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Volcano information in Spanish

Putana, Ollague, San Pedro, Images, and locations

Putana volcano, should say that it is a stratovolcano at the beginning. Also, it is always good to have a distance reference from any nearby town (like San Pedro, Machuca, or even El Tatio) for reference. Fumaroles, should say four "fumarolic or fumarole" fields. Check the 1952 citing of 30 fumaroles, there could just be a mention saying "Historically, there have been several reports of fumarolic activity since late XIX century, early XX century and on (Rudolph, 1952 & Casertano, 1963). The reference for the temperature of the fumarole 82-89°C were taken by Tassi et al 2011, mentioned in Henderson, so it should cite Tassi in my opinion. Some links do not work (link 13 "Putana TM Image Information". link 15 from Neimeyer Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2018-10-27.)

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Article Selection[edit]

Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1[edit]

Article title
Putana (volcano)
Article Evaluation
Start-class, there is information that might be better stated, there are some missing citations and sentences that need to be completed.
some broken links and reference to the wrong author. (fixed by authors of the article from suggestions from talk page)
There should be mention of articles that created the information (San román, old information published recently)
Cassertano confirms continious fumarolic activity, sulfured mined noted by him also.
There is also a Volcanic Hazards map. A new volcanic event would be comprise of silisic lavas with piroclastic material not reaching long distances.
  • [first source] Initial states of the name and N° of fumaroles in Putana Volcano Luis Riso Patron (1924) Diccionario jeográfico de Chile Santiago : Imprenta Universitaria, 1924. Then we can add San Román (1895) Rudolph, W. E. (1952). Sulphur in Chile. Geographical Review, 42(4), 562–590. https://doi.org/10.2307/211839. Cassertano L.[1] (1963) GENERAL AND A CHARACTERISTICS OF ACTIVE ANDEAN VOLCANOES SUMMARY OF THEIR ACTIVITIES DURING RECENT CENTURIES. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 1415-1433 (Putana volcano mentioned at page 1422). There is a boundary treaty from the republic of Chile (might not be a good idea) Diario Oflcial.
  • [second source] More up to date information on the volcano's rocks and gasses is mentioned by Gonzalez-ferrán (Has info of all the volcanoes of Chile including Putana), he is also refereced by Aguilera 2008 and Tassi 2011, They mentioned the Hoja de Calama, a survey done by the SERNAGEOMIN by Marinovic and Lahsen 1984, which has the generalized.
  • [third source] Update information on the volcanic gases using a camera by tassi 2011, Tamburello (2014), seismological updates are by pitchard 2012 (Poster) and 2014 (Reconnaissance earthquake studies at nine volcanic areas of the central Andes with coincident satellite thermal and InSAR observations) https://10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.05.004. They mentioned the last eruptions also. Henderson (2015) talks about the deformation using Satellite Images. Also Jay (2013) ground base vs satellite thermal anomalies (hotspot).
  • Volcanic hazards by Amigo et al. (2012)

Option 2[edit]

Article title
Olca Volcano Link to Olca-Paruma(Olca)
Article Evaluation
.The article has not much information about the volcano apart from saying it is a stratovolcano. Content wise there is no information about the seismology, volcanic gases, historic eruptions or the edifice different rocks. since there is no really much content of this volcano. However, there is another wikipedia topic about Olca-Paruma. This article is characterized as stub-class and there are wikipedia projects associated with this one. On the contrary the Olca-Paruma has a GA rating and is also part of 4 wikipedia projects. For the Olca project, there is no major organization on the structure of the page, very little media and images, therefore, is an incomplete page, but is it worth it to edit having another really similar one with more information and sources? For the Olca-Paruma project there are some broken links, some information is not cited and
Article Modifications Geography on the right side of the page needs a map Altitude 5705 m and 18717 ft Olca is a Stratovolcano, located in the Central volcanic zone (CVZ) of the Andes, on the border of Chile and Bolivia
Geography and geological context (Regional/ Local Setting)?
The CVZ is suggested to be highly metamophosized rocks of at least 1Ga compose the basement of the region (pp.5), with a crust >70km thick (pp.7) with over 44 active volcanic edifices and 18 minor centers (pp.10) (Stern 2004) ... Should I mention slab and Nazca plate?
Geology (Basement)
Olca lies above Upper MiocenePliocene dacitic and andesitic volcanic products that form the Ujina ignimbrite
Andeciticdacitic lava flows extend up to 7 km north from the active Olca crater
Glaciar activity (Gardeweg 2009)
Rocks and lavas flows (Gardeweg 2009)
Navas (2019)
Gas emissions and composition
Olca volcanic dome with the fumarole, picture taken from the south looking at the plume.
The gasses emission is comprised by a single warm spring at the base [2] and a persistent fumarole field over at the crater´s dome for at least 60 years. The emissions measured in situ at the crater show a highly mixed magmatic system between high temperature temperature gasses and hydrothermal fluids (pp.132 [3]).
The gas composition indicates low concentration of H2, CO and acidic gasses, and high concentration of H2S and hydrocarbons. The stable isotopes values are low and it shows similar values of R/Ra to the ones from the CVZ (fuente). Other authors have measure the amount of SO2 using a remote sensing techniques called Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer (DOAS) giving maximum concentration of 35 ppm.m of SO2 (this should also be changed in the Olca-paruma chain Measurements have yielded sulfur dioxide concentrations of 35 ppm over the area.[19]. ) The most recent date for SO2 were taken with a UV camera suggesting an average of 18.4 t d-1[4] (Conflict of interest?)
Satellite observation has shown temperature anomalies compared to the background of 6 K (11 °F) , potentially caused by the fumarolic activity, Though through ground temperatures in the fumarole fields it reaches about 357–364 K (84–91 °C; 183–196 °F).
Eruptive history?
Other research has claimed that lava flows on the western side of Olca were erupted during the Pleistocene and that others seem to be much older. The appearance of the edifices suggest that volcanic activity migrated east over time, although validation of the proposed older dates would contradict this.
Unconfirmed historical eruptions are suspected to have occurred in 1865-1867 (Pritchard 2014) Gonzalez-Ferrán
November 1989 and March 1990 intense degassing
Been actively degassing for ~60 years from the dome at the summit (foto)
Seismic activity
There are report of low-intensity seismic accompanied with fumarolic activity during 1989 and 1990.[5] Conducted seismic activity show 3 potencial swarms in 2010 without a clear interpretation [6]
Geothermal system
Studies show a hydrothermal activity, with low resistivity layers over a hotter interlayer which could produce between 75 and 450 MWe in the vecinicty of the volcano(reyes 2011) Hazard map is available (orozco bertin 2013) bajo peligro afecta a 10 personas, productos volcanicos podrian llegar a lagunas.
The regional characteristics have been documented by worner (1992 and 2000), there is also a new detailed work by Sofia Navas (UCN).
Sernageomin considers this volcano active and is permanently monitored.
Geothermal works by Reyes (2011)
Pritchard (2014) has compiled evidence of seismology
volcanic hazards map done by Orozco and /bertin (2013)
Temperature estimates using satellite is not accurate (Jay 2013), ground base measurements (Aguilera, 2008)

Further reading[edit]

Option 3[edit]

Article title
Spanish Version of Olca volcano
Article Evaluation


Olca es un estratovolcan compuesto ubicado en la Zona Volcanica Central de los Andes (ZVCA), en la frontera de entre Chile y Bolivia. Se emplaza en el medio de un cordón montañoso de 15 km de largo compuesto de varios estratovolcanes. El cerro Minchincha se emplaza al oeste, y el Paruma al este. Su composición es principalmente andecítica-dacítica, con flujos de lavas que se deslizan por las laderas del volcán por varios kilometros. La actividad del volcán comenzó durante el Pleistoceno y se ha mantenido durante el holoceno, donde la última actividad conocida del cordón fue una erupción de uno de sus flancos entre 1865 y 1867. Este complejo presenta morrenas, las cuales son evidencia de glaciares. Hoy en día presenta una actividad fumarolica persistente

Historia Geológica[edit]

Se emplaza sobre unidades volcánicas correspondientes a la Ignimbrita Ujina y otras y unidades de edad Miocena Superior-Plioceno Inferior
presenta flujos de 8 km de longitud en el flanco SE con características de levees y ojivas muy bien preservadas
Morrenas en flaco sur

Emisiones de gases y composición quimica[edit]

Volcán Olca. Fotografía tomada desde el sur mirando hacia el domo con su fumarola.
La emision de gases volcanicos se encuentra rpincipalmente asociada a una pluma persistente en la cima del volcán Olca y una fuente termal en la base. [2] La actividad fumarólica de la cima se encuentra en el flanco norte del crater del como y se ha mantenido constante por los ultimos 60 años. La emisión medida con instrumentos in situ, ha permitido deteminar que es un sistema magmático mixto con gases magmáticos e hidrotermales. (pp.132 [3]). Además, la composición de los gases indica una concentración baja de H2, CO, y otros gases ácidos, mientras que los gases H2S e hidrocarburos se encuentran en altas concentraciones. Los isotopos estables no presentan grandes variaciones respecto de aqueellos de la ZVCA , especialemte con valores de R/Ra.
Other authors have measure the amount of SO2 using a remote sensing techniques called Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometer (DOAS) giving maximum concentration of 35 ppm.m. of SO2

Option 4[edit]

Article title
Spanish version of Putana volcano
Article Evaluation
Start from scratch, I could actully used some of the translations from the Putana volcano edits I do, and start adding more information to make it look better and similar to the English version. I will have more freedom to do edits but I will use the same sources as the english version
apart from the ones decribed in the putana volcano I will also add some information from sources like the smithsonian global volcanism program.
  • [first source] Initial states of the name and N° of fumaroles in Putana Volcano Luis Riso Patron (1924) Diccionario jeográfico de Chile Santiago : Imprenta Universitaria, 1924. Then we can add San Román (1985) Rudolph, W. E. (1952). Sulphur in Chile. Geographical Review, 42(4), 562–590. https://doi.org/10.2307/211839. Cassertano L. (1963) GENERAL AND A CHARACTERISTICS OF ACTIVE ANDEAN VOLCANOES SUMMARY OF THEIR ACTIVITIES DURING RECENT CENTURIES. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 1415-1433 (Putana volcano mentioned at page 1422). There is a boundary treaty from the republic of Chile (might not be a good idea) Diario Oflcial.
  • [second source] More up to date information on the volcano's rocks and gasses is mentioned by Gonzalez-ferrán (Has info of all the volcanoes of Chile including Putana), he is also refereced by Aguilera 2008 and Tassi 2011, They mentioned the Hoja de Calama, a survey done by the SERNAGEOMIN by Marinovic and Lahsen 1984, which has the generalized.
  • [third source] Update information on the volcanic gases using a camera by tassi 2011, Tamburello (2014), seismological updates are by pitchard 2012 (Poster) and 2014 (Reconnaissance earthquake studies at nine volcanic areas of the central Andes with coincident satellite thermal and InSAR observations) https://10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.05.004. They mentioned the last eruptions also. Henderson (2015) talks about the deformation using Satellite Images. Also Jay (2013) ground base vs satellite thermal anomalies (hotspot).
  • Volcanic hazards by Amigo et al. (2012)

Option 5[edit]

Article title
Spanish version of Ollagüe, Olca and Lascar Volcano
Article Evaluation
Start from scratch not a reliable wikipedia webpage at all,
For al three of them I will make modification through time using primarily articles.

Examples of good feedback[edit]

A good article evaluation can take a number of forms. The most essential things are to clearly identify the biggest shortcomings, and provide specific guidance on how the article can be improved.


  1. ^ Casertano, Lorenzo (1963-12-01). "General characteristics of active andean volcanoes and a summary of their activities during recent centuries". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 53 (6): 1415–1433. doi:10.1785/bssa0530061415. ISSN 1943-3573.
  2. ^ a b Reyes, Nicolas (2011). "Geothermal Exploration at Irruputuncu and Olca Volcanoes: Pursuing a Sustainable Mining Development in Chile". Geothermal Resources Council Transactions. 35. Geothermal Resources Council.
  3. ^ a b Franco Tassi; Felipe Aguilera; Orlando Vaselli; Thomas Darrah; Eduardo Medina (2011-06-30). "Gas discharges from four remote volcanoes in northern Chile (Putana, Olca, Irruputuncu and Alitar): a geochemical survey". Annals of Geophysics. 54 (2). doi:10.4401/ag-5173.
  4. ^ Aguilera, Felipe; Layana, Susana; Rojas, Felipe; Arratia, Pilar; Wilkes, Thomas C.; González, Cristóbal; Inostroza, Manuel; McGonigle, Andrew J.S.; Pering, Tom D.; Ureta, Gabriel (2020-07-02). "First Measurements of Gas Flux with a Low-Cost Smartphone Sensor-Based UV Camera on the Volcanoes of Northern Chile". Remote Sensing. 12 (13): 2122. doi:10.3390/rs12132122. ISSN 2072-4292.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  5. ^ "Global Volcanism Program | Report on Olca-Paruma (Chile-Bolivia) — March 1990". volcano.si.edu. doi:10.5479/si.gvp.bgvn199003-355050. Retrieved 2021-11-07.
  6. ^ Pritchard, M. E.; Henderson, S. T.; Jay, J. A.; Soler, V.; Krzesni, D. A.; Button, N. E.; Welch, M. D.; Semple, A. G.; Glass, B.; Sunagua, M.; Minaya, E. (2014-06-01). "Reconnaissance earthquake studies at nine volcanic areas of the central Andes with coincident satellite thermal and InSAR observations". Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 280: 90–103. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.05.004. ISSN 0377-0273.