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Draft:Modeling Biochemical Cascades

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A biochemical cascade, also known as a signaling cascade or signaling pathway, is a series of chemical reactions that occur within a biological cell when activated by a stimulus. This article will describe the mathematical modeling and analysis of the properties of such cascades.

Single Phosphorylation Cycle[edit]

The fundamental unit of a biochemical cascade is the phosphorylation cycle. This can either be a single phosphorylation or double phosphorylation resulting in a double cycle. The single phosphorylation cycle is shown in the adjacent figure. THis system will be modeled using a set of differential equations:

A single phosphorylation cycle. are the reaction rates.

Note that these equations are linearly dependent since either one can be obtained from the other by multiplying by minus one. This is due to mass conservation between and . The moiety, , is conserved during its transformation to and in its conversion from to . Therefore the total mass of moiety in the system is fixed and doesn't change in time as the system evolves. In other words where is the fixed total mass of moiety . Mathematically it means that there is only one independent variable. If we designate the independent variable to be , then the dependent variable will be and can be computed using a simple rearrangement of the conservation law:

where is the total mass in the cycle. If we first assume linear mass-action kinetics on the forward and reverse limbs we can write:

using the conservation equation we can solve for the steady-state levels of and by setting the independent differential equation to zero:

Any input to the cycle can be modeled as changes to . We can therefore plot the steady-state concentration of as a function of the input . This is shown in the plot to the right below.

The response is a rectangular hyperbola (cf. Michaelis-Menten equation) hyperbolic. As the stimulus increases, increases with a corresponding drop in due to mass conservation.

Another way to look at this result is to consider the sensitivity of to changes in . There are various ways to do this but the most obvious is to evaluate the derivative, . Better still is to evaluate the scaled derivative since this eliminates units and converts the response into a more intuitive relative change:

This response can be interpreted as the percentage change in given a percentage change in . The steady -state equation for the concentration of can be differentiated and scaled to give:

The most important aspect of this result is that the sensitivity is always less than or equal to one, That is a 1% change in will always generate less than a 1% change in .

Look at sensitivity

Look at saturable kinetics, cite Goldbeter work on

mechanistic dependent derivation

this is some t3 t to hold it in draft mode so that it doesn’t get deleted. 1 Jan 2024.

Double Phosphorylation Cycle[edit]

It is very common to find double phosphorylation cycles. For example, the MAPK cascade contains two such double cycles.

A double phosphorylation cycle. are the reaction rates.
