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Education of unaccompanied asylum seeker children in Italy

"Between January and November 2021, 8.2 thousand minors arrived by sea in Italy. The number of unaccompanied children who arrived by sea in Italy peaked in 2016 with over 25.8 thousand children. In 2020, the number of children will add up to 4.7 thousand individuals. In 2021, the total amount of migrants arrived in Italy equalled 59.7 thousand individuals."

In recent years, the world has witnessed high numbers of displaced people; in particular, the migration of unaccompanied minors/ unaccompanied asylum seeker children (UASC) is increasing without adequate examination. Unaccompanied children require treatment of their trauma of past violence and provision of integrated health, emotional, legal and educational support. If the refugees find asylum and enter a school in a new country, they still encounter complex educational challenges.

Although Italian legislation provides rights to education under the Reception Decree for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, in practice, the schools face challenges regarding the insufficiency of places, funding, and the local authority does not provide enough care regarding UASC. Support is most effective when provided through a stable and continuous relationship with the child through appropriate integration and specialised advice.

Asylum-seeking and refugees children separated from their parents are most likely to be killed, tortured, raped, robbed and recruited as children soldiers. The policy ignores refugees' potential, and therefore education is underfunded in humanitarian packages. In addition, unaccompanied minors do not receive the correct supervision, thus increasing the risk of child labour, child marriage and exploitation.

The article will be limited to the following areas:

Intro (Definitions)

- Statistics

·       UASC in Italy

·       UASC attending school and not

- Government policy

·       Asylum process (legislation and policy)

·       Government programs: INTERSOS, UNCHR' pagella in Tasca'

- School (focus on primary education)

·       The national educational system: MIU

·       Curriculum

- Barriers within education

·       Cultural differences

·       Language differences

·       Psychological difficulties

·       Living conditions (i.e. refugee camps)   

- Non-profit assistance: NGOs

- Finance


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