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Wikipedia:Picture peer review/Kirchner marzo 2007 Congreso.jpg

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Original - Néstor Kirchner

I want to know if there is image noise or some other problem with this file, before actually nominating it

Articles this image appears in
Néstor Kirchner, Presidency of Néstor Kirchner (and others)
Víctor Hugo Bugge
Suggested by
Cambalachero (talk) 18:22, 14 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
  • Shot at ISO 1000 there may have been some inherent image noise, but the main issue is that it's been overly compressed leading to some pretty visible JPEG artifacting; that's probably mixing with the original noise to make it look disappointing at full res. You can't access a less compressed version can you? --jjron (talk) 17:03, 15 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
    • No, this photo was taken from a web page that released their photos under a free licence, I did not take it myself (it is not inside my camera). Do you think I should ask for help at the Photography workshop? If the noise is too much to fix, I may drop the issue, I don't want to bother anyone with impossible tasks Cambalachero (talk) 21:22, 15 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
      • A bit of noise you can often work with, though often with the side effect of losing detail, which is why people will often do a selective noise reduction on the background only where the details aren't important. The problem here is twofold or even threefold. The issue is more artifacting than noise; this means that through excessive compression when this was saved some of the original detail the image would have had has been lost - there is no way you can get this back other than going to back to the original and starting again. The other problem is that it is perhaps most significant on the subject of the image, the man himself (check his suit coat for example); applying any sort of 'correction' to that will therefore remove even more detail, and I have to say that for whatever reason - could be to do with slight focus issue, lower quality lens, difficult lighting, or the ISO and compression settings, or possibly a combination of these and more - I don't think he has a real lot of detail even now, like in terms of the detail on his face, so I don't think it can afford to lose any more. You could get someone to give it a try, but I don't really like the chances of seeing much improvement. Alternatively you could try nomming as is at FPC and just see how it goes. Or email the site if they have contact details and ask if they could provide a higher res version. --jjron (talk) 12:02, 16 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]