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Chase Bennett Lerew (born October 16, 2001) is an American college student. He was born at Gwinnett Medical Center in Lawrenceville, Georgia to parents Paul and Karen Lerew. Lerew began attending Grayson Elementary School in 2007, where he became involved in the Boy Scouts of America as a Cub Scout in Pack 499, which is in Northeast Georgia Council. In 2012, he earned his Arrow of Light and crossed over into Troop 499. Lerew was inducted into the Order of the Arrow in March of 2015 as an Ordeal member of Mowogo Lodge and sealed his membership in September. He is currently a Brotherhood member and serves as Lau-in-nih Chapter's Vice Chief of Membership. In October 2019, Lerew completed his Eagle Scout project, an outdoor classroom at Grayson High School, where he attended. He would complete his Board of Review and earn his Eagle Scout on November 16, 2019. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, he completed his senior year through digital learning. He graduated virtually from Grayson High School in May of 2020. Following his graduation, Lerew took a gap year, before enrolling at Georgia Gwinnett College in August of 2021. He is currently studying History, with a concentration in World History.