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User:John Bot IV/Source

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
Reame: TODO
# (C) CWii, BJWeeks and Betacommand, 2008
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: $'

import wikipedia, pagegenerators, catlib
import re

import JohnBots

class NFCCBot (JohnBots.JohnBot):
    def main(self):
        cat = catlib.Category(self.site, 'Category:All non-free media')
        gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat, True)
        for image in gen:
            if image.namespace() == 6 and image.exists() and not image.isRedirectPage():
                useCount = 0
                img = wikipedia.ImagePage(self.site, image.title())
                wikipedia.output("Processing %s" % img.title())
                uses = img.usingPages()
                for arti in uses:
                    if arti.namespace() == 0:
                        ##It's okay
                        wikipedia.output('%s is used on %s' % (img.title(),arti.title()))
                        useCount += 1
                    elif arti.namespace()== 10:
                        #OMG BAD USE
                        wikipedia.output('!BAD: %s is used on %s' % (img.title(),arti.title()))
                        pText = arti.get()
                        pText = re.sub('(?: |_)'.join(re.escape(img.titleWithoutNamespace()).split('\\ ')),
                                        'NonFreeImageRemoved.svg', pText, re.I)
                        #arti.put(pText, 'Removing Non-Free Image per NFCC')
                if useCount == 0:
                    wikipedia.output('%s is not used!!' % img.title())
                    if re.search(r'{{\s*di-orphaned(?: |_)fair(?: |_)use\s*\|.*}}',
                                 img.get(), re.IGNORECASE):
                        wikipedia.output("Already tagged.")
                        ##user = img.getLatestUploader()
                        uploaders = img.getFileVersionHistory()
                        #Leave a message first
                        for uploader in uploaders:
                            wikipedia.output(u'Leaving message for: %s' % uploader[1])
                            self.leave_message(uploader[1], "\n{{subst:User:John Bot IV/Messages/NFCC7}} ~~~~",
                                            "[[User:John Bot IV]], [[%s]] is going to be deleted" % img.title(), force = True)
                        img.put('%s\n%s' % ('{{subst:orfud}}', img.get()), '[[User:John Bot IV|John Bot IV]],')
if __name__ == "__main__":
        bot = NFCCBot('John Bot IV')