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I've been brought up a Christadelphian and was baptised in 1982.

I live in Australia and have been a member of several ecclesias with quite different outlooks.

I love the scriptures but am constantly dissappointed at how little of it we understand from our finite perspectives.

The Bible is a window into another wonderful world which surrounds us and permeates everything, but which is easily ignored or dismissed.

The God who can withdraw His Breath in an instant, resulting in all life to cease, is unseen and unheard and unwanted by most of those who depend on his mercy for their very existance.

And even those who know he is there and try to obey him fail quite miserably in even the simplest things.

Only through Jesus do we have a glimmer of hope, and only then if we make a lifelong effort to put into practice what we read from scripture.

Yet dispite all this our names have been written in the Book of Life, there is a crown waiting for us with robes of righteousness, and God will write on a stone our name which he will give us on that day.
