Draft:Dirigo Games

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Dirigo Games is an independent video game developer founded by Philip Willey. The name likely references the Maine state motto, "Dirigo" (Latin for "I direct").


Dirigo Games is known for creating unique games with a focus on unconventional narratives and atmospheric presentation, often leaning more heavily on art and music than intricate game mechanics.


Dirigo Games' portfolio includes titles across various genres, such as:

Depths of Fear :: Knossos (2014) - A first-person roguelike stealthy action-adventure

STOWAWAY(2016) - A cosmic horror adventure

SYSCRUSHER (2018) - A Sci-fi first-person shooter

KINGDOM of the DEAD (2022) - A first-person pen and ink shooter

In addition to these main titles, Dirigo Games has also created smaller games for events like Ludum Dare, such as FBMG (Famous Bus Movie Game) and DESTRUCTODON.



Dirigo Games itch.io page: [1] Dirigo Games Steam developer page: [www.dirigogames.com] Dirigo Games on GameCompanies.com: [2]