Draft:Sammy Dahan

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Sammy Dahan https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bulletin-of-the-school-of-oriental-and-african-studies/article/abs/sami-dahan-de-lethique-par-alwazir-abulqasim-almagribi-4181027-i-texte-arabe-institut-francais-de-damas-1948-pp-140/6E5BA31F1DFED6BCE2ABA03597F90976 is a Syrian writer known for his contributions to literature, particularly in the Arabic language. He has written various works, including novels, essays, and articles, often focusing on themes such as identity, culture, and social issues. Dahan's writing style is noted for its depth, insightfulness, and ability to engage readers in thoughtful exploration of complex topics. He is considered a prominent voice in contemporary Syrian literature. He died of a stroke in 1971 & is survived by his 2 daughters, Gada Dahan Serafi & Hala Dahan Mouwakeh & his first grandson Sam Mouwake.

