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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have edited or worked on a number of articles, mostly of a political or social nature. I am very social conscious, though I do have quite a wide range of personal interests.

I think the wikipedia is a useful encyclopedia, certainly comparable, if not exceeding, the quality of various commercial encyclopedias, e.g. the Britannica (unless you have to use an encyclopedia offline, in which case one that you get on a disk, has its uses). I also value open source software.

Among the non-wikipedian information sites, I visit http://www.stallman.org and http://www.vernoncoleman.com

I feel considerable admiration and respect for the authors of both these sites, but I feel it important to stress that I do not agree 100% with all the views expressed. All the same...

(One issue on which I have particularly strong feelings, regards the sanctity of life. I believe human life begins at conception - and this is so regardless of whether the fertilization is in vitro or in vivio. So I am against, for example, embryo and stem-cell research which involves destroying or seriously harming an embryo.)

Polsequ95 16:07, 17 September 2005 (UTC)