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Kayla Burns (Kayla Burns, born in 1990) is a current student at the University of Southern Indiana and for the pupose of a class assignment has crated this for COMM 192.

Early Life


"Once Upon a Time"


The meeting of Bruce and Rita was not expected nor was it completely charming in most respects. It was a rainy night when these two first percieved one another under the smoky cloak of a small-town bar. He was attempting to flirt his way into the good graces of a female player while she observed from afar and chuckled to herself at his failed venture. However in her mind she was slightly disappointed he did not make such an attempt in her direction. She did not sit long in this state for no sooner had she thought her despairing thoughts than he was by her side making inquiries to herself. He concluded this brief introduction with a forward proposal, a date, to a play, with him. To this day the lady knows not what prompted her to accept, but accept she did and thus a relationship sprouted, love and romance grew between them, the happy match bloomed over time, twin daughters were born to them not four years later. 'Twas the begginning of a whirlwind of a life for Kayla Burns, daughter of Bruce and Rita, sister to twin Kasey.

Princesses, Wizards, and Pumpkins


Kayla loved her childhood, though not perfect she imagined herself to have had the ideal up-bringing. She had a father and mother who loved her and her sister more than life itself. Bruce and Rita did everything with their daughters in mind, though times were tough some years, the girls never went for want of much. They always had what they needed and understood what it meant to be content with what one has rather than always hav the "new, big, shiny, whatever-it-is". Their kingdom was a meek one in want of some kind of repairs but home. The King and Queem were adoring, and the princesses were admired by all who knew them as being the sweetest of girls. Kayla modeled her princesshood off of Princess Belle and Kasey, Princess Ariel.

Reflecting back on her childhood Kayla reminiced that one object that really defined her growing up years was her favorite book series Harry Potter . On more than one occassion did Mom and Dad threaten to take her books away from her so that she would come to dinner or do her homework. It was a lovely passion that helped her mind to expand and imagine a world so fantastical that rarely more than a child could appreciate. What joy was hers when the films were produced and her imagination was only fueled far beyond her childhood.

Later in life Kayla talked much of her beloved childhood, remem,bering with all fond thoughts of carving pumpkins with Dad and how one year he had splurged and bought one of those huge pumpkins. They spent hours carving, cutting and scooping to make the perfect Jack-o'-lantern

A Few of My Favorite Things


Adopt a Journalist assignment
