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File talk:Katyn - decision of massacre p1.jpg

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If you can read in Russian, you would see that this page of the document does not contain any decisions or proposals. It only tells about anti-Soviet activities of captured Polish officers, contra-revolutionaries and traitors.

The proposal is on the page 3. PQ —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:26, 5 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Can anybody translate this document to english? Nelievsky (talk) 19:22, 13 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

"People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs
March 1940
No. 794 B
"To the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks),
To Comrade Stalin
"In the prison camps of the NKVD of the USSR and in the reserve prisons of Ukrainian and Belorussian oblasts are currently contained a large quantity of former officers of the Polish Army, former employees of the Polish police and intelligence agencies, members of the Polish nationalist counterrevolutionary party, uncovered participants of counter-revolutionary rebel organizations, defectors and others. All of them are sworn enemies of the Soviet state and full of hatred for the Soviet system.
"POW officers and policemen, while in the camps, are attempting to continue counter-rev. work and lead anti-Soviet agitation. Each of them is just waiting to be released in order to actively join the opposition to the Soviet state.
"Organs of the NKVD in the western oblasts of Ukraine and Belarus revealed a number of rebel counter-rev. organizations wherein an active leadership role in being played by former officers of the Polish Army, former policemen, and gendarmes.
"Among the deserters arrested for illegal border crossings, there was found a significant number of persons whom are members of counter-rev. spy and insurgent organizations.
"In the POW camps there is a total of (not counting enlisted soldiers and non-commissioned officers) 14,736 former officers, government officials, policemen, gendarmes, prison guards, osadniks and intelligence agents - by nationality, over 97% of which are Poles.
"Of them, there are:
Generals, colonels, and lieutenant-colonels - 295
Majors and captains - 2,080
Lieutenants, sub-lieutenants and warrant-officers - 6,049
Officers and junior commanders of the police, border patrol, and Gendarmerie - 1,030
rank-and-file policemen [constables (UK); officers (US)], Gendarmes, prison guards, and intelligence officers - 5,138
Officials, landowners, clergymen and osadniks - 144
"In the prisons of the western oblasts of Ukraine and Belarus are contained a total of 18,632 prisoners (of which 10,685 are Poles), including:
Former officers - 1,207
Former police intelligence officers and gendarmes - 5,141
Spies and diversionists - 347
Former landowners, industrialists, and officials - 465
Members of various counter-rev. and insurgent organizations and other counter-rev. elements - 5,345
Deserters - 6,127
"Based on the fact that they are entrenched, incorrigible enemies of the Soviet state, the NKVD of the USSR considers it necessary:
To suggest the NKVD of the USSR:
1. For the cases of those 17,000 persons in POW camps that are former Polish officers, officials, landowners, policemen, intelligence agents, gendarmes, osadniks, and prison guards,
2. As well as the cases of those detainees held in prisons in the western oblasts of Ukraine and Belarus numbering 11,000 people who are members of various counter-rev. spying and sabotaging organizations, were former landlords, industrialists, former Polish officers, officials, and deserters -
- to try [and convict], in a special manner, these persons with the application of capital punishment - by gunshot.
Trials be performed without summoning the arrested nor with laying charges against the accused, ordinances on the termination of the investigation and final conviction are to be as follows:
a) For persons in POW camps - according to information provided by the Office for Prisoners of War of the NKVD of the USSR,
b) For persons arrested - according to information from the cases submitted by the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR and Belorussian SSR.
Trying and deliberating to be entrusted to a troika consisting of Comrades [name scratched out], Merkulov, [added in in pen] Kobulov, and Bashtakov (Head of the 1st Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR).

"Peoples Commission of Internal Affairs
Union of SSR
[Beria's Signature]
L. Beria" ——— D Boland (talk) 18:20, 6 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]