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Draft:Interactional narrative exposure protolyzation

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  • Comment: None of the references have enough to identify them - are they books, web articles, films, journal articles? Depending on what they are we need dates, pages, urls, authors etc. KylieTastic (talk) 14:25, 19 December 2023 (UTC)

Interactional Narrative Exposure Protolyzation (INEP) is a conceptual method involving the processing of narrative experiences, specifically through the medium of film, followed by immediate textual interaction with a peer. As a non-academic, non-clinical methodology, INEP is primarily situated in the realm of social and recreational practices rather than formal psychological or therapeutic frameworks. It was first proposed in 2023 as a novel way to engage with and reflect on narrative content.


INEP is a process whereby an individual watches a movie and then immediately engages in a text-based conversation about the film with a friend. This method emphasizes the role of immediate interpersonal communication in processing and understanding narrative content. It is distinct from more formalized therapeutic or educational practices, residing instead in the domain of casual social interaction.


The method involves two primary steps:

Narrative Exposure: The individual watches a film. This film can be of any genre or length, and the viewing can occur in any setting, such as a cinema, at home, or in a public space. Textual Interaction: Immediately after viewing the film, before engaging in any other significant activity, the individual texts a friend to discuss and reflect on the movie. This conversation can cover aspects like plot, characters, themes, personal reactions, and broader implications of the narrative. 3. Rationale INEP is based on the idea that immediate discussion and reflection through texting can enhance the understanding and enjoyment of a film. It combines elements of narrative theory, which focuses on how stories are structured and interpreted, with communication theory, particularly the immediacy and accessibility of modern texting.

Cultural Impact[edit]

While INEP is not widely recognized in academic or therapeutic circles, it reflects broader trends in media consumption and interpersonal communication in the digital age. It highlights the increasing interplay between personal media experiences and social interaction, particularly among younger generations who frequently use texting as a primary mode of communication.


Critics of INEP argue that it oversimplifies the process of narrative engagement and interpretation. They contend that meaningful reflection on a narrative can require time and solitude, rather than immediate discussion. Additionally, the method's reliance on digital communication is seen as limiting, potentially excluding more in-depth, face-to-face conversations.

In Popular Media[edit]

INEP has yet to be significantly featured or referenced in popular media. However, its principles align with broader trends in social media and digital communication, particularly the immediacy with which people often share and discuss experiences online.


  • The Psychology of Storytelling: Audience Engagement in the Digital Age
  • Modern Communication: How Texting is Changing Interpersonal Interaction
  • Film Studies: Audience Reactions and Interpretations