
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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/*** Highlight unreferenced passages ***/

// finds passages that lack references and marks them
function markUnreferencedPassages(){
	// stylesheet to color passages lacking references
	function addStylesheet(){
		const stylesheet = document.createElement('style');
		stylesheet.innerHTML = `
		.has-no-references, .Template-Fact {
			background: LightPink;
	// check whether references are relevant to the element 
	function isEligible(element, excludedSections){
		// exclude elements that are part of navboxes, sidebars, and the like
		// references do not matter for them
		if(hasParentClass(element, 'navbox')
			|| hasParentClass(element, 'sidebar')
			|| hasParentClass(element, 'infobox')
			|| hasParentClass(element, 'side-box-flex')
			|| hasParentClass(element, 'noprint')
			|| hasParentClass(element, 'refbegin')
			|| hasParentClass(element, 'gallery')
			|| hasParentClass(element, 'toc')
			|| hasParentClass(element, 'reflist')){
			return false;
		// exclude elements that belong to certain sections where references do not matter
		const sectionName = getSectionName(element);
		if(excludedSections.indexOf(sectionName) != -1){
			return false;
		return true;
	// utility function to check whether the elements parents and grand parents have a certain class
	function hasParentClass(element, className){
		return element.closest('.' + className) != null;
	// utility function to get the section name to which an element belongs
	function getSectionName(element){
		var mainContainerChildElement = getGrandchildOfMainContainer(element);
		var sectionName = ''; // default section name, this corresponds to the lead
		var previousElement = mainContainerChildElement.previousElementSibling;
		// sections always start with an h2 element
		// the script loops back from an element to the previous element until an h2 element is discovered
		while(previousElement != null){
			// check whether it is an h2 element
			if(previousElement.tagName == 'H2'){
				// extract the section name
				sectionName = previousElement.innerText.split('[edit]').join('');
			previousElement = previousElement.previousElementSibling;
		return sectionName;
	// utility function: for any element, return the parent that is a grandchild of the main container
	function getGrandchildOfMainContainer(element){
		const mainContainer = document.getElementById('mw-content-text');
		if(element.parentElement.parentElement == mainContainer){
			return element;
			return getGrandchildOfMainContainer(element.parentElement);
	// utility function to check whether the lead section of the article should be marked
	function shouldMarkLead(){
		// if it is a draft then the lead should be highlighted
		var pageTitleNamespace = document.getElementsByClassName('mw-page-title-namespace')[0];
		if(pageTitleNamespace != null){
			if(pageTitleNamespace.innerText === 'User' || pageTitleNamespace.innerText === 'Draft'){
				return true;
		// if it is a stub then the lead should be highlighted
		else if(document.getElementsByClassName('stub').length > 0){
			return true;
		// otherwise not
		else {
			return false;
	// marks elements that lack references
	function mark(element){
		// mark elements without any reference elements
		if(element.getElementsByClassName('reference').length == 0){
		// mark elements with some reference elements
			// if the last element is not a reference then start marking it
			// starts from each "citation needed" tag, goes backwards and marks until it reaches a reference 
			var citationNeededTags = element.getElementsByClassName('Template-Fact');
			for(var citationNeededTag of citationNeededTags){
	// Function to mark unreferenced passages. It starts with one node and loops back to previous nodes until it hits a reference
	function markUntilPreviousReference(childNode){
		var currentNode = childNode;
		while(currentNode != null){
			// handle nodes that are not HTML elements
			if(currentNode.classList == null){
				// create a span element and classify it
				var span = document.createElement('span');
				// copy the node's text into the span element and replace the node with the span element
				span.innerHTML =;
				currentNode.parentElement.replaceChild(span, currentNode);
				currentNode = span;
			// handle nodes that are HTML elements
			// if the node is a reference
			else if(currentNode.classList.contains('reference')){
				// check whether the node is an actual reference: they contain numbers
				if(currentNode != null && 
					currentNode.innerText != null && 
					/[0-9]/.test(currentNode.innerText) &&
					!currentNode.innerText.toLowerCase().includes('note') &&
				// otherwise it is an explanatory footnote and not a reference
			// if the node is an element but not a reference then classify it
			else {
			// set the current node to the previous one to continue the loop
			currentNode = currentNode.previousSibling;
	// removes the red background from elements that were falsely highlighted
	function excludeFalsePositives(){		
		// exclude references used in nested lists
		var unreferencedElements = document.getElementsByClassName('has-no-references');
		for(let unreferencedElement of unreferencedElements){
			// if the element contains a reference inside then it is not unreferenced, so remove the class
			if(unreferencedElement.getElementsByClassName('reference').length > 0){
		// exclude quoteboxes
		unreferencedElements = document.getElementsByClassName('has-no-references');
		for(let unreferencedElement of unreferencedElements){
			// see if the the element is part of a quotebox that has a citation
			var quoteboxParent = unreferencedElement.closest('.quotebox');
			if(quoteboxParent != null && quoteboxParent.getElementsByTagName('cite').length > 0){
		// do not mark empty elements
		unreferencedElements = document.getElementsByClassName('has-no-references');
		for(let unreferencedElement of unreferencedElements){
				if(unreferencedElement.innerHTML == "\n" || unreferencedElement.innerHTML == " \n"){
		// exclude the template {{rp}}
		var referenceElements = document.getElementsByClassName('reference');
		for(let referenceElement of referenceElements){
		// blockquotes often use a different reference style, so false positives need to be excluded separately
		const unreferencedParagraphsInsideBlockquotes = document.querySelectorAll('blockquote > p.has-no-references');
		for(var unreferencedParagraphInsideBlockquotes of unreferencedParagraphsInsideBlockquotes){
			const parent = unreferencedParagraphInsideBlockquotes.parentElement;
			// check whether the parent blockquote contains a citation element
			if(parent.getElementsByClassName('templatequotecite').length > 0){
				// if it does then the paragraph is not unreferenced
		// ignore elements in the template "ombox"
		let unreferencedElementsInOmboxes = document.querySelectorAll(".ombox .has-no-references");
		for (let element of unreferencedElementsInOmboxes) {
		// for drafts: exclude comments
		var pageTitleNamespace = document.getElementsByClassName('mw-page-title-namespace')[0];
		if(pageTitleNamespace != null){
			if(pageTitleNamespace.innerText === 'User' || pageTitleNamespace.innerText === 'Draft'){
				let unreferencedComments = document.querySelectorAll(".has-no-references:has(.localcomments)");
				for (let unreferencedComment of unreferencedComments) {
	// all paragraphs and list entries should have references
	const paragraphs = document.getElementById('mw-content-text').getElementsByTagName('p');
	const listEntries = document.getElementById('mw-content-text').getElementsByTagName('li');
	const elements = Array.from(paragraphs).concat(Array.from(listEntries));
	// these sections are not checked for references
	var excludedSections = ['Plot', 'Plots', 'Plot summary', 'Plot synopsis', 'Synopsis', 'Storylines', 'Further reading', 'See also', 'External links', 'References', 'Bibliography', 'Notes', 'Selected publications', 'Selected works', 'Cited sources', 'Sources', 'Footnotes'];
	// dedice whether the lead should be checked for references
	for(var element of elements){
		// check whether the element should be excluded
		if(isEligible(element, excludedSections)){
			// mark the element if it lacks references

// restrict script to mainspace, userspace, and draftspace
var namespaceNumber = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');
if (namespaceNumber === 0 || namespaceNumber === 2 || namespaceNumber === 118) {
	// add a link to the toolbox
	$.when(mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util'), $.ready).then(function (){
		var portletlink = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', '#', 'Highlight unreferenced passages');
		// run the main function when the link is clicked
		portletlink.onclick = function(e) {
			const unreferencedElements = document.getElementsByClassName('has-no-references');
			//mw.notify(`${unreferencedElements.length} elements were highlighted`);
			mw.notify('Highlighting finished.');
if (namespaceNumber === 0 || namespaceNumber === 118) {
	if(typeof highlightUnreferencedPassagesAutomatic != 'undefined' && highlightUnreferencedPassagesAutomatic == true){