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User:John Bot IV/Messages/NFCC7

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Problem with [[:{{{1}}}]][edit]

Image copyright notice
Image copyright notice

Hello John Bot IV/Messages.

Thank you for uploading [[:{{{1}}}]] to Wikipedia. The image is currently tagged as being a non-free image. Wikipedia upholds strict polices relating to non-free images, one of which ("point #7") states that each non-free image must be used in at least one article. It would seem that [[:{{{1}}}]] is not used in any articles, thus currently failing this requirement.

Because of this, the image has been marked for deletion. This does not mean it must be deleted—the easiest way to save it is to add it to an article! There's a great tutorial at Wikipedia:Picture tutorial, or you can ask at the image help desk.

Thanks for your patience, and for your contributions.

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