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User:Phbrownacmorg/sandbox/csc125fa21/WA1/Justin Henderson

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Life In College


I play soccer here at Converse University we are a first year program who plan to fully compete within the conference and make a name for ourselves. I personally have been playing since the age of 3 and have loved the sport ever since. Playing college soccer has always been a dream of mine and I am glad that I am able to fulfill it. Although COVID 19 was a bump in the road when it came to recruiting I was still able to get picked up and continue soccer for at least another year. So far Converse has been a different experience with having not as many boys on campus and having to wear mask about everywhere I go once again. Overall my experience so far at Converse has been good and I look forward to continuing to build new relationships with people on and off the soccer team as well as doing my duty as an athlete to perform at the highest level I possibly can so that I can be a positive factor for the squads goals of having a great inaugural season.