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Stuff I use during extensive debugging or rewriting of EP

Externals of EP


Tracking what is and isn't used by things that rely on EP




  • Entry points for templates
    • main (yes, really)
    • wikiError -  Removed from sandbox
    • excerpt
  • Entry points for modules
    • getTables
    • getLists
    • parseImage
    • parseArgs
    • argImage -  Renamed to templateImages
    • luaError -  Removed from sandbox
    • is -  Removed from sandbox
  • Backwards compatability -  All removed from sandbox
    • getsection
    • parseimage
    • checkimage
    • argimage
    • numberflags

Bugs of EP/S

  • Module no longer hunts for parameters similar to image/symbol/whatever else (See #Geneva) -  Done
  • Args provided in a file inside an infobox like |alt= become ignored (See #Bread) -  Done
  • Args provided through |fileargs= are ignored by infoboxes (See #Bread) -  Done
  • Image order loses consistency (See #Albania) -  Done
  • Module no longer hunts for an unknown image and then attempt to add a recognised caption to it (See #Dubh Artach) -  Done
  • Module can't handle images that are inside another template (See #Goa) -  Done
  • imagemaps presumably dont work (See #Snake) -  Done

Outstanding sections


Less specific bugs like above, more list of things that just dont work that need attention.

  • <None>

This is a list of things that could be considered either acceptable new behaviour or minor bugs, though could still warrant attention

  • #Khamgaon - Files missing -  Not done. Makes sense why these aren't picked up - its kind of a stretch to find the one the testcase gives given how its formatted and located. I'd say it's debatable whether or not this image is even really relevant here, so I'm not considering it a major bug.

Every other test case is either an exact match, the correct difference, or possibly even an improvement over the current version (E.g. better captions for imagemaps).

General bugs
