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Ethylene Molecule
C-C Double 134pm
614 Kj/mol
C-H Covalent 109pm
413 Kj/mol
C-O Covalent 143pm
360 Kj/mol
C-C Covalent 154pm
348 Kj/mol

Polymerization is the process that occurs in a liquid such as ethylene when it is heated to 200°C and pressure of 2000At. The process starts with an oxygen molecule "bumping" into a carbon molecule and distrupting part of a carbon carbon link. This disruption propagates through the system, resulting in chains of carbon molecules being linked together. When the substance is cooled, the chains ensure a solid substance that we call plastic. This page of graphics is devoted to representing this process.


free-radical polymerization.

Carbon Covalent bonding chains and circles[edit]


YBCO - Yttrium, Barium, Copper and Oxygen

See Also[edit]