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Youssef Al-Qaradawi

Youssef Abdullah Al-Qaradawi (September 9, 1926): An Egyptian Muslim scholar with Qatari citizenship, [9] and former president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars. He was born in the village of Saft Turab al-Mahalla al-Kubra, Gharbia Governorate, Egypt. [10].

Youssef Abdullah Al-Qaradawi
BornSeptember 9,1926 (96 years)
Saft Turab Village, Markaz Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra, Gharbia Governorate, Kindom of Egypt.
CitizenshipEgypt, Qatar
ChildrenAbdulrahman Youssef Al-Qaradawi



He memorized the Qur’an before he was ten,[11] and he joined Al-Azhar until he graduated from high school and he was ranked second in the Egyptian kingdom[12] when it was under the royal rule, then the Sheikh joined the College of Fundamentals of Religion at Al-Azhar University, from which he obtained the international award in 1953 and was ranked first among one hundred and eighty classmates He obtained the international degree with a teaching license from the College of Arabic Language in 1954 AD, and he was ranked first among his fellow graduates of the three colleges in Al-Azhar, who were five hundred.[12]

Youssef Al-Qaradawi obtained a diploma from the Institute of Higher Arabic Studies of the League of Arab States in the field of language and literature in 1958, and later in 1960 he obtained a preparatory study equivalent to a master’s degree in the Department of Quran and Sunnah Sciences from the College of Fundamentals of Religion in Al-Azhar. In 1973, he obtained a (PhD) with distinction, with first class honors, from the same college, and the topic of the thesis was about "Zakat and its impact on solving social problems."[13]

Important developments in Al-Qaradawi's life


His father died when he was two years old, so his uncle raised him. [14[ Youssef al-Qaradawi was imprisoned several times for belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood. He entered prison for the first time in 1949 during the royal era,[15] Then he was arrested three times during the era of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in January 1954 AD, Then in November of the same year, when his detention lasted for about twenty months, and then in 1963 AD.[16] In 1961, Al-Qaradawi traveled to Qatar and worked there as Director of the Secondary Religious Institute. After settling there, Al-Qaradawi obtained Qatari citizenship. In 1977, he took over the founding and deanship of the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Qatar University and remained its dean until the end of 1990, he also became director of the Research Center for Sunnah and Biography of the Prophet at Qatar University and is still managing it to this day.

His family


Al-Qaradawi married two women, the first is an Egyptian named Asaad Abdel-Gawad "Umm Muhammad" in December 1958 AD, He had four daughters, and three boys from her (Ilham, Siham, Ola, and Asmaa) (Muhammad, Abd al-Rahman and Osama)[17]. The second one was Moroccan named Aisha, whom he met in the mid-1980s when she was a student at an Algerian university, and who worked as a television producer on the "Women Only" program broadcast by the Qatari Al-Jazeera channel.[18].

Al-Qaradawi and the Muslim Brotherhood


Al-Qaradawi belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood and became one of its well-known leaders, and the sheikh is considered the group’s first ideologue, he was also offered to assume the position of guide several times, but he refused (23) (24), He was attending meetings of the global organization of the Muslim Brotherhood as a representative of the Brotherhood in Qatar until he was excused from organizational work in the Brotherhood.[25]

Dr. Al-Qaradawi has authored the book (The Muslim Brotherhood Seventy Years of Dawah, Education and Jihad,) in which it deals with the history of the group from its inception to the end of the twentieth century and its advocacy, cultural and social role in Egypt and other countries of the world in which the Muslim Brotherhood is present.

Al-Qaradawi welcomed the Brotherhood’s assumption of rule in Egypt and that they are the “desired moderate Islamic group,” according to his description. He considered Imam Hassan al-Banna’s project “a Sunni project that needs to be activated.” He described the Muslim Brotherhood as “the best group of the Egyptian people with their behavior, morals, and thoughts, and the most upright and pure.” 26][27]

Awards received




On June 24, 2008, he ranked third after the first Turkish thinker Fethullah Gulen and the second, the Bengali Muslim economist, 2006 Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus among the most prominent thinkers in the world in the list of the twenty most influential figures in the world for the year 2008, in an international poll conducted by the American and British magazines, Foreign Policy and Prospect, respectively, Amr Khaled ranked sixth[31].

He was chosen as the 38th among 50 influential Muslim figures in 2009 in a book published by the Royal Center for Islamic Strategic Studies, an official research center in Jordan on the 500 most influential Muslim figures in 2009.[32][33]

His books, letters, and fatwa


Al-Qaradawi has more than 170 compositions of books[34], letters, and many fatwas. He also recorded many episodes of religious programs, including documentary and live. For example:

  • Halal and Haram in Islam
  • A hundred questions about Hajj, Umrah and sacrifice
  • Contemporary fatwa book
  • Facilitating Fiqh for the Contemporary Muslim
  • jurisprudence of jihad
  • From the jurisprudence of the state in Islam
  • jurisprudence of zakat
  • The jurisprudence of purity
  • The jurisprudence of fasting
  • The jurisprudence of singing and music
  • The jurisprudence of amusement and recreation
  • A study in the jurisprudence of purposes
  • In the jurisprudence of Islamic minorities
  • Islamic jurisprudence between originality and renewal
  • Ijtihad in Islamic Sharia
  • Introduction to the study of Islamic law
  • Fatwa between discipline and idleness
  • Capacity and flexibility factors in Islamic law
  • Contemporary ijtihad between discipline and disobedience
  • Diyah for women in Islamic Sharia
  • Reasons for changing the fatwa
  • Odd fatwas
  • Organ transplantation in the light of Islamic law
  • The problem of poverty and how Islam dealt with it
  • Murabaha sale to purchase order
  • Bank interest is forbidden usury
  • The role of values ​​and ethics in Islamic economics
  • The role of zakat in treating economic problems and the conditions for its success
  • In order for the Zakat Foundation to succeed in its contemporary application
  • The rules governing the jurisprudence of transactions
  • The purposes of Sharia related to money
  • Patience in the Qur'an
  • Reason and science in the Qur'an
  • How do we deal with the Holy Qur'an
  • Interpretation of Surah Ar-Ra'd
  • How do we deal with the Sunnah?
  • Introduction to the study of the Sunnah
  • The choice of enticement and intimidation
  • The Sunnah is a source of knowledge and civilization
  • In the age of the year
  • Towards an encyclopedia of authentic hadith, a proposed curriculum project
  • God's presence
  • The reality of monotheism
  • Faith in destiny
  • Intercession in the afterlife between transportation and reason
  • Divine life and science
  • Intention and sincerity
  • Trust
  • Repentance to God
  •  piety and asceticism
  • Monitoring and Accounting

Some of his poetry


With his fame for his knowledge, fatwas and jurisprudence, he has several scattered poems and poetry that have not yet been collected in one level or diwan. His poetry is distinguished by its elegance and clarity of meanings, and it usually deals with issues of faith and the request to liberate Al-Aqsa and the virtues of morals. This is part of a famous poem about him

I'm back.. I'm back, I swore I'm back..

And the truth bears witness to me, and the best witness is

And with me the missile and the immortal book.

Faith leads me, yes, the leader

O third of the two holy places, O land of redemption..

I would make of you the graveyard of the enemy

I will taste the death if I am no longer a master for you..

The taste of death without a homeless life

The Sheikh also has his famous poem, The Epic of Infestation (Nouniya Al-Qaradawi) , which he composed when he was arrested in the military prison with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Such as:

Excerpts from the epic affliction

(Youssef Al Qardawi)  

By God, what supplications are defeated by evil?      

           One day and in history, my right

Put the cuff in my hand, inflame my ribs      

with the knife put my neck on the knife

nor you block my mind for an hour    

Or take away my faith and the light of my certainty

The light is in my heart, and my heart is in my hand      

My Lord, my Lord, my masterful, and my helper

I will live by the rope of my faith        

I die smiling so that my religion may live

His activities


Banned from entering some countries


The British authorities refused to grant Yuossef al-Qaradawi a visa to enter their territories because of his fatwa supporting suicide bombing operations ( as the perpetrators and supporters call them) (or suicide bombers , as their critics call them) inside Israel , which he considers martyrdom operations , while Britain considered them terrorist and refused al-Qaradawi’s entry to Britain because of his justification for those operations. [38] [39]

French President Sarkozy announced on March 26, 2012 that Sheikh Yuossef al-Qaradawi was banned from entering his country, commenting that he was an unwelcome person in France, while the context of his conversation revolved around extremist Islamists. [40]

In November 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain announced in a joint statement a new, third list of terrorism that included two entities and 11 people, led by the “International Union of Muslim Scholars” and Al-Qaradawi included with other people affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. [41]

Situations and opinions


On April 20, 2009, Al-Qaradawi announced that he conceals jurisprudence and fatwas on contemporary issues to avoid confusing the masses, indicating that he concealed his fatwa permitting men to shake hands with foreign women when necessary and to secure sedition for several years, which he published in the second part of his book Contemporary Fatwas . [42] [43]

On May 8, 2009, Al -Qaradawi criticized Qatar for allowing a Danish journalist working for the newspaper “ Jyllands-Posten ,” which published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in 2005, to participate in the celebration of World Press Freedom Day . Sheikh Al-Qaradawi said: “This man who came to Doha would not have been allowed by Qatar. ” Qatar did not know that this Danish journalist works for that newspaper. [44] [ link broken]

Al-Qaradawi had criticized Qatar in May 2001 for calling for a meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in Qatar. And he said, " I wish for the State of Qatar and the land of Qatar to receive Sharon on its soil... No, Sharon is not welcome in Qatar... I said to the one who shook hands with Peres, the butcher of Qana. " To wash his hands seven times, one of them with earth, and I say to the one who shook hands with the butcher, Sharon, the butcher of Sabra and Shatila : Wash your hands seventy times [45] . ”

In an interview with Al-Qaradawi on the Sharia and Life program on Al-Jazeera on February 16, 2003, he was asked about the American bases in the Gulf, and he said: “ I said: Look, the agreements that took place in the past with the people of the region are respected, because they were made by governments, and we do not want to ignite a strife between peoples and governments. With the right of peoples to criticize these agreements, criticize them by peaceful means. I mean, a journalist can write saying: We do not agree to the agreement signed between Qatar and the Americans, or between Bahrain and the Americans, or between Saudi Arabia. And the Americans are doing this, and we respect these agreements, but the American invasion now, the 150,000 soldiers that come from America and more than 40,000 Britons, and the sea, air and land landings in the region, this is what must be resisted, and the Muslims who resisted it.. He resisted this invasion of the region, which is taking place without... I mean, without international legitimacy, and without Arab consent... This is what must be resisted, and whoever resists it and is killed is a martyr, God willing. [46] » While some criticize him for this position [47]

He is also against the presence of US bases in Qatar, as he mentioned on BBC Arabic. [ need source]

Al -Qaradawi issued a fatwa by stoning Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (suspicious ) if it was proven that he participated in the Gaza war . Accordingly, huge pictures of al-Qaradawi were hung in the West Bank showing him shaking hands with Jews. Comments were written on the pictures describing these Jews as Israelis. Clashes occurred between worshipers in the West Bank and imams of some mosques who dedicated the Friday sermon to attack al-Qaradawi on the instructions of the Ministry of Awqaf of the caretaker government. [48]

Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi also issued a fatwa regarding female circumcision in March 2009, in which he was based on what was proven by various scientific studies [needs more accuracy]That which is carried out by people of expertise trusted in their knowledge, faith and morals, that the practice of female circumcision does not have any hope behind it, but rather that it is feared that it will cause harm and harm to females in their present and in their future. Al-Qaradawi explained in his fatwa that the complaints of women who were subjected to circumcision increased, and that they complained about the negative impact of this custom on their married life. Al-Qaradawi concluded by saying: “Therefore I join those who say that there is no justification for the continuation of this habit, and we have no evidence in Islam: from the Qur’an, from the Sunnah, from consensus, from analogy, or from interest. We have no evidence that calls us to adhere to with this custom, rather all the legal and factual evidence call us to prevent this matter... That is why a fatwa was issued to ban this habit to ensure the safety of the Muslim woman, the Muslim girl, and the Muslim girl, and to protect her from any harm.” In March of 2009, after an interview with Tarfa BaghajatiWith Rüdiger Nyberg, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi in the State of Qatar, Al-Qaradawi issued a fatwa prohibiting female circumcision and considering it against the teachings of the Islamic religion. [49]

Controversy arose about Yusuf al-Qaradawi, as some of his jurisprudential views are not welcomed by some scholars, because in their view the opinion is presented to the legal evidence, subject to the pressures of the modern era. [50]

But Al-Qaradawi’s supporters say: he was able to reach jurisprudential opinions based on clear rules in the principles of jurisprudence, such as combining apparently contradictory hadiths by researching the appropriateness of the hadith in addition to studying the comparative jurisprudence schools to reach the most correct opinion. [ Need source] .

Among the currents criticizing Al-Qaradawi:

Some people deny him his protesting with weak hadiths, and his refutation of authentic hadiths reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim. [51] They criticize him for violating the definitive consensus on several issues [52] (and this criticism is shared by some Al-Azhar jurists), and for introducing new rules in the principles of jurisprudence. In al-Bukhari and Muslim , such as Imam al- Daraqutni , in addition to that he relies on the principle of combining evidence, which makes him interpret some hadiths in an intentional interpretation .Ibn Taymiyyah , who was accused by the scholars of his time of violating consensus on many issues, which later became clear that the consensus in them was a claim and that the dispute over it was old, dating back to the era of the Companions , may God be pleased with them, but the consensus was claimed in it due to ignorance of the opponent. [54] The jihadists most reprimanded him is his fatwa permitting American Muslims to fight with the American army against Muslims in Afghanistan [55] (published by Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper [56] )

Al -Qaradawi was asked about it on the Islam Online website and he said: I did not issue a fatwa for this. Rather, a Muslim soldier in the American army can apologize for fighting someone who is of the same faith, and this is what I have issued a fatwa for, and what I have issued a fatwa for. ]

It was also reported that Dr. Salah al-Din Sultan retracted this fatwa [58]

He is also known for his opposition to the “attack” launched by America on Islamic countries and Muslims, and he issued a fatwa prohibiting participation in the American alliance [59] [60].

Some Shiites because of his warning of the danger of the growth of what is described as “the Shiite tide and the attempt to invade the Sunni community” [61] [62] [63]

Some Westerners: In addition to the criticisms of the secularists, some of them blame him for his support for martyrdom operations against the Israelis. [64]



On January 17, 2018, the Egyptian military court issued a life sentence to the Islamic preacher Youssef Al-Qaradawi, accused of inciting violence in the case of the assassination of officer Wael Atef Tahoun in 2015. [65]

Youssef Al-Qaradawi denied that the new Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, gave him 48 hours to leave the country, and that he had withdrawn his Qatari citizenship. [66]

Look also


List of Youssef al-Qaradawi's books

Mohammed Al-Ghazali

Majd Makki



General Diamond Directory Identifier: https://opac.diamond-ils.org/agent/19289  — In the name of: Youssef Qaradhawi

^ Qatari travel, part three of al-Qaradawi's memoirs - Ibn al-Qaryah and al-Kata b-14, al-Qaradawi's website.

^ Guardian topic identifier: https://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2011/feb/18/egypt-protest-day-of-victory

^ Al-Qaradawi says about himself in his book “The Culture of the Caller,” p. 94: “We adopt the method of the predecessor in describing God Almighty with what He described Himself with without conditioning or representation, or distortion or disruption, and this is the method that the masters of theology from the Ash’aris and others concluded, such as Abu Al-Hasan Al-Ash’ari in “Al-Ibanah”, Al-Ghazali in “Iljam Al-Awwam on Ilm Al-Kalam” and Al-Fakhr Al-Razi in “The Parts of Pleasures” »

^ Al-Qaradawi fi Al-Mizan, authored by: Suleiman Al-Kharashi, Dar Al-Jawab, 1999 edition, see pp. 64-74, and pp. 239-245 under the chapter "The Doctor and the Ash'ari".

^ The Creed of the Man of Creed, Yusuf bin Abdullah Al-Qaradawi, authored by: Seif Al-Asri, pp. 11-35.

^ http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb12205173g  — Accessed: October 10, 2015 — Author: National Library of France — License: Free License

^ https://web.archive.org/web/20110716221517/http://www.menofia.edu.eg/announcements/faisal/files/PDF_Files/English/KFIP-Winners-per-Years.pdf

^ "Information you should know about Yusuf Al-Qaradawi". Arabia. 2018-09-21. Archived from the original on March 3, 2021. Retrieved on March 3, 2021.

^ A picture of my village... In the era of my youth - Saft Turab Village, Episode 2, Part One, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online "Archived copy". Archived from the original on January 11, 2010. Retrieved October 26, 2008.

^ To the writers.. Then the compulsory school, Episode 9 Part One, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online "Archived copy". Archived from the original on June 25, 2009. Retrieved October 26, 2008.

^ Jump up to: ABC Detailed Biography of Al-Qaradawi, Al-Qaradawi Net copy reserved February 26, 2011 at the Wayback Machine. [Broken link]

^ Introduction to the Fiqh of Minorities (Encyclopedia of Fiqh of Muslim Minorities in the World -1-), Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Ghani Alwan Al-Nahari. Archived December 17, 2019 on the Wayback Machine website.

^ A picture of my family.. Episode 8 Part One, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online "Archived copy". Archived from the original on January 11, 2010. Retrieved October 26, 2008.

^ Memories of the Detainee, Episode 22, Part One, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online "Archived copy". Archived from the original on March 8, 2010. Retrieved October 26, 2008.

^ Al-Qaradawi meets Salah Nasr!!, Episode 18, Part Two, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online "Archived copy". Archived from the original on June 18, 2009. Retrieved October 26, 2008.

^ Jump up to: ABC The Journey in Search of Bint Al-Halal [Broken Link], Episode 12 Part Two, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online "Archived copy". Archived from the original on May 29, 2009. Retrieved October 26, 2008.

^ He tells the story of his love for his second wife: Al-Qaradawi: Love is madness, madness is art, and life is affliction, and God has affairs in his creation - Al-Quds Al-Arabi - Published November 7, 2008 - Access date April 12, 2009

^ In recognition of her efforts in the field of nuclear physics...Dr. Ilham Al-Qaradawi wins the "Ahmed Badib Award for Academic Excellence for Arab Women", Al Sharq, October 10, 2008 AD

^ To Turkey Again, Episode 9 Part Three, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online Archived April 23, 2009 at the Wayback Machine website.

^ The Tragedy of Black September, Episode 12, Part Three, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online "Archived copy". Archived from the original on May 29, 2009. Retrieved October 26, 2008.

^ Intense scientific and tourism activity, Episode 14, Part III, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Islam Online Archived January 13, 2010 at the Wayback Machine website.

^ Episode Twenty-first: I apologize for not accepting the position of mentorship, Al-Qaradawi's Memoirs, Part Three, Islam Online Archived January 23, 2009 at the Wayback Machine website.

^ Episode IV: Exemption from organizational work in the Muslim Brotherhood, memoirs of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Part IV, Islam Online "Archived copy". Archived from the original on September 24, 2009. Retrieved September 24, 2008.

^ Episode Two: With the International Organization of the Brotherhood, Memoirs of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Part IV, Al-Qaradawi. Net copy reserved January 31, 2009 on the Wayback Machine website. [Broken link]

^ In defense of the truth and the integrity of the word, not the Brotherhood!, Dr. Muhammad Jamal Heshmat, Al-Qaradawi Net, October 9, 2008. Copied March 04, 2011 on the Wayback Machine website. [Broken link]

^ Al-Qaradawi for "Cairo Today": The Qur'an and the Companions and the Dissemination of Doctrines are Red Lines in Dialogue with the Shiites, Al-Masry Al-Youm, September 27, 2008 [broken link]

^ Jump up to: ABTC for winning the Prophet's Hijrah Award: Malaysia receives 1431 AH by honoring Al-Qaradawi, Islam Online, December 14, 2009 [broken link] Archived May 21, 2020 on the Wayback Machine website.

^ About Al-Qaradawi, Al-Qaradawi Net, November 24, 2004. Transcript: February 26, 2011 on the Wayback Machine. [link broken]

^ The Jordanian monarch honors the Sheikh of Al-Azhar and "Al-Qaradawi", Youm7, September 29, 2010

^ Muslims on top of the world's thinkers, Islam Online, June 24, 2008 Archived February 25, 2009 at the Wayback Machine.

^ The 2016 Edition is Here! Copy reserved December 25, 2010 on the Wayback Machine website.