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// from User:Pythoncoder/Scripts/userHighlighter.js

 * User highlighter 3.0
 * ---------------------
 * A jQuery/mediawiki-heavy rewrite of [[User:Amalthea/userhighlighter.js]]
 * This script highlights links to admins' userpages or talkpages in bodyContent
 * (that is, everything but the tabs, personal links at the top of the screen and sidebar)
 * by giving them a gold background. It also colors links to userpages of users with lower
 * and higher-ranked permissions
 * See [[User:Theopolisme/Scripts/adminhighlighter]] for more details.
 * Version 3.0 merges Bellezzasolo and Amorymeltzer's version.
 * TODO: Rollback, Techadmin
 * @author theopolisme
 * @author Bellezzasolo
 * @author Amorymeltzer
 * @author Pythoncoder
mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function($, mw){
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	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:AmoryBot/crathighlighter.js/arbcom.json', function(data){
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	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:AmoryBot/crathighlighter.js/bureaucrat.json', function(data){
		crdata = data;
	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:AmoryBot/crathighlighter.js/oversight.json', function(data){
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	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:AmoryBot/crathighlighter.js/checkuser.json', function(data){
		cudata = data;
	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:Bellezzasolo Bot/userhighlighter.js/excon.js', function(data){
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	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:Bellezzasolo Bot/userhighlighter.js/pcusr.js', function(data){
		pcdata = data;
	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:Bellezzasolo Bot/userhighlighter.js/pgmvr.js', function(data){
		mvdata = data;
	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:Bellezzasolo Bot/userhighlighter.js/temop.js', function(data){
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	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:Amalthea_(bot)/userhighlighter.js/sysop.js', function(data){
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	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:Bellezzasolo Bot/userhighlighter.js/ptusr.js', function(data){
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	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')+'/index.php?action=raw&ctype=application/json&title=User:AmoryBot/crathighlighter.js/interface-admin.json', function(data){
		iadata = data;
	})).then(function() {
	mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util','mediawiki.Uri', 'mediawiki.Title'], function() {
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		$('#article a, #bodyContent a, #mw_contentholder a').each(function(index,linkraw){
			try {
				var link = $(linkraw);
				var url = link.attr('href');
				if (!url || url.charAt(0) === '#') return; // Skip <a> elements that aren't actually links; skip anchors
				if (url.lastIndexOf("http://", 0) !== 0 && url.lastIndexOf("https://", 0) !== 0 && url.lastIndexOf("/", 0) !== 0) return; //require http(s) links, avoid "javascript:..." etc. which mw.Uri does not support
				var uri = new mw.Uri(url);
				if (!ADMINHIGHLIGHT_EXTLINKS && !$.isEmptyObject(uri.query)) return; // Skip links with query strings if highlighting external links is disabled
				if (uri.host == 'en.wikipedia.org') {
					var mwtitle = new mw.Title(mw.util.getParamValue('title',url) || decodeURIComponent(uri.path.slice(6))); // Try to get the title parameter of URL; if not available, remove '/wiki/' and use that
					if ($.inArray(mwtitle.getNamespaceId(), ADMINHIGHLIGHT_NAMESPACES)>=0) {
						var user = mwtitle.getMain().replace(/_/g," ");
						if (mwtitle.getNamespaceId() === -1) user = user.replace('Contributions/',''); // For special page "Contributions/<username>"
						if (mwtitle.getNamespaceId() === -1) user = user.replace('Contribs/',''); // The Contribs abbreviation too
						if(acdata[user] == 1) {
							link.addClass(link.attr('class') + ' userhighlighter_arbcom');
						if(crdata[user] == 1) {
							link.addClass(link.attr('class') + ' userhighlighter_bureaucrat');
						if(osdata[user] == 1) {
							link.addClass(link.attr('class') + ' userhighlighter_oversight');
						if(cudata[user] == 1) {
							link.addClass(link.attr('class') + ' userhighlighter_checkuser');
						if (addata[user] == 1) {
							link.addClass(link.attr('class') + ' userhighlighter_sysop');
			} catch (e) {
				// Sometimes we will run into unparsable links, so just log these and move on
				window.console && console.error('Admin highlighter recoverable error',e.message);
}(jQuery, mediaWiki));

// from User:Enterprisey/url-select-revdel.js
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