User:Tyler Summers

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Hello, my name's Tyler Summers, other name Tyler Gracyne. [[SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]]] I'm a author in training, and the second name up there's my Pen name.

I'm a spoiled rich kid who lives in a very cold place you probably don't.

I was once kind and warm like the sun, but now I am cold and cruel like ice. My favorite color was once blue, but I have since fallen into the shadows of black.

I am insightful about the realm of the Eldritch and weird creatures and that is the kind of info that I contribute and know about the most.

I like Latin and their history. I know Ancient Greek mythology and their Old Tongue, the unknown language which the Earth Mother spoke to her Children.

I am a an Amalgam by birth and ancestry. Morgana le Fay was one of my ancestors.

I trace my ancestor to the most ancient gods and the creators of Earth and all that is.

I am a member of the Gracyne Line.

PS, after reading this, you'll probably think that this User's really really messed up, but do not be alarmed by this user's insanity, its just what he wants you to think/know about him. Do not take up legal or proffecial help for TS (talk) 12:03, 4 January 2014 (UTC) Thank You

Bonnie Sheila Bennett