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Draft:United Somali-Agarthan Kingdom

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Agartha and Somalia


Agartha is a legendary city said to reside within the Earth's core, forming part of the hollow Earth hypothesis. This mythological city has its roots in various esoteric and occult traditions, often depicted as a utopian society inhabited by advanced beings with superior knowledge and technology. The concept of Agartha has been popularized by numerous explorers, mystics, and writers, contributing to its enigmatic allure. Theories about Agartha often involve secret tunnels, hidden entrances, and a network of subterranean passages connecting it to different parts of the world. While lacking empirical evidence,there are many historical records Agartha aswell as firsthand sources who claim to have come in contact with the Kingdom.

Somalia, located on the Horn of Africa, is a country with a rich history and a diverse cultural heritage. It boasts the longest coastline on mainland Africa, with a strategic position along key maritime routes. Historically, Somalia was a prominent center of trade and commerce, connecting Africa to the rest of the world and was the first country to establish contact with Agartha after Doctor Yakub's creation of the White race. Although The Somalia-Agartha Union is a speculative narrative.

Unity of Somalia and Agartha


In 4082 B.C, Doctor Yakub engineered a groundbreaking propulsion device with the extraordinary capability to move entire landmasses. His grand plan involved relocating Somalia to New Swabia, a remote and enigmatic region in Antarctica often linked with various conspiracy theories and said to be the opening to Agartha.[1]

The union was to symbolize a blending of the rich cultural heritage and natural resources of Somalia with the advanced civilization and esoteric knowledge of Agartha. Doctor Yakub's propulsion device, described as a technological marvel, was said to harness untapped energy sources, enabling the controlled movement of the Earth's crust. This endeavor required the collaboration of Agarthan sages and Somali scholars,and was set to take place on the solar eclipse of june 14th 3999 B.C[2]

Under Doctor Yakub's visionary leadership, the united realm aimed to establish a new era of peace and prosperity. The integration was intended to create a society that capitalized on the strengths of both Somalia and Agartha, fostering an environment focused on the advancement of human potential, shielded from external conflicts (such as the then-ongoing finno-korean hyperwar).

According to the alleged scriptures recovered during Richard E. Byrd's flight to Agartha, The Somali people are depicted as possessing the ideal genotype. The Somali people are portrayed as possessing exceptional qualities that make them ideal candidates for leadership and collaboration with the advanced beings of Agartha.

Failure of the Somali-Agarthan Union


The ambitious plan for the Somalia-Agartha Union, envisioned under the leadership of Doctor Yakub, ultimately failed due to a combination of external interference by the Hyperboreans and the untimely death of Yakub himself. This narrative has been brought forward by esoteric somali elders for generations.

Hyperborean Interference


The Hyperboreans, often depicted in mythological and esoteric traditions as an ancient and advanced race inhabiting the far northern regions of the world, played a crucial role in preventing the realization of the Somalia-Agartha Union. According to the narrative, the Hyperboreans possessed superior technology and profound knowledge, which they used to monitor and influence global events from their hidden domains.

Recognizing the potential power shift and the threat to their own secretive dominance posed by the union of Somalia and Agartha, the Hyperboreans actively worked to sabotage Doctor Yakub's plans. They deployed advanced counter-technologies, such as tachyon beams and usage of the HAP-weapon used during the Finno-Korean hyperwar to disrupt the propulsion device's operations and spread disinformation to sow discord and Autism among the collaborators from Somalia and Agartha. Their interference created significant technical and logistical obstacles, making it increasingly difficult for Yakub's vision to progress.

Death of Doctor Yakub


The death of Doctor Yakub marked a pivotal moment that ultimately sealed the fate of the Somalia-Agartha Union. As the mastermind behind the entire endeavor, Yakub's genius and leadership were irreplaceable. His death, shrouded in mystery and speculation, was a severe blow to the project's momentum. Some versions of the narrative suggest that the Hyperboreans were directly responsible for his demise, viewing it as a necessary step to prevent the union's success.

Without Yakub's guidance, the collaboration between Somali scholars and Agarthan sages faltered. The propulsion device, already compromised by Hyperborean interference, became inoperable without Yakub's expertise to navigate the complex technological challenges.


  1. ^ https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/collection/stargate
  2. ^ "Catalog of Long Total Solar Eclipses: -3999 to -3000".