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// Guided Tour for requesting help, for editors in Wiki Education's Scholars & Scientists program
( function ( window, document, $, mw, gt ) {
gt.defineTour( {
name: 'WikiEduHelpScholars',
shouldLog: true,
steps: [ {
title: 'Request feedback',
description: 'Project:Wiki_Ed/tour/request_feedback_scholars',
onShow: gt.getPageAsDescription,
overlay: true,
closeOnClickOutside: false,
buttons: [ {
name: 'Elysia',
action: 'externalLink',
url: mw.util.getUrl( 'User_talk:Elysia_(Wiki_Ed)' ) + '?action=edit&preload=Wikipedia%3AWiki_Ed%2FNeed_help_preload&preloadtitle=Need+help+request+from+%7E%7E%7E§ion=new&tour=WikiEduHelp&step=2'
}, {
name: 'Nevermind',
onclick: function() { gt.endTour(); }
} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false
} , {
title: 'Fill out this form and save it',
description: 'After saving this form to request help, you should get a response on your Talk page from a Wiki Education Foundation Content Expert within one business day. Be sure to check back on Wikipedia for the notification.',
// onShow: gt.getPageAsDescription,
overlay: false,
closeOnClickOutside: false,
buttons: [ {
name: 'Okay',
action: 'end'
} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false
} );
} (window, document, jQuery, mediaWiki, mediaWiki.guidedTour ) ) ;