop of Quentin Metsys 1510s 1902: Holy Cross Church (called Jerusalem Church), Bruges; Adornesdomein
Virgin and Child 113 Unknown / Rogier van der Weyden, school of Unknown 1470s Museum Mayer van den Bergh [117]
Virgin and Child surrounded by angels 114 Unknown / Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy 1500 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [118]
Saint Luc paints the Virgin and Child 115 Unknown / Dieric Bouts Unknown 1500 National Trust [119]
Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin 116 Unknown / Rogier van der Weyden or old copy after Rogier van der Weyden 1435 Museum of Fine Arts [120]
Transfiguration 117 Unknown / Gerard David, school of Gerard David 1520 Church of Our Lady, Bruges [121]
Diptych: Virgin and Child (right) and Chrétien de Hondt, 30th abbot of Notre Dames des Dunes (Ter Duinen) (left) 118 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, 1499, and other unknown, Bruges, after 1519 Master of 1499 1499 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [122]
Predella of a retable: The taking of Jerusalem 119 Gerard van der Meire / Unknown, Ghent, c. 1480 Justus van Gent 1500 Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent [123]
Calvary 120 Unknown, 1500 / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1500 Unknown 1500 St. Salvator's Cathedral [124]
Descent from the Cross, with the donor protected by Saint Peter and Saint Paul 120.1 Unknown, 1500 / Rogier van der Weyden 1460 Mauritshuis [125]
Judgement of Cambyses 121 Gerard David / Gerard David Gerard David 1498 Groeningemuseum [126]
Judgment of Cambyses: the flaying of Sisamnes 122 Gerard David / Gerard David Gerard David 1498 Groeningemuseum [127]
Triptych: Baptism of Christ, The donor protected by John the Evangelist, and The first wife of the donor protected by Saint Elisabeth 123 Gerard David / Gerard David Gerard David 1502 Groeningemuseum [128]
Virgin and Child, surrounded by angels and virgin saints 124 Gerard David / Gerard David Gerard David 1509s musée des beaux-arts de Rouen [129]
Triptych: Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child, Saint Nicolas, and Saint Anthony of Padua 125 Gerard David / Gerard David Unknown 1510s National Gallery of Art, Washington [130]
Triptych: Descent from the Cross 126 Gerard David / Master of the Holy Blood Master of the Holy Blood 1510s Basilica of the Holy Blood [131]
Dead Christ 127 Gerard David / Master of the Holy Blood Gerard David c. 1530 1902: Collection Bethune, Bruges; current location unknown
Annunciation 128 Gerard David / Gerard David Gerard David 1506 Metropolitan Museum of Art [132][133]
The preaching of John the Baptist and The Baptism of Christ 129 Gerard David / Simon Bening 1510 Groeningemuseum [134]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, Saint Catherine and Saint Barbara 130 Cornelia Cnoop / unknown, traditionallyCornelia Cnoop Simon Bening 1520 Museum of Fine Arts [135]
The descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost (miniature) 131 Gerard David, school of / Gerard David(school of) Unknown 1480 Fitzwilliam Museum [136]
Virgin and Child 132 Unknown / Unknown, Flanders, probably Bruges Unknown c. 1530 1902: Collection of the Earl of Crawford, London; current location unknown
Virgin and Child 133 Gerard David / Unknown, Flanders, probably Bruges Unknown 1495 Minneapolis Institute of Art [137]
Two wings of a polyptych: John the Baptist (right) and Vision of Saint Francis (left) 134 Gerard David / Gerard David Gerard David 1490s Metropolitan Museum of Art [138]
Adoration of the Magi 135 Unknown / Gerard David Gerard David 1490 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [139]
Adoration of the Magi 136 Unknown / Unknown, c. 1520–1530 Unknown 1510s Groeningemuseum [140]
Ecce Homo 137 Jeroen Bosch / Jeroen Bosch Hieronymus Bosch 1495s Städel [141]
Wing of a triptych: Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Jerome 138 Unknown / Gerard David Unknown 1510s Gemäldegalerie [142]
Virgin and Child 139 Gerard David / Gerard David, school of Gerard David c. 1530 1902: Suermondt Museum, Aken; current location unknown
Virgin and Child 140 Dieric Bouts / Hans Memling, follower Unknown 1487 Metropolitan Museum of Art [143]
Right wing of a triptych: John the Baptist, Mary Magdalen and the donor 141 Master of the Assumption / Aelbrecht Bouts Aelbrecht Bouts 1500 Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn [144]
Left wing of a triptych: Saint Andreas, Saint Catherine, and the donor 142 Master of the Assumption / Aelbrecht Bouts Aelbrecht Bouts 1500 Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn [144]
Portrait 143 Rogier van der Weyden / Unknown, c. 1480–1490 Master of the View of Ste-Gudule 1480 Metropolitan Museum of Art [145]
Virgin and Child 144 Rogier van der Weyden / Rogier van der Weyden, unknown imitator of Unknown 1530 private collection
Virgin and Child, surrounded by virgin saints 145 Gerard David / Adriaen Isenbrant Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530 private collection [146]
Portrait of an unknown man 146 Petrus Christus / Unknown, Bruges, 1510–1525 Master of the Brandon Portrait 1510 Mauritshuis
Saint Romold leaves his parents 147 Gerard David / Unknown, Bruges?, c. 1500 Unknown 1490 National Gallery of Ireland [147]
Right wing of a diptych: The donor protected by Saint Clement 148 Unknown / Unknown, Franco-Flemish, c. 1475 Follower of Simon Marmion Late 1480s National Gallery [148]
Eternal father 149 Jan van Eyck(school of) / Gerard David? Gerard David 1506 Louvre [149]
Saint Francis of Assisi turns his back to the world 150 Jan Gossaert / Unknown, Bruges, possible Jan Provoost Unknown 1510 Philadelphia Museum of Art [150]
The Virgin appears to Saint Ildefonso 151 Unknown / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1500 Carnegie Museum of Art [151]
Virgin and Child 152 Unknown / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530 Rijksmuseum [152]
Virgin and Child 153 Unknown / Adriaen Isenbrandt, imitator of Unknown c. 1530 1902: collection Visart de Bocarmé, Bruges; current location unknown
Virgin and Child near a fountain 154 Jan Gossaert / Bernard van Orley? Bernard van Orley 1518 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum [153]
Triptych: Virgo Deipara, Vision of the Ara Caeli, and Vision of Saint John on Pathmos 155 Unknown / Master of the Holy Blood, c. 1510 Master of the Holy Blood 1510 St. James Church
Saint Gregory's Mass 156 Unknown / Rogier van der Weyden, copy or imitator Robert Campin
Master of Flémalle
Rogier van der Weyden
1440 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [16][154]
Diptych: Death and the miser 157 Unknown / Jan Provoost Jan Provoost 1520s Groeningemuseum [155]
Virgin and Child, Saint Jacob Major, Saint Barbara, and the donor protected by Saint Peter 158 Unknown / Unknown, early 16th century Master of Frankfurt 1505 Queensland Art Gallery [156]
Saint Anna, the Virgin and Child, Saint Augustinus and Saint Jerome 159 Justus van Gent / Unknown, early 16th century Justus van Gent c. 1530 1902: collection C. Davis, London; current location unknown
The donor Antonio Siciliano protected by Saint Antonius 160 Jan van Eyck / Unknown, Antwerp?, painting in Italy early 16th century, Jan Gossaert? Jan Gossaert 1508 Doria Pamphilj Gallery [157]
Portrait (possibly Floris van Egmond) 161 Jan Gossaert / Jan Gossaert Unknown 1520s private collection [158]
Diptych: Virgin and Child and Portrait of Willem van Bibaut 162 Unknown, c. 1520 / Master of Willem van Bibaut
Master of the Legend of the Magdalen
1523 private collection [159]
Polyptych: Death of the Virgin, Presentation of the Virgin, Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Presentation in the Temple and Adoration of the Magi 163 Bernard van Orley / Bernard van Orley or his workshop Bernard van Orley 1520 Musée de l'Assistance Publique, Brussels [160]
King Sapor of Persia humiliating Emperor Valerian 164 Bernard van Orley / Bernard van Orley, attributed? Unknown 1520 Worcester Art Museum [161]
Wings of a triptych: Mary Magdalene" and "Saint Mary of Egypt 165 Unknown / Quentin Matsys, style of Quentin Matsys 1515 Philadelphia Museum of Art [162]
Virgin and Child 166 Joachim Patinir / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1540–1550 Joachim Patinir c. 1530 1902: collection Gustave Dreyfus, Paris; current location unknown
Last Judgment 167 Jan Provoost / Jan Provoost Jan Provoost 1525 Groeningemuseum [163]
Last Judgment 168 Jan Provoost / Jan Provoost Jan Provoost 1500 Kunsthalle Hamburg [16][164]
Last Judgment 169 School of Bruges, 15th century / Jan Provoost Jan Provoost 1500 Fogg Museum [165]
Central panel of a triptych: Crowning of the Virgin 170 Albert Cornelis / Albert Cornelis Albert Cornelis 1520 St. James Church [166]
Saint Bruno retiring to the Chartreuse 171 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, third quarter of the 15th century Unknown 1500s 1902: collection of baron Bethune, Bruges; current location unknown
Saint Jerome 172 Gerard David / Gerard David Unknown 1501 National Gallery [167]
Virgin and Child 173 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1480–1490 Master of the (Bruges) Legend of St. Ursula 1488 Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum [168]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, Saint Catherine and Saint Barbara 174 Unknown / Master of the Legend of the Magdalen Master of the Legend of the Magdalen 1500 Museum Mayer van den Bergh [169]
Wings of a triptych: The donor protected by Saint Andreas (right) and The donor's wife protected by Saint Catherine 175 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1520 Unknown 1550s 1902: collection De Somzée, Brussels; current location unknown
Polyptych: The Eternal Father surrounded by angels, Death, Hell, Vanity, Skull, and some heraldic weapons 176 Hans Memling / Hans Memling Hans Memling 1485 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg [170]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, and two Angels playing music 177 Unknown / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530 At auction in 2016 at Dumouchelles in Detroit for $250,000 [171][172]
Mater Dolorosa 178 Unknown, c. 1530 / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1520 Church of Our Lady, Bruges [173]
Right wing of a diptych: The donors Joris van de Velde and Barbara Le Marie and their children protected by Saint George and Saint Barbara 179 Unknown, c. 1530 / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1520 Church of Our Lady, Bruges [174]
Wings of a triptych: The donor protected by John the Evangelist (right) and The donor's wife protected by Saint Barbara (left) 180 Jan Mostaert / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530s Richard von Kaufmann [175]
Left wing of a diptych: A female donor protected by Mary Magdalen 181 Unknown / Jean Perréal Jean Hey 1490 Louvre [176]
Mary Magdalen in a landscape 182 Jan Mostaert / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1510 National Gallery [177]
Virgin and Child, the donor and his family 183 Master of the Seven Sorrows / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530s Gallery Van Diemen in 1967, current location unknown [178]
Triptych: Presentation of Christ, The donor Philip Wielant protected by Saint Philip, and The donor's wife Jeanne van Halewyn protected by John the Evangelist 184 Master of the Seven Sorrows / Adriaen Isenbrandt Unknown 1510 St. Salvator's Cathedral [179]
Saints Andreas, Michael, and Franciscus, and the Calvary 185 Gerard David / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530s Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest [180]
Calvary 186 Unknown / Unknown Unknown 1490s National Gallery in Prague [181]
Saint Luc 187 Master of the Seven Sorrows / Adriaen Isenbrandt Unknown 1530s private collection [182]
Mary Magdalen 188 Jan Mostaert / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530s Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj [183]
Diptych: Christ carrying the cross (right) and Portrait of a minor brother (left) 189 Unknown / Jan Provoost Jan Provoost 1522 Old St. John's Hospital [184]
Portrait of a canon 190 Quentin Matsys / Quentin Matsys Quentin Matsys 1510s Liechtenstein Museum
Eugène Secrétan
Triptych: Adoration of the Magi, The Descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, and The glorious Virgin 191 Jan Gossaert / Unknown, Brabant c. 1520, certainly not by Gossaert Jan Gossaert 1500s private collection [186]
Triptych: Saint Catherine and the philosophers 192 Jan Gossaert / Unknown, Brabant, c. 1520 Goswin van der Weyden 1510 Southampton City Art Gallery [187]
Saviour 193 Unknown / Jan Provoost, school of Unknown 1490 1902: Saint Gilles Church, Bruges; current location unknown
Mater Dolorosa 194 Unknown / Jan Provoost, school of Unknown 1490 1902: Saint Gilles Church, Bruges; current location unknown
Triptych: Virgin and Child, John the Baptist and Saint Jerome 195 Pieter Pucheel / Adriaen Isenbrandt Adriaen Isenbrandt c. 1530 1902: collection Baron Bethune, Bruges; current location unknown
Christ at Emmaüs 196 Jan van Hemessen / Unknown, 16th century Unknown 1530 Private collection [188]
Wings of a triptych: Scenes from the legends of Saint Anthony and Saint Paul 197 Unknown / Unknown, Flanders, first half of the 16th century Lancelot Blondeel 1530 City Archive, Nieuwpoort [189]
Christ on the cross, the Virgin and Saint John 198 Joachim Patinir / Quentin Matsys Quentin Matsys 1520 National Gallery of Canada [190]
Triptych: Rest on the Flight to Egypt, John the Baptist and Saint Cornelius 199 Joachim Patinir / Joachim Patinir Joachim Patinir 1516 private collection Damaged by fire in 1904.[191]
Rest on the flight to Egypt 200 Joachim Patinir / Joachim Patinir Joachim Patinir 1515 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum [192]
The miraculous fishing 201 Joachim Patinir / Jan van der Elburcht Unknown 1520 Wadsworth Atheneum [193]
Rest on the flight to Egypt 202 Unknown / Unknown c. 1530 1902: for sale at Colnaghi, London; current location unknown
Saint Jerome 203 Joachim Patinir / Joachim Patinir, school of Joachim Patinir c. 1530 1902: collection De Meester, Bruges; current location unknown
Saint Jerome 204 Joachim Patinir / Joachim Patinir, school of 1902: collection Helbig, Liège; current location unknown
Saint Jerome 205 C N A, 1547 / CNA or CMA, 1547 Cornelis Massijs 1547 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [194]
Holy Trinity 206 Master of Flémalle / Master of Flémalle Rogier van der Weyden 1430s M - Museum Leuven [195]
The preaching of a saint 207 Unknown / Unknown, 15th century 1902: Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai; current location unknown
The glory of the Virgin 208 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, second quarter of the 16th century Albert Cornelis 1515 Brighton Museum & Art Gallery [196]
Virgin and Child 209 Gerard David / Gerard David, workshop of Unknown 1510 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg [197]
Virgin and Child 210 Unknown / Unknown, early 16th century Master of the Khanenko Adoration 1490s Schloss Mosigkau [198]
Virgin and Child 211 Joachim Patinir / Joachim Patinir? Unknown 1530s Sold at Galerie Fischer in Luzern in 1987, current location unknown [199]
Virgin and Child 212 Joachim Patinir / Adriaen Isenbrandt, school of Adriaen Isenbrandt 1520s Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent [200]
Three angels 213 Master of Flémalle / Unknown, first half of the 16th century 1902: collection Charles-Léon Cardon, Brussels; current location unknown
The deposition 214 Rogier van der Weyden / Unknown, end of the 15th century Adriaen Isenbrandt 1480s Ashmolean Museum
Virgin and Child 215 Hans Memling / Hans Memling, school of, possiblyPasschier van der Mersch? Probably same artist as #140 above Unknown 1490s Metropolitan Museum of Art [201]
Virgin and Child 216 Hans Memling / Unknown 1902: collection Simkens, Antwerp; current location unknown
Portrait 217 Gerard David / Master of the Brandon Portrait 1515 Gemäldegalerie
The Virgin embracing the head of the dead Christ 218 Gerard David or workshop Gerard David 1510s private collection [202]
John the Baptist (grisaille) 219 Unknown / Dieric Bouts, school of Unknown 1480 Cleveland Museum of Art [203]
Sibylle Persane 220 Jan Mostaert / Ambrosius Benson Ambrosius Benson 1430s private collection [204]
Portrait of a young women as Mary Magdalen 221 Jan Gossaert / Jan Gossaert orBernard van Orley Jan Gossaert 1530 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [205]
Portrait of a lady 222 Hans Memling / Unknown, c. 1540–1550 1902: collection Emile Pacully, Paris; current location unknown
Portrait of Justus van Bronckhorst 223 Unknown / Jan Mostaert Jan Mostaert 1520 Petit Palais [206]
Portrait of Margaretha of Austria 224 Jan Gossaert / Bernard van Orley Bernard van Orley 1520 private collection [207]
Hercules and Antaeus 225 Jan Gossaert / Jan Gossaert Unknown 1523 private collection [208]
Portrait of Richard III of England 226 Unknown / Unknown, English 1902: collection Charles-Leon Cardon, Brussels; current location unknown
Backside of the wing of a triptych: The prophet Elia and the widow of Sarepta 227 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1510–1520 Unknown 1515 Groeningemuseum [209]
Holy Family 228 Unknown / 1902: collection of Count d'Oultremont, Brussels; current location unknown
Virgin and Child 229 Unknown / 1902: collection C. Baus, Ypres; current location unknown
John the Baptist 230 Unknown / Unknown, first half of the 16th century 1902: at Colnaghi, London; current location unknown
Portrait of a lady 231 Unknown / Unknown, French, c. 1475? 1902: collection Somzée, Brussels; current location unknown
Portrait of a man 232 Unknown / Unknown, Dutch, c. 1520 1902: collection of Count Harrach, Vienna; current location unknown
Wing of a retable: Nativity 233 Herri met de Bles / Herri met de Bles Jan de Beer 1520 Barber Institute of Fine Arts [210]
Saint Christopher 234 Herri met de Bles / Unknown, first half of the 16th century Master of Frankfurt 1520s National Gallery in Prague [211]
Rest of the Holy Family 235 Marcellus Coffermans / Marcellus Coffermans Marcellus Coffermans 1560s private collection [212]
Triptych; Christ on the cross, the Virgin and Saint John 236 Joachim Patinir / 1902: collection Stowe, Buckingham; current location unknown
Christ with the crown of thorns 237 Master of the Assumption / Unknown, School of Leuven, end of the 15th century 1902: collection Götz Martius, Kiel; current location unknown
Christ 238 Quentin Matsys / Dieric Bouts or workshop Aelbrecht Bouts 1490 1902: collection Somzée, Brussels; current location unknown [213]
Christ 239 Quentin Matsys / 1902: collection Peyralbe, Brussels; current location unknown
Saint Jerome 240 Jan Matsys / Unknown, second quarter of the 16th century 1902: collection Peyralbe, Brussels; current location unknown
Judith with the head of Holophernes 241 Jan Matsys / Jan Matsys Jan Matsys 1543 Museum of Fine Arts [214]
Portrait of a man 242 Marinus van Reymerswaele / Unknown, Dutch, second quarter of the 16th century Unknown 1530s Philadelphia Museum of Art [215]
Holy Family 243 Unknown / Jan Matsys 1902: collection Viscount de Ruffo Bonneval, Brussels; current location unknown
Christ mourned by his mother and the holy women 244 Unknown / Cornelis Engebrechtsz. Unknown 1540s private collection [216]
Pieta 245 Unknown / Unknown, Dutch, end of the 15th century Master of the Virgo inter Virgines 1480s 1902: collection Le Roy, Paris; current location unknown
Adoration of the Magi 246 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1520 Simon Bening 1520s Louvre [217]
A Saint 247 Unknown / Unknown, German 1902: collection Bequet, Namur; current location unknown
Head of Christ 248 Quentin Matsys / 1902: collection Bequet, Namur; current location unknown
Front and back of the wings of a triptych: The Easter Lamb, The celestial manna, David dansing in front of the arch, Christ at Emmaüs 249 Gillis van Coninxloo / Not in exposition Église de Saint Sauveur, Bruges According to Hulin, this panel was not in the exposition
Part of a triptych: Saint Nicolas of Tolentin 250 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges Pieter Pourbus 1560s Groeningemuseum [209]
Saint Catherine 251 Unknown / Unknown, c. 1520–1530 1902: collection Van Speybrouck, Bruges; current location unknown
Christ with the crown of thorns 252 Unknown / Unknown, School of Leuven, fourth quarter of the 15th century Aelbrecht Bouts 1490 private collection [218]
Mater Dolorosa 253 Unknown / Unknown, School of Leuven, fourth quarter of the 15th century Aelbrecht Bouts 1490 private collection [219]
The miraculous fishing 254 Jan Rombouts I / Jan Rombouts I Jan Rombouts I M - Museum Leuven [220]
Calvary 255 Geertgen tot Sint Jans / Unknown, Dutch, c. 1510 1902: collection Glitza, Hamburg; current location unknown
Institution of the devotion of the rosary 256 Unknown / 1902: collection Turner, London; current location unknown
Portrait of a man 257 Lucas van Leyden / Lucas van Leyden Aertgen van Leyden 1530 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum [221]
Portrait of Agatha van Schoonhoven, 1568 258 Jan van Scorel / Jan van Scorel? Unknown 1568 private collection [222]
Self portrait 259 Rogier van der Weyden / Joos van Cleve Joos van Cleve 1519 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum [223]
Triptych: Holy Family, Saint Catherine and Saint Barbara 260 Master of the Death of the Virgin / Master of the Holy Blood Master of the Holy Blood 1510s Kunsthalle Hamburg [16][224][225]
The martyrdom of Saint Matthew 261 Unknown / Unknown, German 1902: collection Oesterrieth-Mols, Antwerp
Pieta 262 Barthel Bruyn the Elder / Unknown, c. 1520 1902: at Sedelmeyer, Paris; current location unknown
A concert 263 Master of the Female Half-Lengths / Master of the Female Half-Lengths Master of the Female Half-Lengths ca. 1530 Schloss Rohrau [226]
Rest in Egypt 264 Master of the Female Half-Lengths / Master of the Female Half-Lengths 1902: at Colnaghi, London; current location unknown
A lady writing a letter 265 Master of the Female Half-Lengths / Master of the Female Half-Lengths Master of the Female Half-Lengths 1520s private collection [227]
Rest in Egypt 266 Master of the Female Half-Lengths / Master of the Female Half-Lengths Master of the Female Half-Lengths 1510s private collection [228]
Wings of a triptych: Annunciation (right) and Visitation (left) 267 Gerard David / 1902: collection of Count of Harrach, Vienna; current location unknown
Virgin and Child 268 Gerard David / Gerard David or workshop Collection of Baron of Bethune, Bruges; current location unknown
Virgin and Child 269 Dieric Bouts / Dieric Bouts? or workshop? 1902: collection of Count Pourtalès, The Hague; current location unknown
Triptych: Descent from the Cross, Crown of thorns and Ecce Homo 270 Master of Oultremont / Jan Mostaert Jan Mostaert 1520s Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [229]
Descent from the cross 271 Quentin Matsys / Unknown, first half of the 16th century 1902: collection Novak, Prague; current location unknown
Triptych: Herodias receives the head of John the Baptist 272 Lucas van Leyden / Unknown, c. 1520, imitator of Lucas van Leyden? Lucas van Leyden 1550s 1902: collection Somzée, Brussels; current location unknown
Head of Family at the Chateau of Rumbeke 273 Unknown / Unknown, Flemish, c. 1535 Master of the Female Half-Lengths 1530s private collection [230]
Triptych; Carrying the cross, Calvary and Resurrection 274 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1520–1530, in the style of Herri met de Bles Master of 1518 1510s Basilica of the Holy Blood [231]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, Saint Catherine and Saint Barbara, The donor protected by John the Baptist and The donor's wife protected by Saint Catherine 275 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1530 Unknown 1500 Museo de Arte de Ponce [232]
Annunciation 276 Master of the Death of Mary / Joos van Cleve Joos van Cleve 1525 Metropolitan Museum of Art [233]
Salomon visited by the Queen of Sheba and David refuses to drink the water of Bethlehem 277 Jan van Eyck / Herri met de Bles 1902: collection of Countess de Pourtalès, Paris; current location unknown
Virgin and Child 278 Quentin Matsys / Quentin Matsys, pupil of, perhaps his sonJan Matsys Unknown 1540 Metropolitan Museum of Art [234]
Crown of thorns 279 Bernard van Orley / Unknown, second quarter of the 16th century Bernard van Orley 1530s Lower Saxony State Museum [235]
Carrying the cross 280 Bernard van Orley / Unknown, second quarter of the 16th century Bernard van Orley 1530s Oriel College [236]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, Saint Peter protects two man and a little girl, and Mary Magdalen protects two women and a girl 281 Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen / Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 1902: collection Miethke, Vienna; current location unknown
Episode from the Legend of Mary Magdalen 282 Unknown / Master of the Legend of the Magdalen Master of the Legend of the Magdalen 1520s Bode Museum [237]
Preaching of Mary Magdalen 283 Unknown / Master of the Legend of the Magdalen Master of the Legend of the Magdalen 1515 Philadelphia Museum of Art [238]
Frame of an horloge 284 Quentin Matsys / Unknown, Leuven, c. 1500 Unknown 1500s M - Museum Leuven
Christ Carrying the Cross 285 Hieronymus Bosch / Hieronymus Bosch Hieronymus Bosch 1510s Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent [239]
Christ in Limbo 286 Hieronymus Bosch / Jan Mandijn? 1510 1902: collection of Count Harrach, Vienna; current location unknown
The temptation of Saint Anthony and Flemish Proverbs 287 Hieronymus Bosch / Hieronymus Bosch, after Unknown 1500s private collection [240]
Last Judgment 288 Hieronymus Bosch / Hieronymus Bosch, unknown imitator of Unknown 1500s private collection [241]
Garden of earthly delights 289 Hieronymus Bosch / Hieronymus Bosch, after Unknown 1550s Germanisches Nationalmuseum [242]
Left wing of a diptych: The donor Margareta van Metteneye protected by Saint Margarita 290 Lancelot Blondeel / Lancelot Blondeel Lancelot Blondeel 1525 Groeningemuseum [243]
Scenes from the legend of Saints Cosmas and Damian 291 Lancelot Blondeel / Lancelot Blondeel Unknown 1523 St. James Church [244]
Saint Luc painting the Virgin and Child 292 Lancelot Blondeel / Lancelot Blondeel Lancelot Blondeel 1545 Groeningemuseum [245]
Madonna with the patron saints of the guild of painters of Bruges 293 Lancelot Blondeel / Lancelot Blondeel Lancelot Blondeel 1545 St. Salvator's Cathedral [246]
Christ healing the sick 294 Lucas Gassel / Lucas Gassel 1538 Sale from Weber collection, 1912: current location unknown [16]
Vocation of Saint Matthew 295 Marinus van Reymerswaele / Marinus van Reymerswaele Marinus van Reymerswaele 1530 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum [247]
Saint Jerome 296 Marinus van Reymerswaele / Marinus van Reymerswaele Marinus van Reymerswaele 1541 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [248]
Portrait of Otto Stochove 297 Unknown / Unknown, dated 1542 Ambrosius Benson 1542 Groeningemuseum [249]
Portrait of Pierre Lootyns, 1557 298 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, dated 1557 Unknown 1557 St. Salvator's Cathedral
Portrait of Jean Fernagant 299 Pieter Pourbus / Pieter Pourbus Pieter Pourbus 1551 Groeningemuseum [250]
Portrait of Jacquemyne Buuck 300 Pieter Pourbus / Pieter Pourbus Pieter Pourbus 1551 Groeningemuseum [251]
Triptych: Lady of Sorrows, The donor protected by Saint Josse and The donor's wife protected by Saint Catherine 301 Pieter Pourbus / Pieter Pourbus Pieter Pourbus 1556 St. James Church [252]
Wings of a triptych: Portraits of the members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Blood 302 Pieter Pourbus / Pieter Pourbus Pieter Pourbus 1556 Basilica of the Holy Blood [253]
Triptych: Last Supper, Meeting of Abraham and Melchidesek and Elia under the juniper tree 303 Pieter Pourbus / Pieter Pourbus Pieter Pourbus 1559 St. Salvator's Cathedral [254]
Portrait of Pierine Hellinc 304 Pieter Pourbus / Pieter Pourbus 1902: collection Coppieters 't Wallant, Bruges; current location unknown
Wings of a triptych: Saint Anthony (right) and Abbot Antonius Wydoot (left) 305 Pieter Pourbus / Pieter Claeissens the Elder? Pieter Claeissens the Elder 1560s Groeningemuseum [255]
Portrait of a man 306 Pieter Pourbus / Pieter Pourbus Pieter Pourbus 1574 private collection [256]
Wings of a polyptych: Episodes of the Legend of Saint George 307 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1490 Unknown 1500s Groeningemuseum [257]
Legend of Saint George 308 Lancelot Blondeel / Lancelot Blondeel Lancelot Blondeel 1540 Groeningemuseum [258]
Portrait of Robrecht Holman 309 Antoine Claeis / Pieter Claeissens the Elder? Unknown 1571 1902: Seminary, Bruges; current location unknown
The Saviour adored by Robert Holman, abbot of Ter Duinen 310 Gilles Claeis / Gilles Claeis? Pieter Claeissens the Elder 1565 private collection [259]
Vision of Saint Bernard 311 Antoine Claeis / Antoon Claeissens 1608 St. Salvator's Cathedral
Patron Saints of the guild of farmers, poultry merchants and dairies 312 Unknown, 1574 / Lancelot Blondeel, imitator of, probablyAntuenis Claeis Pieter Claeissens 1574 Groeningemuseum [260]
Portraits: three men 313 Frans Pourbus / Frans Pourbus? 1902: collection Verhaeghen, Merelbeke; current location unknown
The flagellation 314 Unknown / Unknown, Brussels, c. 1510–1520 Master of the Beighem Altarpiece 1520s Beigem [261]
Ecce Homo 315 Unknown / Unknown, Brussels, c. 1510–1520; same artist as 314 Master of the Beighem Altarpiece 1520s Beigem [261]
Calvary 316 Unknown / Unknown, Brussels, c. 1510–1520; same artist as 314 Master of the Beighem Altarpiece 1520s Beigem [261]
Resurrection 317 Unknown / Unknown, Brussels, c. 1510–1520; other artist than 314-316 Master of the Beighem Altarpiece 1520s Beigem [261]
Wings of a triptych: Doctors of the Church 318 Unknown / Unknown, Antwerp? or Guelders?, c. 1510? Unknown 1510 private collection [262]
Last Supper 319 Unknown / Unknown, France Unknown 1490s Art Institute of Chicago [263]
Saint Hugh of Lincoln 320 Unknown / Unknown, France Unknown 1490s Art Institute of Chicago [264]
Episode of the Legend of Saint George 321 Unknown / Unknown, School of Avignon, first half of the 15th century Bernat Martorell 1435s Louvre [265]
Portrait of a man 322 Lucas van Leyden / Unknown, Italian (Lombard?), date unknown Unknown 1525 Metropolitan Museum of Art [266]
Adoration of the magi 323 Rogier van der Weyden / Unknown, Flanders, c. 1500 Justus van Gent 1490s private collection [267]
Agony in the garden 324 Joachim Patinir / Unknown, c. 1515 1902: collection S. Röhrer, Munich; current location unknown
Pieta 325 Petrus Christus / Petrus Christus Petrus Christus 1435
Louvre [268]
Adoration of the magi 326 Unknown / Unknown c. 1520–1530 Hugo van der Goes 1505 Saint Louis Art Museum [269]
Triptych: Adoration of the magi, Annunciation and Nativity, and Flight to Egypt and Presentation in the Temple 327 Margareta van Eyck / Unknown, c. 1515–1525 1902: collection Donaldson, London; current location unknown
Virgin and Child between two groups of angels 328 Unknown / Jan Gossaert, copy after Jan Gossaert 1513 private collection [270]
The vision of Saint Bernard 329 Unknown / Unknown, Brabant, first half of the 16th century Unknown 1500s private collection [271]
Virgin and Child 330 Jan Gossaert / Bernard van Orley Bernard van Orley 1520 Polesden Lacey [272]
Portrait of Lady Heneage 331 Hans Holbein the Elder / Unknown, France 1902: collection Simon, Berlin; current location unknown
The Conversion of Saint Paul 332 Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen / Unknown, Ghent? or Tournai? Jehan Bellegambe 1520s 1902: collection Verhaeghen, Merelbeke; current location unknown
Baptism of Christ 333 Joachim Patinir / Joachim Patinir, school of Joachim Patinir c. 1530 1902: Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai; current location unknown
Center and left wing of a triptych: Birth of the Virgin and The meeting of Joachim and Anna 334 Unknown / Unknown, Flanders, c. 1520–1530 Unknown 1520s Groeningemuseum [209]
Descent from the cross 335 Unknown / 1902: collection Jurié de Lavandal, Vienna; current location unknown
Portrait of Pierre de Cuenync 336 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, dated 1609 Pieter Claeissens 1609 St. Salvator's Cathedral
Portrait of Leonard Neyts 337 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, end of the 16th century 1902: St. Salvator's Cathedral; current location unknown
Man of sorrows 338 Unknown / Jan Mostaert Unknown 1520s National Gallery [273]
Pilatus washing his hands 339 Unknown / Unknown, German 1902: collection of Viscount de Ruffo Bonneval, Brussels; current location unknown
Portrait of Abel van de Coulster 340 Master of Oultremont / Jan Mostaert? Jan Mostaert 1510s Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [274]
Episodes from the legend of Saint Joseph 341 Unknown / Jacques Daret, copy after unknown 1450s St. Catherine's Church, Hoogstraten [275]
Virgin and Child 342 Unknown / Jan Provoost Jan Provoost 1510 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg [276]
Virgin and Child 343 Quentin Matsys / Gerard David, possibly Unknown 1520 private collection [277]
A minor brother praying in front of bishops 344 Unknown / Rogier van der Weyden 1470s private collection [278]
(Mistake in catalogue: same as 217) 345 / (Mistake in catalogue: same as 217)
Virgin and Child 346 Petrus Christus / Unknown, Flanders, 16th century Rogier van der Weyden 1460s Museum Godshuis Belle [279]
Christ on the cross, the Virgin and Saint John 347 Master of the Death of Maria / Joos van Cleve Joos van Cleve c. 1530 1993: sold at Sotheby's: current location unknown [280]
A Saint 348 Unknown / 1902: collection Schloss, Paris; current location unknown
Triptych: Descent from the cross, The donor protected by Saint Louis and An Augustin canon, protected by John the Evangelist 349 Unknown / Unknown, Flanders, 16th century 1902: collection Carpentier, Beernem; current location unknown
Virgin and Child 350 Unknown / Quentin Matsysor his workshop Quentin Matsys 1490 sold at the Dorotheum in 1999 [281]
Portrait of a man 351 Quentin Matsys / Quentin Matsys? Quentin Matsys 1517 Musée Jacquemart-André [282]
Descent in limbo 352 Jean Bellegambe / Unknown, Spain? or Tyrol? 1902: collection Thibaut-Sisson, Paris; current location unknown
Triptych: Calvary, Carrying the cross, and Descent from the cross 353 Unknown / Unknown, Ghent? or Tournai?, c. 1515–1525; later work from the same hand as 332 Cornelis Engebrechtsz. 1520s Seminary school of Tournai [283]
Calvary 354 Unknown / Unknown Unknown 1520 Rijksmuseum [284]
Christ chasing the merchants from the Temple 355 Hieronymus Bosch / Hieronymus Bosch, imitator of Unknown 1580s Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum [285]
Adoration of the magi 356 Pieter Bruegel the Elder / Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1902: collection Rott, Vienna; current location unknown
The Land of Cockaigne 357 Pieter Bruegel the Elder / Pieter Bruegel the Elder Pieter Brueghel the Elder 1567 Alte Pinakothek [286]
The Census at Bethlehem 358 Pieter Bruegel the Elder / Pieter Bruegel the Elder Pieter Brueghel the Elder 1566 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [287]
The ill-matched lovers 359 Quentin Matsys / Quentin Matsys Quentin Matsys 1520 National Gallery of Art, Washington [288]
Triptych: Descent from the cross, Saint Philip, and The donor protected by Saint George 360 Antoon Claeissens / Antoon Claeissens Antoon Claeissens 1609 St. Salvator's Cathedral [289]
Wings of a triptych: The donor Juan II Pardo protected by John the Evangelist (right) and The wifes of the donor protected by Saint Anna and the Virgin 361 Antoon Claeissens / Antoon Claeissens Antoon Claeissens 1580 Groeningemuseum [290]
Calvary 362 Unknown / Unknown, Brabant, early 16th century 1902: collection Viscount de Ruffo Bonneval, Brussels; current location unknown
Holy Family 363 Unknown / Unknown, second quarter of the 16th century 1902: collection Thibaut-Sisson, Paris; current location unknown
Christ on the cross, the Virgin and Saint John 364 Unknown / Adriaen Isenbrandt, style of 1902: collection De Bruyne, Antwerp; current location unknown
Mater Dolorosa 365 Rogier van der Weyden / Unknown Unknown 1500 1902: collection Van Speybrouck, Bruges; current location unknown [291]
Triptych: Virgin and Child, a Bishop-Saint, and Saint Louis 366 Gillis van Coninxloo / Unknown, Brabant, c. 1530? Unknown 1520s National Gallery [292]
Saint Christoph 367 Herri met de Bles / Unknown Sale from Weber collection, 1912: current location unknown [16]
Triptych: Temptation of Saint Anthony 368 Pieter Bruegel the Elder / Hieronymus Bosch, imitator of Unknown 1550s Georgium [293]
Adoration of the magi 369 Unknown / 1902: collection Snyers, Brussels; current location unknown
Saint Donatian 370 Jan Gossaert / Jan Gossaert Jan Gossaert 1520 Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai [294]
Wing of a triptych: John the Evangelist and Saint Agnes 371 Quentin Massys / Quentin Massys Quentin Matsys 1510s Wallraf-Richartz Museum [295]
Virgin and Child 372 Quentin Massys / Unknown, c. 1515–1525 Master of the Mansi Magdalen 1520 Metropolitan Museum of Art [296]
Christ 373 Unknown / Quentin Massys, after 1902: collection of Baron de Schickler, Paris; current location unknown
Triptych: Saints Christoph, Jerome and Anthony 374 Unknown / Unknown, Brabant, first half of the 16th century Master of the Legend of the Magdalen 1510s Museum Mayer van den Bergh [297]
Triptych: Christ mourned by his mother, Saint John and the Holy Women, Saint Anna, the Virgin and Child and Saint Francis receiving the stigmata 375 Herri met de Bles / Herri met de Bles, style of 1902: collection Turner, London; current location unknown
Holy Family 376 Master of the Death of Mary / Joos van Cleve, copy Unknown 1530s private collection [298]
The agony of Christ in the Garden of Olives 377 Unknown / Master of the Holy Kinship Unknown 1489 private collection [299]
Six apostles 378 Unknown / Unknown, German Derick Baegert 1550 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium [300]
Calvary 379 Unknown, 16th century / Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 1902: collection Viscount de Ruffo Bonneval, Brussels; current location unknown
Triptych: Adoration of the magi, Nativity and The presentation in the Temple 380 Rogier van der Weyden / Unknown, Utrecht, c. 1520–1530 Unknown 1510 1902: collection Glitza, Hamburg; current location unknown [301]
Portrait of a monk 381 Rogier van der Weyden / Unknown, late 15th century Unknown 1480 National Gallery of Art, Washington [302]
Two monks in prayer (The Hypocrites) 382 Unknown / Quentin Massys, imitator of Unknown 1520 Doria Pamphilj Gallery [303]
Saint Anna, the Virgin and Child 383 Unknown / Unknown 1530 private collection [304]
Episodes from the life of the Virgin 384 Unknown / Lancelot Blondeel? Lancelot Blondeel 1550 Tournai Cathedral [305]
Virgin and Child 385 Unknown / Adriaen Isenbrandt 1902: collection of Baron Surmont de Volsberghe, Ypres; current location unknown
Portrait of a man, 1541 386 Unknown / 1902: collection of the Count of Harrach, Vienna; current location unknown
Portrait of a man 387 Frans Pourbus / Adriaen Key 1902: collection Porgès, Paris; current location unknown
Descent from the cross 388 Unknown / Hugo van der Goes, copy after? 16th century Unknown 1470s Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai [306]
The creation of Eve, the sin of Adam, the expulsion from Paradise 389 Unknown / 1902: St Martin's Cathedral, Ypres; current location unknown
Christ with the crown of thorns 390 Unknown / Bernard van Orley? 1902: Tournai Cathedral
Christ carrying the cross 391 Lucas van Leyden / Hendrick Goltzius? 1902: collection Schloss, Paris; current location unknown
Christ insulted by the soldiers 392 Lucas van Leyden / Hendrick Goltzius? 1902: collection Schloss, Paris; current location unknown
Last Supper, Passion and Resurrection 393 Hendrick Goltzius / 1902: collection Cardon, Brussels; current location unknown
Christ chasing the merchants from the Temple 394 Quentin Massys / Quentin Matsys 1520s Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) [307]
Diptych: The conversion of Saint Paul (right) and The fall of Simon the magician (left) 395 Jan van Rillaer / Jan Rombouts I 1520s M - Museum Leuven [308]
Christ in Emmaüs 396 Herri met de Bles / Unknown, mid-16th century 1902: collection Helbig, Liège; current location unknown
Adoration of the magi 397 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, c. 1510 Unknown 1500s Groeningemuseum [209]
Holy Family 398 Unknown / Unknown 1902: collection Novak, Prague; current location unknown
Descent from the cross 399 Jan Massys / 1902: collection Novak, Prague; current location unknown
Virgin and Child 400 Unknown / Unknown 1902: collection Servais, Liège; current location unknown
Portrait of a young man 401 Unknown / Unknown, second half the 16th century 1902: collection Errera, Brussels; current location unknown
Descent from the cross 402 Unknown / Unknown, Flanders, c. 1540 1902; collection Iweyns d'Eeckhout, Sint-Kruis-Brugge; current location unknown [309]
Saint Jerome 403 Jan Massys / Unknown 1902: collection Van Even, Leuven; current location unknown
Saint Barbara 404 Unknown / Unknown, Flanders, probably Bruges, c. 1500 Master of the Embroidered Foliage 1500 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen [310]
Saint Catherine 405 Unknown / Unknown, Flanders, probably Bruges, c. 1500, same hand as 404, wings of same triptych? Master of the Embroidered Foliage 1500 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen [311]
The meeting between Esau and Jacob 406 Lambert Lombard / Unknown 1902: collection Scheen, Vonck; current location unknown
Portrait of a woman carrying a vase of flowers 407 Bernard van Orley / 1902: at Sedelmeyer, Paris; current location unknown
Wings of the libraries of the abbey Ter Duinen with the portraits of the abbots and the counts and countesses of Flanders 408-413 Unknown / Unknown, Bruges, dated 1480 Unknown 1480 Bruges seminary [312]
Adoration of the Magi 414 Ambrosius Benson / Ambrosius Benson 1530 private collection not in catalog[313]


  1. ^ Bohn, Babette (2013). A companion to Renaissance and Baroque Art. John Wiley & Son. p. 513. ISBN 9781118391501.
  2. ^ a b c Krul, Wessel (2005). "4. Realism, Renaissance and Nationalism". Early Netherlandish Paintings: Rediscovery, Reception, and Research. Getty. p. 481. ISBN 9780892368167.
  3. ^ a b c Graham, Jenny (2007). Inventing Van Eyck: The Remaking of an Artist for the Modern Age. Berg. p. 259. ISBN 9781845207762.
  4. ^ a b Paumen, Vanessa. "De Vlaamse primitieven: What's in a name?". De Vlaamse Kunstcollectie.be. Retrieved 16 December 2013.
  5. ^ Stigter, Bianca (2009). "Voor eksters geschilderd. Jan van Eyck in Brugge". De ontsproten Picasso (in Dutch). Atlas Contact. ISBN 9789025430412.
  6. ^ "Exhibition culture in London 1878–1908". Exhibition Culture.
  7. ^ "Prinselijk bezoek voor de Tentoonstelling der Vlaamse Primitieven". Beeldbank Brugge. Archived from the original on 19 April 2014. Retrieved 16 December 2013.
  8. ^ Ridderbos, Bernhard (2005). "3. From Waagen to Friedländer". Early Netherlandish Paintings: Rediscovery, Reception, and Research. Getty. p. 481. ISBN 9780892368167.
  9. ^ Boyens, Piet (1998). Sint-Martens-Latem. Lannoo. p. 517. ISBN 9789020934977.
  10. ^ Weale, W. H. James (1902). Exposition des Primitifs flamands et d'Art ancien. Bruges. Première section: tableaux. Catalogue (in French). Bruges: Desclée, De Brouwer. p. 186.
  11. ^ Hulin de Loo, Georges (1902). Exposition de tableaux flamands des XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècles: catalogue critique (in French). Ghent: A. Siffer. p. 123.
  12. ^ Hymans, Henri (1902). L'exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges (in French). Paris: Gazette des Beaux-Arts. p. 89.
  13. ^ Van de Woestijne, Karel (1949). "De Vlaamsche primitieven Hoe ze waren te Brugge". Verzameld werk. Deel 4. Beschouwingen over literatuur en kunst (in Dutch). Bussul: Van Dishoeck.
  14. ^ Weale; James, W. H. (1902). Exposition des primitifs flamands et d'art ancien (1902 : Bruges, Belgium). Desclée, De Brouwer et cie. – via archive.org. Catalogue listings
  15. ^ "Museum Godshuis Belle". Toerisme Ieper. Archived from the original on 18 May 2014. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  16. ^ a b c d e f Friedländer, Max Jakob (1912). Galerie Weber, Hamburg (in German).
  17. ^ "Chapelle Cardon" (in French). Louvre.
  18. ^ "Crucifixion with the saints Catherine and Barbara". De Vlaamse Primitieven.
  19. ^ "De drie Maria's bij het lege graf, c. 1425–1435". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  20. ^ "De investituur van de H. Rombout als bisschop van Dublin, c. 1520". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  21. ^ "Het Lam Godsretabel, 1432 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  22. ^ "Maria met kind, de HH. Donaas (Donatianus van Reims) en Joris met kanunnik Joris van der Paele, 1436 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  23. ^ "De H. Barbara". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  24. ^ "Portret van Margaretha van Eyck, de vrouw van de schilder, 1439 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  25. ^ "Maria met kind bij een fontein, 1439 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  26. ^ "Pieter Wijts in aanbidding voor Maria met kind, 17de eeuw naar c. 1445". Netherlands Institute for Art History., "De Wijtstriptiek: Het brandende braambos (linksboven), Gideon en de engel (linksbeneden), Pieter Wijts in aanbidding voor Maria met kind (midden), de poort van Ezechiel (rechtsboven), Aäron (rechtsbeneden), 17de eeuw naar c. 1445".
  27. ^ "Portret van een man met blauwe kaproen, c. 1429". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  28. ^ "Hans Memling, Portrait of an old man". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  29. ^ "Een goudsmid in zijn winkel, mogelijk de H. Eligius, 1449 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  30. ^ "Petrus Christus, portrait of a young man". National Gallery. Archived from the original on 10 June 2015. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  31. ^ "De kruisiging". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  32. ^ "De bewening van Christus met donoren, vermoedelijk Anselmus Adornes en Margaretha van der Banck, c. 1455–1460". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  33. ^ "Tronende Maria met kind, c. 1500". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  34. ^ "De kruisafneming met stichter, c. 1450". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  35. ^ "Follower of Robert Campin, the Virgin and Child before a Firescreen". National Gallery. Archived from the original on 5 February 2016. Retrieved 25 February 2014.
  36. ^ "Madonna of the Fireplace, c. 1500". Object of the Month. Bob Jons University Museum and Gallery. February 2013.
  37. ^ "Rogier van der Weyden, Nood Gods". Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.
  38. ^ "Attributed to Rogier van der Weyden, Portrait of a Man". Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Archived from the original on 19 May 2014. Retrieved 26 February 2014.
  39. ^ "Portret van een jonge man, c. 1450". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  40. ^ "Rogier van der Weyden, Virgin and Child". Art Institute of Chicago.
  41. ^ "Rogier van der Weyden (navolger), Huwelijk van Jozef en Maria / Tiburtijnse Sibille". Balat.
  42. ^ "Rogier van der Weyden, The Virgin and Child enthroned". Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.
  43. ^ "Probably South of France, Pietà with Donor". Frick Collection.[permanent dead link]
  44. ^ "Unknown, portrait of John the Fearless". BALaT.
  45. ^ "De H. Johannes de Doper in de wildernis, c. 1485–1490". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  46. ^ "Triptych of Saint Erasmus". Flemish Primitives.
  47. ^ "The Last Supper". Flemish Primitives.
  48. ^ "Martyrdom of Saint Hippolytus". Flemish Primitives.
  49. ^ "Dieric Bouts, portrait of a man". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  50. ^ "Christus in het huis van Simon de Farizeër met een stichtersportret, c. 1445–1450". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  51. ^ "De kruisiging, c. 1465". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  52. ^ "Albrecht Bouts". McNay Art Museum.
  53. ^ "Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine, Last supper". BALaT.
  54. ^ "Master of the Tiburtine Sibyl, Virgin and Child". BALaT.
  55. ^ "Dirk Bouts, Saint Joseph et deux bergers (Fragment d'une Nativité)". BALaT KIK-IRPA.
  56. ^ "De Kerk, 1470–1483".
  57. ^ "De Synagoge, 1470–1483". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  58. ^ "Vier episoden uit het leven van de H. Ursula, 1470–1483". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  59. ^ "Maria met kind, de H. Maria Magdalena en een vrouwelijke donor, laatste kwart 15de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  60. ^ "Jan de Witte, burgemeester van Brugge (links), Maria met kind (midden), Maria Hoose, echtgenote van Jan de Witte (rechts), 27-06-1473 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  61. ^ "Drie taferelen uit het leven van de H. Lucia: Lucia en haar moeder met een groep bedelaars en pelgrims (links); Lucia wordt voor de consul geleid (midden); De ossen proberen Lucia weg te voeren (rechts), 1480 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  62. ^ "Het sterfbed van Maria, c. 1481–1482". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  63. ^ "Triptiek met de aanbidding der koningen met stichter en H. Stephanus, tweede helft 15de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  64. ^ "De nederdaling van de H. Geest (Pinksteren) met stichterspaar, c. 1490". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  65. ^ "School of Dirk Bouts, Virgin and Child". BALaT.
  66. ^ "Hans Memling, Portrait of a man with a Roman coin". Flemish Primitives.
  67. ^ "Hans Memling, The Donne Triptych". National Gallery.
  68. ^ a b "Portinari double portrait by Memling". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  69. ^ "Hans Memling, Saint John Altarpiece". Flemish Primitives.
  70. ^ "Hans Memling, Triptych of Jan Floreins". Flemish Primitives.
  71. ^ "Hans Memling: Triptych of Adriaan Reins". Flemish Primitives.
  72. ^ "Hans Memling, Sibylla Sambetha". Flemish Primitives.
  73. ^ "Hans Memling, Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Barbara". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  74. ^ "Hans Memling, Portret van Willem Moreel" (in Dutch). Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.
  75. ^ "Hans Memling, Portret van Barbara van Vlaenderberch" (in Dutch). Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.
  76. ^ "Hans Memling, Moreel triptych". Flemish Primitives.
  77. ^ "Hans Memling, Diptych of Maarten van Nieuwenhove". Flemish Primitives.
  78. ^ "Hans Memling, Saint Ursula Shrine". Flemish Primitives.
  79. ^ "Hans Memling, Saint Sebastian" (in Dutch). Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.
  80. ^ "Hans Memling, Portrait of a Man with an Arrow". National Gallery of Art.
  81. ^ "Portret van een bejaard echtpaar (vrouw), c. 1470–1472". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  82. ^ "Maria met kind, eind 15de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  83. ^ "Hans Memling, Portrait". Mauritshuis. Archived from the original on 14 March 2014.
  84. ^ a b "Hans Memling, Portraits". Brukenthal Museum. Archived from the original on 18 November 2020. Retrieved 14 March 2014.
  85. ^ "Hans Memling, Heads of Jews and Roman soldiers shouting and gesticulating". Art Sales Index.
  86. ^ "Hans Memling, A Young Man at Prayer". National Gallery. Archived from the original on 10 June 2015. Retrieved 17 March 2014.
  87. ^ "Tronende Madonna met kind en engel, c. 1485–1490". Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis.
  88. ^ "Hans Memling, Madonna and Child with angels". national Gallery of Art. 1479.
  89. ^ "De geboorte van Christus, c. 1470–1472". Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis.
  90. ^ "Staande Maria met kind en de H. Antonius met stichter, 1472 gedateerd". Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis.; the RKD incorrectly identifies this work with the #72 of the exhibition, which had the same owner in 1902, but different subject and dimensions
  91. ^ "Hans Memling, Virgin and Child". BALaT.
  92. ^ "Copy after Hans Memling, Virgin and Child". BALaT.
  93. ^ "Hans Memling, Christ with Singing and Music-making Angels". Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp.
  94. ^ "Hans Memling, Annunciation". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  95. ^ "Hans Memling, Der büssende Hl. Hieronymus" (in German). Bachoven-Burckhardt Stiftung. Archived from the original on 30 April 2014. Retrieved 18 March 2014.
  96. ^ "Master of the Saint Catherine Legend , Saint Michael; The Mass of Saint Gregory; Saint Jerome". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  97. ^ "Netherlandish painter, Portrait of a man in a turban". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  98. ^ "Maria met kind (midden); harpspelende engel (links); luitspelende engel (rechts), laatste kwart 15de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  99. ^ "Hans Memling, Compassion for the Dead Christ, with a Donor". Doria Pamphilj Gallery. Archived from the original on 12 January 2015.
  100. ^ "Hans Memling, Lamentation of Christ". Museum Boijmans van Beuningen. Archived from the original on 14 June 2015. Retrieved 18 March 2014.
  101. ^ "De H. Johannes de Doper (links); de H. Hieronymus (rechts), 1529". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  102. ^ "Follower of Dieric Bouts". Christie's.
  103. ^ "Attributed to Aelbrecht Bouts, Christ appears to his mother". BALaT.
  104. ^ "Follower of Rogier van der Weyden, Portrait of a young lady". BALaT.
  105. ^ "Copy after Rogier van der Weyden, Saints Margareta and Appolonia". BALaT.
  106. ^ "Jan Provost, Virgin and Child". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  107. ^ "Maria met kind en inktpot, c. 1500–1510". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  108. ^ "Jean Hey, François de Chateaubriand Commended by St. Maurice". VADS - NICE. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 19 March 2014.
  109. ^ "Simon Marmion, Saint Jerome and a Canon Praying". Philadelphia Museum of Art.
  110. ^ "Unknown, The emperor surrounded by electors". BALaT.
  111. ^ "Jan van Eeckele?, Mater Dolorosa". Flemish Primitives.
  112. ^ "Maria met kind". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  113. ^ "Rogier van der Weyden, Portrait of a Lady". National Gallery of Art. 19 May 1460.
  114. ^ Hulin de Loo, Georges (1902). Quelques peintres Brugeois de la première moitié du XVIe siècle (PDF) (in French). Ghent: Hoste.
  115. ^ "De boodschapper van Abner voor koning David (2 Samuel 3:12) en twee stichtersportretten, c. 1480". Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  116. ^ "De investituur van de H. Ildefonsus, laatste kwart 15de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  117. ^ "Follower of Rogier van der Weyden, Maria Lactans". Museum Mayer van den Bergh. Archived from the original on 28 October 2016. Retrieved 24 March 2014.
  118. ^ "Maria met kind en elf vrouwelijke heiligen". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  119. ^ "Saint Luke drawing the Virgin by Dieric Bouts the elder". National Trust. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 24 March 2014.
  120. ^ "Rogier van der Weyden (copy), Saint Luke drawing the Virgin". BALaT.
  121. ^ "Gerard David, De Transfiguratie" (in Dutch). Lucasweb. Archived from the original on 7 April 2016. Retrieved 24 March 2014.
  122. ^ "Master of 1499, Diptycj of Christiaan de Hondt". Flemish Primitives.
  123. ^ "Justus van Gent, Calvarieberg-retabel" (in Dutch). Openbaar Kunstbezit in Vlaanderen.
  124. ^ "De kruisdraging, de kruisiging en de bewening, ca. 1500". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  125. ^ "Rogier van der Weyden and Studio, Lamentation of Christ". Mauritshuis. Archived from the original on 8 November 2007.
  126. ^ "Het oordeel van Cambyses: de aanhouding van Sisamnes, 1498 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  127. ^ "Het oordeel van Cambyses: het villen van Sisamnes, 1498 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  128. ^ "De doop van Christus in de Jordaan, c. 1502–1508". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  129. ^ "Maria met kind, vrouwelijke heiligen, musicerende engelen en stichters, 1509". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  130. ^ "Gerard David and workshop: the Saint Anne Altarpiece". National Gallery of Art.
  131. ^ "De bewening, eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  132. ^ "De annunciatie (de aartsengel Gabriël) (het Cervara-Altaar), 1506". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  133. ^ "De annunciatie (Maria) (het Cervara-Altaar), 1506". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  134. ^ "Simon Bening (attributed), John the Baptist preaching and the Baptism of Christ". Flemish Primitives.
  135. ^ "Maria met kind, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  136. ^ "Follower or assistant of Simon Marmion, Pentecost showing the Virgin surrounded by the twelve apostles". Fitzwilliam Museum. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016.
  137. ^ "Maria met kind, ca. 1500". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  138. ^ "Johannes de Doper (links); de H. Franciscus (rechts), c. 1485–1490". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  139. ^ "De aanbidding van de Wijzen, c. 1490". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  140. ^ "Master of the Bruges Adoration, the Adoration of the Kings". Flemish Primitives.
  141. ^ "Ecce Homo, c. 1476 of later". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  142. ^ "H. Christoforus, H. Franciscus, H. Hieronymus, H. Antonius Abt, eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  143. ^ Sterling, Charles (1998). Fifteenth- to Eighteenth-century European Paintings: France, Central Europe, the Netherlands, Spain, and Great Britain. Metropolitan Museum of Art. p. 85. ISBN 9780870998812.
  144. ^ a b "Biddende kannunik voor een bidstoel met H. Maria Magdalena en H. Johannes de Doper, met op de achtergrond de Doop in de Jordaan (linkerluik); Geknielde karthuizer monnik met H. Andreas en H. Catharina, met op de achtergrond H. Christoffel (rechterluik), c. 1490–1500". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  145. ^ "Portret van een jonge man met een hartvormig gebedenboek, c. 1480". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  146. ^ "Maria met kind en vrouwelijke heiligen". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  147. ^ "De H. Rombout verlaat zijn ouders, c. 1490". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  148. ^ "Saint Clement and a Donor". National Gallery.
  149. ^ "God de Vader tussen twee engelen (het Cervara-Altaar), 1506". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  150. ^ "De H. Franciscus van Assisi doet afstand van zijn wereldse kleren, c. 1510". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  151. ^ "De verschijning van de H. Maagd Maria aan de H. Ildefonso". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  152. ^ "Tronende Maria met kind". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  153. ^ "Maria met kind bij een fontein, c. 1516–1520". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  154. ^ "De mis van de H. Gregorius, eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  155. ^ "De Gierigaard en de Dood, jaren 1510 of 1520". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  156. ^ "Maria met kind, heiligen en een stichter, c. 1505". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  157. ^ "Portret van Antonio Siciliano met de H. Antonius, c. 1508". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  158. ^ "Portret van mogelijk Floris van Egmond (1469–1539), eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  159. ^ Hand, John Oliver (2006). "23". Prayers and Portraits: Unfolding the Netherlandish Diptych. Yale University Press. p. 156. ISBN 9780300121551.
  160. ^ "De visitatie en de geboorte (links), het sterfbed van Maria (midden), de aanbidding van de Wijzen en de presentatie (rechts), de tempelgang van Maria (linksboven), de annunciatie (rechtsboven), 1520 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  161. ^ Worcester Art Museum (1974). European Paintings in the Collection of the Worcester Art Museum. Univ. of Massachusetts Press. p. 154. ISBN 9780870231698.
  162. ^ "De H. Maria Magdalena (pendant: de H. Maria Egyptica), 1514–1524"., "De H. Maria Egyptica (pendant: de H. Maria Magdalena), 1514–1524". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  163. ^ "Het Laatste Oordeel, 1525 gedocumenteerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  164. ^ "Het Laatste Oordeel, eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  165. ^ "Het Laatste Oordeel". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  166. ^ "De kroning van Maria, 1517–1522". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  167. ^ "De boetvaardige H. Hieronymus in de wildernis, c. 1500–1510". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  168. ^ "Maria met kind, gekroond door twee engelen, 1470–1499".
  169. ^ "De H. Catharina van Alexandrië (links), Maria met kind (midden), de H. Barbara (rechts)". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  170. ^ "Zes panelen verwijzend naar de aardse ijdelheid en de hemelse verlossing, 1485 of later". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  171. ^ "Old Master Adriaen Isenbrant (Flemish, 1490-1551) triptych oils on panel H 14" W 7 1/2"". Dumouchelles. Archived from the original on 23 January 2017. Retrieved 7 November 2016.
  172. ^ "Luitspelende engel (links); tronende Maria met kind, gekroond door engelen (midden); harpspelende engel (rechts)". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  173. ^ "Maria van de Zeven Smarten". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  174. ^ "Portretten van Joris van de Velde, zijn vrouw Barbara Le Marie en hun kinderen met de heiligen Joris en Barbara". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  175. ^ "Portret van een stichter met zoon en Johannes de Evangelist (links); portret van een stichteres met drie dochters en een vrouwelijke heilige (rechts)". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  176. ^ "Jean Hey, Portrait presumé de Madeleine de Bourgogne, dame de Laage, presentée par Sainte Madeleine" (in French). Joconde.
  177. ^ "De H. Maria Magdalena in een landschap". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  178. ^ "Tronende Maria met stichtersfamilie". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  179. ^ "De H. Philippus met de stichter Philip Wielant; De presentatie in de tempel; De H. Johannes de Evangelist met de stichteres Jeanne van Haleweyn". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  180. ^ "De HH. Michael, Andreas en Franciscus met in de achtergrond de kruisiging". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  181. ^ "Copy after Rogier van der Weyden, Calvary". BALaT.
  182. ^ "De H. Lucas, mogelijk een zelfportret van de kunstenaar, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  183. ^ "De H. Maria Magdalena lezend". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  184. ^ "Kruisdraging (linkerluik); Portret van een minderbroeder (rechterluik) Een doodshoofd (achterzijde rechterluik), 1522 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  185. ^ "Portret van een kanunnik, 1525–1530". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  186. ^ "Maria met kind op de maansikkel (links), de aanbidding van de Wijzen (midden), de nederdaling van de Heilige Geest (rechts), eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  187. ^ "Goswijn van der Weyden, Saint Catherine and the Philosophers". Art UK.
  188. ^ "De maaltijd te Emmaus (Lucas 24: 30-31), eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  189. ^ "Lancelot Blondeel (attributed), Scènes uit het leven van Sint-Antonius en Paulus / Zicht op de haven van Nieuwpoort". BALaT.
  190. ^ "De kruisiging, 1515–1517". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  191. ^ "De H. Johannes de Doper (links), de rust op de vlucht naar Egypte (midden), de H. Cornelius (rechts), c. 1515–1516". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  192. ^ "Landschap met de rust op de vlucht naar Egypte, c. 1515–1516". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  193. ^ "De roeping van Petrus (Matth.4:18-22), eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  194. ^ "Bergachtig landschap met de H. Hieronymus, 1547 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  195. ^ "Rogier van der Weyden, Holy Trinity". Flemish Primitives.
  196. ^ "Albert Cornelis, The Glorification of the Virgin". VADS. Archived from the original on 30 April 2014. Retrieved 28 March 2014.
  197. ^ "Maria met kind, na 1510". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  198. ^ "Maria met kind". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  199. ^ "Maria met kind, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  200. ^ "Adriaen Isenbrandt, Virgin and Child". BALaT.
  201. ^ "Style of Hans Memling: Virgin and Child". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  202. ^ "De bewening, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  203. ^ "H. Johannes de Evangelist (op de oorspronkelijke binnenzijde: de gevangenneming), midden jaren 1480 of later". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  204. ^ "De Perzische Sibille, tweede kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  205. ^ "Portret van een jonge vrouw als Maria Magdalena, c. 1530". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  206. ^ "Jan Mostaert, Portrait of Justus van Bronckhorst". Petit Palais.
  207. ^ "Portret van Margaretha van Oostenrijk, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  208. ^ "Hercules en Antaeus, na 1523". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  209. ^ a b c d De Vos, Dirk (1979). Catalogus schilderijen 15de en 16de eeuw (in Dutch). Brugge: Stedelijke Musea Brugge.
  210. ^ "De geboorte (op de binnenzijde: Jozef met de bloeiende staf bij het altaar), 1515–1525". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  211. ^ "Circle of Master of Frankfurt, Saint Christopher". BALaT.
  212. ^ "De Heilige Familie met vier engelen in een landschap, derde kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  213. ^ "Attributed to Aelbrecht Bouts, Christ". BALaT.
  214. ^ "Jan Massijs, Judith with the head of Holofernes". Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
  215. ^ "Portret van een koopman, mogelijk Jeronimus Sandelin, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  216. ^ "De bewening met stichtster (non uit het klooster Mariënpoel bij Leiden) en de HH. Augustinus en Cecilia, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  217. ^ "De aanbidding van de Wijzen, eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  218. ^ "Attributed to Aelbrecht Bouts, Christ with the Crown of Thorns". BALaT.
  219. ^ "Attributed to Aelbrecht Bouts, Mater Dolorosa". BALaT.
  220. ^ "Jan Rombouts, Christ appears to his disciples at the Lake of Tiberias". BALaT.
  221. ^ "Aertgen van Leyden, Portrait of a donor". Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 2 April 2014.
  222. ^ "Unknown, Agatha van Schoonhoven, 1568". Frick Art Reference Library. 1568.
  223. ^ "Zelfportret, waarschijnlijk 1519". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  224. ^ "De H. Familie en musicerende engel, eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  225. ^ "De HH. Catharina en Barbara, eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  226. ^ "Schloss Rohrau – die Sammlung". Archived from the original on 4 August 2018. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  227. ^ "De H. Maria Magdalena schrijvend, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  228. ^ "Maria met kind, tweede kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  229. ^ "De doornenkroning (binnenzijde links), De kruisafneming (midden), Ecce Homo (binnenzijde rechts); De kruisdraging met de H. Veronica (buitenzijde links), Portret van Aelbrecht Adriaensz. van Adrichem (...-1555) met de HH. Catharina en Bavo (buitenzijde rechts), c. 1515–1520". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  230. ^ "Master of the Female Half-Lengths, Thomas de Thiennes en zijn familie voor het kasteel van Rumbeke". BALaT.
  231. ^ "Master of 1518, Triptych of the crucifixion". BALaT.
  232. ^ "Unknown, Virgin and Child with two saints (triptych)". BALaT.
  233. ^ "De annunciatie, c. 1525". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  234. ^ "Maria met kind voor een landschap, c. 1540". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  235. ^ "De doornenkroning (op de achterzijde: een rode marmerimitatie met de wapens van Hendrik III van Nassau en Mencia de Mendoza), na 1522". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  236. ^ "De kruisdraging (op de achterzijde: een rode marmerimitatie met de wapens van Hendrik III van Nassau en Mencia de Mendoza), na 1522". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  237. ^ "Master of the Legend of the Magdalen; Magdalen on the hunt". BALaT.
  238. ^ "Master of the Legend of the Magdalen, The preaching of Mary Magdalen". BALaT.
  239. ^ "Jeroen Bosch, Christ carrying the cross". BALaT.
  240. ^ "17th Century Follower of Hieronymus Bosch. Temptation of St. Anthony". Sotheby's. 2013.
  241. ^ "Het Laatste Oordeel, 1500–1510". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  242. ^ "Copy after Jeroen Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights". BALaT.
  243. ^ "Schenksterportret van Margareta van Metteneye (voorzijde); Memento Mori (achterzijde), 1523". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  244. ^ "Drieluik met de heiligen Cosmas en Damianus, 1523". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  245. ^ "Lancelot Blondeel, Saint Luke painting the Madonna". Flemish Primitives.
  246. ^ "Maria met kind, de HH. Lucas en Egidius, 1545 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  247. ^ "De roeping van Mattheus, c. 1530". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  248. ^ "De H. Hëronymus, 1541 (gedateerd)". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  249. ^ "Ambrosius Benson, Portrait of Otho Stochoven". Flemish Primitives.
  250. ^ "Pieter Pourbus, Portrait of Jan Fernagant". Frick Art Reference Library. 1551.
  251. ^ "Portret van Jacquemyne Buuck, echtgenote van Jan van Eyewerve (1532/33-1595), 1551 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  252. ^ "Maria van de zeven smarten, 1556 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  253. ^ "Groepsportret van zestien leden van de Broederschap van het Heilig Bloed, 1556 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  254. ^ "Het laatste avondmaal, 1559 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History., "De ontmoeting van Abraham en Melchisedek, 1559 gedateerd"., "De profeet Elia en de engel, 1559 gedateerd"., "Portretten van leden van de Sacramentsbroederschap van de Sint-Salvatorskerk in Brugge, 1559 gedateerd".
  255. ^ "Abt Antonius Wydoot van de Duinenabdij bij Koksijde en de H. Antonius Abt, 1557 of later". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  256. ^ "Portret van een 25-jarige man, 1574 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  257. ^ "Unknown, Bruges, early 16th century: Legend of Saint George". Flemish Primitives.
  258. ^ "Follower of Lancelot Blondeel, Legend of Saint George". Flemish Primitives.
  259. ^ "Robert Holman, abt van de abdij Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Duinen, in aanbidding voor Christus als Salvator Mundi, tweede helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  260. ^ "School of Lancelot Blondeel, Bavo: Jacobus de Mindere en Willibrordus". BALaT.
  261. ^ a b c d "Parochiekerk Onze-Lieve-Vrouw, Beigem" (in Dutch). Inventaris Onroerend Erfgoed. 8 October 2021.
  262. ^ "H. Hieronymus? (boven), H. Augustinus (onder) (linkerluik); H. Gregorius de Grote (boven), H. Ambrosius (onder) (rechterluik); (op de achterzijde: De annunciatie in grisaille), c. 1510". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  263. ^ "French (Picardy), Panels from the High Altar of the Charterhouse of Saint-Honoré, Thuison-les-Abbeville: The Last Supper". Art Institute of Chicago.
  264. ^ "French (Picardy), Altarpiece from Thuison-les-Abbeville: Saint Hugh of Lincoln". Art Institute of Chicago.
  265. ^ "Bernardo Montarell, Saint George". BALaT.
  266. ^ "Italian Painter?, Portrait of a man in profile". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  267. ^ "De aanbidding van de koningen, 1480–1500". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  268. ^ "De bewening van Christus, c. 1444". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  269. ^ "Follower of Hugo van der Goes; Adoration of the Magi". Saint Louis Art Museum. Archived from the original on 30 April 2014.
  270. ^ "Maria met kind en musicerende engelen, c. 1513". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  271. ^ "Master of the Legend of the Magdalen, Lactation of Saint Bernard". BALaT.
  272. ^ "Maria met kind, 1528–1530". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  273. ^ "Style of Jan Mostaert, Christ Crowned with Thorns". National Gallery. Archived from the original on 4 August 2012. Retrieved 14 April 2014.
  274. ^ "Jan Mostaert, Portret van ridder Abel van de Coulster, raadsheer te 'sGravenhage in 151". BALaT.
  275. ^ "Voorstellingen uit het leven van de H. Jozef, 15de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  276. ^ "Maria met kind in een interieur met een glas-in-loodraam, na 1500". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  277. ^ "De Heilige Familie, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  278. ^ "Environment of Rogier van der Weyden, A Franciscan preaching to bishops". BALaT.
  279. ^ "Unknown, Virgin with Child". BALaT.
  280. ^ "De kruisiging". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  281. ^ "Tronende Madonna met kind". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  282. ^ "Portret van een oude man en profil, 1513 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  283. ^ "De kruisiging, c. 1520–1530". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  284. ^ "De Calvarieberg, jaren 1510 of 1520". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  285. ^ "De verdrijving van de geldwisselaars uit de tempel (Joh. 2: 13-16), na c. 1570". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  286. ^ "Luilekkerland, 1567 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  287. ^ "Pieter Bruegel, Volkstelling te Bethlehem" (in Dutch). Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.
  288. ^ "Ongelijk paar, c. 1525". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  289. ^ "Antoon Claeissens, Kruisafneming". BALaT.
  290. ^ "Attributed to Antoon Claeissens, portraits of Juan II Pardo and his wifes". Flemish Primitives.
  291. ^ "Maria als Mater Dolorosa, eind 15de/begin 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  292. ^ "Een heilige bisschop (links), Maria met kind (midden); de H. Lodewijk (rechts), 1520–1530". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  293. ^ "Copy after Hieronymus Bosch, Temptation of Saint Anthony". BALaT.
  294. ^ "De H. Donatius, c. 1520". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  295. ^ "Johannes de Evangelist (links); de H. Agnes (rechts), eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History. Archived from the original on 10 March 2014.
  296. ^ "Master of the Mansi Magdalen, Virgin and Child". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  297. ^ "Triptiek van de Meester van de Heiligenfiguren" (in Dutch). Museum Mayer van den Bergh. Archived from the original on 30 April 2014.
  298. ^ "De H. Familie, tweede kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  299. ^ "Christus in Gethsemane met stichtersportretten van leden van de familie Jüdden (De Jode), 1489 gedateerd". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  300. ^ "Derick Baegert, Zes apostelen en de schenkers" (in Dutch). Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.
  301. ^ "Drieluik met de geboorte (links), de aanbidding van de Wijzen (midden) en de besnijdenis (rechts), eerste kwart 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  302. ^ "French, 15th century, Portrait of an Ecclesiastic". National Gallery of Art. 8 April 1480.
  303. ^ "Quentin Massys, Due vecchi in orazione" (in Italian). Cultura Italia.
  304. ^ "De heilige Anna-te-Drieën, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  305. ^ "De Zeven Vreugden van Maria, c. 1550". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  306. ^ "Copy after Hugo van der Goes, Descent from the Cross". BALaT.
  307. ^ "Christus verjaagt de wisselaars uit de tempel, eerste helft 16de eeuw". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  308. ^ "De bevrijding van Petrus (Handelingen 12:1-9) (op de binnenzijde: De bekering van Paulus (Handelingen 9:1-7), c. 1522–1530". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  309. ^ "Unknown, Lamentation". BALaT.
  310. ^ "De H. Barbara, c. 1500". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  311. ^ "De H. Catharina, c. 1500". Netherlands Institute for Art History.
  312. ^ "Unknown, Graven van Vlaanderen en abten van Ter Duinenabdij". BALaT.
  313. ^ "De aanbidding van de Wijzen, c. 1530". Netherlands Institute for Art History.