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OpenXTalk belongs to the series of programs such as Hypercard, Metacard, Supercard, Hyperstudio and Livecode (on which it is based).

OpenXTalk is the continuation of the Open Source version of Livecode Community. Since this has now been dropped by Livecode (the company), it was forked into the OpenXTalk project and is currently under development.

It provides a graphical integrated development environment whereby a user can create a new project (called a stack). Each stack can have multiple 'cards' - essentially these are different sections within each 'stack'. They could be thought of as multiple pages within a document where the content can vary across each card.

Within the OpenXTalk integrated development environment (IDE), the user can drag familiar controls from a tools palette on the left into their stack. This can form the basis of an interface, although it can be used for developing more than this. OpenXTalk has already been used to produce a few fun games, utility programs, and larger applications used in education. It's audience is currently small, having shared a lot of it's roots with the open source Livecode community version (now discontinued as mentioned above).

The scripting language used in OpenXTalk is xTalk - a easy to use, human-readable language, which is currently being expanded upon with new definitions and terminology specific to the OpenXTalk project.

An example of the script when a user clicks a button:

on mousedown

answer the time

end mousedown

Here is not the place for a full explanation of the language syntax of xTalk, however you can hopefully see from the simple example above how easy it is to create a simple dialog which displays the current time.

OpenXTalk is an open-source community effort to expand upon the Livecode Community version, with the goal of keeping a free open-source version of the xTalk language alive.


See the OpenXTalk.org forum

  1. See also Hypercard software,
  2. Metacard article on wikipedia, inline reference
  3. The Supercard product aimed at PowerPC Macs
  4. Livecode on which OpenXTalk is based.

Reference: openxtalk.org