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Wikipedia:Road humor

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When road editing gets stressful, here are road-related jokes and funny things.


Internal workings of road article editing

  • As a joke, Google Maps will provide directions when a clearly impossible route between North America and Europe (for example, between New York and London) is desired; however, one of the steps is "Swim across the Atlantic Ocean", with a travel time (29 days, 0 hours) and distance (3462 miles/5,572 km) calculated accordingly, between Le Havre in France and Boston in America. The longest route currently known (using the swimming) thus obtained is 15289 miles (24605km) from Zabaykalsk, Chita Oblast, Russia to Overland Dr, Unalaska, AK with coordinate input. [2] Note that we cannot go in the other direction.
  • Shopping Center Highway 11?

Games for the whole family

  • Spot the Interstate!
  • Spot the state highway!
  • And this one!

1. Play the State Game! Find each state as a license plate. 2. The Alphabet Game! Find all of the letters of the alphabet in order from road signs. 3. The Bug Game! Whenever you see a bug, punch someone and yell "Slug Bug!". 4. I'm Going on a Trip! Pick a category (e.g. animals) and start at A and go all the way to Z. The catch, you have to repeat all of the animals. So if the first person said "Alligator" then the next person has to say "Alligator, Bear" and so on. 5. I Spy... (or Eye Spy if you want to get fun). Annoy the heck out of everyone by forcing them to play this child's game.

Partisan politics (Let the wigs fly!)

  • The British government should be criticized for making their citizens pay to drive in downtown London. It is horrible and atrocious and an indignity... wait why is this page now on the IWF blacklist?