User:Nilssuguz/Dynasty of Targaryen

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House of Targaryen was one of the 9 great dynasties in Westeros in the A Song of Ice and Fire book series. It is a house where dragons are represented. The Targaryen line is descended from the Valyrian Freehold. Their banner is a three-headed red dragon on a black background.


Aegon the Dragon's descendants escaped the Doom of Valyria and the turmoil and carnage that followed, taking refuge on Dragonstone, a rocky island in the narrow sea.Aegon and his sisters (Visenya and Rhaenys) sailed from here on 3 dragons and conquered the Seven Kingdoms. In order not to spoil the purity of the blood, House Targaryen often followed the Valyrian tradition and preferred to marry siblings to each other. Aegon married both of his sisters and had a son from each. The Targaryen's banner is a red three-headed dragon on a black background, representing Aegon the Conqueror, Visenya, and Rhaenys.

The Last Targaryens[edit]

King Aerys Targaryen, Second in His Name, was killed by Jaime Lannister during the sacking of King's Landing.

His Sister and His Wife[edit]

Queen Rhaella, of House Targaryen, died while giving birth on Dragonstone.

His Kids[edit]

  • Prince Rhaegar, heir to the Iron Throne, was killed by Robert Baratheon during the Battle of the Trident.
  • Prince Aegon, a baby, was killed during the sacking of King's Landing. In fact, it was revealed in the last book that he was not killed, but abducted. He returned to Westeros with the Golden Company and began conquering the Stormlands.
  • Prince Viserys, the title he gave himself, Third in His Name, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, nicknamed The Beggar King.
  • Princess Daenerys, nicknamed Daenerys Stormborn, is a 13-year-old girl at the beginning of the first book.

Kings of Targaryen[edit]

Aegon'un karaya çıktığı yıldan itibaren

  • 1-37 Aegon I; Aegon the Conqueror; Dragon Aegon.
  • 37-42 Aenys I; Son of Aegon and Rhaenys.
  • 42-48 Maegor I; Cruel Maegor, son of Aegon and Visenya.
  • 48-103 I. Jaehaerys; Old King, Mediator, son of Aenys.
  • 103-129 Viserys I; Grandson of Jaehaerys.
  • 129-131 Aegon II; The eldest son of Viserys. [Aegon II's accession to the throne was opposed by his older sister, Rhaenyra, who was ten years older than him. Both perished in the war that broke out between them, which was called the Dance of the Dragons by the bards]
  • 131-157 Aegon III; Dragonbane, son of Rhaenyra. [The last of the Targaryen dragons, III. He died during Aegon's reign.]
  • 157-161 Daeron I; Young Dragon, Child King, III. Aegon's eldest son. [Daeron conquered Dorne, but could not hold it and died at an early age.]
  • 161-171 Baelor I Beloved; Blessed, septon and king, III. Aegon's second son.
  • 171-172 Viserys, III. Aegon's younger brother.
  • 172-184 IV. aegon; Worthless Aegon, Viserys' eldest son. [His younger brother, Dragonknight Prince Aemon, was the champion and, according to some, the lover of Queen Naerys.]
  • 184-209 II. Daeron; Queen Naerys' son by Aegon or Aemon. [Daeron added Dorne to the kingdom by marrying the Dornish prince Myriah.]
  • 209-221 I. Aerys; II. Second son of Daeron. (He did not leave an heir.)
  • 221-233 I. Maekar; II. Daeron's fourth son.
  • 233-259 Aegon V; Aegon the unique, fourth son of Maekar.
  • 259-262 II. Jaeharys; Second son of Aegon the Unique.
  • 262-283 II. Aerys; Mad King, only son of Jaehaerys.


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