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File talk:Brawling Brutes.jpg

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This discussion revolves around the image titled “Brawling Brutes.jpg,” which has been uploaded to Wikipedia. This image is associated with the YouTuber “Rage Trons” and features a Titantron remake. The primary objective of this discussion is to assess the image’s alignment with Wikipedia’s copyright policies, particularly within the framework of “Fair Use” guidelines. Contributors are also invited to explore alternatives or replacement images in light of Wikipedia’s image use rules.

Rage Trons, a prominent creator on YouTube, is recognized for their expertise in crafting remakes of Titantron videos, a visual component widely used in professional wrestling. The image “Brawling Brutes.jpg” serves as a representation of Rage Trons’ distinctive creativity, including their watermark logo conspicuously positioned at the bottom of the image.

It is essential to understand that Wikipedia maintains strict guidelines concerning image use and copyright compliance. The concept of “Fair Use” permits limited use of copyrighted material without explicit permission, but the presence of a watermark logo in the image raises significant concerns. In line with Wikipedia’s policies, contributors to this discussion are urged to carefully evaluate whether the image, featuring a watermark logo, can be deemed as compliant with “Fair Use” criteria. Key aspects for consideration encompass the transformative nature of the content, potential market value impact, usage extent, and the character and purpose of the image.

Engagement in this conversation offers Wikipedia editors and contributors an opportunity to collectively gauge the image’s alignment with the platform’s image use rules. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to suggest replacement images that effectively convey the essence of Rage Trons’ Titantron remake, while respecting Wikipedia’s content guidelines and copyright standards.

The core emphasis here is on maintaining the integrity of Wikipedia’s content policies and respecting copyright law. Given the context, contributors are urged to approach this discussion with a clear understanding that, in the absence of explicit permission, the inclusion of an image with a watermark logo may not comply with Wikipedia’s rules for image use.

It’s important to underscore that discussions surrounding copyright and “Fair Use” require an informed and considerate approach, balancing legal and ethical aspects. Insights shared within this discussion will significantly contribute to the assessment of the image’s appropriateness within the context of Wikipedia’s image use regulations. WorldClassChampion (talk) 11:02, 12 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]