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User:Grover cleveland/History of the laws of the game/1938

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The field of play shall be rectangular, its length being not more than 130 yards nor less than 100 yards and its breadth not more than 100 yards nor less than 50 yards. (In International matches the length shall be not more than 120 yards nor less than 110 yards and the breadth not more than 80 yards nor less than 70 yards.) The length shall in all cases exceed the breadth.



The field of play shall be marked with distinctive lines, [not more than 5 inches in width], not by a V-shaped rut, in accordance with the plan, the longer boundary lines being called the touch-lines and the shorter the goal-lines. A flag on a post not less than 5 feet high and having a non-pointed top, shall be placed at each corner; a similar flagpost may be placed opposite the half-way line on each side of the field of play, not less than one yard outside the touch-line. A half-way line shall be marked out across the field of play. The centre of the field of play shall be indicated by a suitable mark, and a circle with a ten yards radius shall be marked round it.



At each end of the field of play two lines shall be drawn at right angles to the goal-line, 6 yards from each goal-post. These shall extend into the field of play for a distance of 6 yards and shall be joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal-line. Each of the spaces enclosed by these lines and the goal-line shall be called a goal-area.



At each end of the field of play two lines shall be drawn at right angles to the goal-line, 18 yards from each goal-post. These shall extend into the field of play for a distance of 18 yards and shall be joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal-line. Each of the spaces enclosed by these lines and the goal-line shall be called a penalty-area. A suitable mark shall be made within each penalty-area, 12 yards from the mid-point of the goal-line, measured along an undrawn line at right angles thereto. These shall be the penalty-kick marks. From each penalty-kick mark an arc of a circle, having a radius of 10 yards, shall be drawn outside the penalty-area.



From each corner-flag post a quarter circle, having a radius of 1 yard, shall be drawn inside the field of play.



The goals shall be placed on the centre of each goal-line and shall consist of two upright posts equi-distant from the corner flags and 8 yards apart (inside measurement), joined by a horizontal cross-bar 8 feet from the ground. The width [and depth] of the goalposts and the [width and] depth of the cross-bars shall not exceed 5 inches.

Nets may be attached to the posts, crossbars and the ground behind the goals. They should be appropriately supported and be so placed as to allow the goalkeeper ample room.



The ball shall be spherical; the outer casing shall be of leather and no material shall be used in its construction which might prove dangerous to the players. The circumference of the ball shall not be more than 28 inches nor less than 27 inches. The weight of the ball at the start of the game shall not be more than 16 oz. nor less than 14 oz.



The game shall be played by two teams, each consisting of not more than eleven players, one of whom shall be the goalkeeper. One of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper during the match provided notice be given to the Referee before such change is made. Except in a match played under the Rules of a Competition, substitutes may be allowed to replace players receiving injuries during a game, subject to this arrangement being agreed upon by both teams before the start of a match. (An International match in which one of the four British Associations is playing is deemed a match under the rules of a Competition.)



If, without notifying the referee, a player changes to goalkeeper during the game, and then handles the ball within the penalty-area, a penalty-kick shall be awarded.



A player shall not wear anything which is dangerous to another player. Boots must conform to the following standard :— All bars and studs must be made of leather or soft rubber; nails shall be driven in flush with the leather or rubber; bars shall be transverse and flat, not less than half-an-inch in width, and they shall extend for the total width of the boot and shall be rounded at the corners; studs shall be round in plan, neither conical nor pointed, and not less than half-an-inch in diameter; combined studs and bars may be worn provided the whole conforms to the general requirements of this Law; bars and studs on the soles or heels shall not project more than half-an-inch and shall have all fastenings driven in flush with the leather or rubber. Metal plates, even though covered with leather or rubber, shall not be worn.

The usual equipment of a player consists of a jersey or shirt, short trousers, stockings, and boots. A goalkeeper should wear colours which would distinguish him from other players.



For any infringement of this law the player at fault shall be sent off the field of play temporarily. He shall not return without first reporting to the Referee, who shall satisfy himself that the player's equipment is in order; the player shall only re-enter the game at a moment when the ball has ceased to be in play.



A Referee shall be appointed to officiate in each game. He shall:

(a) Enforce the Laws and decide any disputed point. His decision on points of fact connected with the play shall be final so far as the result of the game is concerned. His jurisdiction begins from the time he signals for the kick-off, and his power of penalising shall extend to offences committed when play has been temporarily suspended or when the ball is out of play. He shall, however, refrain from penalising in cases where he is satisfied that by doing so he would be giving an advantage to the offending team.

(b) Keep a record of the game; act as timekeeper, allow the full or agreed time, adding thereto all time lost through accident or other cause.

(c) Have discretionary power to stop the game for any infringement of the Laws and to suspend or terminate the game whenever, by reasons of the elements, interference by spectators, or other cause, he deems such stoppage necessary. In such a case he shall submit a detailed report to the National or Affiliated Association under whose jurisdiction the game was played, within two days (Sundays not included). Reports will be deemed to be made when received in the ordinary course of post.

(d) Have discretionary power, from the time he enters the field of play, to caution any player guilty of misconduct or ungentlemanly behaviour and, if he persists, to suspend him from further participation in the game. In such cases the Referee shall send the name of the offender to the National or Affiliated Association concerned, within two days (Sundays not included). Reports will be deemed to be made when received in the ordinary course of post.

(e) Allow no person other than the players and linesmen to enter the field of play without his permission.

(f) Stop the game if, in his opinion, a player has been seriously injured; have the player removed as soon as possible from the field of play, and immediately resume the game. If a player is slightly injured, the game shall not be stopped until the ball has ceased to be in play. A player who is able to go to the touch- or goal-line for attention of any kind, shall not be treated on the field of play.

(g) Have discretionary power to suspend from further participation in the game, without previous caution, a player guilty of violent conduct.

(h) Signal for recommencement of the game after all stoppages.



Two linesmen shall be appointed, whose duty (subject to the decision of the referee) shall be to indicate when the ball is out of play and which side is entitled to the corner-kick, goal-kick, or throw-in. They shall also assist the referee to control the game in accordance with the laws. In the event of any undue interference or improper conduct by a linesman, the referee shall dispense with his services and a substitute shall be appointed. (The matter shall be reported to the National or affiliated Association having jurisdiction over him). The linesmen should be equipped with flags by the club on whose ground the match is played.



The duration of the game shall be two equal periods of 45 minutes, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, subject to the following:—

(a) Allowance shall be made in either period for all time lost through accident or other cause, the amount of which shall be matter for the discretion of the Referee;

(b) Time shall be extended to permit of a penalty kick being taken at or after the expiration of the normal period in either half.

At half-time the interval shall not exceed five minutes, except by consent of the Referee.



If a match has been stopped by the referee, before the completion of the time specified in the rules, for any reason stated in Law 5, it must be replayed in full, unless the rules of the competition concerned provide for the result of the match at the time of such stoppage to stand.



(a) At the beginning of the game. Choice of ends and the kick-off shall be decided by the toss of a coin. The team winning the toss shall have the option of choice of ends or the kick-off. The referee having given a signal, the game shall be started by player taking a place kick (i.e., a kick at the ball while it is stationary on the ground _in the centre the field of play) into his opponents' half of the field of play. Every player shall be in his own half of the field of play, and every player of the team opposing that of the kicker shall remain not less than 10 yards from the ball until it is kicked off; it shall not be deemed in plav until it has travelled the distance of its own circumference. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been played or touched by another player.

(b) After a goal has been scored. The game shall be started in like manner by a player of the team losing the goal.

(c) After half-time. When restarting after half-time, ends shall be changed and the kick-off shall be taken by a player of the opposite team to that of the player who started the game.

PUNISHMENT. For any infringement of this law the kick-off shall be retaken, except in the case of the kicker playing the ball again before it has been touched or played by another player; for this offence an indirect free-kick shall be taken by player of the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred; a goal shall not be scored direct from a kick-off.

(d) After any other temporary suspension. When restarting the game after a temporary suspension of play from any cause not mentioned elsewhere in these laws, and provided that immediately prior to the suspension the ball has not passed over the touch or goal lines, the referee shall drop the ball at the place where it was when play was suspended and it shall be deemed in play when it has touched the ground; if, however, it goes over the touch or goal lines after it has been dropped by the referee, but before it is touched by player the referee shall again drop it. A player shall not play the ball until it has touched the ground. If this section of the law is not complied with the referee shall again drop the ball.



The ball is out of play:—

(a) When it has wholly crossed the goal-line or touch-line, whether on the ground or in the air.

(b) When the game has been stopped by the referee.

The ball is in play at all other times, from the start of the match to the finish, including:—

(a) If it rebounds from a goal-post, cross-bar, or corner-flag post into the field of play.

(b) If it touches referee or linesmen when in the field of play and rebounds into play.

(c) In the event of a supposed infringement of the laws until a decision is given.



Except as otherwise provided by these Laws, a goal is scored when the whole of the ball has passed over the goal-line, between the goal-posts and under the cross-bar, provided it has not been thrown, carried or propelled by hand or arm, by a player of the attacking side. Should the cross-bar become displaced for any reason during the game, and the ball cross the goal-line at a point which, in the opinion of the Referee, is below where the cross-bar should have been, he shall award a goal.

The team scoring the greater number of goals during a game shall be the winner; if no goals, or an equal number of goals are scored, game shall be termed a "draw."



A player is off-side if he is nearer his opponents' goal-line than the ball at the moment the ball is played, unless:—

(a) He is in his own half of the field of play.

(b) There are two of his opponents nearer to their own goal-line than he is.

(c) The ball was last played by an opponent.

(d) He receives the ball direct from a goal-kick, a corner-kick, a throw-in, or the ball being dropped by the referee.



For an infringement of this law an indirect free-kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.

A player in an offside position shall not be penalised unless, in the opinion of the referee, he is interfering with the play or with an opponent, or is seeking to gain an advantage by being in an offside position.



A player shall be penalised if he intentionally:—

(a) Kicks, strikes or jumps at an opponent.

(b) Trips, including throwing or attempting to throw an opponent by use of the legs or by stooping in front or behind him).

(c) Handles the ball, i.e., strikes or propels it with the hand or arm. (This does not apply to the goalkeeper within his own penalty area).

(d) Holds or pushes an opponent with his hand, or with his arms extended from his body.

(e) Charges in a violent or dangerous manner, or charges an opponent from behind unless the latter be deliberately obstructing. (N.B. —- This is not intended to penalise all charging: it is permissible as long as, in the opinion of the Referee, it is fair and the players concerned are attempting to play the ball).

(f) Charges a goalkeeper, except when he is holding the ball or wilfully obstructing an opponent, or when he has passed outside the goal area.

(g) When playing as goalkeeper, carries the ball, i.e., takes more than four steps while holding the ball, without bouncing it on the ground.

(h) Joins his team after the game has commenced or returns to the field of play while the game is in progress, without reporting to the Referee.

(i) Plays in a manner considered by the Referee to be dangerous.



1. -- OUTSIDE THE PENALTY AREA. For any infringement of (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g), a direct free-kick shall be taken by a player of the opposite team from the place where the infringement occurred.

2. -- INSIDE THE PENALTY AREA. (A) For any infringement of (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), by the attacking team the punishment shall be a direct free-kick for the defending team from the place where the infringement occurred. For an infringement of (g), the punishment shall be an indirect free-kick. (B) For any infringement of (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), by the defending team, the punishment shall be a penalty-kick. A penalty-kick can be awarded, irrespective of the position the ball, if in play, at the time an offence within the penalty-area is committed.

3. -- INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE PENALTY AREA. For any infringement of (f) or (i), an indirect free-kick shall be taken by a player of the opposite team from the place where the infringement occurred, or where play was stopped.

4. -- If a player liable to be penalised under (h) commits a more important offence, he should be penalised according to that portion of the Law he infringes.

A Player shall be cautioned if he:

1. -- Joins his team after kick-off or returns to the field of play while the game is in progress without reporting to the Referee.

2. -- Persistently infringes any of the Laws of the Game.

3. -- Shows, by word or action, dissent from any decision given by the Referee.

In addition to the caution, if play has been stopped by reason of such misconduct it shall be resumed (a) If under paragraph (1), by the Referee dropping the ball at the place where the infringement occured and (b) if under paragraphs (2) and (3) by an indirect free-kick taken by a player of the opposite team from the place where the infringement occurred.

A Player may be ordered off he:

1. -- Persists in misconduct after having received a caution.

2. -- Is guilty of Violent Conduct—i.e., using foul or abusive language or if, in the opinion of the Referee, he is guilty of serious foul play.

If play be stopped by reason of a player being ordered off for an offence against an opponent without a separate breach of the Law having been committed, the game shall be resumed by an indirect free-kick to be taken by a player of the opposite team from the place where the infringement occurred.



Free-kicks shall classified under two heads: 'Direct' (from which a goal can be scored direct against the offending side), and 'Indirect' (from which a goal cannot be scored unless the ball has been played or touched by a player other than the kicker before passing through the goal).

When a direct or indirect free-kick is being taken a player of the opposite side shall not approach within ten yards of the ball until it is in play, unless he be standing on his own goal-line, between the goal-posts. If a player of the opposing side approaches within ten yards before the kick is taken the Referee shall delay the taking of the kick until the Law is complied with. The ball shall not be deemed in play until it has travelled the distance of its own circumference. The ball must be stationary when the kick is taken, and after taking the kick, the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player. In the case of a free-kick being awarded to the defending side in the penalty area, the goalkeeper shall not receive the ball into his hands in order that he may thereafter kick it into play; the ball must be kicked direct into play beyond the penalty-area and if this part of the Law is not complied with the kick shall be retaken.



If the kicker, after taking the free-kick, plays the ball a second time before it has been touched or played by another player an indirect free-kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team from the spot where the infringement occurred.



A penalty-kick shall be taken from the penalty mark and when it is being taken, all players, with the exception of the player taking the kick, and the opposing goalkeeper, shall be within the field of play, but outside the penalty-area, and at least ten yards from the penalty-mark. The opposing goalkeeper must stand (without moving his feet) on his own goal-line, between the goal-posts, until the ball is kicked. The player taking the kick must kick the ball forward: he shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player. The ball shall be deemed in play directly it is kicked and a goal may be scored direct from such a penalty-kick. If the ball touches the goal-keeper before passing between the posts, when a penalty-kick is being taken at or after the expiration of half-time or full-time, it does not nullify a goal. If necessary, time of play shall be extended at half-time or full-time to allow a penalty-kick to be taken.



(a) For any infringement by the defending team the kick shall be retaken, if a goal has not resulted.

(b) For any infringement by the attacking team, other than the player taking the kick, the kick shall be retaken, if a goal has resulted.

(c) For any infringement by the player taking the penalty-kick a player of the opposing team shall take an indirect free-kick from the spot where the infringement occurred.



When the whole of the ball passes over a touch-line, either on the ground or in the air, it shall be thrown in from the point where it crossed the line, in any direction, by a player of the team opposite to that of the player who last touched it. The thrower at the moment of delivering the ball must face the field of play and part of each foot shall be either on or outside the touch-line. The thrower shall use both hands and shall deliver the ball from over his head. The ball shall be in play immediately it is thrown, but the thrower shall not again play the ball until it has been touched or played by another player. A goal shall not be scored direct from a throw-in.



(a) If the ball is improperly thrown in the throw-in shall be taken by a player of the opposing team.

(b) If the thrower plays the ball a second time before it has been touched or played by another player, an indirect free-kick shall be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.



When the whole of the ball passes over the goal-line, excluding that portion between the goalposts, either in the air or on the ground, having last been played by one of the attacking team, it shall be kicked direct into play beyond the penalty area from a point within that half of the goal area nearest to where it crossed the line by a player of the defending team.

A goalkeeper shall not receive the ball into his hands from a goal-kick in order that he may thereafter kick it into play. If the ball is not kicked beyond the penalty-area, i.e., direct into play, the kick shall be retaken.

A goal shall not be scored direct from such a kick. Players of the Team opposing that of the player taking the goal-kick shall not approach within 10 yards of the ball whilst the kick is being taken.



When the whole of the ball passes over the goal-line, [excluding that portion between the goal-posts], either in the air or on the ground, having last been played by one of the defending team, a member of the attacking team shall take a kick from within the quarter-circle at the nearest corner-flag post, which must not be removed, i.e. a corner-kick. A goal may be scored direct from such a kick. Players of the team opposing that of the player taking the corner kick shall not approach within ten yards of the ball until it is in play, i.e. it has travelled the distance of its own circumference, nor shall the kicker play the ball a second time until it has been touched or played by another player.



For any infringement of this Law, an indirect free-kick shall be awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred.