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Draft:Clara Mattei

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Clara Elisabetta Mattei (born March 13, 1988) is an Associate Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research in New York City.

She received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree from the University of Pavia in 2010 with a thesis on a methodological comparison between Wittgenstein and Sraffa.

In 2012 he completed the five-year degree by earning a Master's degree in Philosophy from the same university with a thesis on Michael Henry's Marx. A phenomenological interpretation of The Capital.

In 2013 she obtained the five-year Diploma of Excellence from the University of Pavia School of Advanced Studies with a thesis about Keynes and austerity, and In all cases she distinguished herself with high honors.

She continued her education with a doctorate in Economics awarded in June 2016 at the University of Strasbourg, which was followed during the same period by a second doctorate in Economics awarded at the Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa.

She has been an invited professor at Columbia University and the New School for Social Research in New York.

She is the author of many studies and books. The latest of which titled "The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism" was listed by the Financial Times as book of the year in 2022.



