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Catalogue of the Pinacoteca of the Accademia Carrara

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This is a list of the works in the Accademia Carrara of Bergamo, with artists and works from before the 20th century featured in the painting gallery (Italian: Pinacoteca) of the museum.

Painters with surnames A–C

Painter Work Date
Mariotto Albertinelli Cain and Abel
" " Crucifix and Three Monks
" " St. John the Evangelist
" " St. Mary Magdalen
Enrico Albrici Return of Proserpine
" " Rape of Proserpine
Ambrogio of Baldese Five Saints
" " Five Saints
Beato Angelico and his workshop Madonna dell'Umiltà
Apollonio of Giovanni and Marco del Buono Entry of knights into city
Andrea Appiani Portrait of signor Sommariva
Jacob Adriaensz Backer Child with garlands in hands
" " Child with bird nest
Alessio Baldovinetti Self-portrait
Marco Basaiti Christ Redeemer
" " Madonna with Child, Sts Clare and Francis
" " Resurrection of Christ
" " Portrait of man with Fur
" " Portrait of a Man
Evaristo Baschenis Still life with Musical instruments
" " Still life with Musical instruments
" " Still life with Musical instruments
" " Still life with Musical instruments and statuette
Attributed to Evaristo Baschenis Portrait of Cleric
Francesco and Jacopo Bassano (16th century copy) St. Paul Preaching
Studio of Jacopo Bassano Mourning over Dead Christ
Jacopo Bassano Madonna with Child and St. John the Baptist
" " St. Paul preaching
Lazzaro Bastiani Portrait of philosopher Lucio Crasso
Gentile Bellini Madonna and Child
" " Portrait of Gentleman
Copy of Gentile Bellini Portrait of Lorenzo Giustinian
Giovanni Bellini Dead Christ with Mary and St. John the Evangelist
" " Madonna and Child (Alzano)
" " Madonna and Child
" " Portrait of young man
Studio of Giovanni Bellini Portrait of young man
Jacopo Bellini Madonna and Child
Bernardo Bellotto Arch of Titus in the Roman Forum
Bonifacio Bembo Assumption of Maria in the Presence of Saints and Apostles
" " St. Francis Receives Stigmata
Giovanni Francesco Bembo Martyrdom of St. Stephen
" " St. Stephan preaching
" " St. Stephen expulsed from synagogue
Job Adriaensz Berckheyde Façade of church
Ambrogio Bergognone Encounter of St. Ambrose and Theodore
" " Madonna and Child
" " Madonna of the Milk
" " St. Jerome
" " St. John the Evangelist
" " St. Paul
" " St. Martha
Giuseppe Bertini Beatrice
Bartolomeo Bettera Still life with musical instruments with astrolabe
" " Still life with Musical Instruments and Carillon
Ambrogio Bevilacqua (il Liberale) Madonna enthroned behind two Saints and Donor
Moise’ Bianchi Boats docked on Venetian Canal
Boccaccio Boccaccino Cain and Abel
Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio Madonna and Child
" " Salvator Mundi
Paolo Bonomino Portrait of Zenobia Benaglio Marenzi
Francesco Bonsignori (attributed) Portrait of Gian Francesco Gonzaga
Sébastien Bourdon Landscape with two girls with grape basket
" " Harvesting grapes
Ambrosius Bosschaert Pyramus and Thisbe
Sandro Botticelli The Story of Virginia
Studio of Sandro Botticelli The Redeemer
" " Portrait of Giuliano de' Medici
Francesco Botticini Virgin in adoration of the child
" " Tobias and the Archangel Raphael
Richard Brakenburg The nuptial contract
Karel Breydel Terrestrial Paradis
Jan Brueghel the Elder Portrait of Flora beside Flowers
" " Vase of Flowers with Ring and Diamond
Studio of Jan Brueghel the Elder Christ and the Adulteress (replica)
Attributed to Zanetto Bugatto St. Jerome
Giovanni Busi (il Cariani) Flight to Egypt
" " The musicians
" " Madonna and Child and a Donor
" " Portrait of Giovanni Benedetto Caravaggi
" " Portrait of man with large beret
" " Holy conversation
" " St. Catherine
Bernardino Butinone Circumcision
Amero Cagnoni Lady window-shopping
Vincenzo Camuccini Judith
Canaletto The Grand Canal of Venice
Simone Cantarini Rest during flight to Egypt
Follower of Caravaggio St. Peter visits St. Agatha in prison
Giovanni Cariani Portrait of Lady with sculpted plinth (La Schiavona)
Luca Carlevarijs Landscape with seaport
" " Reception of an Ambassador
Giovanni Carnovali (il Piccio) Self-portrait with palette
" " Flora
" " Flora
" " Flora
" " Portrait of countess Anastasia Spini
" " Portrait of Elena Marenzi
Giovanni Carnovali (il Piccio) Portrait of Giacomo Trécourt
" " Portrait of Gigia Riccardi
Angelo Caroselli Salomè with the head of Baptist
Giovanni Francesco Caroto Judgement of Solomon
Copy of Vittore Carpaccio Portrait of the doge Loredan
Vittore Carpaccio The Judgement of Paris
" " Birth of the Virgin
" " St. Rocco and Donor
" " Six saints
Giovanni Carnovali (il Piccio) Portrait of Pietro Ghidini
" " Portrait of Giovanni Maironi da Ponte
Attributed to Ludovico Carracci Flagellation of Christ
Vincenzo Catena Portrait of gentleman with sword
Giovanni Paolo Cavagna Madonna of the belt
" " Gentleman with two children
Paolo Moranda Cavazzola Portrait of lady with capigliara
Bernardino da Cotignola Holy Family
Jacques Courtois (Borgognone) (attributed) Assault by cavalry
" " Engagement by cavalry
Giovanni Battista Crespi (il Cerano) Head of St. John the Baptist
Carlo Ceresa Madonna in Glory and Saints
" " Portrait of Gentleman of House Marenzi
" " Portrait of Jacopo Tiraboschi
" " Portrait of a Monk
Giacomo Ceruti Mary Magdalen in Prayer
" " Masked Men and Saleswoman
" " Portrait of girl with fan
Attributed to Bartolomeo Cesi St. Angela Merici
Attributed to Antonio Cicognara St. Catherine and Devout Nun (front) and Franciscan Saint (verso)
Vincenzo Civerchio Annunciation (externa) and Saints Benedetto and Scolastica (internal)
Jean Clouet Portrait of Louis de Clève
Francesco Codino Still-life with Fruit Basket
" " Still-life with Fruits and Ming Vase
Francesco Coghetti Agar and Ishmael Visited by the Angel
Girolamo Colleoni Madonna and Child and Three Saint in a Landscape
Lorenzo Costa St. John the Evangelist
School of Lorenzo Costa The Magdalen
Lorenzo di Credi(school of) Adoration of the Christ child
" " Madonna and Child
Carlo Crivelli Madonna and Child
Attributed to Dario da Pordenone St. Bernardino of Siena
Bernardino de Conti Madonna of the milk

Painters with surnames D–L

Painter Work Date
Francesco Daggiù (Cappella) Self-portrait
Giovanni Battista dell'Era Esther at the feet of Assuerus
Giuseppe Diotti Benediction of Jacob
Jacobsz Dirck (attributed) Cleric meditates over a skull
Gaspare Diziani Dominican Saints in glory
Battista Dossi Madonna and Child, St. George and Holy Bishop
Dosso Dossi (attributed) Angelo Playing Harp
Albrecht Dürer Road to Calvary
School of Albrecht Dürer Portrait in figure of St. Sebastian
El Greco St. Francis receives stigmata
Adam Elsheimer School of St. Jerome in landscape
Barend Fabritius Fable of satyr and villager
Aniello Falcone Skirmish of horsemen
" " Skirmish of horsemen with artillery
Giovanni Paolo di Fei Altarpiece of the Virgin
Defendente Ferrari Christ on Cross
" " Flagellation of Christ
Federico Ferrari Glory of the condottieri of Bergamo
Gaudenzio Ferrari Madonna and Child
Gregorio de Ferrari Cleopatra
Antonio Fontanesi The oak tree
Vincenzo Foppa St. Jerome
" " Three crucifixes
Pier Francesco Foschi (copy of Baccio Bandinelli) Portrait of young man
Fra' Galgario Self-portrait as painter
" " Insegnia del barbiere Oletta
" " Portrait of Count Giovanni Secco Suardo and servant
" " Portrait of Count Girolamo Secco Suardo
" " Portrait of Bertrama Daina de' Valsecchi
" " Portrait of Elisabetta Piavani Ghidotti
" " Portrait of Filippo Marenzi
" " Portrait of Francesco Maria Bruntino
" " Portrait of gentleman of house of Marenzi
" " Portrait of Giacomo Bettami de' Baizini
" " Portrait of young painter
" " Portrait of young man
" " Portrait of young man
" " Portrait of old priest
" " Portrait of old painter
" " Head of Vitellio imperatore
Francesco Bassano Shepherd playing flute
Francesco di Simone da Santacroce Annunciation
" " St. James the great
" " St. John the Baptist
" " St. Alexander
Francesco Raibolino (Francia) Christ carrying Cross
" " Vulcan
Bernardino Fungai Madonna and Child and Two Angels
Il Garofalo Madonna and Child
" " Madonna and Child
" " Madonna with Child and Saints Roch and Sebastian
Melchiorre Gherardini (Ceranino) Beheading of St. John the Baptist
Nicolò Giolfino Madonna and Child
Adrien de Gryef Dogs and boar in a landscape
Giovanni Pietro da Cemmo (attributed) St. Anthony of Padua
Giovan Antonio Guadagnini Self-portrait
Francesco Guardi Architecture with figures masked for carnaval
" " Arch with macchiette
" " Atrium of a villa with staircase and figures
" " Atrium and staircase of palace
" " Capriccio of Doge's Palace
" " Rialto Bridge with the shores of Vin
" " Rio dei Mendicanti in Venice
" " Piazza St. Marco in Venice
" " St. Giorgio Maggiore with the tip of the Giudecca
Gianantonio Guardi Franciscan Cloister in Venice
" " Portico at the shores of a lake
Guercino studio of (copy) The bath of Diana
Dirck Hals Woman reads under candlelight
Francesco Hayez Bather
Gerard Hoett the Elder A Cave
Jacobello del Fiore (school of) Madonna and Child and Stories of the Passion
Jacobello of Antonello da Messina Madonna and Child
Jacometto Venziano (attributed) St Sebastian
Jacopo da Valenza Christ Savior of the world
Jacopo del Sellaio Redeemer with symbols of the Passion
Jacob Jordaens (school of) Hercules carries 3 women on his back (bozzetto)
Neroccio de’ Landi Madonna and Child
Luigi Lanza View of Castel dell'Ovo in Naples
Gregorio Lazzarini Self-portrait
Leonardo da Vinci School of 16th century Madonna and Child and St Catherine
Bernardino Licinio Mystical night of St. Catherine
Filippo Lippi Copy of Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino St Jerome and Franciscan monks
Gian Paolo Lolmo Portrait of 19 year old
Pietro Longhi Il ridotto (Masked Venetians)
" " Visiting grandmother
Lorenzo Lotto Deposition of Christ
" " Martyrdom of St Stephen
" " Miracle of St Dominic
" " Mystical night of St Catherine
" " Portrait of youngman
" " Portrait of Lucina Brembati
" " Holy Family and St Catherine
Fiorenzo of Lorenzo St. Jerome penitent
Ponziano Loverini Self-portrait
Bernardino Luini Madonna and Child and St. John the Baptist
" " Nativity
Bernardino di Mariotto Mourning over dead Christ

Painters with surnames M–R

Painter Work Date
Zanobi Machiavelli Madonna and Child
Nicolaes Maes Portrait of young male
Master of Twelve Apostles Adoration of the Christ child
Master of 1458 Angels with instruments of Passion
Master of 1458 Angels with instruments of Passion
Master of 1458 St. Paul
Master of 1458 St. Peter
Master of Legend of the Magdalen (attributed) Madonna of the milk
Master of the Legend of St. Ursula Portrait of young man
Master of the Sforza Altarpiece St. Ambrose
Master of the Solomon Altarpiece Assumption of the Virgin
Master of the Pietà of Stockholm Madonna and Child and angels
Master of Francoforte (attributed) Madonna and Child in landscape
Master of Santa Verdiana Marriage of the Virgin
Cesare Magni Madonna and Child and St. John the Baptist
Gian Francesco Maineri Ecce Homo
Andrea Mantegna Madonna and Child
Marco da Oggiono St. Rocco
Il Marescalco (Giovanni Buonconsiglio)(attributed) Transfiguration of Christ
Antonio Marini Landscape with natural arch
Antonio Marinoni (studio of) Madonna Adored by Donors
Marco Marziale Madonna and Child and Donors
Marzio Masturzo (attributed) Battling knights
Matteo of Giovanni Madonna and Child, Saints and Angels
Ludovico Mazzolino Adoration of Christ-child
Altobello Melone Madonna and Child
" " Madonna and Child and St. John the Baptist
" " Portrait young male (c.d. Cesare Borgia)
Theobald Michau Landscape with farmers and animals at river
Jan Miense Molenaer Young smoker
Lorenzo Monaco Vir Dolorum
Bernardo Monsù Portrait of a knight of St. George
Bartolomeo Montagna Madonna with Child and Saints Roch and Sebastian
Bartolomeo Montagna St. Jerome
Morazzone Madonna in glory with Saints Cosmas and Damian
Moretto da Brescia Christ and the Samaritan Woman
" " Redeemer with Cross and Donor
" " Holy Family with young St. John the Baptist
Domenico Morone St. John the Evangelist
Francesco Morone Madonna and Child and Four Saints
Giovanni Battista Moroni Portrait of girl of the family Redetti
" " Portrait of Bernardo Spini
" " Portrait of dama trentenne
" " Portrait of lady with book
" " Portrait of Giovan Pietro Maffeis
" " Portrait of young man
" " Portrait of Isotta Brembati Grumelli
" " Portrait of Pace Rivola Spini
" " Portrait of Paolo Vidoni Cedrelli
" " Portrait of priest
" " Portrait of seated man
" " Portrait of old man in red
" " Portrait of old man seated
" " Portrait young man
" " St. Jerome in meditation
" " Elder man with beret
Bartolomeo Nazzari Head of old woman
" " Head of old man
Giuseppe de Nittis Napoli dall'Hotel Bertolini
Giuseppe Nogari Portrait of bearded man
Giuseppe Nogari Portrait of old man
Padovanino Bacchus and Ariadne (copy of Titian)
" " The Andrian Bacchanal (copy of Titian)
" " Triumph of Thetys
" " Worship of Venus (copy of Titian)
Eleuterio Pagliano Nighttime Promenade
Anthonie Palamedesz. Portrait of young girl
Palma il Giovane Flagellation of Christ
" " Christ and Angel
Palma il Vecchio Madonna and Child behind St. John and Magdalene
Carlo Francesco Panfilo Madonna and Child
" " Portrait of young lady
Pietro Paolini St. Jerome in his studio
Parmigianino School of Mystical night of St. Catherine
Andrea Pastò Reception at villa Widmann a Bagnoli
Pedro Campaña Deposition at the Sepulchre
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo Remembrance of a sorrow
Pietro Perugino and workshop Adoration by shepherds
Francesco Pesellino Story of Griselda: Gualtieri and Citizens of Saluzzo
" " Story of Griselda: Meeting and marriage of Gualtieri and Griselda
Giovanni Pezzotta Portrait of Francesco Monetti
Pietro da Messina St. Sebastian
Pinturicchio St. Augustine preaching
Sebastiano del Piombo St. Anthony of Padua
Piola P. G Adoration by shepherds
Pisanello Portrait of Lionello d'Este
Pordenone St. Rocco fed by a dog
Giovanni Ambrogio de' Predis Portrait of young gentleman
Jacob de Wet St. Jerome in a grotto
Gaetano Previati Paolo and Francesca
Andrea Previtali Dead Christ behind Mary and John
" " Madonna Baglioni
" " Madonna and Child
" " Madonna and Child
" " Madonna and Child two Saints and Friars
" " Madonna enthroned and Saints Sebastian and Thomas Aquinas
" " Mystical Night of St. Catherine and Saints
" " Pentecost
" " St. Francis of Assisi
" " St. Lawrence
" " St. Paul
" " St. Peter
" " St. Quirino
" " St. Rocco
" " St. Anthony Abbot
Giulio Cesare Procaccini Susanna and the elders
Pseudo Giovenone St. Bonaventure and donors
Pseudo Giovenone St. Bonaventure in the studio
Francesco Maria Raineri (Schivenoglia) Dream of St. Giuseppe
Bartolommeo Ramenghi Four martyrs and holy bishop
Bartolomeo Veneto Madonna and Child
Raphael Portrait in figure of St. Sebastian
Attributed to Marco Ricci Countryside with town and peasants
Attributed to Marco Ricci Landscape
Sebastiano Ricci Portrait of a Lady
Jacopo Ripanda (attributed) Battle Scene
Girolamo Romanino Soldiers in the Holy Sepulcher
" " A cardinal celebrates Mass of St. Apollonio
Peter Paul Rubens Santa Domitilla
Studio of Rubens St. Agatha appears to St. Lucia Martyr
School of Rubens Roman charity

Painters with surnames S–Z

Painter Work Date
Sassoferrato Madonna in oration
Girolamo da Santacroce (attributed) Shepherds with goat
Girolamo da Santacroce Santa Giustina
" " St. Martyr
Roelandt Savery Landscape with dogs and deer
" " Landscape with tori al guado
Scarsellino Madonna and Child and young St. John
Bernardo Schedoni Holy Family and young St. John
Bartolomeo Schedoni (copy of Modenese School) 17th century Holy Family at work
Giorgio Schiavone St. Jerome
" " Sant'Alessio
Giovanni Stefano Mourning over dead Christ
School of Bergamo 15th century St. Nicola of Bari
School of Cremona (attributed) Portrait of Giovan Battista Santini
School of Ferrara (attributed) 16th century Portrait of young man
School Flemish 16th century Rissa of peasants (copy of Bosch H.)
School Flemish 17th century (copy of Brueghel the elder) Vase of flowers with butterfly
School of Florence 16th century Portrait of Alessandro de' Medici
School of France 16th century Portrait of gentleman
School of France 16th century Portrait of gentleman
School of Lombardy 15th century Triumph of Love
School of Lombardy 16th century La Virgin with le Marie
School of Naples 17th century Still-life with lemons
School of Naples 17th century Still-life with meat, cheese, and wine
Dutch painting 16th century Christ carrying cross
Dutch painting 17th century Landscape of forest with horsemen and pedestrians
Dutch painting 17th century Portrait of lady
Dutch painting 17th century Portrait of young man
Dutch 17th century Scene in tavern
School of Piedmont 16th century Crucifixion
School of Piedmont 16th century St. Elisabeth of Hungary (attributed)
School of Siena 16th century Flight of Clelia
School of Germany 16th century St. Joseph of Arimathea
School of Germany 16th century St. Mary Magdalen
School of Umbro-Roman 15th century Portrait of young man (Percivalle Riario, attributed)
School of Venice 16th century Countryside with figures
School of Venice 16th century Portrait of young man
School of Venice 17th century Knights in fray of battle
School of Venice 18th century Attack by knights against a cannon battery
School of Venice 18th century Battle by knights near bridge
Enrico Scuri Portrait of the poet Pietro Ruggeri da Stabello
Studio of Luca Signorelli Madonna and Child
Studio of Luca Signorelli St. Rocco and St. Sebastian
Attributed to Francesco Simonini Battle by knights near castle
Francesco Simonini (attributed) Encounter of knights
Andrea Solario Ecce Homo
Follower of Andrea Solario 16th century Madonna of the green cushion
Francesco Solimena Santa Cecilia
Bernardo Strozzi Portrait of cleric
Cesare Tallone Portrait of Vittore Tasca
Enea Talpino Mourning dead Christ
" " Beheading of St. Alexander
" " Portrait of gentleman
" " Sant'Alessandro destroys idols
" " Sant'Anna, Virgin and Christ-child
Attributed to Abraham Teniers Tavern with drinker
David Teniers the Elder Drinker and two peasants
Attributed to David Teniers the Younger Pastoral festivity
Studio of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Baptism of Christ
Studio of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo John the Baptist preaching
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Sts Massimo and Osvaldo
" " Madonna and Child
" " Martyrdom of St Giovanni Episcopo
" " Martyrdom of St John Nepomuk
Tintoretto (attributed) Portrait of old man (Gerolamo Venier)
Titian Madonna and Child
" " Orpheus and Eurydice
Giacomo Trécourt Portrait of Lena Presti as a girl
" " Portrait of a young girl
Cosimo Tura Madonna with Child
Giovanni da Udine Madonna enthroned behind angels, Saints and Donors
Hendrick van Balen and David Teniers the Elder Christ in the house of Martha and Mary
Nicolaes van Berchem (attributed) Shepherds with cow and goats
Joos van Craesbeeck Peasants in a tavern ("The king drinks!")
Gerbrandt van den Eeckhout Self-portrait
Aert van der Neer Landscape with lagoon
Rogier van der Weyden Pietà
Jan van Goyen Seascape with fishing boat
Jan van Kessel Still-life basket with grape and strawberies
Studio of Jan van Kessel Portrait of Andreas Conter
Diego Velázquez (attributed) Portrait of girl
Daniel Vertangen Venus asleep with Cupid and Satyrs
Vicino da Ferrara Head of crying angel
David Vinckeboons and workshop Forested landscape with knights
Timoteo Viti Santa Margherita
Vittore Belliniano Crucifix in adoration by donor
Alvise Vivarini Two holy bishops, St. Francis and donor
" " St. Jerome
Antonio Vivarini Baptism of St Augustine
" " Martyrdom of Santa Lucia
" " Martyrdom of Sant'Apollonia
" " St. Barnabas
" " St. Jerome
Bartolomeo Vivarini Angel in adoration
" " Angel in adoration
" " Madonna and Child
" " Madonna enthroned
" " St. John the Baptist
" " St Martin and the poor
" " St Michael Archangel
" " St Peter
" " St Sebastian
" " Trinity
Louis Rene Vouet Portrait of young man with armor
Simon Vouet Virgin Mary
Jan Wijnantz Landscape with figure
Francesco Zaganelli Preaching of St Anthony of Padua to Fishes
Giuseppe Zais Hills with stream and hunters
Bernardino Zenale Madonna and Child
" " Madonna of the milk
Marco Zoppo St Jerome
Francesco Zuccarelli Landscape with town, knight and beggars
" " Landscape with waterfall and shepherds
" " Landscape with river and turret
" " Landscape with shepherdess and knight
" " Landscape with bridge and knight
" " Shepherdess at rest with youngman playing flute
" " Portrait of Ercole Comini at two years
" " Portrait of child Margherita Tassi

