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User talk:Always a beginner

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Great picture of fresnel diffraction, much better than mine. How did you do it? I struggled with ways of getting a clean hole of the right diameter. In retrospect I probably should have just gone out and bought some jeweler's tools... Why not take the blue image I made out of the article? It really isn't very good. P0M (talk) 18:40, 16 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you! If you use a point light source, the number of maxima is a function of the aperture size, but also of the distance between the light source and the aperture. In this experiment I used a pinhole aperture from Linus with a diameter of 0.5mm. So I was able to change the distance till the diffraction looked as I wanted it to do. You even can use apertures with diameters about 10cm, just the number of Fresnelzones is important.

As a light source I used a laser, where I elliminated the spackels. As it is known, a gaussian beam expented and than put through a lens can bee seen as I point light source, where the position is the focus point. In my experimtal setup,the diameter of the point light source was about 1000nm.

I am quite new in this community, so I did not want to start by deleteing others pictures. Always a beginner (talk) 16:11, 9 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

It would be a good idea to register on Wikipedia Commons. You could use your own name in order to clarify any eventual copyright issues, but I think they are happy to have you use your log-on identity. You are giving the copyright away, anyway, so as long as they are legally covered they are o.k.

If you will upload your photos to Wikipedia Commons, when you select "upload" at the left side, you will get a response that starts out "Is this entirely your own work," to which you should respond positively. The next screen is a little confusing. I think somebody automated it but forgot to remove old manual stuff. If you give it a chance to settle down a minute it will give you a series of questions to answer, and when you have selected a copyright notice, etc., it will let you upload your file. P0M (talk) 16:35, 8 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]