Tsar Mangal

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Tsar Mangal, May 2024

Tsar Mangal (Russian: Царь-мангал,[1] also Turtle Tank) is a series of modified Russian T-62, T-72 and T-80 tanks supplied with an extra steel roof and siding, as well as anti-drone slat armor which cover the entirety of the original vehicle. For the first time it was spotted in early April 2024 on the battlefield of the Russo-Ukraine War. They also have anti-drone radio jamming equipment.[2][3] Newer models are equipped with mine-clearing rollers KMT 7 with electromagnetic mine detector/trawl (Russian: Электромагнитный тральщик /приставка ЭМТ.) [1]


The Russian name derived from the Russian slang "mangal" for anti-drone slat armor, in an analogy with Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bomb.


Its major drawbacks are poor visibility and mobility, as well as non-rotating turret.[3] However it serves well as a demining vehicle during armored assaults.[2] These contraptions only work well against drones, but Ukrainian troops are lacking artillery and anti-tank missiles, so they are doing their job so far.[4]

See also[edit]
