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/// PerfektesChaos/js/WikiSyntaxTextMod/dC.js
/// 2019-01-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
/// Fingerprint: #0#0#
/// <nowiki>
// WikiSyntaxTextMod:  Wiki specific character handling
/* global mw:true, mediaWiki:false                                     */
/* jshint forin:false,
          bitwise:true, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, latedef:true,
          nocomma:true, strict:true, undef:true, unused:true           */

if ( typeof mediaWiki  !==  "object" ) {   // disconnected
   mw  =  { config: false,
            libs:   { WikiSyntaxTextMod:  { }
            log:    function () {"use strict";}
( function ( mw ) {
   "use strict";
   var version  =  -7.11,
       sign     =  "WikiSyntaxTextMod",
       sub      =  "C",
       rls, self, WSTM;
   if ( typeof mw.loader  ===  "object" ) {
      rls   =  { };
      self  =  "user:PerfektesChaos/" + sign + "/" + sub;
      rls[ self ] = "loading";
      mw.loader.state( rls );
   if ( typeof mw.libs[ sign ]  !==  "object" ) {   // isolated
      mw.libs[ sign ]  =  { };
   WSTM  =  mw.libs[ sign ];
   if ( typeof WSTM.w  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.w  =  { };
   if ( typeof WSTM.w.chr  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.w.chr  =  { };
   WSTM.w.chr.vsn   =  version;
   WSTM.w.chr.self  =  self;
   if ( typeof WSTM.bb  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.bb  =  { };
   if ( typeof WSTM.debugging  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.debugging  =  { };
} ( mw ) );

Requires: JavaScript 1.3
          (String.charCodeAt String.fromCharCode String.replace)


mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.bbC  =  function (WSTM) {
   // Building block and run environment support
   // 2012-05-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
   "use strict";
   if (typeof(WSTM.util) !== "object") {
      WSTM.util  =  { };

   if (typeof(WSTM.util.fiatObjects) !== "function") {
      WSTM.util.fiatObjects  =  function (adult, activate, assign) {
         // Ensure existence of at least empty object
         // Precondition:
         //    adult     -- parent object
         //    activate  -- String with name of child object
         //    assign    -- optional object with initial definition
         //                 if containing object components,
         //                 they will be asserted as well
         // Postcondition:
         //    adult has been extended
         // Uses:
         //    .util.fiatObjects()  -- recursive
         // 2012-05-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
         var elt, obj, s;
         if (typeof( adult[activate] )  !==  "object") {
            adult[activate]  =  (assign  ?  assign  :  { } );
         if (assign) {
            obj  =  adult[activate];
            for (s in assign) {
               elt  =  assign[s];
               if (typeof(elt)  ===  "object") {
                  WSTM.util.fiatObjects(obj, s, elt);
            }  // for s in obj
      };   // .util.fiatObjects()

   WSTM.util.fiatObjects(WSTM,  "debugging",  { loud: false });

};   // .bb.bbC()
delete mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.bbC;


mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.chr  =  function (WSTM) {
   // Wiki specific character handling
   // Uses:
   //    .util.fiatObjects()
   // 2012-10-10 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
   "use strict";
   WSTM.util.fiatObjects( WSTM,  "w",
                          { chr:  { lang: { },
                                    re:   { }
                          } );
   if (! WSTM.w.chr.detected) {
      WSTM.w.chr.detected  =  { ampersand: false,
                                exchange: 0,
                                nbHyphen: false,
                                ordMasc:  false,
                                tab:      false,
                                tabEOL:   false,
                                white:    false

   WSTM.w.chr.fallback  =  function (adjust) {
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust   -- charcode to be checked
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns true iff charcode is candidate for substitution
      // 2014-10-03 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  false;
      if (adjust >= 8544) {
         r  =  ((adjust >=  8544  &&  adjust <=  8575)   ||  // fullwidth
                (adjust >= 10005  &&  adjust <= 10015)   ||  // Roman
                (adjust >= 12288  &&  adjust <= 12301)   ||  // ideogr
                (adjust >= 65279  &&  adjust <= 65374)       // Dingbats
      return  r;
   };   // .w.chr.fallback()

   WSTM.w.chr.fashion  =  function (adjust, address) {
      // Exchange string, replace Dingbats, fullwidth, Roman digits
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust   -- String to be manipulated
      //    address  -- last position of suspicious char within adjust
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns modified String, exchanged undesired characters
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.chr.detected.exchange
      //    .w.chr.format()
      //    .str.setChar()
      //    .str.setString()
      // 2012-10-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  false,
          s  =  adjust,
      for (i = address;  i >= 0;  i--) {
         c  =  s.charCodeAt(i);
         if (c >= this.detected.exchange) {
            if ((c >=  8544  &&  c <=  8575)   ||   // Roman digits
                (c >= 12288  &&  c <= 12301)   ||   // ideographic
                (c >= 65281  &&  c <= 65374)) {   // fullwidth
               x  =  this.format(c, s, i);
               if (x !== c) {
                  r  =  typeof(x);
                  if (r === "number") {
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, x, i);
                  } else if (r === "string") {
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setString(s, i, 1, x);
                  } else {
                     s  =  r;
               r  =  s;
            } else if (c >= 10005  &&  c <= 10015) {   // Dingbats
               switch (c) {
                  case 10005 : // 2715
                  case 10006 : // 2716
                     c  =   215; // times
                  case 10013 : // 271D
                  case 10014 : // 271E
                  case 10015 : // 271F
                     c  =  8224; // dagger
               }   // switch c
               if (c < 10000) {
                  s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, c, i);
                  r  =  s;
            }   // rare codes
         }   // .w.chr.detected.exchange
      }   // for i
      return  r;
   };   // .w.chr.fashion()

   WSTM.w.chr.filter  =  function (all) {
      // Improve character encoding in string, encode, trim lines
      // Precondition:
      //    all  -- root WikiTom to be manipulated
      // Postcondition:
      //    Modifies  all::
      //      >< .source  -- exchanged unreadable characters
      //                     removed trailing whitespace / control codes
      //       < .learnt  -- true: significant encoding change
      //                     false: possibly trailing whitespace cut
      // Characters which may occur in links and syntax are postponed.
      // Uses:
      //    >  .warn.char
      //    >< .w.chr.detected.exchange
      //    >< .w.chr.whitespace
      //     < .w.encountered.indent
      //     < .w.encountered.bidichar
      //     < .w.chr.detected.ampersand
      //     < .w.chr.detected.nbHyphen
      //     < .w.chr.detected.ordMasc
      //     < .w.chr.detected.tab
      //     < .w.chr.detected.tabEOL
      //     < .w.chr.detected.white
      //    .str.setString()
      //    .str.setChar()
      //    .w.chr.form()
      //    .w.chr.fallback()
      //    .w.chr.fishing()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2016-01-24 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var d  =  false,
          l  =  false,
          s  =  all.source,
      for (i = s.length - 1;  i >= 0;  i--) {
         c  =  s.charCodeAt(i);
         if (c < 128) {   // ASCII
            if (c < 32) {   // control code
               switch (c) {
                  case 10 : // newline
                     if (s.charCodeAt(k + 1)  ===  10) {
                        WSTM.w.encountered.indent  =  true;
                     for (k = i-1;  k >= 0;  k--) {
                        c  =  s.charCodeAt(k);
                        if (c > 32  ||  c === 10) {
                           if (c === 61) {   // '='
                              if (s.charCodeAt(k) === 9) {
                           }   // template?
                           break;   // for k
                        } else if (c === 9) {
                           this.detected.tabEOL  =  true;
                     }   // for k
                     if (k  <  i - 1) {   // trailing whitesp: minor mod
                        this.detected.white  =  true;
                        s  =  WSTM.str.setString(s,  k,  i - k,  "");
                        i  =  k;
                  case 13 : // IE inserts CR before any LF
                  case  9 : // hor tab
                     this.detected.tab  =  true;
                  case 11 : // vertical tab
                  case 12 : // form feed
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, 10, i);   // newline
                     l  =  true;
                  default: // forbidden
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, "", i);   // discard
                     l  =  true;
               }   // switch c
            } else  if (c === 38) {   // '&'
               if (s.substr(i + 1,  5)   !==   "nbsp;") {
                  this.detected.ampersand  =  true;
         } else {
            if (c <= 160) {   // windows codepages and nbsp
               s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s,  "&#" + c + ";",  i);   // show
               l  =  true;
            } else if (c < 8193) {   // common chars
               switch (c) {
                  case 186 : // masculine ordinal indicator
                     this.detected.ordMasc  =  true;
                  case 847 : // COMBIN GRAPHEME JOINER \x034F
                     c  =  this.form(c);
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, c, i);
                     l  =  true;
               }   // switch c
            } else if (c > 8193  &&  c < 8289) {   // Unicode control
               // make visible
               switch (c) {
                  case 8194 : // enSpace  \u2002
                  case 8195 : // emSpace  \u2003
                  case 8196 : // THREE-PER-EM SPACE  \u2004
                  case 8197 : // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE   \u2005
                  case 8200 : // PUNCTUATION SPACE \u2008
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, 32, i);   // space
                     l  =  true;
                  case 8198 : // SIX-PER-EM SPACE    \u2006
                  case 8201 : // thinsp
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, "&thinsp;", i);
                     d  =  true;
                  case 8239 : // NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, "&#8239;", i);
                     d  =  true;
                  case 8203 : // ZERO WIDTH SPACE used in .lang.chr.zwsp
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, "&#x200A;", i);
                     d  =  true;
                  case 8204 : // ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER in .lang.chr.zwnj
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, "&zwnj;", i);
                     d  =  true;
                  case 8205 : // ZERO WIDTH JOINER     in .lang.chr.zwj
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, "&zwj;", i);
                     d  =  true;
                  case 8209 : // NON-BREAKING HYPHEN  \u2011
                     this.detected.nbHyphen  =  true;
                  case 8206 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK  \u200E
                  case 8207 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK  \u200F
                  case 8234 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING
                  case 8235 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING
                  case 8236 : // POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING
                  case 8237 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE
                  case 8238 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE
                     WSTM.w.encountered.bidichar  =  true;
                     // fall through
                  case 8202 : // hair space (english typography)
                  case 8232 : // LINE SEPARATOR
                  case 8233 : // PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
                  case 8287 : // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
                  case 8288 : // WORD JOINER
                     c  =  this.form(c);
                     s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, c, i);
                     l  =  true;
               }   // switch c
            } else if (c === 8960) {   // Unicode
               //  \u2300   DIAMETER SIGN   TODO
               s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s, 248, i);   // &oslash;
               l  =  true;
            } else if ((c >= 57344   &&  c <= 63743)   ||
                       (c >= 983040  &&  c <= 1114111)) { // Private Use
               s  =  WSTM.str.setChar(s,  "&#" + c + ";",  i);   // show
               l  =  true;
               // U+E000-F8FF  U+F0000-10FFFF
            } else if (this.fallback(c)) {
               if (this.detected.exchange) {
                  if (this.detected.exchange > c) {
                     this.detected.exchange  =  c;
               } else {
                  this.detected.exchange  =  c;
            }   // rare codes
         }   // character types
      }   // for i --
      if (WSTM.warn.char) {
      c  =  s.charCodeAt(0);
      while (c === 10) {   // skip heading \n
         s  =  s.substr(1);
         c  =  s.charCodeAt(0);
         this.detected.white  =  true;
      }   // while ! c
      k  =  s.length - 1;
      c  =  s.charCodeAt(k);
      while (c === 10) {   // remove trailing \n
         s  =  s.substr(0, k);
         c  =  s.charCodeAt(k);
         this.detected.white  =  true;
      }   // while ! c
      this.whitespace  =  (this.detected.tab ? " \n\t" : " \n");
      if (d) {
         this.detected.ampersand  =  true;
         all.learnt               =  true;
      } else if (l) {
         all.learnt  =  true;
      all.source  =  s;
   };   // .w.chr.filter()

   WSTM.w.chr.fishing  =  function (analyse) {
      // Warn of unwanted character codes
      // Precondition:
      //    analyse  -- string to be analysed
      // Postcondition:
      //    Issues warning
      //    >  .warn.char
      //    .warn.found()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2015-03-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var wch  =  WSTM.warn.char,
          m    =  wch.length,
          max  =  0,
          min  =  4294967295,
          n    =  analyse.length,
          c, got, i, k;
      for (k = 0;  k < m;  k++) {
         c  =  wch[k];
         if (c < min) {
            min  =  c;
         if (c > max) {
            max  =  c;
      }   // for k
      for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
         c  =  analyse.charCodeAt(i);
         if (c >= min  &&  c <= max) {
            for (k = 0;  k < m;  k++) {
               if (c === wch[k]) {
                  if (! got) {
                     got  =  { };
                  if (typeof got[c]  !==  "number") {
                     got[c]  =  0;
                  break;   // for k
            }   // for k
      }   // for i
      if (got) {
         for (c in got) {
            WSTM.warn.found("char",  got[c] + "&times; " + c);
         }   // for c in got
   };   // .w.chr.fishing()

   WSTM.w.chr.fixed  =  function (adjust) {
      // Check whether char entity should be kept escaped in wikisyntax
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- character code, or false
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns false if replacement not recommended,  or char code
      // Uses:
      //     < .w.encountered.bidichar
      // 2016-09-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  false;
      if (adjust  &&  adjust < 65534) {
         r  =  adjust;
         switch (r) {
            /* ML escapes */
            case 8206 : // lrm  LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK
            case 8207 : // rlm  RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK
               WSTM.w.encountered.bidichar  =  true;
               // fall through
            case   34 : // quot
            case   38 : // amp
            case   39 : // apos
            case   60 : // lt
            case   62 : // gt
            /* special chars to be kept */
            case  160 : // nbsp
            case  710 : // circ
            case  732 : // tilde
            case 8201 : // thinsp
            /* wikisyntax escapes */
            case   91 : // [ lsqb
            case   93 : // ] rsqb
            case  123 : // { lcub
            case  124 : // | verbar
            case  125 : // } rcub
               r  =  false;
            /* special chars to be deleted one day */
            case 8203 : // zwsp   // required in .lang.chr.zwsp
            case 8204 : // zwnj   // required in .lang.chr.zwnj
            case 8205 : // zwj    // required in .lang.chr.zwj
               r  =  0;
            /* to be replaced by ASCII space */
            case 8194 : // ensp
            case 8195 : // emsp
               r  =  32;
         }   // switch r
      return  r;
   };   // .w.chr.fixed()

   WSTM.w.chr.fixTab  =  function (adjust) {
      // Remove tab chars from string, if any
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- string to be cleaned
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns false, if no tab char found, or modified string
      // 2012-03-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  false;
      if (adjust.indexOf("\t") >= 0) {
         r  =  adjust.replace(/\t/g, " ");
      return  r;
   };   // .w.chr.fixTab()

   WSTM.w.chr.flat  =  function (adjust, assign, alert) {
      // Exchange unwanted entities with char or standardized entity form
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- string "&named;" or "&#xHHHH;" or "&#NNN;"
      //    assign  -- true if named entity,  false if numeric
      //    alert   -- true if inspect
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns false if replacement not recommended,
      //            otherwise string with (single) character or entity
      // Uses:
      //    > .w.chr.lang.cjk
      //    > .warn.entity
      //     < .w.encountered.bidichar
      //    .str.charEntityHTML5single()
      //    .warn.found()
      //    .str.charEntityCode()
      //    .w.chr.form()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   fromCharCode()
      // 2016-09-20 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r;
      if (assign) {
         r  =  WSTM.str.charEntityHTML5single(adjust);
         if (alert
             &&  WSTM.warn.entity
             &&  WSTM.warn.entity.indexOf(adjust) >= 0) {
            WSTM.warn.found("entity",  "&amp;" + adjust.substr(1));
      } else {
         r  =  WSTM.str.charEntityCode(adjust);
         if (alert
             &&  WSTM.warn.entity
             &&  WSTM.warn.entity.indexOf("#"+r) >= 0) {
            WSTM.warn.found("entity",  "&amp;#" + r + ";");
      }   // named or numeric
      if (r) {
         switch (r) {
            case   32 : // ASCII space
               r  =  "&#32;";
            // ML syntax escaped
            case   34 : // quot
            case   38 : // amp
            case   39 : // apos
            case   60 : // lt
            case   62 : // gt
            // wikisyntax escaped
            case   32 : // SPC
            case   35 : // #
            case   42 : // *
            case   58 : // :
            case   59 : // ;
            case   61 : // =
            case   91 : // [
            case   93 : // ]
            case   95 : // _
            case  123 : // {
            case  124 : // |
            case  125 : // }
            // invisible information kept visual
            case   96 : // grave
            case  160 : // nbsp
            case  168 : // uml
            case  175 : // macr
            case  180 : // acute
            case  184 : // cedil
            case  710 : // circ
            case  711 : // caron
            case  728 : // breve
            case  730 : // ring
            case  731 : // ogon
            case  732 : // tilde
            case  733 : // dacute
            case  173 : // soft hyphen
            case 8201 : // thinsp
            case 8202 : // hair space (english typography)
            case 8209 : // NON-BREAKING HYPHEN
            case 8239 : // NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
               r  =  false;
            // replace by ASCII space
            case 8194 : // ensp
            case 8195 : // emsp
            case 8196 : // THREE-PER-EM SPACE
            case 8197 : // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
            case 8200 : // PUNCTUATION SPACE \u2008
               r  =  32;
            case 8198 : // SIX-PER-EM SPACE
            case 8201 : // thinsp
               r  =  "&thinsp;";
            case 8204 : // ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER
            case 8205 : // ZERO WIDTH JOINER
               r  =  false;
            // to be replaced later
            case  8232 : // LINE SEPARATOR
            case  8233 : // PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
            // just make entities
            case   847 : // COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER \x034F
            case  8203 : // ZERO WIDTH SPACE
            case  8287 : // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
            case  8288 : // WORD JOINER
               r  =  this.form(r);
            case  8206 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK  \u200E
            case  8207 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK  \u200F
            case  8234 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING
            case  8235 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING
            case  8236 : // POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING
            case  8237 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE
            case  8238 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE
               r  =  this.form(r);
               WSTM.w.encountered.bidichar  =  true;
            case  8960 : // DIAMETER SIGN  \u2300   TODO
               r  =  248;   // &oslash;
            case 65279 : // ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE / BYTE ORDER MARK
               r  =  "";
               if (r >= 10240) {   // Braille and extra-European
                  if (WSTM.w.chr.lang.cjk) {
                     r  =  (r >= 11904  &&  r <= 65131);   // U+2E80-FE6B
                  } else {
                     r  =  false;
               } else if (r > 8193) {   // U+2001
                  r  =  this.form(r);
               } else if (r < 160) {
                  r  =  false;
         }   // switch r
      }   // detected
      if (r) {
         if (typeof(r) === "number") {
            r  =  String.fromCharCode(r);
         }   // conversion  number -> string
         if (adjust === r) {
            r  =  false;
         }   // unchanged
      }   // conversion
      return  r;
   };   // .w.chr.flat()

   WSTM.w.chr.flip  =  function (all) {
      // Exchange and standardize undesired character entities
      // Precondition:
      //    all  -- root WikiTom to be adjusted
      // Postcondition:
      //    Modified all, if appropriate
      // Uses:
      //    >  .warn.char
      //    >  .w.chr.detected.ampersand
      //    >< .warn.entity
      //    .w.chr.re.fiat()
      //    .o.WikiTom().find()
      //    .w.chr.flipper()
      //    .o.WikiTom().flip()
      // 2015-03-12 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var got, i, s, shift;
      if (this.detected.ampersand) {
         if (WSTM.warn.entity) {
            s  =  "";
            for (i = 0;  i < WSTM.warn.entity.length;  i++) {
               s  =  s + "&" + WSTM.warn.entity[i] + ";";
            }   // for i
            WSTM.warn.entity  =  s;
         if (WSTM.warn.char) {
            if (typeof WSTM.warn.entity  !==  "string") {
               WSTM.warn.entity  =  "";
            for (i = 0;  i < WSTM.warn.char.length;  i++) {
               WSTM.warn.entity  =  WSTM.warn.entity
                                    + "&#" + WSTM.warn.char[i] + ";";
            }   // for i
         got  =  { i: 0,  k: 0 };
         do {
            got  =  all.find("&", got.i, got.k, true, false);
            if (got) {
               s  =  all.fetch(got.k, got.i);
               if (s) {
                  shift  =  this.flipper(s);
                  if (shift) {
                     all.flip(got.k, got.i, s.length, shift);
               got.i  =  0;
         } while (got);   // do
   };   // .w.chr.flip()

   WSTM.w.chr.flipper  =  function (adjust) {
      // Exchange and standardize undesired character entity
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- string to be adjusted
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns adjusted string,  or false
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.chr.re.entities
      //    .w.chr.flat()
      // 2015-02-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var m  =  false,
          r  =  false,
          s  =  adjust,
      for (k = 0;  k < 2;  k++) {
         l  =  (k === 1);
         r  =  this.re.entities[k];
         r.lastIndex  =  0;
         do {
            j  =  r.lastIndex;
            f  =  r.exec(s);
            if (f) {
               e  =  f[0];
               if (e !== "&nbsp;") {
                  c  =  this.flat(e, l, false);
                  if (typeof c === "string") {
                     m  =  true;
                     j  =  f.index;
                     s  =  s.substr(0, j)
                           +  c
                           +  s.substr(j + e.length);
                     r.lastIndex  =  j + 1;
                  }   //
               }   // replace, except nbsp
            }   // found?
         } while (f);   // do
      }   // for k
      return  (m ? s : false);
   };   // .w.chr.flipper()

   WSTM.w.chr.flushChars  =  function (adjust) {
      // Exchange undesired chars in modifiable nodes with better ones
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- WikiTom to be analyzed
      // Postcondition:
      //    Nodes are modified where suitable.
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.chr.detected.exchange
      //    .w.chr.flushChars()  -- recursive
      //    .w.chr.fashion()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2012-05-19 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var c,
      if (adjust.children) {
         n  =  adjust.children.length;
         for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
         }   // for i
      } else if (adjust.lookup) {
         if (adjust.mode <= WSTM.o.WikiTom.TextOnly) {
            s  =  adjust.source;
            if (s) {
               n  =  false;
               for (i = s.length;  i >= 0;  i--) {
                  c  =  s.charCodeAt(i);
                  if (c >= WSTM.w.chr.detected.exchange) {  // Dingbats..
                     s  =  WSTM.w.chr.fashion(s, i);
                     n  =  true;
                     break;   // for i
                  }   // suspiciuos character
               }   // for i
               if (n) {
                  if (adjust.source !== s) {
   };   // .w.chr.flushChars()

   WSTM.w.chr.flushEntities  =  function (adjust) {
      // Exchange undesired entities in modifiable nodes with UCS chars
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- WikiTom to be analyzed
      // Postcondition:
      //    Nodes are modified where suitable.
      // Uses:
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.TextOnly
      //    >< .w.chr.re.entities
      //    .w.chr.flushEntities()  -- recursive
      //    .w.chr.re.fiat()
      //    .w.chr.flat()
      // 2012-04-30 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var c,
      if (adjust.children) {
         n  =  adjust.children.length;
         for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
         }   // for i
      } else if (adjust.lookup) {
         if (adjust.mode <= WSTM.o.WikiTom.TextOnly) {
            s  =  adjust.source;
            if (s) {
               m  =  false;
               i  =  s.indexOf("&");
               if (i >= 0) {
                  for (k = 0;  k < 2;  k++) {
                     l  =  (k === 1);
                     r  =  this.re.entities[k];
                     r.lastIndex  =  0;
                     do {
                        j  =  r.lastIndex;
                        f  =  r.exec(s);
                        if (f) {
                           e  =  f[0];
                           if (e !== "&nbsp;") {
                              c  =  this.flat(e, l, true);
                              if (typeof c === "string") {
                                 j  =  f.index;
                                 m  =  j + e.length;
                                 s  =  s.substr(0, j)
                                       +  c
                                       +  s.substr(m);
                                 r.lastIndex  =  j + 1;
                              }   //
                           }   // replace, except nbsp
                        }   // found?
                     } while (f);   // do
                  }   // for k
               }   // '&' in node
               if (m) {
                  if (adjust.source !== s) {
   };   // .w.chr.flushEntities()

   WSTM.w.chr.form  =  function (adjust) {
      // Is char code to be replaced by a more common code or string?
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- character code
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns original (adjust) or replacing char code or string
      // Uses:
      //    >< .w.chr.detected.exchange
      //     < .w.encountered.bidichar
      //    .str.hexcode()
      //    .w.chr.fallback()
      // 2016-01-24 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var c  =  adjust;
      switch (adjust) {
         case  8194 : // N-SPACE
         case  8195 : // M-SPACE
         case  8200 : // PUNCTUATION SPACE
            c  =  32; // SPC
         case  8206 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK  \u200E
            WSTM.w.encountered.bidichar  =  true;
            c  =  "&lrm;";
         case  8207 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK  \u200F
            WSTM.w.encountered.bidichar  =  true;
            c  =  "&rlm;";
         case   847 : // COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER \x034F
         case  8196 : // THREE-PER-EM SPACE
         case  8197 : // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
         case  8198 : // SIX-PER-EM SPACE
         case  8203 : // ZERO WIDTH SPACE
         case  8232 : // LINE SEPARATOR -- make visible as entity first
                             // then remove from links, remaining as '\n'
         case  8233 : // PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
         case  8234 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING
         case  8235 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING
         case  8236 : // POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING
         case  8237 : // LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE
         case  8238 : // RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE
            c  =  "&#x" +  WSTM.str.hexcode(adjust, 4, false)  +  ";";
         case  8202 : // HAIR SPACE
            c  =  "";   // hook: en=keep  de: ""
         case  8287 : // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
            c  =  "&#8239;";
         case  8288 : // WORD JOINER
            c  =  "";
         case  8960 : // DIAMETER SIGN  \u2300   TODO
            c  =  248;   // &oslash;
            if (this.fallback(c)) {
               if (this.detected.exchange) {
                  if (this.detected.exchange > adjust) {
                     this.detected.exchange  =  adjust;
               } else {
                  this.detected.exchange  =  adjust;
      }   // switch adjust
      return  c;
   };   // .w.chr.form()

   WSTM.w.chr.format  =  function (adjust, around, address) {
      // Is char to be replaced by a more common one in this context?
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust   -- character code
      //    around   -- entire context string (modifiable)
      //                false if no context present
      //    address  -- position of adjust within around
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns original (adjust) or replacing char code or string
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.chr.detected.exchange
      //    .str.charEntityCode()
      //    .str.charEntityHTML5single()
      //    .w.chr.fixed()
      //    .w.chr.fullwidth()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2019-01-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var cb  =  0,
          cf  =  0,
          r   =  adjust,
      if (around) {
         n   =  around.length;
         if (address > 0) {
            cb  =  around.charCodeAt(address - 1);
            if (cb === 59) {   // ';'
               if (address > 4) {
                  i  =  around.lastIndexOf("&",  address - 2);
                  if (i >= 0) {
                     c  =  around.substr(i,  address - i);
                     if (around.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 35) {   // '#'
                        c  =  WSTM.str.charEntityCode(c);
                     } else {
                        c  =  WSTM.str.charEntityHTML5single(c);
                        if (c) {
                           c  =  this.fixed(c);
                     if (c) {
                        cb  =  c;
                  }   // entity
            }   // entity?
         }   // ahead
         if (address  <  n - 1) {
            cf  =  around.charCodeAt(address + 1);
            if (cf === 38) {   // '&'
               if (address  <  n - 4) {
                  i  =  around.indexOf(";",  address + 2);
                  if (i > address) {
                     c  =  around.substr(address + 1,  i - address);
                     if (around.charCodeAt(address + 2) === 35) {  // '#'
                        c  =  WSTM.str.charEntityCode(c);
                     } else {
                        c  =  WSTM.str.charEntityHTML5single(c);
                        if (c) {
                           c  =  this.fixed(c);
                     if (c) {
                        cf  =  c;
                  }   // entity
            }   // entity?
         }   // after
      }   // around
      if (cb !== 32   ||
          (cf !== 10  &&  cf !== 32)) {   // not in whitespace
         if (adjust >= 8544  &&  adjust <= 8575) {   // Roman digits
            if (cb < 11904  &&  cf < 11904) {   // Not CJK
               //    >  .w.chr.detected.exchange
               switch (adjust) {
                  case 8544 :
                     r  =   73;  // I
                  case 8545 :
                     r  =  "II";
                  case 8546 :
                     r  =  "III";
                  case 8547 :
                     r  =  "IV";
                  case 8548 :
                     r  =   86;  // V
                  case 8549 :
                     r  =  "VI";
                  case 8550 :
                     r  =  "VII";
                  case 8551 :
                     r  =  "VIII";
                  case 8552 :
                     r  =  "IX";
                  case 8553 :
                     r  =   88;  // X
                  case 8554 :
                     r  =  "XI";
                  case 8555 :
                     r  =  "XII";
                  case 8556 :
                     r  =   76;  // L
                  case 8557 :
                     r  =   67;  // C
                  case 8558 :
                     r  =   68;  // D
                  case 8559 :
                     r  =   77;  // M
                  case 8560 :
                     r  =  105;  // i
                  case 8561 :
                     r  =  "ii";
                  case 8562 :
                     r  =  "iii";
                  case 8563 :
                     r  =  "iv";
                  case 8564 :
                     r  =  118;  // v
                  case 8565 :
                     r  =  "vi";
                  case 8566 :
                     r  =  "vii";
                  case 8567 :
                     r  =  "viii";
                  case 8568 :
                     r  =  "ix";
                  case 8569 :
                     r  =  120;  // x
                  case 8570 :
                     r  =  "xi";
                  case 8571 :
                     r  =  "xii";
                  case 8572 :
                     r  =  108;  // l
                  case 8573 :
                     r  =   99;  // c
                  case 8574 :
                     r  =  100;  // d
                  case 8575 :
                     r  =  109;  // m
               }   // switch adjust
            }   // Roman digits permitted within CJK
         } else if (adjust >= 12288  &&  adjust <= 12301) {  // ideograph
            // U+3000=12288 ... U+300D=12301
            r  =  this.fullwidth(cb, adjust, cf, false);
         } else if (adjust === 65279) {  // U+FEFF  BYTE ORDER MARK
            r  =  "";
         } else if (adjust >= 65281  &&  adjust <= 65374) {  // fullwidth
            // U+FF01=65281 ... U+FF5E=65374
            r  =  this.fullwidth(cb, adjust, cf, 65248);
         }   // adjust type
      }   //  not in whitespace
      return  r;
   };   // .w.chr.format()

   WSTM.w.chr.fullwidth  =  function (ahead, adjust, after, adapt) {
      // Is CJK char to be replaced by ASCII in this context?
      // Precondition:
      //    ahead   -- character code just before
      //    adjust  -- character code of interest (CJK latin)
      //    after   -- character code just following
      //    adapt   -- calculate ASCII from adjust; or false
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns original (adjust) or replacing char code
      // 2012-10-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  adjust;
      if ((ahead < 11904  &&  after !== 32)      ||
          (after < 11904  &&  ahead !== 32)      ||
          (ahead >= 65281  &&  ahead <= 65374)   ||
          (after >= 65281  &&  after <= 65374)   ||
          (ahead < 11904  &&  after < 11904  &&
           (ahead !== 32  ||  after !== 32)   &&
           ahead !== 60  &&  ahead !== 62  &&
           after !== 60  &&  after !== 62)) {
         // Neighbour not CJK, not sole, not >ruby<
         if (adapt) {
            r  =  adjust - adapt;   // calculate from ASCII
         } else {
            switch (adjust) {
               case 12288 :
                  r  =    32;  // U+3000  SPACE
               case 12289 :
                  r  =    44;  // U+3001  COMMA
               case 12290 :
                  r  =    46;  // U+3002  PERIOD
               case 12295 :
                  r  =    48;  // U+3007  NUMBER ZERO
               case 12296 :
                  r  =  8249;  // U+3008  LEFT ANGLE BRACKET &#8250;
               case 12297 :
                  r  =  8250;  // U+3009  RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET &rsaquo;
               case 12298 :
                  r  =   171;  // U+300A  LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET «
               case 12299 :
                  r  =   187;  // U+300B  RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET »
                case 12300 :
               // r  =  8968;  // U+300C  LEFT CORNER BRACKET &lceil;
               case 12301 :
               // r  =  8971;  // U+300D  RIGHT CORNER BRACKET  &rfloor;
            }   // switch adjust
      }   // fullwidth forms permitted within CJK
      return  r;
   };   // .w.chr.fullwidth()

   WSTM.w.chr.re.fiat  =  function () {
      // Ensure availability of regular expressions (for entities)
      // Postcondition:
      //    RegExp available
      // Uses:
      //    >< .w.chr.re.entities
      // 2016-09-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var s0, s1;
      if (! this.entities) {
         s0  =  "&#(x?[0-9A-Fa-f]+|[0-9]+);";
         s1  =  "&[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z123]+;";
         this.entities  =  [ new RegExp(s0, "g"),
                             new RegExp(s1, "g") ];
   };   // .w.chr.re.fiat()

};   // .bb.chr()
delete mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.chr;


( function ( WSTM ) {
   "use strict";
   var sub      =  "C",
       self     =  WSTM.w.chr.self,
       version  =  WSTM.w.chr.vsn,
   if ( typeof WSTM.main  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.main  =  { };
   if ( ! WSTM.main.bb ) {
      WSTM.main.bb  =  { };
   WSTM.main.bb[ sub ]  =  { load: true,
                             vsn:  version };
   if ( typeof WSTM.main.wait  ===  "function" ) {
      // Start on import: callback to waiting ...
      WSTM.main.wait( sub, version );
   if ( typeof mw.loader  ===  "object"   &&
        typeof mw.hook  !==  "undefined" ) {
      rls = { };
      rls[ self ] = "ready";
      mw.loader.state( rls );
      mw.hook( "WikiSyntaxTextMod/" + sub + ".ready" )
        .fire( [ sub, version ] );
} ( mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod ) );

// Emacs
// Local Variables:
// coding: utf-8-dos
// fill-column: 80
// End:

/// EOF </nowiki>   WikiSyntaxTextMod/dC.js