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Miloradovich of Rabrenovich princely family of Serbia and Montenegro Miloradović (Hrabreni, Hrabrenovići, Miloradović of Hrabrenovića and Dubrava, Counts,Dukes Miloradović, Miloradovich), the family of Serbian origin from Herzegovina, the descendants of Duke Stephen Miloradović (lived at the turn of the 14th to 15th century) and its successor, the owner of property in Dubrava near Stolac, Dubrovnik citizens, the founder of Serbian Orthodox churches of St. Peter and Paul in the Ošanića Stolac (Duke Radosav before 1505) , St. Nicholas in Trijebnju (Duke Radoje 1534) [4], the Transfiguration of Christ in Klepcima at Prebilovaca and Capljina (spahija Milisav, the other half of the sixteenth century, the renewed Russian Infantry General Michael Andrejevic Miloradović, 1811) [5], and the Serbian Orthodox monastery Žitomislić (spahija Milisav 1563, Michael and Gabriel made gifts of Peter the Great, 1707, endowed the General lajtnant Count Gregory, 1883).. One branch from Miloradović family from Herzegovina moved to Russia (Michael, Gabriel and Alexander), and second, before moving to Russia, at one time lived in the Habsburg Monarchy (Jeftimije-Jerome and Moses). Since the brothers Michael, Gabriel and Alexander Miloradovića originate Miloradovića three branches in Russia. Descendants of Duke Stephen Miloradović Colonel Michael I. Miloradović, Kazakh military leaders, who together with Bishop Danilo Petrovic Njegos raised 1711th revolution against the Turks in the region of Old Herzegovina,colonel Hieronymus Miloradovich of Hrabrenovich and Dubrava [married to Jelisaveta daughter of Colonel Knyaz Atanasije Rašković],General-Major Petar Stepanovich Miloradovich,General-Lieutenant Andrey Stepanovich Miloradovich the president of Little Russia,General Count Mikhail Andrejevich Miloradovich, commander of the Russian army of the Danube, which took a great victory over the Turks and took the Bucharest 1806,Count Gregory A. Miloradović that in 1883. visited and endowed the monastery Žitomislić, endowment Miloradovića and Col. Alexander M. Miloradović,volunteer brigade commander of the Russian Turkish war in the Serbian 1876th year.
