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User:Geo Swan/Guantanamo/Kabul guest houses

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See User:Geo Swan/Stale drafts#Scaffolding

  • The detainee was identified as having been at a Kabul guest house in 2001. The detainee is the nephew of the individual in charge of the Kabul guest house in which he was residing. The detainee is believed to have attended the al Farouq training camp.
  • The detainee's uncle was identified as the man in charge of the guest house and was also a facilitator for fighters traveling to and from the front lines . The detainee's uncle was a member of al Qaida and had sworn bayat to Usama bin Laden. The uncle fought alongside the Taliban on the front line.
  • The detainee stayed in Kabul, Afghanistan at a guesthouse called al Ansar before deciding to go to the Libyan camp for training.
  • The al Ansar guest house in Kabul, Afghanistan is a two-story house with a basement. It accommodates Arabs immigrating to Afghanistan.
  • The detainee advised that there was an escape network that helped fleeing Arabs and Afghans evade arrest by Pakistani authorities. The detainee stated that the border crossing route began at a safe house in Kabul, Afghanistan but is centered in the border town of Khowst, Afghanistan. The Kabul guest house was located in the Katib Birwan neighborhood of the city.
  • The detainee grew tired of the Jalalabad guest house because he went to Afghanistan to study Islam and live under Islamic law. He decided to return to a guest house in Kabul.
  • The detainee left the Kabul guest house for fear of being captured by the Northern Alliance. He fled to the Pakistan border and was promptly arrested by Pakistani authorities.
  • A senior al Qaida lieutenant stated he recalled possibly seeing the detainee at the al Zubayr guest house prior to the 11 September 2001 attacks.
  • A senior al Qaida commander recognized the detainee. He stated he recognized the detainee 's face as a Yemeni he saw in the Kabul guest house, probably in the 1999-2000 time frame.
  • The detainee was at guesthouses in Kandahar, Kabul and Konduz. He was directed to the frontlines from the Kabul guesthouse.