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Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Archives

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Museo Juan Zorrilla de San Martin, Punta Carretas, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 12, 2012
Pontoon ferry from La Charqueada (Treinta y Tres) to Cebollatí (Rocha) across Río Cebollatí.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 11, 2012
Cart typical of the period 1856 in a festivity to commemorate the migration to Colonia Valdense in, Uruguay.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 09, 2012
Arroyo Pando, in the neighborhood of El Pinar, Canelones, Uruguay.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 03, 2012
Carlos Páez Vilaró's "Casapueblo" Punta Ballena, Maldonado, Uruguay.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 02, 2012
Candombe being played on the streets of its origins, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 10, 2011
Statue of Artigas in Parque Artigas, Minas, Lavalleja Department.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 08, 2011
Detail of the statue to Dionisio Díaz, child hero of the department of Treinta y Tres.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 07, 2011
Amethyst stalactite from Artigas Department
Credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 06, 2011
José Carbajal performing in Atlántida, Uruguay.
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 05, 2011
Mercado Modelo, the central municipal fruit and vegetable wholesale market
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 02, 2011
Castillo Piria in Piriápolis
Portal:Uruguay/Selected picture/Month 03, 2011
The Fortaleza del Cerro, Pajas Blancas
Month 12, 2010
The Executive Tower, Ciudad Vieja
Month 11, 2010
La Ciudadela, Ciudad Vieja
Month 07, 2010
Plaza Independencia, Ciudad Vieja
Month 10, 2006
Playa Pocitos, Pocitos
Month 03, 2007
Estadio Centernario, Parque Batlle
Month 11, 2006