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Talk:The Goods Line

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End to End[edit]

Can there be a more descriptive paragraph about the exact ends of this park, and where exactly it connects with Railway Square? I ask, because this has never been made clear in any source I've seen. Questions I have is if the old rail tunnel actually lets out way on the other side of Central Station, then where (and how) is the tunnel closed off, and then where and how are peopled funneled up and down to Railway Square? Also, where is the entrance to the Devonshire Street Tunnel, and isn't it at the existing level of the surrounding streets and thus a full level above the Goods Line tunnel? I've seen the entrance as given as across (east side of) Lee Street. If this is the case, it's not a direct connection to the Good Lines as it's often made to sound, and that needs to be clarified. Oh, and lastly, do any of the buildings fronting George Street over the rail tunnel portion of the Good Line have direct access to the tunnel from within the buidlings? Thanks! --Criticalthinker (talk) 07:47, 17 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]

After a bit or reseaching since last I asked these questions, I was able to find out a lot of information on the Devonshire Street Tunnel, and accordingly updated that article. I was able to find that the actual railway tunnel/underpass behind and under the buildings fronting George Street is closed off. So this part of the old Goods Line is not in regular use for anything, though I've seen it's been used for an art installation or two. So this is definitely not a part of the current Goods Line pedestrian path.
With that said, I guess I'm unsure of whether if the path formally includes the Devonshire Street Tunnel extension - the part of the tunnel that is actually underground between Railway Square and the start of the Goods Line - which is next door to the old railway portal/tunnel? Property NSW seems to imply that this is so (https://www.property.nsw.gov.au/goods-line-0). They appear to call the Devonshire Street Tunnel extension portion the "Goods Lines South," but does Property NSW control the pedestrian tunnel? It's not clear because it appears they stopped updating this page when the "Goods Line North" section formally opened in 2015. The "Goods Line South" may, in fact, speak to the currently abandoned and sealed off railway tunnel whose portal is immediately adjacent to the tunnel extension portal. But this needs to be cleared up.
Oh, and I did still have one question I need answered about the Devonshire Street Tunnel extension with a slight correction. Is the extension accessible from within any of the buildings fronting George Street like 827 George (TAFE Building W/Marcus Clark Building) or 841 George, or is it only accessible from Railway Square and the portal behind the buildings? --Criticalthinker (talk) 10:52, 29 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Some questions answered[edit]

The walkway known as The Goods Line may be said to commence at the southern end of Central station, at the beginning of the Devonshire Street Tunnel. The tunnel is a 300-metre-long (980 ft) pedestrian tunnel which opened in 1906, joining Devonshire Street with Lee Street, at street level. From the exit of the tunnel one walks straight ahead towards Lee Street, across Henry Deane Plaza, and descends a covered stairway to enter the tunnel extension, which was constructed in the 1970's. The extension tunnel continues under Lee Street, Railway Square, and George Street. At each of these points the extension tunnel can be exited or entered by stairs and escalators. There are no entry/exit points to the tunnel via any buildings.

The extension then continues under the TAFE Marcus Clark Building and opens up at street level behind the International Institute of Business and Information Technology at 841 George Street. This may be said to be the "official" beginning of The Goods Line, a walkway which continues to Darling Harbour. Further research by me is needed to ascertain exact end point but when I walked it last, ended at the corner of Sussex and Hay Streets, Sydney.

To the left of the opening of the extension tunnel, one railway line (two tracks) appears from under a pair of large gates, which block the entrance to a tunnel. The line only extends for a short way beyond the gates. This entrance is the western end of the Railway Square road overbridge which, in the past, provided access for trains using the railway line. Except for this short section of line, the railway line to Darling Harbour has been removed, or perhaps covered.

RELEVANT ARTICLES: The Goods Line, Devonshire Street Tunnel, Railway Square road overbridge, Ultimo Road railway underbridge

Wikimedia commons has categories for all of the above. The ones at "category:The Good Line" are particularly relevant.Collywolly (talk) 04:43, 13 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]