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Talk:La Tour 2 contrôle infernale

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For my French to English translation class, I had to chose a French article on Wikipedia which didn't have any equivalent in English and translate it into English. I thus read the article about La Tour de contrôle infernale in French and began to translate it as my subpage. Then, when I decided to move it to a Wikipedia article, I realized this page had jus been created. That's why I have made my contribution here, adding the missing pieces of information according to the French article. I took the liberty of correcting some details (such as the term "sequel", which I changed into "prequel") and completing the description of two characters (Stéphanie Lanceval and De Fursac). I still have one remark: Grégoire Oestermann's character is named differently on the French Wikipedia article and on the IMDb website, and since I haven't seen the movie yet, I preferred not to change what had been written. Does someone know for sure that he's called this way in the English version of the film? (by the way: same question about Stéphanie Lanceval and De Fursac)

Best regards,

User:Mae Dad