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/// PerfektesChaos/js/WikiSyntaxTextMod/dH.js
/// 2020-02-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
//  WikiSyntaxTextMod:  Wiki syntax: Analysis of link -- web and wiki
/// Fingerprint: #0#0#
/// @license: CC-by-sa/4.0 GPLv3
/// <nowiki>
/* global mw:true, mediaWiki:false                                     */
/* jshint forin:false,
          bitwise:true, curly:true, eqeqeq:true, latedef:true,
          nocomma:true, strict:true, undef:true, unused:true           */

if ( typeof mediaWiki  !==  "object" ) {   // disconnected
   mw  =  { libs:   { WikiSyntaxTextMod:  { }
            log:    function () {"use strict";}
( function ( mw ) {
   "use strict";
   var version  =  -7.23,
       sign     =  "WikiSyntaxTextMod",
       sub      =  "H",
       rls, self, WSTM;
   if ( typeof mw.loader  ===  "object" ) {
      rls   =  { };
      self  =  "user:PerfektesChaos/" + sign + "/" + sub;
      rls[ self ] = "loading";
      mw.loader.state( rls );
   if ( typeof mw.libs[ sign ]  !==  "object" ) {   // isolated
      mw.libs[ sign ]  =  { };
   WSTM  =  mw.libs[ sign ];
   if ( typeof WSTM.w  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.w  =  { link: { }  };
   if ( typeof WSTM.w.link  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.w.link  =  { };
   WSTM.w.link.vsn   =  version;
   WSTM.w.link.self  =  self;
   if ( typeof WSTM.bb  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.bb  =  { };
   if ( typeof WSTM.debugging  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.debugging  =  { };
} ( mw ) );

Requires: JavaScript 1.3
          (String.charCodeAt String.fromCharCode String.replace)
          JavaScript 1.5  RegExp non-capturing parenthese


mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.bbH  =  function ( WSTM ) {
   // Building block and run environment support
   // 2012-05-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
   "use strict";
   if ( typeof WSTM.util  !==  "object" ) {
      WSTM.util  =  { };

   if ( typeof WSTM.util.fiatObjects  !==  "function" ) {
      WSTM.util.fiatObjects  =  function ( adult, activate, assign ) {
         // Ensure existence of at least empty object
         // Precondition:
         //    adult     -- parent object
         //    activate  -- String with name of child object
         //    assign    -- optional object with initial definition
         //                 if containing object components,
         //                 they will be asserted as well
         // Postcondition:
         //    adult has been extended
         // Uses:
         //    .util.fiatObjects()  -- recursive
         // 2012-05-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
         var elt,
         if ( typeof adult[ activate ]  !==  "object" ) {
            adult[ activate ]  =  ( assign  ?  assign  :  { } );
         if ( assign ) {
            obj  =  adult[ activate ];
            for ( s in assign ) {
               elt  =  assign[ s ];
               if ( typeof elt  ===  "object" ) {
                  WSTM.util.fiatObjects( obj, s, elt );
            }  //  for s in assign
      };   // .util.fiatObjects()

   WSTM.util.fiatObjects( WSTM,  "debugging",  { loud: false } );

};   // .bb.bbH()
mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.bbH( mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod );
delete mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.bbH;


mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.link  =  function (WSTM) {
   // Analysis of link -- web and wiki
   // Uses:
   //    .util.fiatObjects()
   // 2012-11-11 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
   "use strict";
   WSTM.util.fiatObjects( WSTM,  "w",
                          { link:  { namespace: {  detect: {},
                                                   write:  {}  },
                                     projects:  { },
                                     protocol:  { },
                                     re:        { },
                                     replace:   { },
                                     web:       { },
                                     wiki:      { }
                         } );
   var WLINK      =  WSTM.w.link,
       NAMESPACE  =  WLINK.namespace;
   WLINK.maxTitle     =  200;
   WLINK.maxURL       =  150;
   WLINK.maxWikilink  =  200;
   WLINK.nesting      =   50;

   WLINK.fence  =  function ( address, access, alone ) {
      // Detect termination of any link (URL or wiki)
      // Precondition:
      //    address  -- string with link and aftermath
      //    access   -- link type   0: unknown   1: URL   2: wikilink
      //    alone    -- true: detect target only   false: keep title
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns false       entire string appears to be link target
      //            number > 0  index of termination before string end
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2011-03-02 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  false,
      if ( address.length > 0 ) {
         m  =  access;
         s  =  address;
         if ( alone ) {
            if ( m === 0 ) {
               m  =  2;
               i  =  address.indexOf( "://" );
               if ( i > 0 ) {   // URL
                  if ( i < 6 ) {
                     scheme  =  address.substr( 0, i );
                     if ( scheme === "ftp"  ||
                          scheme === "http"  ||
                          scheme === "https" ) {
                        m  =  1;
            }   // determine link type
            i  =  address.indexOf( ( m === 1  ?  " "  :  "|" ) );
            if ( i > 0 ) {
               r  =  i;
               s  =  address.substr( 0, r );
         }   // target only
         i  =  s.indexOf( "\n" );
         if ( i > 0 ) {
            r  =  i;
            s  =  s.substr(0, r);
         i  =  s.indexOf( "]" );
         if ( i > 0 ) {
            r  =  i;
            s  =  s.substr( 0, r );
         i  =  s.indexOf( "<" );
         if ( i > 0 ) {
            c = s.charCodeAt( i + 1 );
            if ( c === 47 ) {   // '/'
               c  =  s.charCodeAt( i + 2 );
            if ( c > 96  &&  c < 123 ) {   // 'a' ... 'z'
               r  =  i;
      }   // content
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.fence()

   WLINK.fenced  =  function ( adjust, access, above, adhere ) {
      // Find '[' in WikiTom, analyze and process links
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- WikiTom top element
      //    access  -- location object
      //               .i  position to start searching for "["
      //               .k  sibling number
      //    above   -- top level
      //    adhere  -- true: freeze link targets
      // Uses:
      //    >< .w.link.nesting
      //    .o.WikiTom().find()
      //    .w.link.fenced()   -- recursive
      //    .adjust.focus()
      //    mw.log()
      //    .w.link.format()
      // 2012-05-24 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var lock  =  adhere,
          open  =  access,
      do {
         open  =  adjust.find( "[",
                               false );
         if ( open ) {
            deep  =  open.child;
            if ( deep ) {
               if ( this.nesting > 0 ) {
                  this.fenced( deep.o, deep, false, lock );
                  open.i  =  0;
               } else if ( ! this.nesting ) {
                  mw.log( WSTM.debugging,
                          ".w.link.fenced()  nesting level exhausted  c="
                          + open.i,
                          adjust.focus( open.k ) );
            } else {
               open  =  this.format( adjust, open, false, lock, false );
               if ( open.target ) {
                  lock  =  true;
         }   // open
      } while ( open );   // do
   };   // .w.link.fenced()

   WLINK.filter  =  function (adjust, all) {
      // Remove undesired chars from wikilink and URL
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- string with link target
      //    all     -- true: titled wikilink or File location
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false   if nothing to do,
      //             string  adjusted identifier
      //    RegExp was used.
      // Uses:
      //    .str.trimL()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   fromCharCode()
      // 2011-07-20 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var scan  =  WSTM.str.trimL(adjust, true),
          shy   =  String.fromCharCode(173),
          re;   // &shy;
      if (scan.indexOf(shy) >= 0) {
         re  =  new RegExp(shy, "g");
         if (re.test(scan)) {
            scan  =  adjust.replace(re, "");
         }   // remove shy
      }   // shy
      if (scan.indexOf("&") >= 0) {
         if (scan.indexOf("&#x") >= 0) {
            re  =  new RegExp("&#x(AD|2028);", "g");   // shy EOL
            if (re.test(scan)) {
               scan  =  scan.replace(re, "");
            }   // remove
            if (scan.indexOf("&#x200") >= 0) {
               var got;
               re   =  new RegExp("&#x(200[ABC]);", "g");
               got  =  re.exec(scan);
               // 200A   8203  ZERO WIDTH SPACE
               // 200B   8204  ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER
               // 200C   8205  ZERO WIDTH JOINER
               if (got !== null) {
                  scan  =  scan.replace(re,
                             String.fromCharCode(parseInt(got[1], 16)));
               }   // replace
            }   // &#x200
         }   // &#x
         if (all) {
            if (scan.indexOf("&nbsp;") >= 0) {
               re  =  new RegExp("&nbsp;", "g");
               if (re.test(scan)) {
                  scan  =  scan.replace(re, " ");
               }   // remove
            }   // &nbsp;
         }   // titled wikilink or File location
      }   // &
      r  =  (scan === adjust  ?  false  :  scan);
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.filter()

   WLINK.fire  =  function ( adjust, above, adhere, arg ) {
      // Format and process any internal and external link
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- WikiTom top element
      //    above   -- top level
      //    adhere  -- true: freeze link targets in this context
      //    arg     -- template parameter
      // Postcondition:
      //    Nodes are modified where suitable.
      //    RegExp was used.
      // Uses:
      //    >< .w.link.re.head
      //    >< .w.link.web.re
      //    >< .o.Wikilink.instance
      //    .w.link.fenced()
      //    .w.link.web.free()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.5   RegExp non-capturing parenthese
      // 2012-05-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      if ( ! this.re.head ) {
         this.re.head  =  new RegExp( "^( +)?"
                                      + "(?:(\\[)"
                                         + "|"
                                         + "((?:(?:ht|f)tps?:)?//))",
         this.web.re   =  new RegExp( "((^|[^:])"
                                     + "(\\b(?:https?|ftp):)?)//",
      if ( ! WSTM.o.Wikilink.instance ) {
         WSTM.o.Wikilink.instance  =  new WSTM.o.Wikilink();
      this.fenced( adjust,
                   { i: 0,  k: 0 },
                   adhere );   // '['
      this.web.free( adjust,
                     { i: 0,  k: 0 },
                     arg );   // "http://"
   };   // .w.link.fire()

   WLINK.format  =  function (adjust, about, above, adhere) {
      // Format found '[' in WikiTom, analyze and process link
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- WikiTom element
      //    about   -- location object
      //               .i   string position of beginning "["
      //               .k   sibling number of adjust
      //    above   -- top level
      //    adhere  -- true: freeze link targets
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns array with start location for next search
      //            .i       string position of termination
      //            .k       sibling number of termination
      //            .target  WikiTom, if category or interwiki
      // Uses:
      //    >  .o.Wikilink.instance
      //    >  .w.link.re.head
      //    >  .w.link.maxWikilink
      //    >  .w.link.maxTitle
      //    >  .o.Wikilink.ModeIw
      //    >  .o.Wikilink.ModeFile
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkFile
      //    >  .o.Wikilink.ModeCat
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkCategory
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.Sortkey
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkInterWiki
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkWiki
      //     < .o.WikiTom().mode
      //     < .o.WikiTom().lookup
      //    .o.WikiTom().fetch()
      //    .o.WikiTom().focus()
      //    .o.WikiTom().flip()
      //    .errors.found()
      //    .o.wikilink::
      //          .set()
      //          .getChange()
      //          .getError()
      //          .getUserModified()
      //          .getType()
      //          .getTargetLength()
      //          .getIncrement()
      //    .o.WikiTom().folder()
      // 2018-11-25 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var j      =  about.i,
          m      =  1,
          mode   =  0,
          obj    =  new WSTM.o.Weblink(),
          r      =  { i: j + 1,  k: about.k },
          wlink  =  WSTM.o.Wikilink.instance,
      if (adjust.fetch(r.k, r.i, true)  ===  91) {   // '['
         mode  =  10;   // "[["
      } else {
         s  =  adjust.fetch(r.k, r.i, false);
         if (s) {
            got  =  this.re.head.exec(s);
            if (got) {
               if (! got.index) {   // ^ matches multiline
                  if (got[1]) {   // bad format: spaces between brackets
                     j  +=  got[1].length;
                  if (got[2]) {
                     mode  =  11;   // "[ [target"
                  } else {
                     mode  =  20;   // "[//"   or   "[https://" etc.
            } else {
               got  =  /^([^\]\[|\n]+)([^\]\[\n]+)?\](.)/.exec(s);
               if (got) {
                  if (! got.index) {   // ^ matches multiline
                     if (got[3] === "]") {
                        if (got[1].length < this.maxWikilink) {
                           mode  =  12;   // bad: second bracket missing
                           if (got[2]) {
                              if (got[2].length > this.maxTitle) {
                                 mode  =  0;
                              } else {
      switch (mode) {
         case 10 :
         case 11 :
         case 12 :
                      { i: j,  k: r.k,  lack: (mode===12) },
            if (wlink.getChange()) {
               n  =  wlink.getRemoveFrom();
               s  =  wlink.getTextReplace();
                           j + n,
                           wlink.getRemoveTo() - n,
               if (wlink.getBracketShift()) {
               if (wlink.getError()  ||  wlink.getUserModified()) {
                  WSTM.mod.lazy  =  false;
            if (adjust.parent) {
               if (wlink.getType() === WSTM.o.Wikilink.ModeIw
                   &&  ! above) {
                  s  =  adjust.fetch(r.k, j, false);
                                    s.substr(0, 50));
                  mode  =  0;
               }   // interwiki
            if (adhere) {
               n  =  wlink.getTargetLength();
               if (n) {
                  j    +=  2;
                  got   =  adjust.folder(j,  r.k,  j + n,  r.k);
                  if (got) {
                     got.lookup  =  false;
                     switch (wlink.getType()) {
                        case WSTM.o.Wikilink.ModeFile :
                           got.mode  =  WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkFile;
                        case WSTM.o.Wikilink.ModeCat :
                           got.mode    =  WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkCategory;
                           got.leader  =  wlink.getLeader();
                           r.target    =  got;
                           n           =  wlink.getSortkey();
                           if (n) {
                              got         =  adjust.folder(0,
                                                           r.k + 1,
                                                           n + 1,
                                                           r.k + 1);
                              got.mode    =  WSTM.o.WikiTom.Sortkey;
                              got.lookup  =  false;
                        case WSTM.o.Wikilink.ModeIw :
                           got.mode    =  WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkInterWiki;
                           got.leader  =  wlink.getLeader();
                           r.target    =  got;
                           got.mode  =  WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkWiki;
                     }   // switch wlink.mode
                     r.k  +=  2;
                     j     =  0;
                     m     =  0;
                  } else {
                     m  =  wlink.getIncrement();
            } else {
               m  =  2;
            if (mode > 10) {
               n  =  50;
               if (r.k > 2) {
                  s  =  adjust.fetch( r.k-2, 0, false ) +
                        adjust.fetch( r.k-1, 0, false );
                  i  =  s.lastIndexOf("|");
                  if  (i >= 0) {
                     s  =  s.substr(i+1);
                  i  =  s.lastIndexOf("[[");
                  if  (i >= 0) {
                     s  =  s.substr(i+2);
                  if (s.lastIndexOf("]") < s.lastIndexOf("[")) {
                     n  =  0;
               if (n) {
                  s  =  adjust.fetch(r.k, j, false);
                                    s.substr(0, n));
         case 20 :
            r  =  obj.format(adjust,
                             { i: j,  j: 0,  k: r.k },
            if (adhere) {
               r  =  obj.freeze(r);
      }   // switch mode
      if (mode !== 20) {
         r.i  =  j + m;
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.format()

   WLINK.linked  =  function (about) {
      // Check whether WikiTom is some link target
      // Precondition:
      //    about  -- WikiTom element
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns true if about is wikilink
      // Uses:
      //    >  .o.WikiTom().mode
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkWiki
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkWeb
      // 2012-04-22 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      return  (about.mode >= WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkWiki  &&
               about.mode <= WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkWeb);
   };   // .w.link.linked()

   NAMESPACE.collection  =  {  "4": "Project",
                               "8": "MediaWiki",
                              "12": "Help"
   };   // .w.link.namespace.collection    2012-10-19
   NAMESPACE.nsMedia     =    -2;
   NAMESPACE.nsSpecial   =    -1;
   NAMESPACE.nsUser      =     2;
   NAMESPACE.nsFile      =     6;
   NAMESPACE.nsTemplate  =    10;
   NAMESPACE.nsCategory  =    14;
   NAMESPACE.collection[NAMESPACE.nsMedia]     =  "Media";
   NAMESPACE.collection[NAMESPACE.nsSpecial]   =  "Special";
   NAMESPACE.collection[NAMESPACE.nsUser]      =  "User";
   NAMESPACE.collection[NAMESPACE.nsFile]      =  "File";
   NAMESPACE.collection[NAMESPACE.nsTemplate]  =  "Template";
   NAMESPACE.collection[NAMESPACE.nsCategory]  =  "Category";
   NAMESPACE.pagesSpecial                      =  [
      // .w.link.namespace.pagesSpecial    2013-11-27
       "Disambiguations",   // Pages linking to disambiguation pages
    // "Export",   // mul
    // "Version",   // mul
       "WithoutInterwiki" ];

   WLINK.namespace.factory  =  function (apply, achieve) {
      // Initialize namespace keyword translation
      // Precondition:
      //    apply    -- 0: read/write,  -1: read,  1: write
      //    achieve  -- false: any;  or string with ID (read only)
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.collection
      //    >  .lang.translate.read
      //    >  .lang.translate.d
      //    >  .lang.translate.write
      //    >< .w.link.namespace.detect
      //    >< .w.link.namespace.write
      //    .lang.translate.feed()
      // 2013-03-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var i,
      if (apply <= 0) {
         scan    =  "";
         target  =  (achieve ? achieve : WSTM.lang.translate.read);
         for (space in this.collection) {
            seek  =  this.collection[space];
            scan  =  scan + "#" + space + "|";
            scan  =  WSTM.lang.translate.feed(scan,
                                              seek + ":",
            if (seek === "File") {
               scan  =  WSTM.lang.translate.feed(scan,
         }   // for space in .collection
         this.detect[ (achieve ? achieve : "*") ]  =  scan.toLowerCase();
      }   // read
      if (apply >= 0) {
         target  =  { };
         n       =  WSTM.lang.translate.write.length;
         for (space in this.collection) {
            seek  =  this.collection[space];
            trsl  =  WSTM.lang.translate.d[ seek + ":" ];
            if (trsl) {
               for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
                  scan  =  trsl[ WSTM.lang.translate.write[i] ];
                  if ( scan ) {
                     if ( typeof scan  ===  "object" ) {
                        scan  =  scan[0];
                     switch ( typeof scan ) {
                        case "object" :
                           scan  =  WSTM.lang.translate.fiat(scan);
                        case "boolean" :
                           scan  =  seek;
                     }   // switch typeof scan
                     target[ seek ]  =  scan;
                     break;   // for i
               }   // for i
            }   // translation possible
         }   // for space in .collection
         this.write[ "*" ]  =  target;
      }   // write
   };   // .w.link.namespace.factory()

   WLINK.namespace.feed  =  function (assigned, avoid, array) {
      // Populate Array with additional translation items
      // Precondition:
      //    assigned  -- unit with namespace translations, or empty
      //    avoid     -- generic item, not to be collected
      //    array     -- Array to be extended (by push)
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  modified array
      // Uses:
      //    .lang.translate.fiat()
      //    .util.isElement()
      // 2012-09-22 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  array,
      if ( assigned ) {
         if ( typeof assigned  ===  "object" ) {
            e  =  assigned;
            n  =  e.length;
         } else {
            e  =  [ assigned ];
            n  =  1;
         for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
            s  =  e[i];
            if (s) {
               s  =  WSTM.lang.translate.fiat(s);
               if (s !== avoid) {
                  if (!  WSTM.util.isElement(r, s)) {
         }   // for i
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.namespace.feed()

   WLINK.namespace.females  =  function (ask) {
      // Preserve gender variant of user namespace keyword
      // Precondition:
      //    ask  -- user namespace keyword (downcased)
      //    Not in external link nor export context.
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  code   .nsUser  or  decimal variant
      // Uses:
      //    >  .link.namespace.sUser
      //    >  .lang.translate.d
      //    >  .g.wDBname
      //    >  .g.projLang
      //    >  .link.namespace.nsUser
      //    >< .link.namespace.sUserL
      //    >< .link.namespace.users
      //    >< .link.namespace.collection
      //    .w.link.namespace.feed()
      //    .str.fromNum()
      // 2012-09-22 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  this.nsUser,
      if (! this.sUserL) {
         this.sUserL  =  true;
         this.sUser   =  this.write["*"];
         if (this.sUser) {
            this.sUser  =  this.sUser.User;
            if (this.sUser) {
               this.sUserL  =  this.sUser.toLowerCase();
      if (ask !== this.sUserL) {
         if (! this.users) {
            this.users  =  [ ];
            q           =  WSTM.lang.translate.d["User:"];
            if (q) {
               this.users  =  this.feed(q[WSTM.g.wDBname],
               this.users  =  this.feed(q[WSTM.g.projLang],
            n  =  this.users.length;
            for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
               q  =  this.nsUser   +   0.1  *  (i + 1);
               q  =  WSTM.str.fromNum(q);
               this.collection[ q ]  =  this.users[i];
            }   // for i
         for (q in this.collection) {
            if (this.collection[q].toLowerCase() === ask) {
               r  =  parseFloat(q, 10);
               break;   // for q
         }   // for q in .collection
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.namespace.females()

   WLINK.namespace.fetch  =  function (assigned, abroad, about) {
      // Retrieve assigned appropriate namespace keyword
      // Precondition:
      //    assigned  -- keyword code (number)
      //    abroad    -- project identifier, if any;  or false (local)
      //    about     -- page name, if present
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  adjcent keyword,  or  English
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.collection
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.write
      //    .w.link.namespace.find()
      // 2012-10-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r      =  false,
          space  =  this.collection[assigned],
      if (space) {
         if (assigned === this.nsSpecial) {
            r  =  (this.find(about)  ?  "Special"  :  false);
         if (! r) {
            if (! abroad) {
               w  =  this.write["*"];
               if (w) {
                  r  =  w[space];
            if (! r) {
               r  =  space;
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.namespace.fetch()

   WLINK.namespace.find  =  function (ask) {
      // Find canonical special page name
      // Precondition:
      //    ask  -- page title, might start with standard keyword
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns modified ask, if canonical; or false
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.pagesSpecial
      //    >< .w.link.namespace.reSpecial
      // 2012-11-06 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  false,
          s  =  ask,
      if (s) {
         if (! this.reSpecial) {
            this.reSpecial  =  new RegExp("^([^/#]+)[/#]", "");
         j  =  this.reSpecial.exec(s);
         if (j) {
            j  =  j[1].length;
            s  =  ask.substr(0, j);
         s  =  s.toLowerCase();
         n  =  this.pagesSpecial.length;
         if (n) {   // .length is available
            for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
               if (this.pagesSpecial[i].toLowerCase() === s) {
                  r  =  this.pagesSpecial[i];
                  if (j) {
                     r  =  r + ask.substr(j);
                  break;   // for i
            }   // for i
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.namespace.find()

   WLINK.namespace.furnish  =  function (ahead, abroad, adjacent) {
      // Retrieve keyword code if "File" or "Category" or localized
      // Precondition:
      //    ahead     -- string  keyword only, no ":"
      //    abroad    -- string  other language, or false
      //    adjacent  -- string  other project, or false
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  code   .nsFile .nsCategory etc.
      //             false, if not detected
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.detect
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsUser
      //    >  .w.lang.write
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsMedia
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsSpecial
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsFile
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsTemplate
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsCategory
      //    .str.trimL()
      //    .w.link.namespace.factory()
      //    .w.link.namespace.females()
      // 2019-08-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r      =  false,
          scope  =  "*",
          story  =  WSTM.str.trimL(ahead.toLowerCase(), true),
      if (abroad) {
         if (! this.detect[abroad]) {
            this.factory(-1, abroad);
         scope  =  abroad;
      scope  =  this.detect[scope];
      if (scope) {
         if (scope.indexOf("|" + story + "|")  >  0) {
            re   =  "#(-?[0-9]+)\\|([^#]+\\|)*" + story + "\\|";
            re   =  new RegExp(re, "");
            got  =  re.exec(scope);
            if (got) {
               r  =  parseInt(got[1], 10);
               switch (r) {
                  case this.nsUser :
                     if (! abroad  &&  ! adjacent  &&
                         ! WSTM.lang.write) {
                        r  =  this.females(story);
                  case this.nsMedia :
                  case this.nsSpecial :
                  case this.nsFile :
                  case this.nsTemplate :
                  case this.nsCategory :
                     // not Project: !
                     r  =  false;
               }   //
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.namespace.furnish()

   WLINK.projects.factory  =  function () {
      // Make RegExp alternative string for major sister projects
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  string with no counted brackets
      // 2016-05-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      return  "mediawiki"
              + "|wik"
              +     "(?:i"
              +       "(?:books"
              +         "|data"
              +         "|media"
              +         "|news"
              +         "|pedia"
              +         "|quote"
              +         "|source"
              +         "|species"
              +         "|tech"
              +         "|versity"
              +         "|voyage)"
              +       "|tionary)";
   };   // .w.link.projects.factory()

   WLINK.projects.find  =  function (apply, achieve, about) {
      // Find
      // Precondition:
      //    apply    -- Array[2] with domain parts
      //                [0] 2nd level domain
      //                [1] language (subdomain)
      //    achieve  -- path; or false
      //    about    -- linktext, following ' '  --  or false
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  String with URL or Array[3]
      //             [0] project type
      //             [1] language
      //             [2] title
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.protocol.secure
      //    .w.link.projects.upload()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2012-11-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r    =  [ apply[2], apply[1], false ],
      if (achieve) {
         r[2]  =  achieve;
         switch (r[0]) {
            case "mediawiki" :
               r[1]  =  "";
            case "wikimedia" :
               if (r[1].length < 4) {
                  r  =  false;
               } else if (achieve.charCodeAt(0) === 119) {   // 'w'
                  switch (r[1]) {
                     case "commons" :
                     case "meta" :
                        r[0]  =  r[1];
                        r[1]  =  "";
                     case "upload" :
                        got  =  this.upload(achieve, about);
                        if (got) {
                           r  =  got;
                  }   // switch r[1]
            case "wikisource" :
               if (! r[1]) {
                  r[0]  =  "";
                  r[1]  =  "OldWikisource";
            case "wikivoyage" :
               if (! r[1]) {
                  got  =  /^([a-z][a-z])\//.exec(r[2]);
                  if (got) {
                     r[1]  =  r[2].substr(0, 2);
                     r[2]  =  "wiki"  +  r[2].substr(2);
                  } else {
                     r[1]  =  "";
            default :
               if (r[1] === "www") {
                   r  =  "//www." + r[0] + ".org" + "/"
                         +  (achieve ? achieve : "");
                   if (WLINK.protocol.secure.indexOf("|" + r[0] + "|")
                       >=  0) {
                      r  =  "https:" + r;
                } else if (! r[1]) {   // undefined
                   r[1]  =  "";
         }   // switch r[0]
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.projects.find()

   WLINK.projects.friend  =  function (affiliate, assign) {
      // Is the current wiki project matched, or abbreviated
      // Precondition:
      //    affiliate  -- project name, also abbreviated
      //    assign     -- return also reformatted namespace
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns false     unknown project or language or space
      //            array[2]  project identified
      //                      [0]  mode
      //                           1      affiliate already abbreviation
      //                           2      full name, abbreviated
      //                           3      commons  meta  mediawiki
      //                           false  namespace if assign
      //                      [1]  false  if current wiki project matches
      //                           string abbreviated name or
      //                                  reformatted namespace if assign
      // Uses:
      //    >  .g.projType
      // 2016-05-31 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r       =  false,
          m       =  -99,
          sister  =  affiliate.toLowerCase(),
      if (sister === WSTM.g.projType) {
         sister  =  false;
         m       =  2;
      } else if (sister.length < 8) {   // abbreviated
         scope  =  false;
         if (sister.length === 1) {
            sister  =  affiliate;
            // ":sv:S:t Eriksplan (tunnelbanestation)"
         switch (sister) {
            case "commons" :
               scope  =  "commons";
               m      =  3;
            case "b" :
               scope  =  "wikibooks";
            case "d" :
               scope  =  "wikidata";
            case "n" :
               scope  =  "wikinews";
            case "m" :
               scope   =  "meta";   // meta.wikimedia.org
               sister  =  "meta";
               m       =  3;
            case "mw" :
               scope  =  "mediawiki";   // mediawiki.org
               m      =  3;
            case "q" :
               scope  =  "wikiquote";
            case "s" :
               scope  =  "wikisource";
            case "v" :
               scope  =  "wikiversity";
            case "voy" :
               scope  =  "wikivoyage";
            case "w" :
               scope  =  "wikipedia";
            case "wikt" :
               scope  =  "wiktionary";
         }   // switch sister
         if (scope  &&  m < 0) {
            m  =  1;
         if (scope === WSTM.g.projType) {
            sister  =  false;
         } else if (sister === WSTM.g.projType) {
            sister  =  false;
            m       =  2;
      if (sister) {
         if (m < 0) {
            m  =  2;
            switch (sister) {
               case "wikipedia" :
                  sister  =  "w";
               case "wikibooks" :
               case "wikidata" :
               case "wikinews" :
               case "wikiquote" :
               case "wikisource" :
               case "wikiversity" :
                  sister  =  sister.substr(4, 1);
               case "species" :
               case "wikispecies" :
                  sister  =  "species";
               case "wikitech" :
                  sister  =  "wikitech";
               case "wikivoyage" :
                  sister  =  "voy";
               case "wiktionary" :
                  sister  =  "wikt";
               case "meta" :
                  sister  =  "meta";
                  m       =  3;
                  m  =  -1;
            }   // switch sister
         }   // find abbreviation
         if (m > 0) {
            r  =  [m, sister];
         }   // identified
      } else {
         r  =  [m, false];
         if (assign) {   // namespace reformatting?
            if (m === 2) {
               if (affiliate.toLowerCase() === WSTM.g.projType) {
                  r  =  false;
               } else {   // reformatting
                  r  =  [ false, WSTM.g.projType ];
               }   // space
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.projects.friend()

   WLINK.projects.upload  =  function (achieve, about) {
      // Reformat any http link to a wiki upload as a wikilink
      // Precondition:
      //    achieve  -- path, following '//upload.wikimedia.org/'
      //    about    -- linktitle, following ' '  --  or false
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false    if not to be formatted as wikilink
      //             array[3] [0] "" or prefix string terminated with ':'
      //                      [1] target of wikilink
      //                      [2] title of wikilink
      //    RegExp was used.
      // Uses:
      //    >  .g.projType
      //    >  .g.projLang
      //    >  .w.link.mediatypes
      //    >< .g.projUploadPath
      //    >< .w.link.namespace.sFile
      //    >< .g.re.stripFileExt
      //    .w.link.projects.friend()
      //    .w.link.wiki.target()
      //    .w.link.namespace.fetch()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2012-11-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r      =  false,
          swift  =  false,
          space  =  false,
      if (achieve.substr(0, 18)  ===  "wikipedia/commons/") {
         swift  =  achieve.substr(18);
      } else {
         if ( typeof WSTM.g.projUploadPath  !==  "string" ) {
            WSTM.g.projUploadPath  =  WSTM.g.projType + "/" +
                                      WSTM.g.projLang + "/";
         n  =  WSTM.g.projUploadPath.length;
         if (achieve.substr(0, n)  ===  WSTM.g.projUploadPath) {
            swift  =  achieve.substr(n);
         } else {
            re   =  /^(([a-z]+)\/([a-z]+)\/)(.+)$/;
            got  =  re.exec(achieve);
            if (got) {
               space  =  this.friend(got[2], false);
               if (space) {
                  space  =  space[1];
                  if (! space) {
                     space  =  "";
                  space  =  space + ":" + got[3] + ":File:";
                  swift  =  got[4];
      if (swift) {
         if (swift.charCodeAt(1) === 47  &&   // '/'
             swift.charCodeAt(4) === 47  &&   // '/'
             swift.charCodeAt(0) === swift.charCodeAt(2)) {
            swift  =  swift.substr(5);
            r  =  WLINK.wiki.target(swift);
            if (r) {
               swift  =  r;
            if (! space) {
               if (! WLINK.namespace.sFile) {
                  WLINK.namespace.sFile  =
               space  =  ":" + WLINK.namespace.sFile + ":";
            r  =  new Array(3);
            r[0]  =  space;
            r[1]  =  swift;
            if (about) {
               r[2]  =  about;
            } else {
               // ->  WSTM.w.img.file
               if ( typeof WSTM.g.re.stripFileExt  !==  "object" ) {
                  re  =  " *\\." + WLINK.mediatypes + "$";
                  WSTM.g.re.stripFileExt  =  new RegExp(re);
               r[2]  =  swift.replace(WSTM.g.re.stripFileExt, "");
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.projects.upload()

   WLINK.re.factory  =  function ( ancient ) {
      // Initialize global variables for WMF URL
      // Precondition:
      //    ancient  -- true:  secure.wikimedia.org
      //                false: unified http or https since fall 2011
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.protocol.secure
      //    >  .w.link.protocol.relative
      //    >  .w.link.langs
      //     < .w.link.re.secure
      //     < .w.link.re.domain
      //    .w.link.projects.factory()
      // 2019-08-20 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var reProj  =  "(commons"
                     + WLINK.protocol.secure
                     + "meta"
                     + WLINK.protocol.relative
                     + WLINK.langs
                     + ")",
          reSite  =  "(" + WLINK.projects.factory() + ")",
      if (ancient) {
         source       =  "^" + reSite + "/" + reProj + "/";
         this.secure  =  new RegExp( source, "" );
      } else {
         source       =  "^(?:" + reProj + "\\.)?"
                          + "(?:m\\.)?"
                          + reSite
                          + "\\.org";
         this.domain  =  new RegExp( source, "i" );
   };   // .w.link.re.factory

   WLINK.replace.factory  =  function (apply) {
      // Validate user defined link replacement request
      // Precondition:
      //    apply  -- .raw   array with user defined link replacements
      //                     Each element is an array with two elements
      //                     Both elements are either
      //                     string  with
      //                             [0] link full regexp
      //                             [1] replacement
      //                     Array  with 3/4 elements,
      //                             each pair strings regexp/replace
      //                            [0] prolog RE string / replacement
      //                                or  false / false
      //                            [1] link full RE string / replacement
      //                            [2] epilog RE string / replacement
      //                                or  false / false
      //                            [3] true: search case sensitive
      //                                (apply[][0])
      //                                true: unlink
      //                                (apply[][1])
      //              .name  name of user defined request variable
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  apply.parsed
      //     < apply.parsed  array with validated elements.
      //                     Both elements are arrays of length 3.
      // Uses:
      //    .util.isArray()
      //    .main.fault()
      // TODO:
      //    Split by recognized namespace
      // 2013-12-14 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  [ ],
          s  =  " user definition element #",
          u  =  apply.raw,
          n  =  u.length,
      for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
         a  =  u[i];
         if ( typeof a  !==  "object" ) {
            a  =  false;
         if ( ! WSTM.util.isArray(a)) {
            WSTM.main.fault("Invalid Syntax in" + s + i,
            a  =  [false, false];
         f  =  a[0];
         t  =  a[1];
         m  =  typeof t;
         if ( typeof f  ===  "string"   &&
             ( m === "string"  ||  m === "function" ) ) {
            f  =  [false, f, false, false];
            t  =  [false, t, false, false];
         } else if (WSTM.util.isArray(f) && WSTM.util.isArray(t)) {
            m  =  f.length;
            k  =  t.length;
            if ((m === 3  ||  m === 4)   &&   (k === 3  ||  k === 4)) {
               if (m === 3) {
                  f  =  [f[0], f[1], f[2], false];
               for (j = 0;  j < 3;  j++) {
                  e  =  f[j];
                  if ( typeof e  ===  "string" ) {
                     if (e.length === 0  &&  j === 1) {
                        f  =  false;
                        break;   // for j
                  } else if (e) {   // invalid type
                     f  =  false;
                     break;   // for j
                  } else if (j === 1) {   // link regexp false
                     f  =  false;
                     break;   // for j
               }   // for j
               for (j = 0;  j < 3;  j++) {
                  e  =  t[j];
                  if (e) {
                     m  =  typeof e;
                     if (m !== "string"  &&  m !== "function") {
                        f  =  false;
                        WSTM.main.fault("Invalid" + s + i,
               }   // for j
            } else {
               f  =  false;
         } else {   // invalid format
            f  =  false;
         }   // string or array
         if (f) {
            m  =  (f[3] ? "i" : "");
            for (j = 0;  j < 3;  j++) {
               e  =  f[j];
               if ( typeof e  ===  "string" ) {
                  switch (j) {
                  case 0:   // prolog
                     e  =  e + "\f";
                  case 1:   // link
                     e  =  "^" + e + "$";
                  case 2:   // epilog
                     e  =  "\f" + e;
                  }   // j
                  try {
                     f[j]  =  new RegExp(e, m);
                  } catch (err) {
                     WSTM.main.fault("Invalid" + s + i
                                     + "\nUser link RegExp\n" + err
                                     + "\n>>>" + e + "<<<\n" + f,
                     f  =  false;
            }   // for j
            if (f) {
               r.push([ [f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3]],
                        [t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]] ]);
         }   // valid
      }   // for i
      r             =  (r.length ? r : false);
      apply.parsed  =  (r.length ? r : false);
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.replace.factory()

   WLINK.replace.flip  =  function (apply, adjust, ahead, after, about) {
      // Perform user defined link replacement
      // Precondition:
      //    apply   -- array with user defined link replacements
      //               Each element is an array with two elements
      //               Both elements are
      //               array  with 3 elements, each pairwise scan/replace
      //                      [0] prolog regexp string / replacement
      //                          or  false / false
      //                      [1] link full regexp / replacement
      //                      [2] epilog regexp / replacement
      //                          or  false / false
      //               Array is validated
      //    adjust  -- current link target
      //    ahead   -- prolog, may be false
      //    after   -- epilog, may be false
      //    about   -- informative hint for user defined functions
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false     if not changed,
      //             string    adjusted link specification only
      //             array[3]  prolog and/or epilog modified also
      // Uses:
      //     < .mod.lazy
      //    .str.trimL()
      //    .w.link.fence()
      // 2013-12-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  false,
          n  =  apply.length,
          q  =  [(ahead  ?  ahead + "\f"  :  "\f"),
                 (after  ?  "\f" + after  :  "\f")],
      for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++) {
         a  =  apply[i];
         f  =  a[0];
         e  =  f[1];
         r  =  e.test(q[1]);
         if (r) {   // target match
            e  =  f[0];
            if (e) {   // prolog present
               r  =  e.test(q[0]);   //   e.test(ahead);
            if (r) {   // target and prolog match
               e  =  f[2];
               if (e) {   // epilog present
                  r  =  e.test(q[2]);   //   e.test(after);
         if (r) {   // every request matching
            t  =  a[1];
            e  =  typeof t[ 1 ];
            if ( e === "string" ) {
               q[1]  =  q[1].replace(f[1], t[1]);
            } else if ( e === "function" ) {
               q[1]  =  q[1].replace(f[1],
                                     t[1](about, i, 0, q[1]));
            if (q[0] && f[0]) {
               e  =  typeof t[ 0 ];
               if ( e === "string" ) {
                  q[0]  =  q[0].replace(f[0],  t[0] + "\f");
               } else if ( e === "function" ) {
                  q[0]  =  q[0].replace(f[0],
                                        t[0](about, i, -1, q[0]) + "\f");
            if (q[2] && f[2]) {
               if ( typeof t[2]  ===  "string" ) {
                  q[2]  =  q[2].replace(f[2],  "\f" + t[2]);
               } else if (e === "function") {
                  q[2]  =  q[2].replace(f[2],
                                        "\f" + t[2](about, i, 1, q[2]));
            if (t[3]) {
               q[3]  =  true;
            r  =  q[1].lastIndexOf("[") + 1;
            if (r > 0) {
               e     =  q[1].substr(0, r)  +  "\f";
               q[1]  =  q[1].substr(r);
               if (q[0]) {
                  q[0]  =  q[0].substr(0,  q[0].length - 1)   +   e;
               } else {
                  q[0]  =  e;
            r  =  WLINK.fence(q[1], 0, true);
            if (r) {
               e     =  "\f"
                        +  WSTM.str.trimL(q[1].substr(r), false);
               q[1]  =  q[1].substr(0, r);
               if (q[2]) {
                  q[2]  =  e + q[2].substr(1);
               } else {
                  q[2]  =  e;
            r  =  false;
         }   // match
      }   // for i
      if (q[0]  ===  (ahead  ?  ahead + "\f"  :  "\f")) {
         q[0]  =  false;
      if (q[2]  ===  (after  ?  "\f" + after  :  "\f")) {
         q[2]  =  false;
      if (q[0] || q[2]) {
         if (q[0]) {
            q[0]  =  q[0].substr(0,  q[0].length - 1);
         if (q[2]) {
            q[2]  =  q[2].substr(1);
         r  =  q;
      } else if (q[1] !== adjust) {
         r  =  q[1];
      if (r) {
         WSTM.mod.lazy  =  false;
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.replace.flip()

   WLINK.replace.flipper  =  function (adjust, ahead, after, area) {
      // Perform user defined link replacement request
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- current link target
      //    ahead   -- prolog, may be false
      //    after   -- epilog, may be false
      //    area    -- canonical namespace name, may be false
      //               "File", "Template"
      //    Replacement Array is parsed and validated
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false     if not changed,
      //             string    adjusted link specification only
      //             array[3]  prolog and/or epilog modified also
      // Uses:
      //    >  .mod.wikilink
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.write
      //    .w.link.replace.flip()
      // 2013-03-27 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  this.flip(WSTM.mod.wikilink, adjust, ahead, after,
      if (! r  &&  area) {
         s  =  WLINK.namespace.write["*"][area] + ":";
         if (adjust.indexOf(s) === 0) {
            r  =  this.flip(WSTM.mod.wikilink,
                            s + adjust,
                            "link:" + area + "4");
         if (! r  &&  ! ahead  &&  area === "Template") {
            r  =  this.flip(WSTM.mod.wikilink,
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.replace.flipper()

   WLINK.web.fetch  =  function ( analyze ) {
      // URL parsing until "//"
      // Precondition:
      //    analyze  -- object
      //                >  .limited
      //                >  .source
      //                >  .index
      //                >< .multiple
      //                 < .mark
      //                 < .met
      //                 < .scheme
      //                 < .lowScheme
      //                 < .lackScheme
      // Uses:
      //    .str.isBlank()
      //    .str.isLetter()
      //    .hooks.fire()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2015-12-22 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var c, i, k, s;
      analyze.met     =  analyze.index;
      analyze.scheme  =  false;
      if ( analyze.limited ) {   // '[' pointing
         analyze.mark  =  1;
         k             =  analyze.source.indexOf( "//", analyze.index );
         if ( k > 0 ) {
            for ( i = analyze.met + 1;  i < k;  i++ ) {
               c  =  analyze.source.charCodeAt(i);
               if ( WSTM.str.isBlank( c, true ) ) {
               } else if ( c === 91 ) {   // '['
               } else {
                  analyze.scheme  =  analyze.source.substr( i,  k - i );
                  break;   // for i
            }   // for i
      } else if ( analyze.met ) {
         analyze.mark      =  0;
         analyze.multiple  =  0;
         c                 =  analyze.source.charCodeAt( analyze.met );
         if ( c === 58 ) {   // ':'
            k  =  analyze.met - 1;
         } else {
            k  =  0;
         if ( k ) {   // '://' pointing
            for ( i = k;  i >= 0;  i-- ) {
               c  =  analyze.source.charCodeAt( i );
               if ( ! WSTM.str.isLetter(c) ) {
                  break;   // for i
            }   // for i--
            i  =  (i > 0  ?  i  :  0);
            if ( analyze.met > i ) {
               k               =  analyze.met + 1;
               analyze.scheme  =  analyze.source.substring( i, k );
               analyze.met     =  i;
         if ( analyze.met ) {
            for ( i = analyze.met - 1;  i >= 0;  i-- ) {
               c  =  analyze.source.charCodeAt( i );
               if ( c === 91 ) {   // '['
                  analyze.mark  =  1;
               } else if ( !  WSTM.str.isBlank( c, true ) ) {
                  break;   // for i
            }   // for i--
      if ( analyze.scheme ) {
         s                  =  analyze.scheme.toLowerCase();
         analyze.lowScheme  =  ( analyze.scheme !== s );
         if ( analyze.lowScheme ) {
            analyze.scheme  =  s;
         analyze.lackScheme  =  false;
      } else {
         analyze.lackScheme  =  WSTM.hooks.fire("https");
         if ( analyze.lackScheme ) {
            analyze.scheme  =  "https";
         analyze.lowScheme  =  false;
   };   // .w.link.web.fetch()

   WLINK.web.free  =  function (adjust, access, above, adhere, arg) {
      // Format and process any unbracketed URL, protocol required
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- WikiTom top element
      //    access  -- location object
      //               .i  position to start searching for "://"
      //               .k  sibling number
      //    above   -- top level
      //    adhere  -- true: freeze link targets in this context
      //    arg     -- template parameter
      // Postcondition:
      //    Nodes are modified where suitable.
      //    RegExp was used.
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.web.re
      //     < .mod.lazy
      //    .o.WikiTom().find()
      //    .w.link.web.free()  -- recursive
      //    .o.WikiTom().format()
      //    .o.WikiTom().freeze()
      // 2013-06-16 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var got  =  access,
          obj  =  new WSTM.o.Weblink(),
          pre;              // recent ROI start
      do {
         pre  =  { i: got.i,  k: got.k };
         got  =  adjust.find("://", got.i, got.k, true, false, false);
         if (got) {
            deep  =  got.child;
            if (deep) {
               this.free(deep.o, deep, true, adhere, arg);   // self
               got.i  =  0;
            } else if (got.i < 3) {
               got.i  +=  6;
            } else {
               got  =  obj.format(adjust,
                                  { i: got.i,  j: 0,  k: got.k },
               if (adhere) {
                  got  =  obj.freeze(got);
      } while (got);
   };   // .w.link.web.free()

   WLINK.wiki.decode  =  function (adjust, article, after, alone,assume){
      // Standardize wiki identifier part, decode URL
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust   -- string with identifier (article or anchor)
      //    article  -- true if identifier is article, not anchor
      //    after    -- false: trailing space not permitted and to remove
      //    alone    -- true if entire link -- false if titled
      //    assume   -- true: space for underscore -- false: keep '_'
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false   if nothing to do,
      //             string  adjusted identifier
      //    RegExp was used.
      // Uses:
      //    >  .lang.ltr
      //    >< .w.link.wiki.reTitleSpace
      //    >< .w.link.wiki.reTitleSpaces
      //    .str.setString()
      //    .str.setChar()
      //    .str.trimL()
      //    .str.trimR()
      //    .str.substrEnd()
      //    .lang.forward()
      //    .str.decodeOctet()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()   fromCharCode(Unicode)
      // 2015-11-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var c       =  false,
          learnt  =  false,
          match   =  0,
          stuff   =  adjust,
          suffix  =  false,
          k1, k2, k3,
          qc, qn,
      if ( ! alone  &&  stuff.indexOf( "&" ) >= 0 ) {   // titled link
         if ( typeof this.reTitleSpace  !==  "object" ) {
            this.reTitleSpace  =  "(&nbsp;|&thinsp;|&#8201;|&#8239;)";
            this.reTitleSpace  =  new RegExp(this.reTitleSpace, "g");
         n      =  stuff.length;
         stuff  =  stuff.replace(this.reTitleSpace, " ");
         if (stuff.length < n) {
            learnt  =  true;
      }   // ! alone
      if (assume) {
         for (i = stuff.length - 1;  i >= 0;  i--) {
            if (stuff.charCodeAt(i) === 95) {   // '_'
               stuff   =  WSTM.str.setChar(stuff, 32, i);   // ' '
               learnt  =  true;
            }   // replace underscore
         }   // for i
      n      =  stuff.length;
      stuff  =  WSTM.str.trimL(stuff, true);
      if (stuff.length < n) {
         learnt  =  true;
         n       =  stuff.length;
      }   // ltrim
      stuff  =  WSTM.str.trimR(stuff, false, false, false);
      if (WSTM.str.substrEnd(stuff, 5)  ===  "&lrm;") {
//    if (stuff.slice(-5) === "&lrm;") {
         stuff  =  stuff.slice(0, -5);
      if (stuff.length < n) {
         learnt  =  true;
         if (after) {
            suffix  =  " ";
            n       =  n - stuff.length - 1;
            while (n) {
               suffix  +=  " ";
            }   // while n
      }   // rtrim
      i  =  stuff.indexOf("  ");
      while (i >= 0) {
         stuff   =  WSTM.str.setString(stuff, i, 2, " ");
         i       =  stuff.indexOf("  ");
         learnt  =  true;
      }   // while
      if (stuff.charCodeAt(0) === 38) {    // &
         if (stuff.substr(3, 2) === "m;") {
            s  =  stuff.substr(1, 2);
            if ((   WSTM.lang.ltr  &&  s === "lr")   ||
                ( ! WSTM.lang.ltr  &&  s === "rl")) {
               stuff   =  stuff.substr(5);
               learnt  =  true;
            }   // heading superfluous char
         }   // m;
      }   // &
      if (WSTM.str.substrEnd(stuff, 2)  ===  "m;") {
//    if (stuff.slice(-2) === "m;") {
            s  =  WSTM.str.substrEnd(stuff, 5, 3);
//          s  =  stuff.slice(-5, -2);
         if ((   WSTM.lang.ltr  &&  s === "&lr")   ||
             ( ! WSTM.lang.ltr  &&  s === "&rl")) {
            stuff   =  stuff.substr(0,  stuff.length - 5);
            learnt  =  true;
         }   // trailing superfluous char
      }   // m;
      if (suffix) {
         stuff  =  stuff + suffix;
      }   // ! after
      if (article) {
         qc  =  "%";
         qn  =  37;
      } else {
         qc  =  ".";
         qn  =  46;
      match  =  stuff.indexOf(qc, match);
      while (match >= 0) {
         n   =  3;
         k1  =  WSTM.str.decodeOctet(stuff,  match + 1);
         if (k1 < 32) {   // invalid
         } else if (k1 <  48) {   // single ASCII
            c  =  k1;
         } else if (k1 <  58) {   // invalid
         } else if (k1 <  65) {   // single ASCII
            c  =  k1;
         } else if (k1 <  91) {   // invalid
         } else if (k1 <  97) {   // single ASCII
            c  =  k1;
         } else if (k1 < 123) {   // invalid
         } else if (k1 < 128) {   // single ASCII
            c  =  k1;
         } else if (k1 < 192) {   // invalid
         } else if (k1 < 240) {   // UTF-8
            k2  =  (stuff.charCodeAt(match + 3)  ===  qn);
            if (k2) {
               k2  =  WSTM.str.decodeOctet(stuff,  match + 4);
            if (k2) {
               n  =  6;
               if (k1 < 224) {   // byte pair
                  if (k2 > 127  &&  k2 < 192) {
                     c  =  (k1 - 192)  *  64   +   k2   -   128;
                  }   // k2 valid
               } else {   // byte triplet
                  k3  =  (stuff.charCodeAt(match + 6)  ===  qn);
                  if (k3) {
                     k3  =  WSTM.str.decodeOctet(stuff,  match + 7);
                  if (k3) {
                     n  =  9;
                     if (k3 > 127  &&  k3 < 192) {
                        c  =  (((k1 - 224)  *  64   +   k2   -   128)
                               *    64)
                              +     k3    -    128;
                     }   // k3 valid
                  }   // URL-encoded byte #3
            }   // URL-encoded byte #2
         }   // first byte
         switch (c) {   // required escapes
            case  32 : // ' '
               if (! article) {   // in anchors
                  c  =  false;   // ".20" not to be replaced, '_' used
            case  35 : // #
               if (article) {
               }   // fall through
            case  38 : // &
            case  91 : // [
            case  93 : // ]
            case 124 : // |
               c  =  false;
         }   // switch c
         if (c) {
            c       =  String.fromCharCode(c);
            stuff   =  WSTM.str.setString(stuff, match, n, c);
            learnt  =  true;
            n       =  1;
            c       =  false;
         }   // decode
         match  =  stuff.indexOf(qc,  match + 1);
      }   // while URL-encoded char
      if (stuff.indexOf("  ") > 0) {
         if ( typeof this.reTitleSpaces  !==  "object" ) {
            this.reTitleSpaces  =  new RegExp( " +", "g" );
         stuff   =  stuff.replace(this.reTitleSpaces, " ");
         learnt  =  true;
      }   // ! alone
      return  (learnt  ?  stuff  :  false);
   };   // .w.link.wiki.decode()

   WLINK.wiki.file  =  function (adjust) {
      // Standardize presumable file link
      // Precondition:
      //    Text has been read until end
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsFile
      //    >< .w.link.namespace.sFile
      //    .w.link.wiki.decode()
      //    .w.link.namespace.furnish()
      //    .w.link.namespace.fetch()
      // 2012-09-21 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  this.decode(adjust, true, false, true, true),
      if (! r) {
         r  =  adjust;
      k  =  r.indexOf(":");
      if (k > 1) {
         if (WLINK.namespace.furnish(r.substr(0, k),  false,  false)
             ===  WLINK.namespace.nsFile) {
            if (! WLINK.namespace.sFile) {
               WLINK.namespace.sFile  =
                    WLINK.namespace.fetch(WLINK.namespace.nsFile, false);
            r  =  WLINK.namespace.sFile + r.substr(k);
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.file()

   WLINK.wiki.finalize  =  function () {
      // Finalize category and interwiki link structure
      // Precondition:
      //    Text has been read until end
      // Uses:
      //    >< .w.encountered.cats
      //    >< .w.encountered.iwiki
      //    .errors.found()
      // 2012-04-27 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r    =  false,
          got  =  false,
          say  =  false,
      switch (r) {
         case WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkCategory :
            got  =  WSTM.w.encountered.cats;
         case WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkInterWiki :
            got  =  WSTM.w.encountered.iwiki;
      }   // switch r
      if (say) {
         if (got) {
            n  =  got.length;
            for (i = 1;  i < n;  i++) {
               if (got[i] === r.source) {
            }   // for i
   };   // .w.link.wiki.finalize()

   WLINK.wiki.flat  =  function ( access, area ) {
      // Normalize wikilink target string
      // Precondition:
      //    about  -- string with wikilink target
      //    area   -- optional number with default namespace
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  string with wikilink target
      // Uses:
      //    >  .mod.wikilink
      //    .w.link.wiki.target()
      //    .w.link.namespace.furnish()
      //    .w.link.namespace.fetch()
      //    .w.link.replace.flip()
      //    .errors.found()
      // 2019-08-15 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  access,
          i, lead, ns, scan, shift;
        Kommentar elminieren; später hinten dran hängen
      if ( r.indexOf( "|" )  <  0   &&
           r.indexOf( "]" )  <  0 ) {
         r  =  this.target( r, true );
         i  =  r.indexOf( ":" );
         if ( ! i ) {
            lead  =  true;
            r     =  r.substr( 1 );
            i     =  r.indexOf( ":" );
         if ( i > 1 ) {
            ns  =  WLINK.namespace.furnish( r.substr( 0,  i - 1 ) );
            if ( ns ) {
               r  =  r.substr( i + 1 );
               if ( ns === area ) {
                  lead  =  false;
               } else {
                  r  =  WLINK.namespace.fetch( ns ) +  ":" + r;
         if ( WSTM.mod.wikilink ) {
            if ( ns === area ) {
               scan  =  WLINK.namespace.fetch( ns ) +  ":" + r;
               i     =  scan.length;
               scan  =  scan +  ":" + r;
            } else {
               scan  =  r;
            shift  =  WLINK.replace.flip( WSTM.mod.wikilink,
                                          "linkPar" );
            if ( shift !== scan ) {
               if ( ns === area ) {
                  r  =  shift.substr( i + 1 );
               } else {
                  r  =  shift;
         if ( lead ) {
            r  =  ":" + r;
      } else {
         WSTM.errors.found( "badPageName", false, r );
   };   // .w.link.wiki.flat()

   WLINK.wiki.flush  =  function (apply) {
      // Remove any wikilink from WikiTom
      // Precondition:
      //    apply  -- WikiTom, might contain wikilinks as children
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false  if nothing to do,  else true if modified
      // Uses:
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkWikiPipe
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.TextOnly
      //    .w.link.linked()
      //    .o.WikiTom().fetch()
      //    .str.substrEnd()
      //    .o.WikiTom().find()
      //    .o.WikiTom().focus()
      //    .o.WikiTom().fresh()
      //    .o.WikiTom().flush()
      // 2015-08-25 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var e  =  apply.children,
          r  =  false,
      if (e) {
         n  =  e.length;
         if (n > 1) {
            for (i = n - 2;  i >= 0;  i--) {
               if (this.linked(e[i])) {
                  p  =  apply.fetch(i - 1);
                  if (WSTM.str.substrEnd(p, 2)  ===  "[[") {
//                if (p.slice(-2) === "[[") {
                     r  =  true;
                     q  =  e[i + 1];
                     if (q.mode === WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkWikiPipe) {
                        t  =  apply.find("]]",
                                         i + 2,
                        if (t) {
                           s  =  apply.fetch(t.k);
                           s  =  s.substr(0, t.i)  +  s.substr(t.i + 2);
                           t  =  apply.focus(t.k).fresh(s);
                           apply.flush(i + 1);
                     } else {
                        s  =  q.toString();
                        if (s.substr(0, 2)  ===  "]]") {
                           s  =  e[i].toString()  +  s.substr(2);
                     s  =  p.toString();
                     n  =  s.length - 2;
                     if (n) {
                        e[i].fresh(s.substr(0, n));
                     } else {
            }   // for i
      if (e.length === 1) {
         p  =  e[0];
         if (p.mode <= WSTM.o.WikiTom.TextOnly) {
            if (! p.children) {
               s           =  p.source;
               apply.mode  =  p.mode;
               delete apply.children;
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.flush()

   WLINK.wiki.fore  =  function (aftermath, align) {
      // Find length of titled wikilink aftermath, if any
      // Precondition:
      //    aftermath  -- string with follower of a titled wikilink
      //    align      -- first character in aftermath to consider
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false   if nothing to do,
      //             number  of characters to join with wikilink title
      //                     (terminated by interpunction etc.)
      // Uses:
      //    .str.isLetter()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2013-06-24 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r,
          n  =  aftermath.length;
      for (i = align;  i < n;  i++) {
         c  =  aftermath.charCodeAt(i);
         if (WSTM.str.isLetter(c)) {
            c  =  String.fromCharCode(c);
            if (c.toLowerCase() !== c) {
               break;   // for i
            //  Messages*.php  "Linktrail"    /^([äöüßa-z]+)(.*)$/
         } else {
            break;   // for i
      }   // for i
      r  =  (i > align   ?   i - align   :   false);
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.fore()

   WLINK.wiki.further  =  function (about) {
      // Handle special category or interwiki link
      // Precondition:
      //    about  -- link information
      //              >  .mode
      //              >  .source
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns true iff first occurence of this type
      // Uses:
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkCategory
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkInterWiki
      //    >< .w.encountered.cats
      //    >< .w.encountered.iwiki
      // 2012-04-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r  =  false,
      switch (about.mode) {
         case WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkCategory :
            s  =  "cats";
         case WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkInterWiki :
            s  =  "iwiki";
      }   // switch mode
      if (s) {
         if (WSTM.w.encountered[s]) {
         } else {
            WSTM.w.encountered[s]  =  [ about.source ];
            r  =  true;
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.further()

   WLINK.wiki.iwMap  =  function (adjust) {
      // Check possible interwiki whether it is mapped to URL
      //    [[meta:Interwiki map]]
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- possible mapped interwiki, leading ' ' permitted
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns adjusted string, if mapped, or false
      //    RegExp was used.
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.wiki.iwURL
      //    >  .w.link.wiki.iwFamily;
      //    >< .w.link.wiki.iwikiMap
      //    >< .w.link.wiki.re_iwikiMap
      // 2014-09-08 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var r    =  false,
      if ( ! this.re_iwikiMap ) {
         this.iwikiMap     =  this.iwURL + this.iwFamily;
         re                =  "^ *(" + this.iwikiMap.substr(1) + ":";
         this.re_iwikiMap  =  new RegExp(re, "i");
      got  =  this.re_iwikiMap.exec(adjust + ":");
      if (got) {
         re   =  new RegExp("\\|(" + got[1] + ")\\|",  "i");
         got  =  re.exec(this.iwikiMap);
         if (got) {
            r  =  got[1];
      }   // interwiki map
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.iwMap()

   WLINK.wiki.linked  =  function ( about ) {
      // Check whether WikiTom is wikilink target
      // Precondition:
      //    about  -- WikiTom element
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns true if about is wikilink
      // Uses:
      //    >  .o.WikiTom().mode
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkWiki
      //    >  .o.WikiTom.LinkExtWiki
      // 2012-04-18 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      return  ( about.mode >= WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkWiki  &&
                about.mode <= WSTM.o.WikiTom.LinkExtWiki );
   };   // .w.link.wiki.linked()

   WLINK.wiki.remove  =  function (adjust) {
      // Remove any wikilink from content string
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- string, might contain wikilinks
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false   if nothing to do
      //             string  with removed wikilinks
      //    RegExp was used.
      // Uses:
      //    .w.link.wiki.target()
      //    .str.trimL()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // Remark:   Unused but neat
      // 2011-01-26 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var i     =  adjust.indexOf("[["),
          r     =  false,
      if (i >= 0) {
         scan  =  adjust;
         r  =  "";
         while (i >= 0) {
            r     =  r + scan.substr(0, i);
            scan  =  scan.substr(i + 2);
            n     =  scan.indexOf("\n");
            if (n > 0) {
               s  =  scan.substr(0, n);
            } else {
               s  =  scan;
            n  =  s.indexOf("]]");
            if (n > 0) {
               s  =  s.substr(0, n);
               j  =  s.indexOf("|");
               if (j < 0) {
                  show  =  this.target(s, true);
                  r     =  r  +  (show ? show : s);
               } else {
                  s  =  WSTM.str.trimL(s.substr(j + 1),  false);
                  if (s.charCodeAt(0) === 124) {   // '|'
                     re  =  new RegExp("^(:?[a-zA-Z]+:)?" +
                     fa  =  re.exec(scan);
                     if (fa !== null) {
                        show  =  this.target(fa[2], true);
                        s     =  (show ? show : fa[2]);
                  r  =  r + s;
               scan  =  scan.substr(n+2);
            } else {
               r     =  r + "[[";
            i  =  scan.indexOf("[[");
         }   // while i
         r  =  r + scan;
      }   // something to do
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.remove()

   WLINK.wiki.target  =  function ( adjust, alone ) {
      // Standardize target identifier in the wiki world
      // Precondition:
      //    adjust  -- string with link specification
      //    alone   -- true if entire link -- false if titled
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false   if nothing to do,
      //             string  adjusted link specification
      // Uses:
      //    >< .w.link.re.dirent
      //    .hooks.fire()
      //    .w.link.wiki.decode()
      // 2020-02-05 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var joint  =  adjust.indexOf( "#" ),
          r      =  false,
          stuff  =  adjust,
          sub    =  false,
      if ( joint >= 0 ) {   // fragment
         sub  =  stuff.substr( joint + 1 );
         if ( joint === 0 ) {
            stuff  =  "";
         } else {
            stuff  =  stuff.substr( 0, joint );
         if ( sub.indexOf( ":" )  >  0 ) {   // anchor template?
            s  =  WSTM.hooks.fire( "fragment", sub );
            if ( s ) {
               sub  =  s;
               r    =  true;
         s  =  this.decode( sub, false, false, alone, true );
         if ( s ) {
            if ( s === "" ) {
               sub  =  false;
            } else {
               sub  =  s;
            r  =  true;
         } else if ( sub === "" ) {
            sub  =  false;
            r    =  true;
      }   // anchor
      s  =  this.decode( stuff, true, sub, alone, true );
      if ( s ) {
         stuff  =  s;
         r      =  true;
      if ( stuff.indexOf( "&" )  >=  0 ) {
         if ( typeof WLINK.re.dirent  !==  "object" ) {
            WLINK.re.dirent  =  new RegExp( "&(?:lrm|rlm);", "g" );
         s  =  stuff.replace( WLINK.re.dirent, "" );
         if ( s !== stuff ) {
            stuff  =  s;
            r      =  true;
      if ( sub ) {
         stuff  =  stuff + "#" + sub;
      r  =  ( r ? stuff : false );
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.target()

   WLINK.wiki.url  =  function (access, address, achieve, about) {
      // Reformat any http link to a wiki project as a wikilink or else
      // Precondition:
      //    access   -- length of protocol part   2: relative
      //                                          7: http
      //                                          8: https
      //    address  -- domain and subdomains, maybe any wiki project
      //                downcased
      //    achieve  -- path, if any, following '/'  --  or false
      //    about    -- linktext, following ' '  --  or false
      // Postcondition:
      //    Returns  false    if not to be formatted as wikilink
      //             array[3] [0] "" or prefix string terminated with ':'
      //                      [1] target of wikilink
      //                      [2] title of wikilink
      //             string   reformatted URL
      //    RegExp was used.
      // Uses:
      //    >  .w.link.re.secure
      //    >  .g.projLang
      //    >  .w.link.re.domain
      //    >  .g.wNsNumber
      //    >  .w.link.protocol.secure
      //    >  .w.link.protocol.relative
      //    >  .g.projType
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsFile
      //    >  .w.link.namespace.nsCategory
      //    >< .w.link.re.titleID
      //    >< .w.link.re.uselang
      //    >< .w.link.re.urlpar
      //     < .mod.lazy
      //    .str.substrEnd()
      //    .w.link.re.factory()
      //    .w.link.projects.upload()
      //    .w.link.wiki.target()
      //    .w.link.projects.friend()
      //    .w.link.namespace.furnish()
      //    .str.trimL()
      //    .str.camelCasing()
      //    .w.link.namespace.fetch()
      // Requires: JavaScript 1.3   charCodeAt()
      // 2019-10-01 PerfektesChaos@de.wikipedia
      var life    =  true,
          r       =  false,
      if (WSTM.str.substrEnd(address, 4)  ===  ".org") {
//    if (address.slice(-4) === ".org") {
         domain  =  address.substr(access);
         layer   =  false;
         if (access === 8) {   // https
            layer  =  (domain === "secure.wikimedia.org");
            if (layer) {
               r  =  [false, false, false];
               if (achieve) {
                  if (! WLINK.re.secure) {
                  got  =  WLINK.re.secure.exec(achieve.toLowerCase());
                  if (got) {
                     if (got[4] === "commons") {
                        r[0]  =  "commons";
                        r[1]  =  "";
                     } else {
                        r[0]  =  got[1];   // reSite
                        r[1]  =  got[4];   // reProj
                     if ( achieve.charCodeAt(0) === 119) {   // 'w'
                        r[2]  =  achieve.substr(got[0].length);
                     } else {
                        r[2]  =  achieve;
                     r[2]  =  achieve.substr(got[0].length);
                  } else {
                     r  =  false;
               } else {
                  r[0]  =  "wikimedia";
                  r[1]  =  WSTM.g.projLang;
            }   // https://secure.wikimedia.org until summer 2011
         }   // https
         if (! layer) {   // protocol relative / http or https 2011-10...
            if (! WLINK.re.domain) {
            domain  =  WLINK.re.domain.exec(domain);
            if (domain) {
               r  =  [domain[2], domain[1], false];
               if (achieve) {
                  r[2]  =  achieve;
                  if (r[0] === "wikimedia") {
                     if (r[1].length < 4) {
                        r  =  false;
                     } else if (achieve.charCodeAt(0) === 119) {   // 'w'
                        switch (r[1]) {
                           case "commons" :
                           case "meta" :
                              r[0]  =  r[1];
                              r[1]  =  "";
                           case "species" :
                              r[0]  =  "wikispecies";
                              r[1]  =  "";
                           case "upload" :
                              mode  =  WLINK.projects.upload(achieve,
                              if (mode) {
                                 r     =  mode;
                                 life  =  false;
                        }   // switch r[1]
// case "mediawiki" :
                  } else if (r[0] === "mediawiki") {
                     r[1]  =  "";
// case "wikisource" :
                  } else if (r[0] === "wikisource") {
                     if (! r[1]) {
                        r[0]  =  "";
                        r[1]  =  "OldWikisource";
// case "wikivoyage" :
                  } else if (r[0] === "wikivoyage") {
                     if (! r[1]  ||  r[1] === "www") {
                        got   =  /^([a-z][a-z])\//.exec(r[2]);
                        if (got) {
                           r[1]  =  r[2].substr(0, 2);
                           r[2]  =  "wiki"  +  r[2].substr(2);
                        } else {
                           r[1]  =  "";
// default :
                  } else if (r[1] === "www") {
                     r  =  "//www." + r[0] + ".org" + "/"
                           +  (achieve ? achieve : "");
                     if (WLINK.protocol.secure.indexOf("|" + r[0] + "|")
                         >=  0) {
                        r  =  "https:" + r;
                     life  =  false;
                  } else if (! r[1]) {   // undefined
                     r[1]  =  "";
               }   // path
            }   // .link.projects.find()
      }   // .org
      if (r && life) {   // It's a wiki.
         learn  =  false;
         if (r[2]) {
            stuff  =  r[2];
            life   =  (stuff.charCodeAt(1) === 47);   // '/' ("w/")
            if (life) {
               learn  =  (stuff.substr(2, 11)  ===  "wiki.phtml?");
               if (learn) {   // ~2004
                  stuff   =  stuff.substr(13);
                  r[2]    =  "w/index.php" + stuff;
               } else if (stuff.substr(2, 10)  ===  "index.php?") {
                  stuff  =  stuff.substr(12);
               } else {
                  life  =  false;
            if (r[2].indexOf("uselang=") >= 0  &&  ! WSTM.g.wNsNumber) {
               if ( typeof WLINK.re.uselang  !==  "object" ) {
                  WLINK.re.uselang  =  "([?&])uselang=[-a-z]+(&?)";
                  WLINK.re.uselang  =  new RegExp(WLINK.re.uselang, "i");
               got  =  WLINK.re.uselang.exec(r[2]);
               if (got) {
                  if (got[1] === "?"  &&  ! got[2]) {
                     got[1]  =  "";
                  r[2]   =  r[2].replace(WLINK.re.uselang, got[1]);
                  stuff  =  r[2];
            if ( life ) {
               if ( stuff.indexOf( "title=" )  >=  0   ||
                    stuff.indexOf( "oldid=" )  >=  0 ) {
                  pars  =  { };
                  if ( typeof WLINK.re.titleID  !==  "object" ) {
                     WLINK.re.titleID  =  "^(" +
                                            "(.*&)" +
                                            "(title|oldid)=" +
                     WLINK.re.titleID  =  new RegExp( WLINK.re.titleID );
                  s    =  "&" + stuff + "&";
                  got  =  WLINK.re.titleID.exec( s );
                  if ( got ) {
                     pars[ got[ 3 ] ]  =  got[ 4 ];
                     s                 =  s.substr( got[ 1 ].length );
                     got  =  WLINK.re.titleID.exec( s );
                     if ( got ) {
                        pars[ got[ 3 ] ]  =  got[ 4 ];
                        s                 =  s.substr( got[ 1 ].length );
                  if (s === "&") {
                     learn  =  true;
                     life   =  false;
                     if (pars.oldid) {
                        r[2]  =  "Special:PermanentLink/" + pars.oldid;
                        if (pars.title) {
                           r[2]  =  r[2]  + "?title=" + pars.title;
                     } else {
                        r[2]  =  pars.title;
               } else {
                  life  =  false;
               if (! learn  &&  access !== 2) {
                  learn  =  true;
            if (!  (life || learn)) {
               learn  =  (stuff.substr(0, 5)  ===  "wiki/");
               if (learn) {
                  r[2]  =  stuff.substr(5);
               if (! r[2]) {   // on every project in any language
                  r[2]  =  "Main Page";   // default
         if (life) {
            s  =  ".org/";
            if (r[2]) {
               s  =  s + r[2];
            if (r[1] === "") {
               if (r[0] === "wikimedia") {
                  r  =  r[0] + ".wikimedia" + s;
               } else if (r[0] === "mediawiki") {
                  r  =  "www.mediawiki" + s;
               } else {
                  r  =  false;
            } else if (r[1]) {
               r  =  r[1] + "." + r[0] + s;
            } else {
               r  =  r[0] + s;
            if (r) {
               r  =  "//" + r;
         } else if (r) {
            mode  =  access;
            if ( typeof WLINK.re.urlpar  !==  "object" ) {
               WLINK.re.urlpar  =  ".+\\?[a-z]+=(.?)";
               WLINK.re.urlpar  =  new RegExp( WLINK.re.urlpar, "i" );
            got  =  WLINK.re.urlpar.exec(r[2]);
            if (got) {
            } else if (r[0] === "wikimedia") {
               s  =  "|" + r[1] + "|";
               if (WLINK.protocol.secure.indexOf(s) >= 0) {
                  if (mode === 8) {
                     r  =  false;
                  } else {
                     s  =  r[2];
                     r  =  "https://" + r[1] + ".wikimedia.org";
                     if (s) {
                        r  =  r + "/" + s;
                  mode  =  false;
            } else if (r[0] === "commons") {
               mode  =  false;
            } else if (r[0] === "mediawiki") {
               mode  =  false;
               r[0]  =  "mw";
            } else if (r[0] === "meta") {
               mode  =  false;
            } else if (r[1] === "OldWikisource") {
               mode  =  false;
            if (mode === 2) {
               r  =  false;
            } else if (mode) {
               if (r[0] === "wikimedia") {
                  s  =  "|" + r[1] + "|";
                  if (WLINK.protocol.relative.indexOf(s)  >=  0) {
                     s  =  r[2];
                     r  =  "//" + r[1] + ".wikimedia.org";
                     if (s) {
                        r  =  r + "/" + s;
            if ( typeof r  ===  "object" ) {
               if ( learn ) {
                   s  =  this.target(r[2], true);
                   if (s) {
                      r[2]  =  s;
                   }   // decoded
               } else if (r[1]) {
                   r  =  "//" + r[1] + "." + r[0] + ".org/" + r[2];
         if ( typeof r  ===  "object" ) {
            show    =  about;
            sister  =  false;
            slang   =  false;
            stuff   =  r[2];
            j       =  stuff.indexOf(":");
            if (r[0]) {
               sister  =  r[0];
               s       =  WLINK.projects.friend(sister, false);
               if ( s ) {
                  if ( s[ 0 ] !== 1  &&
                       WSTM.g.projType === "wikipedia" ) {
                     slang  =  ":en:";
                  sister =  s[1];
                  if (sister) {
                     r[0]  =  sister + ":";
                  } else {
                     r[0]  =  "";
                  }   // prefix required
               }   // project identified
            }   // sister
            if (r[1]) {
               slang  =  r[1];
               if (slang === WSTM.g.projLang) {
                  slang  =  false;
               } else if (sister) {
                  r[0]  =  r[0] + slang + ":";
               } else if (slang === "OldWikisource") {
                  r[0]  =  "OldWikisource:";
               } else {
                  r[0]  =  ":" + slang + ":";
            n  =  stuff.indexOf(":");
            if (n > 2) {   // maybe File: etc.
               scope  =  stuff.substr(0, n);
               key    =  WLINK.namespace.furnish(scope, slang, sister);
               if (key) {
                  stuff  =  WSTM.str.trimL(stuff.substr(n + 1),  true);
                  if (! show) {
                     show  =  stuff;
                  stuff  =  WSTM.str.camelCasing(stuff);
                  s      =  WLINK.namespace.fetch(key, slang);
                  if (s) {
                     scope  =  s;
                  stuff  =  scope + ":" + stuff;
                  if ((key === NAMESPACE.nsFile  ||
                       key === NAMESPACE.nsCategory)
                      &&   r[0] === "") {
                     stuff  =  ":" + stuff;
                  }   // own DB itself
            r[1]  =  stuff;
            n     =  stuff.indexOf("|");
            if (show) {
               s  =  WSTM.str.trimL(show,  true);
            } else {
               WSTM.mod.lazy  =  false;
            if (n < 0) {
               r[2]  =  (show  ?  s  :  stuff);
            } else {
               WSTM.mod.lazy  =  false;
               r[1]           =  stuff.substr(0, n);
               stuff          =  WSTM.str.trimL(stuff.substr(n + 1),
               if (show) {
                  if (stuff.length > 0) {
                     stuff  =  stuff + " " + s;
                  } else {
                     stuff  =  s;
               r[2]  =  stuff;
            n  =  r[2].indexOf("?title=");
            if (n > 0) {
               r[2]  =  r[2].substr(n + 7);
         }   // replace target by wikilink
      }   // replace
      return  r;
   };   // .w.link.wiki.url()

};   // .bb.link()
delete mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod.bb.link;


( function ( WSTM ) {
   "use strict";
   var sub      =  "H",
       self     =  WSTM.w.link.self,
       version  =  WSTM.w.link.vsn,
   if ( typeof WSTM.main  ===  "object"
        &&     WSTM.main   &&
        typeof WSTM.main.wait  ===  "function" ) {
      // Start on import: callback to waiting ...
      WSTM.main.wait( sub, version );
   } else if ( typeof mw.loader  ===  "object"   &&
               typeof mw.hook  !==  "undefined" ) {
      rls = { };
      rls[ self ] = "ready";
      mw.loader.state( rls );
      mw.hook( "WikiSyntaxTextMod/" + sub + ".ready" )
        .fire( [ sub, version ] );
} ( mw.libs.WikiSyntaxTextMod ) );

// Emacs
// Local Variables:
// coding: utf-8-dos
// fill-column: 80
// End:

/// EOF </nowiki>   WikiSyntaxTextMod/dH.js