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Draft:Megaman NT Warrior "The End of the End!"

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The End of the End also known as Moment of Break-Down! (崩壊の刻 Forute) is the 51st episode (48th in the English dub) of the MegaMan NT Warrior anime. It features the only appearance of the Bug Style form.


At last MegaMan comes face-to-face with the terrifying Grave VirusBeast that's devouring the entire Cyberworld... and unless it can be stopped, the network will be destroyed and Mr. Wily will control the world! But it's a losing battle: even AquaCustom Style MegaMan falls before the power of the VirusBeast and is infected with a bug! Then the incredible happens! MegaMan regenerates and emerges in a completely new style: BugStyle! But he gets further infected by the VirusBeast in the process, and now the unstoppable, rampaging monster that's triggering the end of everything is... MegaMan himself!


(WARNING: This summary contains SPOILERS. It is a fan made summary. Be warned!)

The episode opens with a reminder of the past episode, where Bass attempts to destroy the grave virus beast, but Dr. Wily planted an even stronger program into the grave virus beast, corrupting Bass, and turning Bass into the beast himself! All that is left of Bass is his cape. Now Dr. Wily has taken over the entire cyber world! The virus beast appears to be truly immortal. The net agents led by Commander Beef, fail to stop the virus beast as well.


Meanwhile, Bass transmitted the infection to Megaman accidentally, and now Megaman is turning evil, and powerless to save GutsMan, IceMan, Roll, and Glide, from magnets that MagnetMan trapped them with. Lan makes the difficult decision to give Megaman the extra code, which temporarily slows down the virus, at the cost of maybe killing Megaman. Megaman then uses the aqua custom style change to finally attempt to finish off MagnetMan, but he is STILL not powerful enough, as the virus comes back. So ElecMan grabs MagnetMan, and plunges himself into Megaman's line of fire, sacrificing himself to kill MagnetMan, and save GutsMan, IceMan, Roll, and Glide. Gauss is defeated, at the cost of ElecMan's life. He died a hero. Lan apologizes to Count Zap for sacrificing ElecMan.

Glide carries Megaman to the lab as the virus starts back up again. Dr. Wily fires Mr. Gauss. Meanwhile Miyu, Sal, and Masa, (net agents), evacuate the cyber world, with the help of SharkMan, WoodMan, SkullMan, and even Higsby and NumberMan help out to evacuate them!

Back at the lab, Megaman is being reprogrammed so fast by the infection, that they don't even have time to analyze him! Much less find a cure. Yai, Maylu, Dex, and Tory are watching helplessly. Mr. Famous (HIS NAME IS FAMOUS!!! Just Famous, no Mr.!) shows up and explains that Bass is an "ultimate program" which is incorruptible. If Bass does get corrupted, he will absorb bugs, or errors, to regenerate himself. However, Bass did not know this. Bass tried to read Megaman's memory, and was successful, however, that's when Bass transmitted the infection to Megaman.

Back in the cyber world, SharkMan, WoodMan, SkullMan, and NumberMan prepare to fight the grave virus beast. Dr. Wily jacks in the grave Virus Beast. The Virus Beast begins to devour buildings. SkullMan and WoodMan lure the Virus Beast into a trap, by shooting him with pathetic bullets. Right before the Virus Beast is about to kill SkullMan and WoodMan, NumberMan distracts the virus beast, but logs out just in time before he is killed. The trap was a success, and the virus beast is trapped in a force field, and then they prepare the "deletron" ultimate weapon, which takes all the power in the world!.... But even that wasn't enough to kill the virus beast.

SharkMan, WoodMan, SkullMan are all killed.

Meanwhile, Megaman has fully gone evil, which activates BugStyle. He goes to absorb the Virus Beast and turn into an even MORE powerful and evil monster! Megaman after defeating the virus beast, then proceeds to destroy the entire cyber world! Megaman even unlocks a way to break out of the cyber world, and now is going to destroy the REAL world! Lan rushes to Megaman and begs him to remember who he is, and return to a hero. Megaman grabs Lan and is about to kill his own net operator.

Finally, Megaman beats the evil infection out of his love for Lan, and rebuilds the cyber world, also regenerates his friends, but unfortunately loses his ultimate power, and the BugStyle.

However, Megaman accidentally revives Bass as well, who seeks to kill him. Bass takes over a robotic body in the real world, and is now in both worlds, one day to return again, and kill Megaman, and absorb his power....


  1. http://www.tv.com/shows/megaman-nt-warrior/the-end-of-the-end-373172/
