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l.victoria l.victoria Avocados are known to grow in humid climatic conditions. The y do well in places with temperature range of 18 - 30 degrees Celsius with moderate rainfall between 800 - 1000 ml per year.

Avocados have both nutritional and medicinal value [1]. They are very rich in vitamin A, C and D. The seed of the avocado are crushed and used to treat dental problems as well as respiratory problems Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).. Red colobus monkeys are also found in East Africa but are quite rare. Two other types of colobus monkeys in Africa are the black and the olive. The colobus monkey lives in all types of closed forests, including montane and gallery forests. Bamboo stands are also popular dwelling spots for the colobus [2].



Hunting led to the colobus’s extermination in some areas.

At one time, the colobus was hunted excessively for its beautiful fur. Its skin has been used to make dance costumes, hats, and capes. The biggest threat to the colobus today is habitat loss.

As human populations are growing and expanding, forests are cut down to make room for agriculture, settlements, and roads. The colobus monkey is losing its home as these developments progress. Solutions

Our solutions to protecting the colobus monkey:

   #Employ technology.
   #Engage local communities.
  1. ^ [www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid]
  2. ^ The african monkeys, wafula. 2012.