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Sandbox version[edit]

with no parameters[edit]

The following discussion is closed. To discuss the same topic, begin a new discussion.

with unnamed parameter[edit]

The following discussion is closed. To discuss the same topic, begin a new discussion. NOTE: this is the text supplied to the unnamed parameter

with named text parameter[edit]

The following discussion is closed. To discuss the same topic, begin a new discussion.
this is the text supplied to the text parameter

with the unnamed and named parameter[edit]

The following discussion is closed. To discuss the same topic, begin a new discussion. NOTE: this is the text supplied to the unnamed parameter
this is the text supplied to the text parameter

Main template[edit]

with no parameters[edit]

The following discussion is closed and will soon be archived.

with unnamed parameter[edit]

The following discussion is closed and will soon be archived: this is the text supplied to the unnamed parameter

with named text parameter[edit]

The following discussion is closed and will soon be archived.
this is the text supplied to the text parameter

with the unnamed and named parameter[edit]

The following discussion is closed and will soon be archived: this is the text supplied to the unnamed parameter
this is the text supplied to the text parameter