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The Money trap is a 1965 mystery film directed by Burt Kennedy starring Glenn Ford, Elke Sommer and Rita Hayworth. The Money Trap is an original story developed by Lionel White and written by Lionel White and Walter Bernstein.

Style The 1965 film The Money Trap portrays elements of the classic film making style known as noir. The black and white film uses the theme of a simple man (Joe Baron) drawn into crime and corruption for materialistic needs. The Money Trap was one of the last noir films mad e after the style had first erupted in the 1940’s. Not only does the main plot showcase a common noir film theme but the subplot that exists in the movie portrays a theme that proves The Money Trap to qualify as a noir film. The subplot starts off with Joe Baron and his partner heading to the crime scene of a woman being hung by her husband for participating in sexual relationships for money (prostitution). They later show that she has a daughter that her husband loved very much. On the day of their daughter’s birthday the girl’s father chooses to meet up and spend the day with her. At the end of the day Joe Baron arrests the man whilst the young girl is left to question about the actions that took place on her birthday. This small yet crucial storyline displays the theme of the Happiness in a filmic perspective being never lasting.