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User:The Overwatch Oracle

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Tracer Mains are they benefits or detriments?

It has come to my attention that Tracer is all over the place now and a question came to mind. Is Tracer more usful or usless? To find this out I played alot of matches on quick and competitive and I watched alot of matches. I even checked out what others had to say online.

Out of all the sources I checked I found that about 47% claimed that Tracer is usefull while the other 53% claimed she is useless. Now before you people grab your pitch forks and knives Im not saying shes a bad hero Im saying that of all the data I looked at more led to her having very little use. When ever there is an open spot for offense tracer is rarely picked more people often go for Genji,Mccree, or Soldier 76.

Another problem that sparked is alot of Tracer mains who have a mic blame every aspect of their team on their loss rather then learn from the mistake they made.

Let me know your feed back on this topic or if you know a more detrimental hero.